《Detective Chinatown Vol 2》E7

Episode 7

Web drama Detective Chinatown Vol 2 Episode 7 Plot Introduction: The Devil’s Breath (3)

Episode 7

The host of the meditation meeting is named Ashin. She turned out to be a full-time housewife, and her husband Ji Layu is a drug research expert at the largest private medical laboratory in the country. The two of them were college classmates. They got married successfully after graduation and have been living happily ever since., no worries about food and clothing.Ashin once thought she was the happiest woman in the world until she witnessed her husband cheating on her.Ashin told his best friend Namu this, and Namu spoke the truth after drinking, telling her that women should care about themselves, otherwise no one will care.So Ashin seduced Namu's husband while Namu was drunk.Ashin felt that her husband cheated not because she was not good enough. She hated her humble self, so she gained the confidence that meditation would give her now.

Lin Mo and Sasha brought Xiaocha to the farewell ceremony held by Huang Po at the Meditation Club.Since Upanishad entered silent practice a year ago, the meditation meeting is now fully chaired by Ashin.The police found out that the extract in Naven's stomach and the residue in Huang Po's body were the same substance as the crystal in the lucky bag at the crime scene. However, the composition is currently unknown. A small amount can be used for anesthesia and analgesia. Once the amount is large, it willIt can produce hallucinogenic effects and even inhibit breathing leading to death.Based on the wounds on Naven's body, Lin Mo speculated that the murderer was most likely left-handed.Because the force of the knife was extremely high, we cannot rule out the possibility that the blade may have damaged the location of the murderer's fist. Axin met these two characteristics at the same time. Her left little finger happened to have a band-aid on it.In order to better investigate the case, Lin Mo decided to go deep into the tiger's mouth to join the meditation meeting.During the meditation meeting, Master Upyi put his hand in front of Lin Mo's nose and asked Lin Mo to kiss his ring. Just when Lin Mo started to have hallucinations, Ashin said that Upyi had seen his soul.Lin Mo fell into a dream and dreamed of his childhood.He analyzed that meditation would take advantage of members’ inner fears and vulnerabilities that are subconsciously exposed during dreams, and appear as a savior to make members obey him spiritually and get trapped in it.As for that ring, Lin Mo smelled the same smell as Huang Po's lucky bag, the smell of hallucinogens.

Lin Mo and Sasha found Jilayu, who after testing confirmed that the material in the lucky bag was their laboratory sample.Twenty-two years ago, this hallucinogen first appeared in the system of the murderer of an indiscriminate murder.Five years ago, Jirayu took over their laboratory and restarted the investigation of this substance. It is called oxaline and is produced in South America. The locals call it devil's breath because it is precious and can be used to relieve pain., so Jirayu grew them in the laboratory.Ji Layu recalled that Ashin had indeed read his report on oxin.Moreover, he and Ashin are classmates. Ashin also graduated in pharmacy and was his initial entrepreneurial partner.The reason for the divorce was because Asin joined the meditation meeting and Namu introduced her to it.When Lin Mo looked for Namu, he found that Namu had disappeared two weeks ago, and Namu's husband was Kang Song.Kang Song said that Ashin has shown unprecedented confidence since she joined the meditation meeting. She performed perfectly in all aspects and successfully became the focus of the meditation meeting. She replaced Namu and became the host of the meditation meeting.Fully responsible for the meditation session after the mystical silent practice.After this, Namu withdrew from the meditation meeting and disappeared a week later.Kang Song has investigated and found that in the two years since Ashin entered the meditation group, three members have disappeared, and the secret that Naven wants to sell to him is from the meditation group, including the whereabouts of his wife Namu.

Investigation revealed that the three members and Naveen had criticized the meditation group in public after quitting it.Lin Mo sneaked into the meditation meeting late at night and found out that Aiyi had a peculiar habit of collecting lovers' belongings. In addition to Ashin, there were also other female members of the group, including Namu.Naven had met the other three deceased people, and he should have some conclusive evidence of the meditation meeting. This was the cause of his death.Lin Mo showed Naven's photo to Aoyi and Ashin. Ashin smiled and said that he was not our member. Then Lin Mo loudly told the members about A Ming and Huang Po. Ashin faced doubts from the members., calmly said that Lin Mo was slandering.Lin Mo continued to anger Ai Yi and Ashin. Finally, Ashin stared at Lin Mo and said lightly, Lin Mo, you have crossed the line.

Lin Mo returned home and Xiao Cha poured him a cup of tea. Lin Mo told Xiao Cha that he had found the murderer of her father. Xiao Cha hurriedly said to give him a glass of water. Lin Mo said no and took a sip., and then began to fall into a dream. In the dream, he saw Ivy, saw himself as a child, and saw his mother calling him out of the closet.

Detective Chinatown Vol 2

Detective Chinatown Vol 2

Total 16 Episodes Feb 29, 2024 C-Drama Myst Actor: Qiu Ze Shang Yuxian