《Someday or One Day》Ep Intro

Huang Yuxuan will always remember that when Wang Quansheng confessed to her for the first time and told her that he liked her and wanted her to be his girlfriend, Huang Yuxuan asked him a question, why did he like her? Wang Quansheng at that time, just with a smile that should be so sure, I answered her: "Because from the first time I saw you, I knew that I like you".

Huang Yuxuan remembers that day very clearly. It was the first day of her sophomore year in college in the late summer of 2011. She and he were both nineteen years old that year.Chen Yunru will always remember that when Li Ziwei spoke to her for the first time, she was sitting behind the counter of the record store, looking at the store and preparing for next year's college entrance examination, reading silently to the melody.

The song being played in the store that day was the sixth song "LAST DANCE" from Wu Bai's album - The End of Love - released in 1996.Chen Yunru remembers that day very clearly. It was the summer of 1998, her last high school summer vacation. She and he were 17 years old that year.​

Now in 2019, because she can't get rid of the longing for Wang Quansheng's departure, Huang Yuxuan tried to use an APP software that can find another person in the world to find another man similar to Wang Quansheng. Unexpectedly, in the photo, she sawI met another Chen Yunru who looked very similar to me.

In the past 1998, Chen Yunru woke up from a coma. During the few days she was in coma, she had a long dream. Her name in the dream was Huang Yuxuan.

《Someday or One Day》E1Plot

Episode 1

32 Record Shop, a girl who looked exactly like Huang Yuxuan held a cup of milk tea and played a song called “Last Dance” by Wu Bai.A person once said that whenever he hears this song, he will always follow the melody unknowingly and go back to a certain moment in the past.It might be a smile that stayed in his heart inadvertently; it might be a hug that he remembered clearly by accident; it might be someone who walked into his dream accidentally.From then on, whenever this song played, I would think about their future along with the melody.Scenes from the past come to mind, playing together and listening to concerts together.Until everyone at the concert disappeared and Huang Yuxuan woke up from her sleep.Opening the door, Wang Quansheng was sealing her doors and windows with wooden boards. Huang Yuxuan woke up in bed again.Could this be a dream within a dream that she had?

Huang Yuxuan, the planning team leader of the Guangshi Technology Marketing Department, was working as usual, and team member Atuo introduced the app he invented.As long as you enter your name, photo and information, you can find another person in the world who has no blood relationship with you but looks exactly like you.But this app didn't seem to stand the test at all. Huang Yuxuan asked Atuo to improve the app, but her attention was attracted by a video that Kunbu accidentally opened at work.In the video, Wang Chuansheng was so drunk that his face turned red while he confessed to Huang Yuxuan. The past seemed to be just yesterday, but now things have changed.Huang Yuxuan unplugged the power source directly, and the video ended abruptly at the moment when the two were about to kiss.Huang Yuxuan adjusted her breathing and expression and returned to work to receive customers. However, her colleagues who cared about her were discussing the impact of this incident on her.

Huang Yuxuan and Wang Quansheng have been separated for two years. In the past two years, she has been commuting to get off work normally like a normal person, watching movies on weekends, and occasionally traveling to relax.In the eyes of outsiders, she didn't seem to be immersed in sadness like others.But as long as someone is careful enough, they will find that she is not taking the 214 bus, which is closest to the company, but the 307 bus that Wang Quansheng took with her when he was chasing her in college.Every day during lunch break, Huang Yuxuan would always sit in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, waiting for the phone that would never ring again. She would stay for a while at their favorite milk tea shop, waiting for the person who would never appear again.Huang Yuxuan often goes to restaurants where she and Wang Quansheng have been before. When she goes out on weekends, the car she drives is Wang Quansheng's Wannian second-hand car. Even the background of the selfie is the place where she and Wang Quansheng have been.

When everyone was discussing these things, Huang Yuxuan didn't know when she was standing behind everyone. She didn't say anything and went directly to the bathroom.Kumbula took Atuo to see her, and happened to hear a burst of crying coming from the bathroom. Just when the two of them were pulling each other on how to comfort Huang Yuxuan, they discovered that the person hiding in the bathroom crying was Xiaodai.Xiaodai's dog Bruce disappeared, and Kunbu took them to a pet communicator.Huang Yuxuan never believed these nonsense, so she took out a photo of herself and her dog to expose the other person's lies.

We should never give up on anything, so that when we look back in the future, we will at least be sad about the loss instead of regretting that we gave up too easily.Huang Yuxuan comforted Xiaodai who wanted to give up, but it was more like saying this to herself.A'tuo's words "find it" brought Huang Yuxuan back to her mind.And where the dog was found, there was a promotional photo of God, which reminded Huang Yuxuan of what the pet communicator Sonny said about God.Huang Yuxuan was about to take the bus home, and happened to see bus No. 32 on the platform.Sonny told Huang Yuxuan that if you want to find the most precious thing, you must pay more attention to the number 32.Huang Yuxuan got on the No. 32 bus by accident. She came to her senses after sitting far away. Why did she listen to the nonsense of a goddess?She gathered herself and prepared to get off the car and go home.

Outside the car, a man's figure flashed past. Although he did not stop, it was enough for Huang Yuxuan to recognize the man.She quickly got out of the car and chased after him. Naturally, she couldn't find Wang Quansheng.After returning home, Huang Yuxuan took out her phone and sent a text message, as if Wang Quansheng had never left.Like all lovers quarreling, Huang Yuxuan threatened the other party. On the count of three, Wang Quansheng must appear.Count once, look back once, but will a miracle happen?

《Someday or One Day》E2Plot

Episode 2

As long as you don't continue counting, you will never reach three. Instead of the number three is the sentence "I miss you so much".32 In the record store, the song "Last Dance“" by Wu Bai is still playing.Because a person liked a song, a boy who looked exactly like Wang Quansheng wanted the album. It happened that the album was out of stock, so he naturally left his name and phone number.Huang Yuxuan woke up, picked up the mobile phone beside her pillow, and sent a missing text message to that familiar number.

Early in the morning, a message was broadcast on the TV in a coffee shop that Soaring Airlines' plane was forced to land due to mechanical failure.Soar Airlines also had an accident two years ago, when a flight to Shanghai accidentally crashed into the sea.All passengers and crew members on the flight were killed, and the bodies of more than half of the victims have not yet been recovered.This news attracted Huang Yuxuan's attention and seemed to indicate that the flight accident two years ago was related to Wang Quansheng.

Today is Huang Yuxuan's birthday. Kunbu booked a private room to celebrate her birthday, but she refused her friend's kindness because there was no signal in the elevator.Since they met, Wang Quansheng has celebrated Huang Yuxuan's birthday every year and given her a birthday surprise.Whether happy or unhappy, he never misses every birthday of Huang Yuxuan.But just last year, he was absent for the first time, and Huang Yuxuan did not celebrate her birthday for the first time after having Wang Quansheng.The elevator stopped at the twenty-seventh floor. Wang Quansheng, limping on a cane and carrying a paper bag, walked in front of Huang Yuxuan.She walked out of the elevator excitedly, but didn't see the person she wanted to see.This seemed to tell Huang Yuxuan that what she saw seemed to be just an illusion caused by missing him too much.

However, someone gave Huang Yuxuan an identical paper bag, saying that someone had just sent it specially for her.Huang Yuxuan, who returned to the company, looked at the paper bag and seemed to guess what was inside.She slowly opened the paper bag, and a taro-flavored cake lay quietly inside. The style of this cake was exactly the same as the cake Wang Quansheng gave her on her nineteenth birthday.The phone rang, and Huang Yuxuan had no chance to think any more.This call came from Wang Quansheng's mother. As parents, they have already recognized the reality.Although Wang Quansheng's body was not found after the plane crashed, two years had passed and they decided to hold a memorial service for their son.Huang Yuxuan has no right to refuse. It seems that she is the only one left in the whole world who still hopes that Wang Quansheng will appear again one day.

Huang Yuxuan looked at the cake and agreed to Kunbu's birthday party invitation.In the KTV, she had a lot of fun, but she seemed lonely even though there were many people.Wang Quansheng once said that if you wish for three birthdays, you cannot say the third one.It's not that unspoken wishes are easier to come true, but it doesn't hurt too much if they don't come true.The third one was Huang Yuxuan's most hopeful and least likely wish to come true. When the candles were blown out, her wish came to nothing as expected.

After the excitement, Huang Yuxuan turned on her computer and looked at every moment she had with Wang Quansheng in the past. She suddenly discovered that under every video and photo there was a like from a person named Vicky.Huang Yuxuan called her friends like crazy and asked if this Vicky was Wang Quansheng's cheating partner.She hoped that maybe she could find evidence of Wang Quansheng's cheating, so that she wouldn't have to miss him so much.But the result made Huang Yuxuan even more unacceptable, because this Vicky was a staff member of a wedding company.

Two years ago, Huang Yuxuan wanted to go to Shanghai to work, but she didn't want Wang Quansheng to give up everything to accompany her to Shanghai, so she broke up with her.Wang Quansheng thought of proposing at this time, so that he could have a legitimate identity to accompany Huang Yuxuan.Unfortunately, the marriage did not work out, and the ring was hidden in the car for two years.Huang Yuxuan suddenly thought of the app developed by Atuo. Is there really someone who looks exactly like Wang Quansheng in this world?She entered Wang Quansheng's information, and a photo of three people immediately appeared in the app.In the photo, ”Wang Chuansheng“ stands in the middle, and ”Huang Yuxuan% stands on the right.But Huang Yuxuan didn't remember when she had taken this photo, and she didn't even recognize the boy standing on the far left.

32 In the record store, the girl opened the note left by the boy. There was a string of phone numbers written on the paper, and the name written on the number was Li Ziwei.The door of the record store was opened again, and Li Ziwei asked the girl's name. She said...her name is Chen Yunru...

《Someday or One Day》E3Plot

Episode 3

Only if you asked to see me

This is an English sentence engraved on the ring, but Huang Yuxuan does not understand the meaning of this sentence.

At Guangshi Technology Company, Atuo is looking for colleagues to help him experiment with the virtual entity app he is developing.This app can directly create 3D images in virtual reality through photos, allowing everyone to have close contact with the people they like in the app.Huang Yuxuan didn't care about Atuo's VR at all, she only wanted him to help her find the source of the photo.She firmly believed that the person in the photo was Wang Quansheng, but the girl next to her who looked exactly like her was definitely not her.Atuo quickly found the source of this photo, which was a website that had been closed in 2012, called Wuming Xiaozhan.This group photo was uploaded around 2010. As for other information, it can no longer be found because the website is closed.However, this is enough to prove that the girl in this photo is not Huang Yuxuan, because in 2010, Huang Yuxuan and Wang Quansheng did not know each other at all.

In the early morning, Chen Yunru, who was woken up by the alarm clock, helped her drunk mother back to her room to sleep as usual, then bought breakfast, and then asked her younger brother Chen Siyuan to get up but was disliked.Chen Yunru missed the school bus and happened to meet Li Ziwei and Mo Junjie who were riding a motorcycle to school.Li Ziwei took the initiative to invite Chen Yunru to get in the car, but then let her sit in Mo Junjie's car.They arrived at school without being late, but were caught by the instructor. It was against school rules for students to ride motorcycles.The three of them were left in class by the instructor to write a review, while two girls outside the window were discussing and making fun of Chen Yunru.Chen Yunru is timid and introverted. She doesn't know how to resist even if she is wronged.She had no friends at school, and now she was teased about having two boyfriends at the same time but she didn't dare to refute it.

After writing the review, Chen Yunru left the classroom as if running away. Li Ziwei, who caught up with her, revealed everything about Mo Junjie's crush on Chen Yunru.He purposely left first, leaving Mo Junjie to send Chen Yunru home alone.As the two of them walked on the road, the topics they talked about unknowingly revolved around Li Ziwei, talking about how Li Ziwei and Mo Junjie became friends.Mo Junjie could not hear in one ear, and only Li Ziwei would not look down upon or pity him.In Li Ziwei's heart, Mo Junjie is no different from others, so in Mo Junjie's heart, Li Ziwei is his best friend.But now, Mo Junjie hopes to add Chen Yunru to the list of best friends.As high school students, they had the most youthful feelings at the age when they first started to fall in love. Everything was so simple and beautiful.

Chen Caiyu brought Wang Quansheng's graduation album from high school, but Huang Yuxuan could not find the girl who looked like her at all, and even almost didn't let go of Wang Quansheng's two grades.Kunbu guessed that Huang Yuxuan suspected that Wang Quansheng was with her, and regarded her as a substitute for the girl in the photo.But as Wang Quansheng's classmate, Chen Caiyu can guarantee that there is not even a girl who looks exactly like Huang Yuxuan in the past five years.Xiaodai reminded her if there was anything abnormal about Wang Quansheng, which reminded Huang Yuxuan of what Wang Quansheng once said.“My liking for you has nothing to do with how long we have known each other. I fell deeply in love with you long before you knew me.”This is what Wang Chuansheng said when he confessed to Huang Yuxuan shortly after he met her.She also clearly remembered that Wang Quansheng had a painting, in which a high school girl whose appearance was unclear.

Chen Yunru, who had just returned home, was informed that her parents were getting divorced. She was clearly asking who she wanted to marry, but they were quarreling over Chen Siyuan's custody rights.Chen Yunru knew very well that her parents asked her opinion not out of respect for her, but because no one wanted her.She ran out of the house crying, like an abandoned trash with no one paying attention to her.At this moment, Li Ziwei's voice sounded behind him...

《Someday or One Day》E4Plot

Episode 4

If a boy is willing to open his heart to someone, he may just regard this person as a brother, but if a girl is willing to open her heart to someone, there is a high probability that she likes this person.Girls have very delicate minds, especially an introverted girl like Chen Yunru. She must be very trusting if she is willing to tell her secrets to Li Ziwei, whom she has just met.In exchange, Li Ziwei also told her something that even Mo Junjie didn't know. After high school, he would immigrate to Canada.Chen Yunru felt reluctant to let go, which she defined as a pity. It was a pity that she didn't have time to get to know this friend she had just met.

Li Ziwei's Wu Bai album arrived, and Chen Yunru took the album to the basketball court. Looking at Li Ziwei sweating on the court, she could no longer take her eyes away.Chen Yunru put the album away and deceived Li Ziwei that it had not arrived yet. Maybe this was a little girl's little thought. It seemed that only in this way could she give herself a reason to get close to the other person.The three of them walked to the door of the toilet and happened to hear other students talking nonsense, scolding Chen Yunru in a particularly unpleasant way.It is the age when the blood is strong, and when you hear such words, you will only strike harder than the other. Fighting for brothers and for the girl you like, this seems to be an inevitable thing in youth.

Huang Yuxuan still did not give up searching. Kunbu found a 32 coffee shop through the long-closed 32 record store in the background of the photo.The owner of this coffee shop is the owner of 32 Record Store back then. He is Chen Yunru’s uncle.When Chen Yunru was in school, she would work in her uncle's record store every day.It was so long ago that the boss only remembered that the two boys in the photo were Chen Yunru's classmates and would often come to the record store to look for her, but he could not remember their names.Huang Yuxuan also learned from her boss that Chen Yunru had passed away as early as 1999.In other words, the photo was taken before 1999, and at this time, Wang Quansheng was only seven or eight years old at most.

The facts are before our eyes, Huang Yuxuan is no one's substitute, Wang Quansheng really only loves her.After doing so many things, Huang Yuxuan just kept trying to prove that Wang Quansheng's love for her was betrayal and flawed, so as to give herself a reason to let go.But the harder he works, the more he proves that Wang Quansheng's love is unique and sincere.For Huang Yuxuan, she didn't know how to face such a result.After attending Wang Quansheng's memorial service, Huang Yuxuan couldn't help but use the virtual reality app developed by Atuo.At Wu Bai's concert, Wang Quansheng sat next to Huang Yuxuan. His smile looked so real, but Huang Yuxuan could no longer cry in his arms.

As “Last Dance” sang, the lights in 32 Record Store went out, and Li Ziwei and Mok Junjie, who originally thought they would miss their appointment, appeared behind Chen Yunru.They came specially to celebrate her birthday, and Mo Junjie also gave Chen Yunru a brand new walkman.Sometimes, feelings are so unreasonable. Mo Junjie likes Chen Yunru, but Chen Yunru likes Li Ziwei.Chen Yunru, who was rejected by Li Ziwei, returned home and found that her mother and brother's things had been emptied out. She thought her mother couldn't wait to leave with her brother and abandoned her.At the same time, Huang Yuxuan received an unsigned package, which contained a walkie-talkie and a tape given to Chen Yunru by Mo Junjie.She put the tape into her walkman, and Wu Bai's singing came from the headphones.Following this song, Chen Yunru had a car accident. When she woke up from the hospital, Li Ziwei was sitting beside the bed.But when Chen Yunru woke up, she saw Li Ziwei holding him in her arms. She called him... Wang Quansheng.

《Someday or One Day》E5Plot

Episode 5

Chen Yunru's past poured into Huang Yuxuan's mind one by one. She occupied Chen Yunru's body but had the memories of two people.When Huang Yuxuan woke up, or rather Chen Yunru, she immediately removed the IV and rushed home.She found out that it was Chen Siyuan who wanted to run away from home and turned the house into a mess because of stealing money. She immediately scolded her brother.After that, she asked her mother why she left her alone in the hospital. She got angry and asked Li Ziwei to take her back to the hospital.The whole person was resolute and powerful, and everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Chen Yunru's sudden change in temperament.

After returning to the hospital, the doctor only said after examination that there was no major problem with the wound, but that the memory was a little confused and he was advised to rest more.Chen Yunru herself also felt that it was unreal. The memories of the two people made her extremely confused and she couldn't tell who she was.Her last memory as Chen Yunru was when a car stopped and hit her.She subconsciously thought she had been in a car accident, but her uncle's words made her even more confused.It turned out that Chen Yunru had been missing for several days. Finally, the police called her family and said that she had been hit on the head with a blunt instrument and fainted on the roadside.Chen Yunru had no memory of this matter at all, so she didn't intend to think too much about it.Chen Siyuan was alone at home, looking around nervously. He looked like a carefree person, but he didn't care about his sister at all.

Chen Yunru returned to her room and looked through her past diaries. There was depression and loneliness in every line. Only Li Ziwei was the only sunshine in her life.Various memories about Chen Yunru were interspersed in her mind. The sound of stones tapping on the window interrupted her random thoughts.It turned out that it was Li Ziwei who had come back again and came to find her with supper.Coming out of Chen Yunru's home, Li Ziwei and Mo Junjie had a quarrel.It turned out that on Chen Yunru's birthday, Mo Junjie did not leave early, but followed them secretly.He heard Chen Yunru and Li Ziwei's confession, and also heard Li Ziwei's decisive refusal.He was regretful and angry, regretting that if he had pursued Chen Yunru bravely instead of asking Li Ziwei to help him, maybe Chen Yunru would not have known and liked Li Ziwei because of this.He was angry that Li Ziwei rejected Chen Yunru so cruelly that she couldn't even call them for help when she encountered difficulties.

Li Ziwei felt guilty when he recalled Mo Junjie's words, not to mention that he also felt that something was wrong with Chen Yunru when he woke up.Li Ziwei took Chen Yunru to the place where they first exchanged secrets, and Chen Yunru told Li Ziwei her confusion.At the moment, she was living as Chen Yunru, while Huang Yuxuan's life was regarded as a dream by her.In the dream, her name was Huang Yuxuan, and she met Wang Quansheng, who looked exactly like Li Ziwei. They fell in love and stayed together. Is this really just a beautiful dream that Chen Yunru had when she was in a coma?

As Li Ziwei listened to this incredible story, he could feel something different about Chen Yunru, but he just thought that Chen Yunru had just had a dream.When he knew that Chen Yunru would even dream about falling in love with him, he felt a little secretly happy in his heart.However, at this moment, Chen Yunru knew very well that Li Ziwei was not Wang Quansheng. Even if she faced an identical face, she could not mistake Li Ziwei for Wang Quansheng.As Chen Yunru, she would foolishly confess her love to someone, but as Huang Yuxuan, if she liked someone, she would only think of ways to make the other person fall in love with her, and then take the initiative to confess her love to her.Thinking that on her birthday, she would take the initiative to confess to Li Ziwei, Chen Yunru regretted it extremely, as if falling in love with Li Ziwei was a very shameful thing.Li Ziwei, who was complacent one moment, was disliked the next, and was still a little unconvinced.

Sometimes, even though you have the same face, you may be attracted to different people just because of different personalities.

《Someday or One Day》E6Plot

Episode 6

Chen Yunru woke up from her sleep. Last night she dreamed of Wang Quansheng again. Her tears couldn't stop flowing down, but it didn't seem like she was crying.Early that morning, Chen Yunru, who had the memory of Huang Yuxuan, did not help her mother back to her room, did not wake Chen Siyuan up after pressing his alarm clock, and did not buy his share of breakfast.Chen Siyuan, who had always been taken care of by Chen Yunru as a matter of course, clearly disliked her before, but now she is very uncomfortable with it.

Mo Junjie and Li Ziwei skipped school and went to Chen Yunru's house to look for her, fearing that her attacker would do harm to her again.They rode together to the place where Chen Yunru was almost hit by a car, and then to the place where she was unconscious.The two streets were not close to each other, and Chen Yunru had no memory of the place where the incident occurred.This time, Chen Yunru got into Mo Junjie's car. If it had been before, she would have wanted to sit in the back seat of Li Ziwei's car. Li Ziwei suddenly felt uncomfortable with this.On the way home, Chen Yunru told Mo Junjie everything about Huang Yuxuan as a real dream.Mo Junjie also told Chen Yunru for the first time that he had noticed a girl like Chen Yunru in the school a long time ago.It seems like a female version of myself, with no friends, no one understanding me, always alone, no matter how loud I cry, no one hears me.

Mo Junjie wanted to protect Chen Yunru like this, but the Chen Yunru in front of him was no longer the same as before.Listening to these things, she seemed to be just listening to an unrelated story, with no sense of involvement at all.And Mo Junjie also liked the introverted and quiet Chen Yunru before, not the current Chen Yunru who had Huang Yuxuan's soul.Mo Junjie's confession does not require results. He knows that Chen Yunru cannot give him the results he wants, so it is better to express his feelings and let everything take its course.After Chen Yunru recovered from her injury, she started attending classes normally and playing with them.She felt more and more that she was Chen Yunru, and Huang Yuxuan was really just an extremely real dream, but at a certain moment, she would still regard Li Ziwei in front of her as Wang Quansheng.

On this day, Chen Yunru took a nap in the record store. Her uncle asked her not to play pop music here and that she could rest at home before coming to the record store.Later, two police officers came to the door to investigate the attack on her.They found a dropped hearing aid at the scene where Chen Yunru was attacked, and Chen Yunru remembered that Mo Junjie would carry the hearing aid with him.In the fragmented memory, Chen Yunru was almost hit by a car, and it seemed that she was saved in time by a boy in school uniform, but he couldn't see the other person's face clearly.The next moment, Chen Yunru appeared at the scene of the crime. The boy in school uniform wanted to do something wrong to her.Chen Yunru resisted strongly and tried to escape, but was suddenly knocked unconscious from behind.Finally, before she fell into coma, she still only saw a blurry figure leaving lonely.

Huang Yuxuan woke up on the bus when a stranger's voice reminded her of her arrival.It turned out that she fell asleep on the bus and was woken up until she reached the bottom stop.She got out of the car and felt dazed for a while.Did she, as Chen Yunru, dream that she became Huang Yuxuan, or was Huang Yuxuan dreaming that she became Chen Yunru?She rubbed her aching head and got out of the car. Running opposite her was a man on crutches.But, is he Wang Quansheng or Li Ziwei? Or, like Chen Yunru and Huang Yuxuan, Wang Quansheng and Li Ziwei are the same person from a certain perspective?

《Someday or One Day》E7Plot

Episode 7

When Huang Yuxuan fell asleep on the bus, Li Ziwei had been sitting in her back seat. He couldn't help but turn on his phone and check the message Huang Yuxuan sent to Wang Quansheng.After viewing the message, it will be displayed as read on Huang Yuxuan's mobile phone. This is a change that she cannot ignore no matter what.At night, Huang Yuxuan dialed Wang Quansheng's number, but just when Li Ziwei finally couldn't help but want to get through, the phone automatically hung up.Huang Yuxuan called all night, but Li Ziwei never answered the call. He knew that the calls and text messages were not for him, but for Wang Quansheng.

Huang Yuxuan found Atuo's hacker friend and asked him to help hack into the telecommunications company. From the bank card number used for mobile payment, she found out that it was a credit card from the Bank of Vancouver, Canada, and the card owner was Li Ziwei.The last place where Wang Quansheng’s mobile phone number was logged in was at 32 Coffee Shop.Kunbu accompanied Huang Yuxuan on the bus to go to 32 Coffee Shop.On the road, Huang Yuxuan suddenly saw Li Ziwei wearing a military green windbreaker and walking with a cane.She left Kunbu and got out of the car alone, and followed him to the entrance of 32 Coffee Shop.Huang Yuxuan opened her mouth and called Wang Chuansheng. Li Ziwei heard the call and stopped at the door of the coffee shop.The next second, Kunbu arrived panting and diverted Huang Yuxuan's attention. When she looked back again, Li Ziwei was nowhere to be seen.

The two entered the coffee shop. The clerk was a young man wearing a military green windbreaker.Although Huang Yuxuan saw that the two people were obviously very different, it was a fact that Wang Chuansheng died in a plane crash. She told herself that she must have been wrong.Huang Yuxuan waited for the boss in the coffee shop all day. She didn't wait until the shop closed, so she had to leave her contact information and let the waiter pass it to the boss.It was raining heavily outside, so the clerk chased her out and gave her an umbrella. After Huang Yuxuan left, Li Ziwei, who had changed clothes with the clerk, walked out of the back room.

In the psychological consultation room, Dr. Xie is Huang Yuxuan's attending doctor. She has been suffering from insomnia for a long time and has been taking medicine.She suspected that the dream of becoming Chen Yunru was due to the side effects of sleeping pills, and she wanted to try a different medicine.However, when Huang Yuxuan and Dr. Xie told what happened in their dreams, Dr. Xie's writing paused obviously, and his face showed something unnatural.After Huang Yuxuan left, Dr. Xie took out a box from the door blocked by the curtain.Inside the box were photos of Chen Yunru from the past and a report about a female high school student who died tragically on the street on New Year's Eve. The picture above was the scene of Chen Yunru's attack.Who is this Doctor Xie? What kind of secret does he hide? What is the truth about Chen Yunru's attack?

Here, the boss finally took the initiative to contact Huang Yuxuan, and she told him about what happened in her dream.Huang Yuxuan was afraid that her boss would treat her as a lunatic. Who knows, but her boss believed the truth of this matter more than she did.At the beginning, Chen Yunru once told her uncle that she was not Chen Yunru, her name was Huang Yuxuan.The uncle never understood what Chen Yunru was talking about. It was not until Huang Yuxuan came to him to ask about the photos a few days ago that he finally understood.The uncle gave Chen Yunru's diary to Huang Yuxuan, and she saw what she had written when she became Chen Yunru in her dream, and it was all her own notes.For the first time, she realized that maybe she had traveled through time and space, and it was not just a dream.Huang Yuxuan once again played Wu Bai's “Last Dance” on her Walkman, hoping that she could travel through time and space again after falling asleep.

《Someday or One Day》E8Plot

Episode 8

Huang Yuxuan was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, and suddenly remembered that the last time she traveled through time, she fell asleep listening to her Walkman.She hurriedly turned out the music player, but unexpectedly the power suddenly cut off in the middle of listening, and then she realized what stupid thing she was doing.

When she went to work at the company normally the next day, Huang Yuxuan spent the whole morning staring at the computer that was not turned on.She has always felt guilty about Wang Quansheng's death. She always felt that it was her insistence on going to Shanghai that caused all this to happen.If nothing had happened to Wang Quansheng and Huang Yuxuan had not given up going to Shanghai to further her studies, she would have been a high-ranking official by now.But now, she no longer has the drive and ambition she had in the past, and she just lives in the small house where she lives with Wang Quansheng every day.However, the dead can no longer come back, and the living must continue to live.Out of concern, Sister Na enlightened her and told her that she now had another chance to go to Shanghai.Huang Yuxuan seemed to have figured it out. She started packing her luggage when she returned home that night, wanting to truly say goodbye to Wang Quansheng and start her new life.However, the notebook belonging to Chen Yunru appeared in front of her again, and there was an inexplicable sentence on it: He is Wang Quansheng.

This simple sentence convinced Huang Yuxuan that it meant that Li Ziwei was Wang Quansheng.She immediately ignored everything, took out her Walkman again, sat on the sofa and listened to the song.The truth was as she wished. When Huang Yuxuan opened her eyes again, she returned to 32 Records Store, returning to the time point when she left last time.Her uncle came to the record store to wake her up and told her not to play pop music in the record store. The conversation between her uncle and her was exactly the same as last time.The police did come to her door again and told her that they had found a hearing aid where the incident occurred.This time, she didn't even finish her words. She rushed out of the record store, came to school, and found Li Ziwei on the rooftop.

But before she could say a few words, Huang Yuxuan discovered that Li Ziwei came to the rooftop to look at girls' breasts, so she kicked him angrily and ran away.Huang Yuxuan told herself that such a pervert looked nothing like Wang Quansheng.What's more, it's 1998 now, and the real Wang Quansheng is only five or six years old. How could he be the same person as Li Ziwei?Huang Yuxuan gave up on herself and returned to the record store. Is it really necessary for her to find Wang Chuansheng, who is only five or six years old, to make people think that she is a pedophile pervert?However, she really couldn't figure out what the sentence in the notebook meant.If the person above is not referring to Li Ziwei, then who is it?Huang Yuxuan opened the notebook from 1998, but found that there was no such sentence in the notebook.

Li Ziwei has also been disturbed these days, thinking about Chen Yunru coming to him crying during the day, and he can't help but want to care for her with Mo Junjie.However, Mo Junjie was very disgusted with Li Ziwei's concern for Chen Yunru, and even hoped that they would stop interacting with each other.There was a rift between the two brothers, and it was their first fight over Chen Yunru.Li Ziwei felt that Mo Junjie was confused. He couldn't help but think about Chen Yunru, but he didn't want to really turn against Mo Junjie like this.Now that they had a fight, Li Ziwei felt calm. He skipped school and went to Chen Yunru's house to find her.At this time, Huang Yuxuan, who was Chen Yunru, was thinking of ways to return to her own world, and she didn't sleep all night long.

Huang Yuxuan was dragged by Li Ziwei to chat under a big tree. The two of them lay on the grass and fell asleep unconsciously.When Huang Yuxuan woke up, she looked at Li Ziwei's sleeping face next to her. No matter the appearance or the expression when sleeping, she looked so much like Wang Quansheng.But, are they two the same person?What is the connection between them?

《Someday or One Day》E9Plot

Episode 9

There is a naturally formed hole in the trunk of the big tree. Wang Quansheng likes to talk to the tree hole the most. As long as he tells the tree hole his unhappy things, those worries will leave with the tree hole.He once brought Huang Yuxuan here and tried to let her vent her feelings. From then on, Huang Yuxuan began to have this habit.But now, in 1998, when Huang Yuxuan became Chen Yunru, this was the place where Li Ziwei took him to express his worries.The two fell asleep under the tree. When Li Ziwei woke up, he found that Huang Yuxuan had been looking at him. He was a little embarrassed and quickly got up and asked her to go home with him.Huang Yuxuan looked at Li Ziwei walking in front, and felt dazed for a while, thinking that he was Wang Quansheng again.

Huang Yuxuan tried her best not to go back to 2019. Thinking that her uncle would know about this in the future, she simply confessed to him completely that she was not Chen Yunru.And all this coincides with the year 2019. My uncle will tell Huang Yuxuan that Chen Yunru once told him that she is a woman named Huang Yuxuan.Although he didn't know what kind of connection there was between Chen Yunru and Huang Yuxuan, his uncle still hoped that if Huang Yuxuan could go back to 1999, Chen Yunru's death might be avoided.As Huang Yuxuan, she knew that in a few months it would be the New Year's Eve of 1999. If she still couldn't go back, she would be the one who died.She wanted to ask her uncle to help find a solution, but her uncle, who was now in 1998, would simply think that she was suffering from the sequelae of being hit on the head.However, what they discussed was overheard by Chen Siyuan who happened to be passing by, and he didn't know what kind of butterfly reaction this would cause.

Because Mo Junjie's hearing aid was left at the scene where Chen Yunru was attacked, surveillance video also captured him following Chen Yunru home.With these two points alone, he was listed as a direct suspect by the police and was called to the police station to assist in the investigation.This incident also caused him to be regarded as a murderer in school, and the school even recommended that he suspend school.In the face of anyone's suspicion, Mo Junjie did not show weakness, but he did not want Chen Yunru to misunderstand him.As for the truth, no one knows that Huang Yuxuan only took over Chen Yunru's body after she was attacked.In her memory, this experience was incomplete, but looking at Mo Junjie who was about to cry, she chose to believe it.

Huang Yuxuan took Mo Junjie to the police station and explained to Team Leader Yang that the hearing aid was left on her because Mo Junjie left it on her, so it was left at the scene when something happened.Team Leader Yang was an old acquaintance of Mo Junjie's grandmother, and he could be considered as having watched Mo Junjie grow up.This matter had nothing to do with Mo Junjie, so she was naturally happy, but as a police officer, she could clearly see that what Huang Yuxuan said might not be the whole truth.However, the person concerned personally came out to explain that although Mo Junjie's suspicion could not be completely ruled out, at least he would not be prosecuted and would not be forced to drop out of school.

The reason why Huang Yuxuan knew that Mo Junjie was listed as a suspect was because Li Ziwei went to find her.Through this incident, the three people sat together again, and Mo Junjie and Li Ziwei seemed to have finally reconciled.Li Ziwei ate pot-roasted pasta and added a lot of vinegar.Most people eat tea with sand. Apart from Li Ziwei, the other person who likes it is Wang Chuansheng.Huang Yuxuan asked casually, but Li Ziwei's answer was exactly the same as Wang Chuansheng's.More and more details and habits make Huang Yuxuan feel that Li Ziwei is Wang Quansheng...

《Someday or One Day》E10Plot

Episode 10

Rou Bao and Noodles were good friends, but one day they got into a fight because of a disagreement. But Rou Bao was too inferior, so he was beaten badly.The next day, Roubao took fried buns and steamed buns to find noodles to discuss the matter. On the way, he encountered instant noodles and beat them up indiscriminately.Instant Noodles was beaten inexplicably, and I wanted to ask why.Rou Bao's answer was, Noodles, don't think that because you permed your hair, I won't recognize you.This cold joke was originally told by Wang Quansheng to Huang Yuxuan.He said that when he first heard this joke, he almost laughed his head off.However, when Huang Yuxuan told the joke, Li Ziwei in front of her didn't find it funny at all.Huang Yuxuan didn't know why she wanted to test it, and she just felt stupid afterwards.However, when Li Ziwei was eating instant noodles alone at home, he remembered this joke and suddenly laughed so hard.When he realized it, he suddenly realized that he had been thinking about Huang Yuxuan too often recently.

At the same time, Chen Yunru's mother and uncle began to feel that Chen Yunru was completely different now.Mother Chen even began to wonder if Chen Yunru had met some bad people outside and started to behave badly.The uncle promised to solve this matter, and the solution was to tell Huang Yuxuan that he believed everything she said.I believe she is not Chen Yunru, but Huang Yuxuan has taken over the body that originally belonged to Chen Yunru.Then he comforted her and persuaded Huang Yuxuan to live like Chen Yunru as much as possible and not let others see the difference.

This approach was indeed very effective, and Huang Yuxuan began to live seriously as Chen Yunru.She no longer stayed at home all day thinking about how to go back, but began to take classes seriously and even participated in the school's basketball game.Huang Yuxuan, who once participated in the school team, shined on the basketball court and started to make new friends.Li Ziwei and Mo Junjie were both surprised that Chen Yunru was now much more cheerful and sunny.And such changes are also in Huang Yuxuan's plan.She clearly remembered that the person who attacked Chen Yunru was wearing the uniform of the same school as them.Huang Yuxuan hoped to take the initiative and even attract the murderer's attention, so that if the murderer couldn't help but attack her again, she might be able to catch the murderer directly.Huang Yuxuan had to do this, no matter how Li Ziwei and Mo Junjie objected, it had no effect.

Today's Huang Yuxuan is indeed eye-catching, and even aroused the hostility of her classmate Cai Wenrou, who was jealous just because Li Ziwei cheered for Huang Yuxuan on the basketball court.However, there are still many people who like and admire her because of this competition.Many students requested that Huang Yuxuan's photos of her playing days be printed, including the monitor of Li Ziwei's class.

The monitor opened his book and found a secretly photographed photo of Chen Yunru. At the same time, some hallucinations appeared in his mind.In the hallucination, Chen Yunru actively asked him to kill herself so that he could do whatever he wanted.Looking carefully at the appearance of the squad leader, it turned out to be Dr. Xie, Huang Yuxuan's psychiatrist in 2019.This can also explain why Dr. Xie kept newspaper clippings and candid photos of Chen Yunru's death.The murderer is about to emerge, but this also means that whether in Chen Yunru's world or Huang Yuxuan's world, she is very dangerous.

《Someday or One Day》E11Plot

Episode 11

When a person is used to silence, how can he blend into the noise.Mo Junjie always thought that he was different from others.Sometimes, he prefers to cover his ears and feel the world with his eyes, so he saw Chen Yunru.A girl just like him, a lonely and fragile girl.Mo Junjie would often peek at Chen Yunru and use his eyes to read what she was saying from a distance.Because they are the same, they are attracted. At first, it may be more of just curiosity.Mo Junjie stood in the darkness, and the surrounding sunlight made him feel out of place. That's why when Chen Yunru, who was as dark as him, appeared in front of him, he looked so special in the sunlight.But Chen Yunru was in the dark and couldn't see the sun, and everything around her was darkness.That's why the sunshine passing by her looks so attractive. This sunshine is Li Ziwei.Li Ziwei is under the sun but still yearns for light. He hopes to illuminate the darkness, but the only thing that can attract him is a light that is more dazzling than him, and that light is Huang Yuxuan.

Huang Yuxuan is not like Chen Yunru. She keeps everything in her heart and never really wants to understand the people around her.For example, her brother Chen Siyuan and her mother actually love them very much.Chen Siyuan seemed to hate Chen Yunru, but in fact he was just feeling sorry for his sister in his own way.He thought that as long as he was bad enough, he could better reflect Chen Yunru's good nature.He has always cared and protected his sister in this way.It's a pity that no one is the roundworm in someone's stomach. Communication between people is essential. Only one person must take the initiative to discover more things.Chen Siyuan wanted to run away from home at first, just because he felt that his leaving would make Chen Yunru less sudden to his parents.It was precisely because Huang Yuxuan was in Chen Yunru's body now that she revealed everything.

As Chen Yunru, she would be ashamed that her mother was a bartender.She only saw how shameful her mother's job was, but she could not see how difficult it was for a mother to support a pair of children.For the sake of her children, there is nothing that a mother cannot abandon, including self-esteem.Huang Yuxuan sees things clearly that Chen Yunru doesn't understand and understands them.When Chen Siyuan was blackmailed, Huang Yuxuan would also take Li Ziwei and Mok Junjie to pretend to be sisters to scare each other away.On the surface, the siblings seem to prefer to quarrel and fight, but the tense relationship has long been relieved.Family members never need to treat each other with respect, they just need the most genuine treatment and the most frank understanding.For a family of three, the simplest breakfast is precious just because the family is around.

Li Ziwei and Huang Yuxuan brought Chen Siyuan to Mo Junjie's store to eat ice cream. Li Ziwei's preferences and habits once again coincided with Wang Quansheng's.When Mo Junjie watched Li Ziwei and Huang Yuxuan eating ice cream and joking, he closed his eyes, missing the quiet and introverted Chen Yunru.And when Li Ziwei watched Mo Junjie tutoring Huang Yuxuan, he felt unhappy again because he was alone.Li Ziwei knew that he should be happy that his good friend could get along well with the girl he liked.But looking at such a scene, he couldn't help but feel it was an eyesore.Perhaps, at some inadvertent moment, Li Ziwei had already fallen in love with Chen Yunru, who possessed Huang Yuxuan's soul.

《Someday or One Day》E12Plot

Episode 12

Chen Yunru's smile was very shy, but Huang Yuxuan's smile was very cheerful.Chen Yunru likes textbooks to be clean, but Huang Yuxuan takes the initiative to make textbooks look funny.The more Mo Junjie interacts with Huang Yuxuan, the more he realizes that she and Chen Yunru are not the same person.While Mo Junjie was tutoring Huang Yuxuan, Li Ziwei accidentally met a lost little girl on the street.Li Ziwei helped the little girl find her home, eating and playing with her along the way.When he got home, the little girl told him that her name was Huang Yuxuan.In 1998, Li Ziwei and Huang Yuxuan met for the first time.

On this day, after class, a classmate was asked to hand Li Ziwei a note of appointment.The note came from Huang Yuxuan's class, and Li Ziwei subconsciously thought that the person who asked him out was Huang Yuxuan.She was even secretly looking forward to whether Huang Yuxuan wanted to confess to him again.Mo Junjie, who had been following along, peeked around the corner and was spotted by Huang Yuxuan, who happened to be throwing away trash.It turns out that the person who asked Li Ziwei to meet and confess her feelings to him was not Huang Yuxuan, but Cai Wenrou.And Li Ziwei's way of rejecting others was to say that being with someone named Cai would shorten his life.Huang Yuxuan had heard this nonsense rejection method before. This was exactly what Wang Quansheng said when he rejected others.

Huang Yuxuan returned to class and suddenly found many photos of herself in her desk. These photos were obviously taken secretly.Taking advantage of the lunch break, Huang Yuxuan asked Li Ziwei and Mo Junjie to discuss the matter.Huang Yuxuan believed that her high profile had worked. As long as she asked around the location where the photo was taken, she might be able to find witnesses.But what Li Ziwei is more worried about is that since the murderer can secretly take photos everywhere, he can also put the photos in her drawer without anyone noticing, perhaps implying that there is nothing he can't do if he wants to.However, there is no use thinking about anything now. I can only try first to see if anyone has ever seen a strange person who keeps taking pictures with a camera.

Because they were not in the classroom properly during lunch break, Li Ziwei and Mo Junjie were punished by the instructor to clean up, and Huang Yuxuan also came to help.Li Ziwei deliberately wanted to give Mo Junjie and Huang Yuxuan some time alone, so he took the initiative to disturb the church alone.After Huang Yuxuan finished cleaning, she came to the church alone to find Li Ziwei.In the church, there was a piano, and they sat together and played the piano.When their eyes met, the eyes of the two people were full of affection and ambiguity. The sun shone on them, warm and beautiful.This scene happened to be seen by Mo Junjie.

The three of them went home together, but it rained heavily outside.Huang Yuxuan only had one umbrella, and Li Ziwei wanted to give Mo Junjie the opportunity to be alone.However, thinking of the scene in the church, Mo Junjie took the initiative to ask Li Ziwei to send Huang Yuxuan back to the record store.In contrast, Huang Yuxuan was not so pretentious and didn't think so much. It was just fine for the three of them to go together.Not long after, the wind and rain blew away their umbrellas, but Huang Yuxuan smiled happily.She waved her hands and ran ahead. That figure was something Li Ziwei would never forget.Li Ziwei confirmed his feelings and did not intend to avoid it anymore.He grabbed Mo Junjie and told him frankly that he fell in love with Huang Yuxuan.Hearing these words, Mo Junjie suddenly felt that he was not as angry as he imagined.Perhaps, unknowingly, Mo Junjie also discovered that the Chen Yunru he liked was no longer the person in front of him.

《Someday or One Day》E13Plot

Episode 13

The first time Li Ziwei returned home, he left the scene in the rain in his drawing book forever.Huang Yuxuan at that moment was perfect in Li Ziwei's heart. No matter how he painted it, he could not be satisfied.Therefore, there is only one back view of Huang Yuxuan in the painting book.

The next day, Huang Yuxuan asked Li Ziwei to investigate the photo.Perhaps because he knew that he would have to move to Canada with his family soon, this relationship was destined to end in vain for him.He seemed to be angry with himself and refused Huang Yuxuan's invitation.But Mo Junjie suddenly appeared and exposed Li Ziwei's love for Huang Yuxuan, and Mo Junjie also discovered that Li Ziwei's going to Canada had been kept secret from him.

Huang Yuxuan went to check the photos with Mo Junjie alone, but unfortunately there was no effective information.On the way, Huang Yuxuan wanted to explain to Li Ziwei the secret of immigration.Mo Junjie was suddenly very angry. He mistakenly thought that Chen Yunru, whom he liked, changed so much to cater to Li Ziwei's preferences.He was angry. Chen Yunru's change was due to denying her past self.Obviously the person he likes is right in front of him, but Mo Junjie feels that the person in front of him is getting stranger and stranger, and he can't help but miss the Chen Yunru from the past.No matter how Huang Yuxuan explained it, it didn't make sense. In a fit of anger, she simply asked Li Ziwei out and confessed all her adventures.Including how she used her Walkman to travel through time and how Chen Yunru would be killed on New Year's Eve in 1999.Huang Yuxuan took out her test paper and Chen Yunru's previous test paper to show to Li Ziwei and Mo Junjie. The notes on the two test papers were completely different.This thing was so incredible that Li Ziwei and Mo Junjie naturally couldn't believe it.Huang Yuxuan never paid attention to any major events that happened in 1998, so there was no way to prove the authenticity of this incident.

After bidding farewell to Chen Yunru, Li Ziwei and Mo Junjie went to have supper alone.It was hard for them to believe everything Huang Yuxuan said, but their intuition told them that this matter seemed to be true.For Mo Junjie, if this thing is true, then the three of them don't have to be embarrassed because they like the same girl.In Mo Junjie's heart, he even vaguely hoped that what Huang Yuxuan said would be true, so that he could always like Chen Yunru.

That same night, something unexpected happened at the school.Because Cai Wenrou was jealous of Huang Yuxuan, she secretly took photos of her changing clothes during the day.That night, she returned to school with two other female classmates and posted the photos on the bulletin board.However, as soon as they left, Squad Leader Xie appeared on the back.He looked at the photos and felt angry.At this time, the three people who were preparing to go back wanted to go to the toilet because one of the girls had a stomachache, leaving Cai Wenrou waiting alone at the stairs.The empty school gave Cai Wenrou a sense of fear. When she regretted being alone, a hand suddenly covered her mouth and nose.When the two female classmates who went to the toilet came back, they couldn't see Cai Wenrou. They thought she was angry and left alone first, so they didn't pay attention.But at this time, Cai Wenrou had already been dragged down the corridor by Squad Leader Xie, and her fate would come to an end.

《Someday or One Day》E14Plot

Episode 14

In the early morning, Cai Wenrou's body was found in the classroom, and the photos on the bulletin board were missing.In the evening, two female classmates who were traveling with Cai Wenrou were afraid and were overheard by Huang Yuxuan discussing photos in the toilet.After Huang Yuxuan learned what happened, she immediately consulted with Li Ziwei and Mo Junjie.After a discussion, they believed that this person should be the same person who attacked Chen Yunru.But they couldn't figure out why the murderer took the photo and killed Cai Wenrou if he wanted to harm Chen Yunru.This seems to be venting his anger on Chen Yunru, which makes no logical sense at all.However, Mo Junjie guessed from the murderer's perspective that the other party might feel that Chen Yunru belonged to him completely.Even if it hurts Chen Yunru, only he has the right and no one is allowed to get involved.Li Ziwei looked at Mo Junjie's terrifying eyes and was interrupted by a pillow.When Mo Junjie saw that the matter was over, he left with an excuse.

Li Ziwei and Huang Yuxuan were alone in a room, suddenly feeling awkward.While Li Ziwei went to get a drink, Huang Yuxuan saw the drawing book on the table.After flipping through the pages, she saw the portrait with only the back.Huang Yuxuan clearly remembers that this painting belongs to Wang Quansheng.At first, in Wang Quansheng's studio, she saw this painting hanging in the most conspicuous place.Wang Quansheng told her frankly that the girl in this painting was the first girl he liked.But when she first saw this painting, Huang Yuxuan didn't know who the person in the painting was because there was only one figure from behind.But now, she can be completely sure that Li Ziwei is Wang Quansheng!

When Li Ziwei came back and Huang Yuxuan wanted to hug him, she was woken up by Kunbu's cry.In 2019, Huang Yuxuan had been lying on the sofa all day and night, unable to get through on the phone, not going to work or asking for leave.Kunbu was worried about her safety, so he asked the landlady to open the door and wake up Huang Yuxuan.Huang Yuxuan recalled the painting she saw at the last moment, and hurried to 32 Cafe without caring about Kombu.Huang Yuxuan met Uncle Wen Lei and eagerly hoped that he would tell the truth.At this moment, Li Ziwei appeared behind her and told her the truth she had always wanted to know.

Back in 2003, Li Ziwei, who returned to Taipei, rented a car and went to Tainan Prison.He seemed to want to see someone, but was informed that the prisoner refused to meet him.Li Ziwei had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​meeting and planned to return to Canada after returning the rented car.On the way, he drove the car and listened to “Last Dance” on the walkman.As he sang, he suddenly felt more and more sleepy, and his vision became increasingly blurry.Because he accidentally failed to notice the roadblock ahead, a car accident occurred.Li Ziwei was unconscious in the car, with the headphones still in his ears. The jammed Walkman returned to normal and continued to play songs.

Li Ziwei felt himself falling, and the continuous singing brought him back to his senses.He suddenly realized that he was in the sea and swam towards the surface of the water quickly.When he opened his eyes, Li Ziwei woke up in the hospital bed.The woman guarding him called him Chuansheng, and the name written on the patient paper ring on her hand was also Wang Chuansheng.Incredulously, he pulled off the IV and looked at himself in the mirror.Although they look the same, they are obviously much younger.He took over Wang Quansheng's body and possessed Wang Quansheng's memories, which was exactly the same as Huang Yuxuan's experience.At this moment, he had to believe everything Huang Yuxuan said.

《Someday or One Day》E15Plot

Episode 15

On New Year's Eve in 1999, Li Ziwei ran desperately into an abandoned building.When he arrived, what he saw was Chen Yunru lying in a pool of blood and Mo Junjie, who was holding the murder weapon and was at a loss with tears on his face.Li Ziwei woke up from such a nightmare.After gathering himself, he went downstairs and called his parents, who were somewhat unfamiliar to him, unaccustomedly.After he went out, Wang's mother complained that her husband didn't care about her son. As a father, she didn't care that her son ran to the beach for no reason and drowned.Father Wang takes the trouble and still looks nonchalant and despises Mother Wang for her nagging. The seemingly happy family is actually full of cracks.

Wang Quansheng came to 32 Record Store and missed everything in the past.Nowadays, no one listens to records, so record stores cannot continue to operate.Uncle Wu Wenlei came to the record store to pack his things, and happened to meet Wang Quansheng here.The two met again, and he told Uncle Wenlei what happened in Wang Quansheng's body in 2010 because of the car accident in 2003.The facts were in front of them, no matter how bizarre the matter was, they had to believe it.Uncle Wen Lei felt even more guilty because of this. If he had seriously considered what Huang Yuxuan said, he might have been able to prevent the fact that Chen Yunru was killed.But now, time has passed, Chen's mother has remarried, Chen Siyuan has become more mature after experiencing the death of his sister, and is ready to get married. Everything seems to be moving in a new direction.But even if no one mentioned it again about Chen Yunru, everyone knew it well. They didn't mention it because they didn't dare, which just meant that no one had really let go of Chen Yunru's death.Now, the reason why Uncle Wen Lei opened a coffee shop was because Huang Yuxuan kept saying that he would open a coffee shop in the future and kept brainwashing him.As for many things, it is no longer important whether there is a cause that leads to the effect, or whether there is an effect that leads to such a cause.

This chance encounter with Uncle Wen Lei also made Li Ziwei, who was already Wang Quansheng, learn that since he had a car accident in 2003, he had been judged to be in a vegetative state by doctors and was taken back to Canada by his parents to take care of him.And now, Li Ziwei will truly begin to live as Wang Chuansheng.Huang Yuxuan once told him not to feel sad because of separation, because this is not the end, but the beginning.He didn't understand it at first, but it wasn't until now that he really understood the meaning of this sentence.

Wang Quansheng decided to work hard to get admitted to the same university as Huang Yuxuan, and wanted to get acquainted with her again as Wang Quansheng.For the sake of convenience, Uncle Wen Lei let him live in the cabin above the 32 Coffee Shop, and gave the things Huang Yuxuan had left to Wang Quansheng for safekeeping. A new life was about to begin.Wang Quansheng would look for that familiar figure in Huang Yuxuan's school from time to time, just because he was happy to pass her by.On this day, Wang Quansheng was helping out at the coffee shop. Huang Yuxuan happened to come here to buy coffee, which was enough to make him excited.Any contact made Wang Chuansheng miss her, and he couldn't bear to look away from her even for a moment.

If I could go back to that rainy day and watch Huang Yuxuan's running back.What Li Ziwei wanted to do was no longer stop and look at her stupidly.But I want to follow her footsteps and hold her in my arms, just to tell her that I like you.

《Someday or One Day》E16Plot

Episode 16

When the day came for the school report, Wang Quansheng kept changing his clothes in front of the mirror, thinking about the best way to greet Huang Yuxuan.When he arrived at school, he obviously should have gone to the Department of Communication, but he deliberately went around to the Department of International Trade, where Huang Yuxuan was.As he wished, he really met Huang Yuxuan.Wang Quansheng couldn't wait to call the other party, pretending that he was lost and didn't know how to go.It happened that the library Huang Yuxuan was going to was on the same road as the Department of Visual Communication, so she took him there with her.When they arrived at their destination, Huang Yuxuan left without any souvenir, while Wang Quansheng, who was about to report, suddenly turned back and ran to the library.After chasing her to the library, Wang Quansheng stopped Huang Yuxuan and confessed to her directly.Like is never because of how long we have known each other, but because we are destined to like each other from the first sight.This moment was also the scene in Huang Yuxuan's heart when Wang Quansheng confessed to herself for the first time.But now Huang Yuxuan only thinks that the other party is inexplicable, and Wang Quansheng is surprised to find that Huang Yuxuan already has a boyfriend at this time, Du Qimin from the International Trade Department.

Knowing such a cruel reality, Wang Quansheng's whole body wilted.After the report, I happened to meet the real high school classmate of Wang Quansheng, Chen Caiyu.Chen Caiyu was acquainted with him and took the initiative to invite him to participate in the evening party.Wang Quansheng was naturally not interested, but when he heard that the person he was dating was a girl from the International Trade Department, he was immediately more enthusiastic than Chen Caiyu.It's a pity that the people who came to the party were freshmen, so how could Huang Yuxuan be there.But sometimes, fate is so wonderful that the restaurant where they eat barbecue is exactly where Huang Yuxuan works.Huang Yuxuan saw that Wang Quansheng confessed to her during the day and socialized with a freshman girl he hooked up with online at night. The label of a scumbag was firmly attached to Wang Quansheng.Wang Quansheng wanted to explain, but Huang Yuxuan ignored him.After finally waiting outside the store for Huang Yuxuan to get off work, she saw Du Qimin coming to pick her up from get off work, and the two of them looked very intimate while eating midnight snacks.This whole day was simply terrible for Wang Quansheng.

In the evening, Wang Quansheng and Uncle Wen Lei got drunk and complained. He finally realized the powerlessness he felt when Huang Yuxuan traveled through time and became Chen Yunru. The person he clearly liked was right in front of him, but the only one who had the memory was himself.Just when he didn't know what to do, he suddenly remembered that Huang Yuxuan had told him that she didn't like boys who stalked her.At that time, Wang Quansheng was considerate and patient. He would create many opportunities to get along, but he would always maintain a comfortable distance.Thinking of this, Wang Quansheng suddenly knew what he should do.After attending school normally, Wang Quansheng took the same courses as Huang Yuxuan, but only had contact with Kunbu and the others.It was also through Kunbu that Wang Quansheng learned that the barbecue restaurant where Huang Yuxuan worked was short of manpower.When Huang Yuxuan thought that Wang Quansheng was pestering her, Wang Quansheng acted very calmly and told her clearly that he would not stalk her, but he would not deliberately keep a distance.Position and Huang Yuxuan get along normally.This made Huang Yuxuan feel like a punch on cotton. If she believed that the other party was stalking her, it would also seem like she was being sentimental.

Late at night, Uncle Wen Lei made a phone call. What Wang Quansheng was doing now was exactly the same as what the other party told him.On the other side of the phone was Li Ziwei, who was already lame.On this day, a prisoner in Tainan Prison was released after serving his sentence.Mo Junjie was imprisoned, and Li Ziwei was waiting for him outside the prison immediately.Now, two Li Ziwei's souls appeared in the same time and space at the same time.Uncle Wen Lei obviously knew the truth of the matter and helped Li Ziwei observe Wang Quansheng, who possessed Li Ziwei's soul. What on earth was going on?And what was the truth about Chen Yunru's death?Why was Mo Junjie holding the murder weapon at the scene and sitting in jail for so long before he was released from prison?

《Someday or One Day》E17Plot

Episode 17

The authorities are fascinated by the bystanders, and Li Ziwei is a bystander.A cup of milk tea and one look were enough for him to see clearly how sincere Mo Junjie's feelings were for Chen Yunru.Therefore, even if Mo Junjie is convicted by law, he does not believe that Mo Junjie is the real murderer of Chen Yunru.But for Mo Junjie, this kind of trust will only become one of the sources of more pain for him.In Mo Junjie's heart, in addition to his favorite Chen Yunru, the people he killed back then were also Li Ziwei's beloved Huang Yuxuan.

In 2008, outside the prison, two best friends met for the first time in nine years.Time has worn away the frivolousness of Li Ziwei's youth, and he has become more stable.Mo Junjie is no longer the young man he was before, and his unkempt beard makes him even more decadent.The past nine years have changed the two teenagers, but not the family.Grandma Mo happily welcomed Mo Junjie home and took him across the brazier to get rid of his bad luck, as if everything could be started over.

Today is Chen Yunru's birthday. Chen Siyuan carefully pulled out the weeds in front of Chen Yunru's tombstone.Birthdays happen every year, but no one knows which one will come first, the next birthday or the accident.Since Chen Yunru's death, Chen Yunru's mother still forgets many things, but she will never forget Chen Yunru's birthday.

In the pavilion not far away, Mo Junjie hid behind a pillar and cried bitterly.He could never forget the way Chen Yunru stood in front of him in the abandoned building on that rainy night, begging him to kill her.The cold rain slapped on the two people's bodies, taking away Chen Yunru's warmth and Mo Junjie's heart.These painful memories have not become dull with the passage of time, but have become more intense after a long period of brewing.Mo Junjie left the cemetery, and Chen Yunru's tombstone also had a cake with 27th birthday candles.

On the same day, in the same place, Mo Junjie and Li Ziwei were the only ones who couldn't forget this rainy night.Li Ziwei, who became Wang Chuansheng, wakes up from such nightmares almost every day.However, as Wang Quansheng, all he can do is cherish the present moment more.Today is the day when Wang Quansheng pays his first salary. He plans to treat every colleague in the barbecue restaurant to drink milk tea.Chen Yunru didn't need to speak, a cup of hot Americano was enough to prove Wang Quansheng's understanding and care for her.

In the barbecue restaurant, everyone returned to work, because a phone call from his colleague Maomao aroused Wang Quansheng's self-blame.The period from 2003 to 2010 was a blank period for Wang Quansheng at this moment.Even the fact that Mo Junjie committed suicide in the abandoned building where Chen Yunru died shortly after he was released from prison was only known through Uncle Wen Lei.Wang Chuansheng, who was hiding in the back door of the barbecue restaurant and crying secretly, blamed himself for being unable to prevent Mo Junjie and Chen Yunru from going to destruction.The only good thing is that at least Huang Yuxuan is by his side now.

Today is Huang Yuxuan's birthday, and Wang Quansheng had already arranged to take the evening off.In class, he and Chen Caiyu planned how to coincidentally pass by Huang Yuxuan's birthday party.Keep a caring distance and never stalk. Wang Quansheng has always adhered to this purpose. Even when he wanted to help Huang Yuxuan celebrate her birthday, he tried his best to create a chance encounter.Unfortunately, things often backfired, and Kumbu found someone to take over because of emergencies.Seeing that Huang Yuxuan was about to agree to take over, Wang Quansheng had no choice but to give up the plan and agree to Kunbu first.

In the evening, when Wang Quansheng was busy at the barbecue restaurant, he found that Huang Yuxuan, who had been ignored by her boyfriend, also came back to work.After being busy until get off work, Wang Quansheng saw that there was still more than an hour left before twelve o'clock, so he asked Huang Yuxuan to wait for him in the store.However, when he ran back with the cake, Huang Yuxuan had already been called away by a phone call from Du Qimin.

Huang Yuxuan happily went to the appointment, but found that there was a woman beside Du Qimin.Most love affairs in youth are lost to the ex.Du Qimin got back together with his ex-girlfriend a long time ago, and even forgot Huang Yuxuan's birthday and chose to break up with her today.On the way home, Huang Yuxuan suddenly discovered that she had forgotten her Easy Card at the barbecue restaurant.God closed the window of Du Qimin for her, and opened the door of Wang Quansheng for her with the Easy Card.

As soon as Huang Yuxuan walked to the door of the barbecue restaurant, she received a call from Wang Quansheng.If it were normal times, Huang Yuxuan might not be greatly touched.But today, Wang Quansheng's thoughtfulness was in huge contrast to the terrible things before.When Huang Yuxuan saw Wang Quansheng in the barbecue restaurant, lighting candles alone and calling to celebrate her birthday, Huang Yuxuan was moved by this sincerity.It was also at this moment that Huang Yuxuan truly let go of her guard against Wang Chuansheng.

《Someday or One Day》E18Plot

Episode 18

If a relationship doesn't start because you really like it, then the ending is bound to not be happy.Although Huang Yuxuan has forgotten what the big brother who brought her home looked like when she was a child, she will never forget the feeling that big brother made her.There are always many misunderstandings in a person's life. Just because Du Qimin did the same thing as this big brother, Huang Yuxuan transferred this beautiful memory to Du Qimin.Li Ziwei, who was eating cake, jumped up from the table angrily when he heard this.However, he was grateful that fate was destined, and he was even more happy that he could pursue Huang Yuxuan without any scruples.

Days went on as usual, and Huang Yuxuan got to know Wang Quansheng more and more.People who thought that Wang Chuansheng was very good at flirting with girls found out that he never said a word to other girls.Although Huang Yuxuan still dislikes Wang Chuansheng's occasionally disgusting love words, in fact, she listens to music every day with the headphones Wang Chuansheng gave her.From Merry Christmas to Happy New Year, Wang Quansheng's address to Huang Yuxuan also changed from senior to first name.

On this day, Wang Quansheng was doing preparations before opening the store, but found that Huang Yuxuan had not come out of the toilet for half an hour.He carefully stood at the door of the women's restroom and cared about the other party, listening to Huang Yuxuan's words that were about to be spoken but were too embarrassed to say.However, Wang Quansheng very calmly agreed to go to the convenience store to help Huang Yuxuan buy women's products.

A pack of women's products itself is not heavy, but a boy's willingness to take the initiative to buy it cannot but make people happy.A simple act of wanting to carry Huang Yuxuan home, a considerate thought of preparing dinner, and even a nagging thought of preparing breakfast for the next day because of an uncomfortable stomach.Although they are all small things, a person's kindness can often only be reflected in these small things.

Huang Yuxuan could see Wang Quansheng's thoughtfulness and patience during these days together.It was on this day that Huang Yuxuan reminded Wang Quansheng to remember today, because today is the first day.The first day, the day they started dating.Wang Quansheng looked up at Huang Yuxuan, who was sitting by the window and smiling brightly at him, listening to what she said on the phone.Wang Quansheng was still a little stupid and didn't react. When he came to his senses, he was so surprised that he jumped up and down like a monkey, forgetting everything.

Back in 2008, Mo Junjie discovered that Li Ziwei had been concealing the illness of his grandma Mo. On this day, grandma Mo died of illness.After settling the matter behind Grandma Mo, Mo Junjie took the initiative to ask Li Ziwei for a drink.When they were children, whenever they had a quarrel, they liked to drink Coke instead of wine. They would make up after one drink. If it was not enough, they would drink two drinks until they were willing to forgive each other.

This time, they don't know how much wine they need to drink before they can reconcile, but it doesn't matter, they have a lot of time and a lot of wine, and they can drink until they are willing to reconcile.That night, they talked about many past events, and Mo Junjie smiled so happily for the first time since he was released from prison.However, they all had a tacit understanding not to mention Chen Yunru.

Li Ziwei knew for a long time that Mo Junjie would commit suicide soon after being released from prison, and he kept reminding himself to prevent his death.But today, Li Ziwei was still paralyzed by Mo Junjie's smile, mistakenly thinking that the other party could put down everything in the past and start over.After the wine was finished, it meant that they had forgiven each other, and Li Ziwei was drunk and unconscious.Mo Junjie covered him with a blanket and carefully lit an incense stick in front of Grandma Mo's portrait.When Li Ziwei woke up in a daze, Mo Junjie was nowhere to be found.Grandma Mo's death was undoubtedly the last straw for Mo Junjie. Two-thirds of the incense in front of the portrait had been burned, and Li Ziwei completely woke up in panic.

Returning to the abandoned building again, as if history was repeating itself, Li Ziwei rushed to the roof again.Mo Junjie turned around, smiled slightly at Li Ziwei who was coming over, and fell like a kite with its string broken, not giving the other party the slightest chance.Li Ziwei cried out in horror and begging, but his outstretched hand was too late to catch the falling Mo Junjie.

A blood-soaked flower bloomed from Mo Junjie's body, dyeing his body red and dyeing Li Ziwei's eyes red.He sat paralyzed in the abandoned building and cried in despair, just like Mo Junjie back then.It seems that the harder they try to change, the more things will develop towards the predetermined ending.

《Someday or One Day》E19Plot

Episode 19

Couples who want to live together always need an opportunity.And this opportunity is just because a person's budget is not enough to pay the rent. It is often as simple as that.After living with Wang Quansheng, Huang Yuxuan realized how unnecessary her worries were and how good the man in front of her was.There is no need to ask or say many things, Wang Quansheng will understand what she wants.The so-called soul mate is nothing more than that.

For couples soaked in honey, even quarrels are the lubricant of their relationship. Every time they argue, Huang Yuxuan will understand how much she can't live without the man in front of her.Until one day, Huang Yuxuan waited for Wang Quansheng to come home with a heavy face.As early as when Huang Yuxuan was still Chen Yunru, she told Li Ziwei how she and Wang Quansheng were combined and separated.Looking at Huang Yuxuan's reluctant and determined expression, Li Ziwei knew that it was time to wake up from the sweet dream he had as Wang Chuansheng.

Wang Quansheng bought the latest flight to Shanghai and wanted to chase Huang Yuxuan back, but fell silent when he looked at the flight number on the ticket.Looking at the people rushing to catch their flights at the airport, he hoped that he could stop this, but what could he do on his own?At this moment, a familiar voice sounded above Wang Quansheng, and he looked at himself standing in front of him in surprise.The only difference is that the original Li Ziwei is lame in one leg and wears glasses. Compared with the Li Ziwei who occupies Wang Quansheng's body, he looks more mature and vicissitudes of life.Li Ziwei handed Wang Quansheng a plane ticket for the next flight. Although he didn't know what would happen if he made such a change, at least he could avoid the pain that Li Ziwei would experience later.

If she didn't get on this plane that would crash, how could Huang Yuxuan travel through time because of missing her.If Huang Yuxuan had never traveled through time, how could he fall in love with Huang Yuxuan after traveling through time.If all this ceases to exist, what will happen to Wang Quansheng who chooses not to take this flight?So no matter how hard they struggle, they will be willing to continue on the established trajectory.When Wang Quansheng left, he left behind his cell phone with all the memories of Huang Yuxuan, and resigned himself to the end that belonged to Wang Quansheng.

When Li Ziwei returned to his own body again, he realized that he still underestimated the meaning of pain.He woke up two weeks after the car accident, but it took him two years to get back on his feet.But what was really painful was that he was about to face ten years without Huang Yuxuan by his side, and no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't change the fact that Mo Junjie died in front of him.

Time passed little by little, and he missed Huang Yuxuan alone but could not go to see her because he could not change Wang Quansheng's life trajectory.These ten years of loneliness were left to him alone.When it was time to take that flight again, Li Ziwei also appeared in front of Wang Quansheng with the next flight ticket, but things changed subtly.Although he also chose to take the crashed plane, unlike before, Wang Quansheng became more determined and braver than before.In addition to the difference in dialogue, what Wang Quansheng left with Li Ziwei was not only a mobile phone, but also a men's wedding ring that he carried with him.

After confessing everything, Li Ziwei was taken back to their former rental house by Huang Yuxuan.All the furnishings have not changed at all from the past, including the colorful lights that were used to pretend to be a concert at home.The two people slept together, looking at each other, as if they were dreaming.Huang Yuxuan put a men's wedding ring on Li Ziwei, and suddenly remembered the English on the ring.The female ring is engraved with, only if you asked to see me.Li Ziwei took off his men's ring. What was engraved on it was, our meeting would be meaningful to me.The combined meaning is that our encounter is meaningful only when you want to see me.

When she woke up, Huang Yuxuan couldn't see Li Ziwei, and she suddenly panicked. She was afraid that her encounter with Li Ziwei yesterday was just a dream.When Huang Yuxuan saw Li Ziwei making breakfast in the kitchen, she immediately hugged his waist from behind.At this moment, she truly believed that time had not taken away her thoughts, but had brought her lover back.

《Someday or One Day》E20Plot

Episode 20

In Cafe 32, Li Ziwei, Huang Yuxuan and Uncle Wen Lei discussed the key and opportunity for their time travel.For every time travel, the necessary conditions are the Walkman and Wu Bai's “last dance”.At first, they thought they would need to travel on an automatic vehicle, but Huang Yuxuan's second time traveling was sleeping on the sofa at home, so this statement was not true.The strange thing is that if the conditions for time travel are just the Walkman and Wu Bai's songs, then last night she and Li Ziwei slept in bed together and listened to “last dance” on the same Walkman, but no time travel occurred.

A phone call interrupted their discussion. It turned out that the psychological consultation appointment between Huang Yuxuan and Dr. Xie had passed the appointment time.After Huang Yuxuan hung up the phone, she suddenly remembered that when she had traveled to Chen Yunru's body, she had met Dr. Xie in school and clearly remembered that he was the monitor of Li Ziwei's class.Huang Yuxuan took out Dr. Xie's photo and asked Li Ziwei, but Dr. Xie's full name was Xie Zhiqi, and Li Ziwei's squad leader was named Xie Zongru.

Huang Yuxuan, who wanted to find out the truth, came to Xie Zhiqi's psychological clinic alone and asked him straight to the point if he knew Chen Yunru and Xie Zongru. The answer she got surprised Huang Yuxuan.It turns out that Xie Zongru is Xie Zhiqi's brother, and they look exactly the same.But many years ago, Xie Zongru was admitted to a nursing home because he found that there was always a voice in his heart that told him to kill people and even engage in self-mutilation.Li Ziwei, who worked separately, found his head teacher and confirmed that what Xie Zhiqi said was indeed true.

Citing consideration, Xie Zhiqi temporarily rejected Huang Yuxuan's request to see Xie Zongru.After Huang Yuxuan left, Xie Zhiqi took out the photos he had secretly taken of Chen Yunru and recalled what happened when he was a child.At that time, when he was only six or seven years old, he found these photos in the drawer of his brother Xie Zongru, and he happened to be discovered by his brother who came back.However, Xie Zongru not only did not blame him, but told him in a strange tone not to worry. One day, the girl in the photo will belong to him.Pulling out of his memories, Xie Zhiqi showed an evil smile to Chen Yunru's photo.

That night, Xie Zhiqi took the initiative to come to Huang Yuxuan's home to inquire about specific matters about time travel.At this time, Li Ziwei went to find the head teacher and had not returned yet, leaving Huang Yuxuan alone at home.And she didn't take any precautions against Xie Zhiqi. She just assumed that the other party suddenly heard such incredible things and wanted to understand the situation before considering whether to let her meet her brother.Huang Yuxuan told him everything about how she traveled through the Walkman and became Chen Yunru.It happened that Li Ziwei made a phone call and made Huang Yuxuan out of Xie Zhiqi's sight.Xie Zhiqi also took advantage of this time to pick up the walkman on the table and played Wu Bai's song.

In 1998, Chen Yunru was almost hit by a car because she couldn't find her mother and younger brother.At the critical moment, Xie Zongru was seen by Xie Zongru who was passing by and fell to the ground to save her.However, when Xie Zongru opened his eyes again, his body was already occupied by Xie Zhiqi.Chen Yunru was distracted and wanted to continue looking for her mother, but she had no intention of stopping Xie Zhiqi from following her.In the same abandoned building, on the same rainy night, Xie Zhiqi looked at Chen Yunru whose clothes were soaked by the rain, and had the illusion that Chen Yunru was actively seducing him.Xie Zhiqi ignored Chen Yunru's resistance and cried, pressing on her like a wild beast.Suddenly, another Chen Yunru appeared in front of Xie Zhiqi, smiling face to face to seduce him, seducing him and killing him so that he could do whatever he wanted.

Chen Yunru took advantage of him to be distracted and tried to break away and escape.Xie Zhiqi chased after him, picked up the bricks on the ground, and threw them hard at the back of Chen Yunru's head.When he wanted to continue doing evil, Doctor Xie pulled him back to his body.Huang Yuxuan saw that he was distracted while listening to the walkman, and asked him if he had also traveled through time.Naturally, Xie Zhiqi couldn't admit it, and even more so, when Huang Yuxuan wasn't paying attention, he stabbed a needle directly into her neck.Before he could do anything to the unconscious Huang Yuxuan, Xie Zhiqi heard the sound of the door opening.When Li Ziwei walked in, what he saw was Huang Yuxuan lying on the sofa, as if sleeping.Xie Zhiqi, who was hiding around the corner, took this moment to rush out of their rental house.

Li Ziwei chased after him without thinking, while Xie Zhiqi turned around and hid behind a bus.He waited for a while, and Li Ziwei, who he thought was chasing him in the wrong direction, suddenly appeared in front of him.The two struggled together, and Li Ziwei, who had difficulty moving, was naturally no match for the ruthless Xie Zhiqi. He was hit on the head by a flower pot that Xie Zhiqi picked up casually.Xie Zhiqi, who originally wanted to leave, turned around again because of Li Ziwei's questioning, picked up the flower pot on the side and hit Li Ziwei heavily on the head.Blood slowly overflowed from the back of Li Ziwei's head, just like Mo Junjie when he fell from the building.

Xie Zhiqi, who returned to the clinic, sat on the sofa with the Walkman he had snatched.This time, will he travel through time again, and what truth will he uncover...

《Someday or One Day》E21Plot

Episode 21

When life dies at its most beautiful, beauty can be eternal.Xie Zhiqi only used a little ethyl acetate to end the life of a beetle, which also planted a seed of sin in the heart of Xie Zhiqi as a child.It was this seed that caused Xie Zhiqi to end a living life with his own hands for the first time as a child.The death of a cat once again caused it to sprout and grow, and Xie Zhiqi became his own guide on the road of sin.

In 2019, Xie Zhiqi returned to the deserted clinic covered in blood. He couldn't wait to open Chen Yunru's diary and was intoxicated by the words inside.He put on his headphones obsessively, eager to travel back in time and see again the person he had missed for a long time.

With the singing, he successfully returned to the node where he was last interrupted.When he wanted to kill Chen Yunru directly, Xie Zongru, who was trapped in the body, suddenly screamed and tried his best to stop it.Xie Zongru's struggle did not gain control of his body, but it reminded Xie Zhiqi that Chen Yunru was not perfect yet.So he chose to remain silent, waiting for Huang Yuxuan to cross over, observing every move of the other party, waiting for what he thought was the most beautiful opportunity.

Until that night, Xie Zhiqi tempted her childhood self to make a specimen that was more beautiful than a cat.In the dark classroom, Cai Wenrou struggled desperately with her hands and feet tied, her eyes and mouth covered.God is fair, and the fragility of life does not distinguish between humans and animals. A gentle injection of a little ethyl acetate can also lead to death.As a child, Xie Zhiqi held a flashlight and illuminated Cai Wenrou's body from struggling to quietness.Compared with Xie Zhiqi's excitement, he would have been a little scared as a child.But from now on, he will completely fall into the arms of the abyss.

Back in 2019, in the cold morgue, a corner of the white cloth was lifted, revealing Li Ziwei's pale face.He lay there quietly, without any warmth.No matter how sadly Huang Yuxuan cried, she could no longer hear the slightest comfort from the other party.Years of waiting only resulted in a few days of reunion. Faced with the departure of her lover once again, how could Huang Yuxuan be reconciled to such an ending.

Looking at the surveillance video showing the whole process of Xie Zhiqi killing Li Ziwei, Huang Yuxuan couldn't bear to take another look.No one thought that the murderer who wanted to kill Chen Yunru was Xie Zhiqi in the future.Perhaps only by taking back the Walkman that was taken away by Xie Zhiqi and traveling to the past again can we have a chance to change everything.

Huang Yuxuan and Uncle Wen Lei came to the nursing home to get the truth from Xie Zongru.But now Xie Zongru is crazy in the eyes of others. Only he knows that he is not crazy, he is just afraid.Xie Zongru clearly remembered everything he had experienced, and could clearly see and hear everything happening outside the world.He knew that he was still alive, but he couldn't control his actions. He saw another person manipulating his body to do evil, but he couldn't stop it.

Faced with Huang Yuxuan's approach and questioning, Xie Zongru, who was incoherent in his words, finally saw her face clearly.It was a face exactly like Chen Yunru's, which made Xie Zongru, who already looked crazy, even more frightened.As he fled, he kept repeating, It's not me, it's not me, everything was forced on me by him and her.Such a conversation made Huang Yuxuan grasp the key point. Why were two people persecuting Xie Zongru?Why him and her and not them?However, this seemingly incomprehensible statement is something that Huang Yuxuan cannot understand now.

Fortunately, with the video evidence and Huang Yuxuan's testimony, the police immediately arrested Xie Zhiqi at the clinic.At that time, Xie Zhiqi was in a time-travel state, and the police called him back to his senses.At the last moment when the time travel was interrupted, Xie Zhiqi was in the abandoned building where Chen Yunru died, holding a fatal needle and trying to plunge it into his coveted neck.On the other hand, Chen Yunru, who was standing in front of him, had a face full of sadness, but showed no sign of struggling, as if this was something she had been looking forward to for a long time.Xie Zhiqi's soul returned to his body, and it was no longer possible to escape. He was suppressed on the ground and tried his best to destroy the Walkman.

Seeing the disintegrated Walkman, Huang Yuxuan almost had a nervous breakdown.When she loudly asked Xie Zhiqi why he did this.Xie Zhiqi laughed at her for asking the wrong question. The focus should be on what Huang Yuxuan had done to Chen Yunru.With all these signs, what is the truth, and whether the subtle changes in the latest reincarnation can change the outcome...

《Someday or One Day》E22Plot

Episode 22

Can the damaged Walkman be repaired, but can the dead Li Ziwei return again?The multiple time travels of many people are enough to prove that in addition to listening to the Walkman and Wu Bai's “last dance”, there is also a more important factor, Someday or One Day...

In 1998, Huang Yuxuan once again traveled back to the previous node.When she opened her eyes, she saw Li Ziwei standing in front of her holding a drink.She hugged Li Ziwei tightly and cried wantonly in his arms, as if she was seeing her lover whom she had not seen for a long time.This sudden crying made Li Ziwei worried. Knowing that she had returned to 2019 made her even more nervous.But when Li Ziwei asked her what happened after she returned, she said she had forgotten.

The next morning, Chen Yunru woke up from bed and touched herself gently, as if she felt unreal.The first thing she did when she got up was to practice smiling in front of the mirror, forcing herself to go from shy to cheerful, until she showed the smile that belonged to Huang Yuxuan.After that, Chen Yunru came to Chen Siyuan's room as usual, turned off the alarm clock, opened the curtains, and imitated Huang Yuxuan's speech to wake up Chen Siyuan.Although Chen Siyuan's attitude was still impatient, he no longer cursed her as before. This change made Chen Yunru very happy.

Being able to have Li Ziwei take him to and from school every day was a fact that Chen Yunru never dared to imagine in the past.But now, she could sit in the back seat of Li Ziwei's car and hug his waist.However, when he arrived at the school gate, just seeing Xie Zongru on duty at the school gate from a distance was enough to make Chen Yunru feel scared.

When she came to the classroom, many classmates took the initiative to say hello to Chen Yunru. This feeling of not being excluded was something she had never experienced before, and how could she not be greedy.Not long after she sat down, Chen Yunru was called by the police to the classroom office for a talk.Faced with Team Leader Yang's questions, she didn't know all the questions and acted submissive.Comparing the way he defended Mo Junjie at the police station before, Team Leader Yang felt that the Chen Yunru in front of him was completely different.

All signs indicate that Chen Yunru is abnormal, and Cai Wenrou's death is obviously related to her. However, the autopsy report clearly shows that Cai Wenrou died from an injection of ethyl acetate.Although ethyl acetate is classified as a dangerous chemical, it can also be obtained from acetic acid or ethanol, which are non-controlled drugs used to prepare specimens.Therefore, although Team Leader Yang suspected that Chen Yunru was hiding something, as a liberal arts high school student, he could basically rule out the possibility that she was the murderer.

In the evening, Chen's mother heard about the death of a student at Chen Yunru's school and rushed home in a hurry.Facing her family, she still denied herself and tried hard to act like Huang Yuxuan.Chen Yunru, who has been trapped in the body, seeing the changes Huang Yuxuan has brought to herself, may have made her like living as Huang Yuxuan even more.

After dinner, Li Ziwei asked Chen Yunru to come to the pavilion where they exchanged secrets.He specially bought a mobile phone for Chen Yunruxin so that she could contact him or Mo Junjie in time when she was in danger.Even though she knew very well that Li Ziwei liked Huang Yuxuan, not Chen Yunru.But facing such caring care from the person she likes, she just hopes to keep it going, even if everything is just an illusion.

Perhaps in this world, no one will deny themselves and voluntarily live like others.But the misplaced feelings made Chen Yunru see a way to get Li Ziwei once.Once she has hope, it is difficult to give up. She would rather let her former self die in her heart. Even if she pretends to be Huang Yuxuan for the rest of her life, she still wants to keep the Li Ziwei she likes.

Although I don’t know what went wrong during this time travel, although Huang Yuxuan returned to 1998, it was her turn to be trapped in Chen Yunru’s inner world.She felt Chen Yunru's feeling of being trapped, watching everything happening outside but unable to make any intervention.When she saw Chen Yunru pretending to be herself in front of Li Ziwei and just enjoying herself, she fell into a breakdown.If they can't control their bodies, how can they change the past and save their future...

《Someday or One Day》E23Plot

Episode 23

Every day, Chen Yunru actively works hard to act like Huang Yuxuan, from words to actions.But everyone is an independent individual, and no matter how disguised he or she is, his or her own personality will shine through in every detail.Mo Junjie likes Chen Yunru's quietness, the figure of a person walking silently from behind, which is completely different from Huang Yuxuan.

In order to be more like Huang Yuxuan, Chen Yunru took the initiative to pull Li Ziwei to skip class on the rooftop, and pretended to be brave and pulled him away from the instructor.Holding Li Ziwei's hand, she ran behind him, constantly thinking about what she would do and what she would say if she were Huang Yuxuan at this moment.Chen Yunru always hopes that she can pretend to be more like herself, to completely deny herself and lose herself.

The sky and the sea are connected in a line, the person you like is by your side, the time is beautiful, everything is like a dream.However, Chen Yunru doesn't know that no matter how beautiful everything is, it doesn't belong to her.She tried her best to grasp this happiness, even if it was just a mirage.

When she got home in the evening, Chen Yunru recorded everything today as usual, but then tore it up immediately.Only if Huang Yuxuan chooses to come back at this time can she have the opportunity to walk out of her closed heart and walk to Li Ziwei's side instead of Huang Yuxuan.He is Wang Quansheng.Chen Yunru also has Huang Yuxuan's memory, and she knows that Huang Yuxuan came back because of these words.If Chen Yunru wants to get everything today, she can only use this sentence as bait.

Days passed and no one seemed to notice anything was wrong.Mo Junjie looked at Chen Yunru now, and suddenly felt the same feelings for her again, or he couldn't help feeling for her.Until New Year's Eve, the three of them stayed vigil on the balcony to watch the sunrise.No one can wake up a person who is pretending to sleep. Mo Junjie will always be like a bystander, watching the backs of Li Ziwei and Chen Yunru illuminated by the sun, listening to their agreement, but he can only swallow the bitterness in his heart.

Soon, it was time to pick up the photos, and Li Ziwei accompanied Chen Yunru to pick up the photos.Look at the photos one after another and look at yourself in the photos.Chen Yunru suddenly felt a little dazed. The person here should not be her, nor should she look like in the photo.Chen Yunru gathered her mood and wanted to develop two more rolls of photos, and wrote down her information with a pen, and Li Ziwei happened to see her handwriting.

The same street, the same rainy day, the same Li Ziwei and a different Chen Yunru.It was obviously the same person's back in the rain, but Li Ziwei could no longer find the feeling he had when he looked at Huang Yuxuan.Seeing Chen Yunru covering her hands in the rain and urging him, it was in sharp contrast to Huang Yuxuan's wantonness in the rain.No one can pretend to be another person all the time.

Chen Yunru ran home and looked at the developed photos alone in her room.Even though she was not used to being like this, as long as she could be by Li Ziwei's side, everything seemed worth it.Chen Yunru, who was obsessed with the illusion of happiness, could not listen to Huang Yuxuan's advice no matter how hard she tried.Whether it is Li Ziwei's death in the future or her complete denial of herself, nothing is more important than the present.If being Huang Yuxuan can easily get everything you want, then Chen Yunru will be happy with it.

But will all this really go so smoothly?If you love someone, can you really not tell who you love just because they look the same?Even these days, Chen Yunru keeps trying to pretend to be Huang Yuxuan.Li Ziwei can also see subtle differences, which are differences deep in the soul.

During recess the next day, Chen Yunru wanted Li Ziwei to accompany him to get the photos, but Li Ziwei began to shirk in every possible way. He instinctively wanted to keep a distance from Chen Yunru.Mo Junjie naturally saw that Li Ziwei was deliberately avoiding Chen Yunru, but when Li Ziwei told him that he felt that Chen Yunru in front of him was no longer the Huang Yuxuan before, Mo Junjie had an argument with him again.

Mo Junjie never believed that Huang Yuxuan had ever existed. He believed that it was Chen Yunru who loved Li Ziwei who deliberately turned herself into another person and told such untrue stories.A story that allows Li Ziwei to accept Chen Yunru, and a story that Mo Junjie can use to comfort himself and continue to be friends with Li Ziwei.

《Someday or One Day》E24Plot

Episode 24

32 Record Shop, Chen Yunru was extremely frightened by Xie Zhiqi's arrival.Even if he did nothing but wanted to buy a record, she could feel fear from deep in her soul.This fear lasted until a customer came to the record store and until he left.

When it was time to close the store, Chen Yunru closed the store and prepared to go home.However, as she walked along, she always felt as if someone was following her.Until Chen Yunru saw Xie Zhiqi approaching again at the corner, she quickly ran out of the alley in fear, and happened to meet Li Ziwei who was passing by on a bicycle.

Li Ziwei originally wanted to find Chen Yunru at her home so late. After checking that there was no danger around, he took her to the place where they once exchanged secrets.When Li Ziwei asked about what they had said here for the first time, he became more certain that the person in front of him was not Huang Yuxuan.

If it is Huang Yuxuan, then their first time should be Huang Yuxuan and Li Ziwei saying that she dreamed of herself being Huang Yuxuan, talking about her acquaintance and love with Wang Quansheng.But only for Chen Yunru, their first time was to exchange secrets, which was a subconscious answer.But no matter how Li Ziwei questioned her about Huang Yuxuan, Chen Yunru still insisted that she was Huang Yuxuan's explanation, and insisted on not letting this unsustainable dream be shattered.

The reason why Li Ziwei was testing like this was because he had already opened the photo frame that he had taken with Huang Yuxuan at home, and there was a message from Huang Yuxuan behind the photo.The handwriting on it is completely different from the handwriting Li Ziwei wrote on Chen Yunru.And now, Chen Yunru's answer was enough to confirm his thoughts.

No matter how Chen Yunru explained or argued, Li Ziwei no longer believed it.He only wanted to know where Huang Yuxuan had gone, and kept asking her when Huang Yuxuan disappeared.Huang Yuxuan, who was trapped in Chen Yunru's heart, was also eager for her to admit everything to Li Ziwei.The voices of two people talking in Chen Yunru's ears at the same time forced her to completely collapse.

If no one can get it, then we will be destroyed together.If Chen Yunru couldn't get Li Ziwei, she wouldn't tell Li Ziwei about Huang Yuxuan's existence.Chen Yunru completely denied everything. She did not admit the existence of Huang Yuxuan, and she did not admit that she and Huang Yuxuan were two people.She hoped that Li Ziwei could face the reality. From beginning to end, she was the only one, Chen Yunru, a person who pretended to be in love with Li Ziwei and never existed.

However, even after getting such an answer from Chen Yunru's mouth.But Li Ziwei still wanted to know how to see Huang Yuxuan again.He couldn't convince himself that he fell in love with someone who never existed.Li Ziwei once felt Huang Yuxuan's existence so truly, every moment of being with him.Even if Huang Yuxuan never existed, he still missed her very much.

Everything seems to be back to the starting point. Chen Yunru, who has lost Li Ziwei, will no longer pretend to be Huang Yuxuan after getting up in the morning.She got up as before and helped her mother back to the room.Chen Siyuan brushed his teeth and looked at Chen Yunru who seemed to have changed back to her original appearance, a look he didn't like.When they came to school, their classmates greeted Chen Yunru. Facing Chen Yunru who was no longer pretending, they also felt that the Chen Yunru they hated before was back.Everyone is talking about hating the old Chen Yunru, but she also hates herself.

Li Ziwei touched every key he pressed with Huang Yuxuan alone in the auditorium, thinking about Huang Yuxuan sitting next to him.Even in the face of Mo Junjie's questioning, he could not force himself to accept the facts Chen Yunru told him.He didn't know how he could face Chen Yunru. He just wanted to see Huang Yuxuan again.Miss you so much, Someday or One Day...

《Someday or One Day》E25Plot

Episode 25

The farthest distance in life is not life and death, but that no matter how close we are, we still can't touch you.Li Ziwei's light shines, attracting Chen Yunru.But no matter how hard she tried to reach out and touch, she could never feel the warmth.When this beam of light is out of reach, you can only follow it with your eyes, and the final result can only be that your eyes are hurt by the dazzling light.

When Chen Yunru wanted to face Li Ziwei with Huang Yuxuan's smile again, what she got was a cold and decisive back.In desperation, she went to the rooftop of the school, a place where she could quietly talk to herself and vent herself.Only now, Chen Yunru has an additional audience.

Chen Yunru has never disliked or hated Huang Yuxuan for occupying her body. On the contrary, she is very grateful to Huang Yuxuan for letting her know a way to make people remember her.Chen Yunru is not needed by anyone and cannot feel any love.She once thought about committing suicide, but even if she committed suicide, she would only be forgotten in a few words of regret from others.But things are different now. If Chen Yunru can be killed on New Year's Eve, then she will be remembered forever.

When Chen Yunru was talking to herself on the rooftop, Mo Junjie in the building opposite was vaguely lip-reading her words.When Mo Junjie knew that she wanted to commit suicide, he ran frantically to the opposite rooftop to stop her.However, it was already too late. When he arrived on the rooftop, Chen Yunru had already left with Xie Zhiqi, who had made an appointment.

Mo Junjie called Li Ziwei and told him everything, and the two of them looked for Chen Yunru everywhere like headless flies.As night fell, Chen Yunru and Xie Zhiqi arrived at the abandoned building.Xie Zhiqi looked at Chen Yunru infatuatedly, took out the syringe filled with poison, and slowly approached step by step.Even though Chen Yunru was scared, she wanted to be remembered.

Just when the needle was still a few centimeters away from Chen Yunru's neck, the police promptly woke up Xie Zhiqi in the clinic.Xie Zhiqi, who was just a little bit away from succeeding, could pull away from Xie Zongru's body.Xie Zongru, who had regained his autonomy, threw away the needle in fear and hurriedly fled this extremely terrifying place for him.

With no one to kill her, Chen Yunru picked up the glass fragments on the ground, frightening Mo Junjie who arrived.Chen Yunru refused to listen to anyone's persuasion and just cried and begged Mo Junjie to help her kill her.In Chen Yunru's heart, she longs to be loved and cared about.However, she didn't believe that Mo Junjie cared about and liked her.Perhaps it was too much expectation that made Chen Yunru even more afraid of disappointment. The only way for her to escape was to choose not to believe it.If Chen Yunru doesn't break away from such thoughts, she will be trapped in such an endless loop forever.

She slowly stepped onto the wall of the building. If Chen Yunru's life was a nightmare, then the way to wake up from the dream was to fall from a high altitude.Mo Junjie ran forward with a hoarse voice, unable to catch Chen Yunru's slowly falling body. He could only watch his lover fall from the sky like a kite with broken strings.He ran downstairs crazily and irrationally, and knelt in front of Chen Yunru.Mo Junjie held Chen Yunru's body, feeling her body temperature gradually dissipate, and the grief that could not be taken away even if she screamed in pain.

Everything seemed to develop according to the predetermined ending. Li Ziwei, who failed to arrive in time, could only accept Chen Yunru's death and watch Mo Junjie being taken away as the murderer.But in fact, it was Mo Junjie who was supposed to be holding Chen Yunru's body upstairs, holding the glass shards that killed her.Although it did not change the fact that Chen Yunru died, important things have changed a lot in the details.

And Huang Yuxuan, who returned to her own era because of Chen Yunru's death, took all this tragedy on herself.If she hadn't been the initiator to intervene in Chen Yunru's life, perhaps even if she lived an unhappy life, she would at least have a future. If there was a future, there would be hope, and she wouldn't be like now, withering before her life had even begun.

Huang Yuxuan told Uncle Wen Lei the truth about Chen Yunru's death, which also gave her family an explanation.Uncle Wen Lei also clearly understood that the fundamental reason for Chen Yunru's death was actually caused by these so-called family members.As a family member, no one has ever cared about Chen Yunru's sadness, which actually made her feel unwanted.

Every time he travels through time, time will move forward a little bit. Uncle Wenlei hopes that Huang Yuxuan will go back to the past again, and maybe he can stop it.However, Huang Yuxuan had already tried it the moment she woke up, but the dilapidated Walkman failed to give her another chance.

《Someday or One Day》E26Plot

Episode 26

After I lost you, how many times did I dream back in the middle of the night, wishing that I could meet you again in the same time and space.You are Li Ziwei, and I am Huang Yuxuan from 32 Records.But tears brought Huang Yuxuan back to reality. She wished that Chen Yunru had never appeared and that she could take her place in her life and meet Li Ziwei.It's a pity that there is no if in the world. Part of Huang Yuxuan died with Chen Yunru, and part of Chen Yunru was also taken away by Huang Yuxuan, living together and dying together.

Huang Yuxuan never gave up trying to repair the Walkman, but without exception, the answer she got was that it could no longer be repaired.However, this time, fortunately, she did not give up missing her and her strong desire to see Li Ziwei.When Huang Yuxuan sat in the car despairingly, holding the tape and putting it in the car player, Wu Bai's “last dance” sounded again.

Following the singing, when Huang Yuxuan opened her eyes again, Chen Yunru's body was losing balance and falling backwards.However, Huang Yuxuan, who didn't want to die, stretched out her hands, so that Mo Junjie didn't miss the chance to save her by the slightest chance.Huang Yuxuan was extremely surprised to be rescued, and she was extremely lucky to have Mo Junjie by Chen Yunru's side.

When Huang Yuxuan and Mo Junjie went downstairs safely, Li Ziwei, who had just arrived, suddenly held her in his arms.There was no need for Huang Yuxuan's words or any external factors. As long as she stood in front of him, it was enough for Li Ziwei to recognize Huang Yuxuan.However, although they have saved Chen Yunru's life now, as long as Huang Yuxuan still appears here, it is enough to show that nothing has changed in the future.

Fortunately, Huang Yuxuan has discovered the crux of the time travel. Before, they all mistakenly thought that one of the necessary conditions for time travel was to listen to the Walkman, but in fact, the tape was the key.With the arrival of a new day, Huang Yuxuan said goodbye to everyone and asked Mo Junjie to help her destroy the tapes.However, if time travel is no longer possible and Huang Yuxuan has never appeared in their lives, then everything about her will disappear. This is a fact that they must face.

Mo Junjie took the tape to the abandoned building, where everything will end and start again.Huang Yuxuan and Li Ziwei came to the beach to say goodbye again, and they hugged each other.Even though the memory will disappear, the love will remain in the heart forever, and they look forward to meeting again in the future to awaken the love deep in their hearts again.The moment the tape was burned, the kissing figures of Huang Yuxuan and Li Ziwei instantly turned into light and shadow. Everything stayed at the most beautiful moment, and the most beautiful everything will eventually dissipate with time.

Huang Yuxuan returned to the rental house again, and Li Ziwei appeared in her home.The traces of Huang Yuxuan's past, and everything belonging to Huang Yuxuan and Wang Quansheng are slowly disappearing.In the end, they will all forget each other, and there may still be a vague love in their hearts that cannot be let go, but that may not gradually become clear until they meet again.

Xie Zhiqi could no longer hurt Chen Yunru through time travel, and everything returned to the time of her car accident.Chen Yunru woke up in the hospital, with only Mo Junjie by her side.And Li Ziwei was lying under the big tree, recalling who the undying love in his heart belonged to.

Huang Yuxuan's shadow remained in Chen Yunru's memory, and she regarded it as a dream she had when she was in a coma.Chen Yunru, who once wanted to commit suicide, thought she was desperate, but in her dream she told herself that it was because she had too much hope.Because of this, Chen Yunru wants to give it another try. When she is willing to look back on the past and look forward to the future, she will naturally find that the world is not as bad as she imagined.

At the same time, in the same place, Li Ziwei bought another sugar cake.When he sat on the motorcycle and opened his mouth to eat, he saw the lost little girl again.Still making the same choice, Li Ziwei took the little girl to find her way home, took her to eat delicious food, and answered questions that made her feel helpless.

He said his name was Li Ziwei.She said her name was Huang Yuxuan.She hoped that Li Ziwei would never forget herself, and he promised that he would never forget a girl named Huang Yuxuan.Different from before, this time it is repeated over and over again, and it will not be forgotten over and over again.As long as Li Ziwei is still Li Ziwei and Huang Yuxuan is still Huang Yuxuan, their choices will never change...

Someday or One Day

Someday or One Day

Total 26 Episodes Nov 17, 2019 Myst/Rom Actor: Xu Guanghan Xu Guanghan Ke Jiayan Ke Jiayan