《Tokyo Swindlers》Ep Intro

《Tokyo Swindlers》Adapted from Nobuo Taka's compelling novel, it tells the story of a high-stakes game of real estate fraud.This thrilling crime drama is helmed by versatile director Hitoshi Ohne, whose eagerly awaited project will star Ayano Tsuyoshi and Toyokawa Etsuji.The story reveals an unprecedented series of crimes perpetrated by a cunning group of land fraudsters who used property sales as bait to steal large sums of money.

Real estate prices in Tokyo are starting to soar again.Tsujimoto Takumi (Go Ayano) meets Harrison Yamanaka (Etsuji Toyokawa), the leader of a notorious real estate fraud ring.Takumi, along with informant Takeshita (Kitamura Ikki), imposter recruiter Reiko (Koike Eiko), and legal advisor Goto (Taki Masanori), assist in the real estate fraud as negotiators.Their next target is an unprecedented case: a 10 billion yen real estate scam.Police are relentless in their pursuit of scammers as they skillfully maneuver with landowners and major developers desperate to change land use.At the same time, Takumi's past and Harrison's unethical methods are gradually revealed.Pursued by the police, these scammers took huge risks to carry out fraudulent transactions.Can they pull off this 10 billion yen scam?

《Tokyo Swindlers》E1Plot

Episode 1

The skeleton of a woman from the prefecture was discovered in the most expensive apartment in the city center. The police investigated and concluded that the woman was probably killed by Tokyo Swindlers while she was still alive.

The Tokyo Swindlers are a group of people who have no moral bottom line and use vacant houses and land to defraud.

The police traced the founder of the Tokyo Swindlers, a man named Harrison. They used empty houses and vacant lots in the city that no one cared about, and weaved a series of scams that were fake and real.They carefully selected avatars to pretend to be homeowners, and combined them with perfectly forged documents to lure the target company into a trap step by step.

The real estate owner Kenichi Shimazaki decided to sell a piece of land under his name at 36-8-7 Ebisu, Numaya-ku, Tokyo, and the buyer was a real estate company.

Harrison's informant Takeshita learned that the old man Shimazaki Kenichi had been bedridden in the hospital for a long time and had no relatives, so he introduced the land to Harrison.

After Harrison led people to conduct an on-site inspection, he found that the land was valuable and immediately took action.As a professional legal advisor, Goto easily gained the trust of the target customers. He took the target customers to Shimazaki Kenichi Real Estate and asked them to conduct observations in order to purchase the land.

The target customer expressed that he wanted to meet Kenichi Shimazaki and determined whether he needed to sell his house.The Harrison gang then brought the fake homeowners with them to conduct transactions.Because this fake landlord owed a lot of money, Harrison took a fancy to him and invited him to act in the show.

In order to ensure the legality and credibility of the transaction, it is necessary to confirm Shimazaki Kenichi's identity; including confirming his identity document, driver's license, and his date of birth and home address.

Just when he was about to sign the contract, an employee suddenly asked him about his birth information and where he often went to buy groceries.The Tokyo Swindlers gang had never thought about things like grocery shopping, so they were confused when asked.

“Householder” peed his pants at this time. When Kuo Hai took him to the toilet to deal with it, he suddenly said that there was a Peacock Supermarket nearby from home to the station.But he often goes to the lifestyle supermarket across the street from Waiyuan Xitong.

However, all this is controlled by the Tokyo Swindlers collective behind the scenes. When the question cannot be answered, KuohaiSecretly pouring water on the old man's pants and taking him to the toilet, he put wireless headphones in the old man's ears.

Episode 1

After hearing what the old man said, the current customer handed over the contract and signed it without any further thought.

After Harrison received the money, they set their sights on another big deal, which was a temple in the city center. There was only one nun there, and the land was worth at least 10 billion.Just when they wanted to take action, the police were secretly watching their every move.

Harrison had been caught by police before but was later released due to lack of evidence.They need evidence to bring them to justice.

《Tokyo Swindlers》E2Plot

Episode 2

The boss of a newly established real estate developer discovered that the real estate household registration change form had been rejected by the supervision department, and no reason could be found.In the end, they discovered that there was an elaborate scam hidden behind it, directed by Harrison's gang.They used their superb disguise skills and in-depth understanding of the legal process to successfully deceive the developer. Even the real head of the household, the old man, did not realize that his rights and interests were being infringed upon.

Murakata, a veteran detective in the police station, submitted his retirement application to Superintendent Haneda as he was about to end his 40-year career without any obstacles. His heart was full of expectations and peace for the upcoming retirement life.However, this tranquility did not last long. As an anxious real estate developer stepped into the police station to report a crime, Murakata's attention was instantly attracted.Especially when the developer mentioned the keyword “Tokyo Swindlers”, Murakata's eyes flashed with a touch of imperceptible excitement, because Harrison, the senior Tokyo Swindlers who he had been tracking for a long time but failed to bring to justice, came to his mind again.

Episode 2

The developer's experience was depressing. The huge loss of 1 billion yen may have flowed overseas. The news that there was no hope of recovery made him emotionally collapsed.But Murakata knew that this was not just a simple economic crime case, but also a challenge to justice and law.He decided to use his rich experience and his last days before retirement to go all out to uncover the truth and seek justice for the victims, while also drawing a regretless end to his criminal police career.

At the same time, in the mountains and forests far away from the hustle and bustle, Harrison was enjoying the fun of hunting with his protégé Takumi.Harrison has high hopes for Takumi and regards him as the future star of the team. Behind this trust lies Takumi's unknown tragic past.Takumi, who once had a happy family, lost everything due to the conspiracy of Tokyo Swindlers. His family was ruined and he became a loner.It wasn't until he met Harrison that he seemed to find a glimmer of light in life, but he also stepped into another world full of danger and unknowns.

As the break ended, the five-person team quickly gathered, and their goal was directly at the temple worth 10 billion yen.Intelligence officer Takeshita first shared key information, revealing the lonely situation of the nun, the hostess of the temple, and the tragic background of her father's assassination by Harrisonite killers.this arduous task

The team realized that in order for the real estate developer to successfully inspect the house, the nuns had to be cleverly lured out of the temple.This task falls to Takumi.

Lizi faced another challenge - finding and training an actor who could play the nun perfectly.This task seems simple, but in fact it is very difficult, because not only does the actor have to be similar in appearance and age to a nun, but he also needs to shave his head to match the image of a nun. Such conditions greatly narrow the scope of screening.

During the intense planning process, intelligence officer Takeshita suddenly challenged Harrison and asked for additional cash support for the activities.Although Takeshita's request exceeded expectations, Harrison still chose to compromise for the sake of the overall situation.

On the other side, Shiyang Housing Group is experiencing a storm.There were quarrels in high-level meetings, and the sudden withdrawal of capital by the partners was like a heavy blow, putting the group into financial difficulties.As the project leader, Mr. Qingteng was under tremendous pressure. He vowed to find new projects to make up for the group's losses.Qingteng acted quickly and mobilized the entire department to search for investable real estate projects throughout Tokyo, striving to fill the funding gap quickly and efficiently.

As the police investigation deepened, veteran detective Murakata and his assistant Short-haired Girl accidentally obtained a key clue in the process of tracking the Tokyo Swindlers case - a letter that was mistakenly sent to them.The handwriting of this letter was familiar, and after comparison, it was confirmed that it came from the suspect Takumi they were secretly following.Although the content of the letter is unknown, it was apparently delivered to the police station by mistake and was originally supposed to be personal belongings at Takumi's home.

Meanwhile, in the shadow of the temple, the unusual pair of Takumi and Fatty lurk at a nearby construction site.Takumi, as the mastermind of the entire plan, appeared calm and cunning. He stared in the direction of the temple, closely monitoring the nun's every move, trying to figure out her daily routine and habits to prepare for the next action.

Takumi's thoughts couldn't help but drift back to that dark night five years ago, when a sudden fire that destroyed his family completely changed his life.After that, he was forced to embark on another path and became a full-time driver for a prostitution company, traveling between cities every day and delivering call girls to various hotels.

One ordinary night, when he sent a girl to the hotel as usual, he never waited for her return.When he opened the door, he was shocked by what he saw - the young lady had suffocated and fell to the ground, dying.But that guest, sitting aside leisurely, tried to silence Takumi with money, and even sent someone to handle the funeral affairs.

But Takumi did not choose silence and compromise as he wished.He refused the hush money that could change his life, but resolutely chose to save people.After some hard work, he miraculously snatched the young lady back from the hands of death.This move not only impressed the guest Harrison, but also made him realize the unusual fierceness and tenacity in Takumi.In Harrison's eyes, Takumi and himself are the same kind of people, the kind of people who can find a way out in desperate situations and achieve their goals at all costs.

At this time, the nun's unusual behavior interrupted Takumi's memories.The temple should have been quiet at night, but the appearance of a long-haired woman broke the tranquility.Takumi recognized it at a glance as a nun in disguise. She went out late at night and acted strangely, which aroused Takumi's high vigilance.As he drove to follow, he discovered that the nun had gone to the hotel. This discovery made him even more convinced that there must be an ulterior secret behind the nun.

At the same time, in another corner of the city, Mr. Qingteng of Shiyang Housing Group is still rushing for the future of the company.He found Lao Lin, a well-informed real estate agent, and tried to get more housing information from him to meet the company's urgent needs.However, Lao Lin's attitude frustrated him.On the other side, in the hotel, Takumi used high-tech means to successfully sneak into the room next to the nun and prepare to find out.

The sound of breathing coming from the partition wall shocked Takumi. He never expected that this nun, who was usually ascetic and believed in Buddhism, would indulge in a hotel with many cowherds in the middle of the night.This scene has undoubtedly become a trump card in Takumi's hand.He realized that the nun's lustful journey was her weakness, and he was ready to take advantage of this to achieve his own goals.

《Tokyo Swindlers》E3Plot

Episode 3

Every self-soothing movement of the old nun is accompanied by the tapping sound of the wooden fish, which seems to have become a ritual for her spiritual sustenance.Since her husband fled the country, her soul has been plunged into an extreme longing for male companionship. Whenever she feels depressed, she will summon the Cowherd to comfort her.Although her private life is secretive and indulgent, it has long been secretly spied on by the Tokyo Swindlers group.

The Tokyo Swindlers Group, an organization that lives by fraud, focuses on the temple land where the nuns live, trying to make tens of billions of dollars through fraud.In order to achieve this goal, they not only recorded the nun's private life in detail, but also carefully planned a scam.Harrison, the head of the Tokyo Swindlers Group, personally took charge. Not only did he use intermediaries as pawns in an attempt to get close to large real estate development groups, he also decisively removed this obstacle after the intermediaries greedily demanded prices.

Harrison knew that in order to successfully commit the fraud, he had to get hold of the nun and lure her away.So, he sent Reiko to recruit a substitute, and assigned Takumi to distract the nun.After Takumi learns about the nun's obsession with Kaede, the top member of the Cowherd Club, he decides to take advantage of this.He dressed up in disguise, worried that a client would take a fancy to him while at work. Takumi also specially put disfigured fake skin on his face and sneaked into Kaede's club. Starting as a waiter, he gradually approached and monitored Kaede.

During his days at the club, Takumi not only observed Feng's daily life, but also discovered Feng's extravagant attitude towards life.This gave him a plan to use Feng's weakness at the right time to achieve his goal.

Returning to his residence, Takumi stared at the face covered in fake skin in the mirror, and couldn't help but think of his father's burns and the desperate figure who was carried away many years ago. They haunted him like a nightmare and became an indispensable part of his life.Erased shadow.The root of all this stems from a wrong decision he made when he was young - introducing Tokyo Swindlers, who was disguised as a real estate agent, to his father.

Takumi's father, who was once the owner of a small real estate development company full of passion and dreams, fell into the abyss because of that fatal transaction.Not only did the company go bankrupt, but the family was torn apart.Faced with this sudden blow, my father chose an extreme method - setting himself on fire to try to end all this pain.However, fate played a cruel joke on him. Instead of successfully escaping, he lost his mind in despair, which ultimately led to the unfortunate death of his wife and Takumi's wife.This series of tragedies was like a heavy mountain, weighing Takumi breathless.

Now that Takumi's father is in jail, if the police investigate him, they can easily trace Takumi.

The police officer's visit fills the air with tension and mystery. The reason why they are looking for Takumi is like a fog, making it impossible to pry into the truth behind it.Takumi's father knew nothing about this. His world was still stuck in the memory of his son's innocent past. It was completely unimaginable that Takumi was now trapped in the whirlpool of the Tokyo Swindlers Group.The police officer's inquiries were fruitless, so he had to find another way to continue tracking Takumi.

At the same time, Takumi was intensively advancing their plan.After a long period of waiting and planning, Nun Kawai finally appeared, and she once again stepped into Feng's Cowherd Club.However, even after spending a huge amount of money, Kaede failed to meet all her requirements and instead pushed the task to Takumi.For the sake of the overall situation, Takumi had to put aside his pride and go all out to complete this embarrassing “performance”.Afterwards, Feng's ridicule was like a sharp blade, deeply hurting Takumi's heart, but he knew that all of this was for a greater goal.

As night falls, Feng once again plans to go out for fun.Takumi's inner anger and dissatisfaction has reached its peak, and he can no longer bear this kind of life of being used as a tool.So, he decisively called his subordinates and ordered them to take action immediately.Ten minutes later, a group of well-trained men broke into the room where Feng was and gave him a violent beating.It was only then that Takumi finally took off his disguise and revealed his true face.

At this moment, Takumi is no longer the waiter who endured his humiliation in the Cowherd Club, but a ruthless member of the Tokyo Swindlers group.

《Tokyo Swindlers》E4Plot

Episode 4

Takeshita was physically and mentally exhausted due to drug abuse and no longer appeared in front of Harrison and Takumi.Reiko works in a hotel in Atami, and at the same time gets acquainted with Taniguchi, a woman who is very similar to Kawai.

Episode 4

Taniguchi's husband failed to run a restaurant, was in debt, suffered from hair loss due to stress, and had a son with congenital heart disease who required huge medical expenses.After learning that he could get 5 million yen, Taniguchi agreed to act as Kawai's substitute.Based on the information he heard from Masami Tsujimoto in prison, Kuramochi found the tombstones Takumi had built for his wife and son in Inori, Izu.

After Chen learned that Lin Lisheng had been killed, he went to his office.The calendar says Abil Holdings, and he starts spying on Abil from a nearby coffee shop.Tatsu enters the cafe before Takumi and Goto confer with Aoyagi.Goto said to Takumi: “I think Lin Lisheng was killed by Harrison... When this is over, I will quit.”Takumi and others left the store and entered Abil's building.Chen leaves the cafe and approaches the building, but is kidnapped by Harrison's men.Takumi and Goto join Abiru in negotiations with Aoyagi and his men.They agreed to sell the land for 11.2 billion yen, and completing internal approval within two weeks was their condition for Aoyagi.

In an abandoned building, Harrison showed Chen a video of his family, trying to create the illusion of a suicide.If you don't jump out of here, I will kill your family.% Harrison threatened.Chen felt scared, and Harrison said that if he was afraid of jumping, he would push him after three countdowns.Surprisingly, Harrison pushed Chen after the countdown.Chen fell in the air with a fearful expression, suffered severe head injuries and died.

《Tokyo Swindlers》E5Plot

Episode 5

Kuramochi was asked by Chen's wife to attend Chen's funeral and learned that there was something wrong with the contents of his suicide note.Kuramochi received instructions from his boss Director Haba (Harrison's spy) to stop tracking the Tokyo Swindlers, but he decided to continue investigating the cause of Chen's death until the truth was revealed.Tatsu's wife gave Tatsu Kuramochi's acquaintance and intelligence agent Kubota's phone number.

Episode 5

Kubota became angry after hearing the news of Chen's death and began to search for information about the Tokyo Swindlers.He discovered that Nishitani, the Tokyo Swindler who deceived Takumi's father 8 years ago, whose real name is Saeki, is now lurking in Manila, Philippines.Kaede is threatened by Takumi into traveling to Okinawa with Kawai Sumiji.In order not to meet during identity verification at Seokyo’s house.

Aoyagi tried to obtain a resolution of 11.2 billion yen, but was opposed by Sunaga and others from the chairman's faction.So he asked the president to conduct a land inspection first and used this fact to force the directors' resolution through.

《Tokyo Swindlers》E6Plot

Episode 6

Kuramochi went to visit the gravesite of Takumi's family on the anniversary of their death.Takumi appears.Kuramochi asked: “Are you that Tokyo Swindlers?”Takumi tried to pretend that nothing happened and drove away, but accidentally hit Kuramochi.“Whether it's to get revenge or to push someone to hell, you become that side too.”Kuramochi said.Takumi leaves.The day before the meeting with Ishiyo Mansion for the final settlement, the pretender Taniguchi's son unfortunately died.Taniguchi can no longer be used.Harrison threatens Reiko: “You have to play the role of pretender!”Reiko was forced to shave her head.

Episode 6

On the morning of the meeting and settlement day, Kaede and Kawai took a plane and landed at Naha Airport in Okinawa.However, later, Takeshita, who was waiting for him, was stabbed multiple times in the toilet and died.Takeshita showed the photo of Kaede's body to Kawai, handed over the plane ticket, and “will kill you if you don't return to Tokyo immediately”, to put pressure on him.Kawai boarded the plane.Takeshita faced Harrison.Harrison kidnapped Takeshita, beat him several times in the ruins by the sea, and asked him about the reason for his betrayal.Takeshita said:“When the situation is over, you will kill your companions, so before that I want to mess up the plan and kill you myself.” Harrison stepped on Takeshita's head multiple times causing his death.

Harrison called Takumi and said: Kawai will return to Tokyo and handle it himself.“ Takumi, Goto and Reiko pretending to be Kawaii met Ishihiro's Aoyagi and others in the hotel lounge area.Aoyagi insists on confirming Kawai's identity, but Takumi's clever response resolves the deadlock.Everyone went to visit the temple.Takumi ordered Orochi to: ”capture Kawai as he left the airport.%However, Orochi failed.The taxi he was following Kawai in had an accident.

《Tokyo Swindlers》E7Plot

Episode 7

Takumi, Goto and Reiko pretended to be Kawai's resident staff and went to the temple together, and met Ishihiro's Aoyagi and others.The real Kawai has not yet arrived (because Orochi changed the keys to the temple in advance).After visiting the temple, Aoyagi showed a letter from Kawai Shuzhi stating that the land would never be sold.Goto tried to hide it, saying that this was a common behind-the-scenes activity in other industries.Reiko impromptuly displayed an important cultural property and declared in tears that "I didn't write this letter".Qingliu believed her.After they left the temple, Takumi and Goto saw Kawai's taxi leaving, and they were anxious and quickly closed the door.Reiko also quickly closed the entrance to the temple and tried to escape.

Episode 7

Avil Holdings made final settlement, and Takumi and others' Tokyo Swindlers fraud scheme was completed.Qingliu and others had a carnival and a drink at the banquet, and he hugged the company secretary.A few days later, the real Kawai resident called the police and found someone measuring the land, and Aoyagi learned that the Legal Affairs Bureau refused to transfer the land.During the heavy rain, Aoyagi went to Kawaii's land, met the real Kawaii resident, was accused of being an impostor and was caught.Qingliu realized that he had been deceived, and rushed to the road with a pale face. Unfortunately, he was hit by a truck and died. Harrison stood in the crowd wearing an umbrella.

Reiko left the money in front of Taniguchi's house and was surrounded by Harrison's men while walking alone at night.Goto's family happily talked about immigrating to Canada at a yakiniku restaurant, but Goto was attacked and killed in the toilet.Takumi is shocked to learn from Kuramochi that Saeki's accomplice is Harrison.Kuramochi left a photo of Harrison and Saeki and left, and Takumi confronted Harrison.Harrison said that our meeting was purely coincidental and we wanted to make progress together with similar people. Takumi pointed his gun at Harrison and was stabbed by a big snake.It turns out that Harrison told him that to become Tokyo Swindlers, he must stab Takumi, and finally Harrison shot the snake.

Takumi and Harrison fight, and Kuramochi also appears (Takumi is tracked via GPS).Kuramochi restrained Harrison and picked up the gun.Harrison throws the grenade and Takumi throws it away, but the impact of the explosion sends him flying.After Takumi was arrested and sent to the hospital, he admitted that he was involved in the work of Tokyo Swindlers.He said he would actively assist the investigation.The police entered Shiyanglou to investigate and launched a large-scale Tokyo Swindlers fraud raid.Abiliu was successfully arrested and 1 billion yen was recovered, but 10 billion yen was still unrecovered.Harrison, who escaped, was engaged in hunting activities overseas.

Tokyo Swindlers

Tokyo Swindlers

Total 7 Episodes Jul 25, 2024 Japan Crime/Plot