《In Between》Ep Intro

Adult love has never been a smooth road. Everyone regards the love scene as a battlefield, and they are highly vigilant and practice skills, but they don't know that winning in the love scene only requires sincerity.

The characters in the play are contrasting. Everyone has their own thoughts and agendas. In the play, Tian Xiwei and Zhou Yutong play the roles of He Zhinan who seeks love and Han Su who makes a living respectively. The collision of sensibility and rationality creates a different reversal of the plot. Xin Yunlai subverts the past.The image of the work challenges the role of Qu Yipeng, who is dedicated to making a living, Long Aotian, Zhang Zhehua's surprise counterattack, and finally plays the rich second generation“ Young Master” for a while, and there are more unexpected starring combinations.

《In Between》E1Plot

How did you know that Nan Qu and Yipeng met?

He Zhinan was going to be late for work soon, so she quickly got up to clean up and rushed to the company.Fortunately, I entered the company at this point and was not late.Sitting at the workstation, He Zhinan took a bite of snacks first. She heard her colleagues discussing for a while that the new manager Qu Yipeng was coming.They all said that Qu Yipeng was handsome and gentle and was the ideal type of many girls. He Zhinan said how handsome he could be.One of the girls said that even Sister J liked him. Just as Sister J was coming, she asked everyone to move quickly and stop chatting.He Zhinan was thinking to himself whether the blueberry-flavored candies were more delicious or the lemon-flavored ones. Qu Yipeng came and told He Zhinan that the blueberry-flavored candies were delicious.

He Zhinan asked him if he was here to attend the lecture and found a seat for him. Sister J came and took him away before she could find him.A good friend of He Zhinan and her boyfriend have been together for seven years, but when it was time to get married, they started to have trouble.In order to save money, the man replaced the promised real flowers with fake flowers, and said that the woman was not willing to marry him even if she was not willing to marry him.This reminded He Zhinan of Gao Peng, her boyfriend of seven years. The two had been in a long-distance relationship.Her good friend Sun Hanhan told her that this was actually quite good. He Zhinan said that she now uses those beautiful memories to fight against time.

The two were chatting and He Zhinan said that she was going to get some more food. As soon as she walked over, she saw Qu Yipeng.He Zhinan could only look at him and did not dare to come forward to say hello.Sun Hanhan asked her why she didn't say hello, and He Zhinan said that she was afraid of society and she wasn't familiar with him.Sun Hanhan told her that she had applied for a card at a high-end gym. He Zhinan said that the gym was very expensive.Sun Hanhan said that in order to find a high-quality man, she came to the gym and prepared to run on the treadmill.But the treadmill wouldn't turn on, and a man happened to help her turn it on.After Sun Hanhan finished, she waited at the door to talk to the man. Unexpectedly, he just responded to her briefly and left.

He Zhinan met Qu Yipeng again while eating. Because there was no place left, the two had to share the table.When checking out, He Zhinan wanted the waiter to get it for them separately. Qu Yipeng said it was too troublesome. He said he could just ask He Zhinan to send it to him later. Besides, he was also willing to treat He Zhinan to dinner.The two of them added each other on WeChat, and He Zhinan asked Sun Hanhan how she could send red envelopes to him in a way that looked appropriate and cute.After thinking about it, He Zhinan sent a thank you, and Qu Yipeng replied with an emoticon.Qu Yipeng fell asleep waiting for his girlfriend Han Su to come back at home, but when Han Su came back, he still got up and heated food for her.

Han Su asked Qu Yipeng to finish writing the article in his hand quickly, saying that he would definitely be interested in it.Qu Yipeng felt that it was too late, but Han Su said that he would stay up late with him.When Han Su came out of the shower, he found Qu Yipeng asleep. Han Su stayed up all night to help Qu Yipeng finish the article.Qu Yipeng asked her to take a day off today, but Han Su said that today's meeting was very important to her and she had to attend. Qu Yipeng left helplessly.Xu Ying still did not marry her husband and became single.He Zhinan and the others drank together, and Xu Ying got drunk and said that Gao Peng's family was getting richer and richer now, and she would have agreed to it in the first place.He Zhinan asked her what she meant, and they all said it was nothing.

When He Zhinan returned after sending Xu Ying away, he heard several girls discussing that Gao Peng was chasing Xu Ying, but Xu Ying didn't like him.He also said that Gao Peng also invited them to Kangding, but none of them agreed. Only He Zhinan agreed.If they had known that Gao Peng's family was rich now, they would have agreed to go to Kangding with him. He Zhinan cried and left after hearing this.Qu Yipeng forgot to reply to an event held by He Zhinan's company. He asked He Zhinan what to do if he forgot to reply.When He Zhinan saw that the place was full, she told Qu Yipeng that it didn't matter and that he could just come to her directly when he comes tomorrow. Qu Yipeng said that he was very grateful to her.

《In Between》E2Plot

Qu Yipeng targets He Zhinan

Han Su came to the company early in the morning and found her leader, Lawyer Xu, who told her that she wanted to fight for the opportunity to go to Hong Kong.Lawyer Xu told her that she already had a candidate and let her practice here again.Han Su didn't want to stay here. She wanted to be promoted, so she said she wanted to go to Hong Kong.Lawyer Xu said that there was still a language barrier problem. Unexpectedly, Han Su opened her mouth and started speaking Cantonese. She told Lawyer Xu that she had been studying for more than a year. Lawyer Xu knew that she came prepared and asked her to apply for materials.Lawyer Xu asked her what to do with her boyfriend after three years of absence. Han Su said that Qu Yipeng would support her, and left happily.

Qu Yipeng came to He Zhinan's company and was about to talk to her when he was pulled away by Sister J. The colleagues next to him said that boys from small counties like them like girls like Sister J who have a successful career and can help him.Don't hold him responsible yet.He Zhinan knew she couldn't compete, so she lowered her head silently.Later, she received a message from Qu Yipeng thanking her. He Zhinan said that it was his own effort and no need to thank her.Sun Hanhan's colleague Monica met a boss because of her, and now the two are getting married.Monica came to the company to give out wedding candies to everyone. Sister Xin and Sun Hanhan were in the lounge saying that she had turned her clients into husbands so quickly.

After saying that, the two of them came out with smiles to congratulate Monica. Monica said she had to thank Sun Hanhan, because if it weren't for herself, she wouldn't have known Mr. Sun.After saying that, Sun Hanhan and Sister Xin looked at each other with unwillingness on their faces.Qu Yipeng sent another text message to He Zhinan, asking her to help him. If she did not agree to his invitation, he would be entangled by Sister J.He Zhinan told him that he would decide the time and place, and he reluctantly agreed.The two of them came to the place to eat. Qu Yipeng said that he didn't know He Zhinan's taste and decided to go to this Western restaurant.He Zhinan said that he was a local and could eat everything.

Qu Yipeng asked her if she lived with her parents. He Zhinan said that she lived alone and her parents had already bought the house.Qu Yipeng said that he was from the mountains and had to rent a house to live here.After the two of them finished eating, Qu Yipeng said that they should send He Zhinan home first. In fact, they lived in the same community and were door to door.Qu Yipeng knew this a long time ago, but he deceived He Zhinan.After returning home, He Zhinan called Sun Hanhan and told him that Qu Yipeng's family was in Liuzhou, which was very difficult. Sun Hanhan said that he was a Phoenix man.He Zhinan asked her not to label others casually. She felt that Qu Yipeng was so good and was willing to talk to her about it. She felt that Qu Yipeng was very real.

As soon as Qu Yipeng said this, he sent He Zhinan a text message asking her to eat tiramisu together. He Zhinan's heartbeat immediately accelerated.She recalled the sweetness when she and Gao Peng had just been together, and He Zhinan cried and asked if she could go back to that time.But in the end she decided to go eat tiramisu with Qu Yipeng. Han Su's colleague Zhao Shan wanted to go to Hong Kong very much. She asked Han Su if she could withdraw her application.Han Su said that she was not the only one to submit the application. If she was strong enough, she could definitely go. Why should she withdraw her application?Han Su did not agree, so Zhao Shan scolded her for being shameless.When Han Su returned home, she saw Qu Yipeng eating snail noodles. She asked him how the new energy project she introduced to him a few days ago was going.

Qu Yipeng told her that she hadn't even finished her horoscope yet, so Han Su asked him to open the window or else the smell of sour bamboo shoots wouldn't escape.The two quarreled because of this. Qu Yipeng felt that Han Su disliked him, so Han Su said that he didn't want to see someone sleeping soundly without completing the work.Han Su was working hard on the side, while Qu Yipeng was playing games on the side, showing no ambition at all.He knew that his background was not good, but he did not think of changing it. Instead, he fell in love with He Zhinan, who owned a house locally.Qu Yipeng was notified on his mobile phone that tomorrow would be his fourth anniversary with Han Su, but he changed it to tiramisu.

《In Between》E3Plot

He Zhinan and Gao Pengti break up

When Han Su and Qu Yipeng were arguing, her mother suddenly called her via video and asked her how to use the Tmall Elf that Qu Yipeng bought her.Han Su asked her to read the manual, but her mother said she couldn't understand it, and Han Su felt a little depressed.Qu Yipeng quickly walked over and took the phone to Han Su's mother to tell her how to use it. When Han Su came out from the balcony, he saw Qu Yipeng sealing the jar of sour bamboo shoots with plastic wrap.Han Su apologized to Qu Yipeng, and Qu Yipeng said that he was also at fault. Han Su told him that he was going to Shanghai on a business trip for three days tomorrow.Qu Yipeng took the jar of pickled bamboo shoots to the aisle and put it in the fireproof cabinet, and changed the fourth anniversary in his hand to tiramisu.

Sun Hanhan's business trip had been completed and the results were very good. She called her leader, Sister Xin, and asked her if she could go back tomorrow. She couldn't bear to catch a flight overnight.Sister Xin agreed and asked her to have a good rest today.Sun Hanhan sent a WeChat message to Mr. Zhou who helped her at the airport and asked him if he had time. She wanted to treat him to a meal to thank him for helping her at the airport.Mr. Zhou agreed and asked her to have dinner with her, and Sun Hanhan even went to buy some clothes.Han Su told Zeng Cheng that she had applied to go to Hong Kong, and Zeng Cheng asked her if she had told Qu Yipeng.Han Su said that the application has not been received yet and that he would be told when the time comes.

Zeng Cheng asked her if she went to Hong Kong to take revenge on that person, but Han Su said nothing.Zeng Cheng asked how she and Qu Yipeng were doing, and Han Su said that she used to look up to him, and his eyes and smiles made her excited, but now she no longer feels that way.Zeng Cheng felt that Han Su was still a little girl in graduate school at that time. Now she has grown up too fast, while Qu Yipeng is still standing still.Zeng Cheng felt that Han Su was now looking up to Qu Yipeng, looking down at him, and then looking at him closely. Han Su said that Qu Yipeng was very good to him.After thinking about it, Han Su decided to apply to go home with her boss. She remembered that today was their fourth anniversary.

Qu Yipeng was just about to ask He Zhinan to eat tiramisu, but he didn't expect Han Su to come back.Han Su said that today is their fourth anniversary and he prepared a computer for Qu Yipeng. Qu Yipeng said that he did not prepare a gift for her. Han Su said that he would just let him cook a meal for her.However, Qu Yipeng took Han Su to the mall to buy the shoes she had been eyeing for a long time. When it was time to pay, Qu Yipeng received a call from home. His father was injured.After hearing this, Han Su knew that Qu Yipeng needed money, so she did not buy the shoes.Qu Yipeng asked her why she didn't want them anymore, and Han Su said that she didn't like them. In fact, she wanted those shoes very much.

Sun Hanhan dressed up and put on a new dress and went to see Lawyer Zhou. Lawyer Zhou's eyes lit up when he saw her.The two of them entered the dining room together. As soon as they entered, Lawyer Zhou was invited to sit down.Sun Hanhan was sitting at another table. Sun Hanhan kept looking at Lawyer Zhou, and she kept being asked for her WeChat account.He Zhinan was eating cherries while watching the video, and suddenly she accidentally swallowed the cherry pit.She thought of the first time she and Gao Peng kissed, Gao Peng swallowed the cherry pit, and He Zhinan called him to ask if he remembered. Gao Peng didn't remember at all. He had forgotten about being with He Zhinan.

He Zhinan was about to cry. She asked Gao Peng if he thought about it. Gao Peng said he did, but He Zhinan said that he was imagining it.He Zhinan felt that Gao Peng didn't love her anymore, so she sent Gao Peng an email to break up.Gao Peng gave her a lot of luxury goods. Sun Hanhan looked very envious, but He Zhinan threw them all out angrily.Sun Hanhan quickly moved her things back, and He Zhinan was going to sell them all.She cried when she saw a bracelet because Gao Peng had saved up money to buy it for her after being hungry for half the semester.He Zhinan told Sun Hanhan that the gifts given by Gao Peng became more and more expensive, but only this bracelet had his love.Because Qu Yipeng failed to make an appointment with He Zhinan for tiramisu, he lied to He Zhinan that his father was ill and was hospitalized.

《In Between》E4Plot

Han Su is going to Hong Kong

When Sun Hanhan and He Zhinan were eating together, Sun Hanhan had a stomachache.He Zhinan felt that it had been a long time and he needed to register for a hospital visit, but the city hospital's number was gone.She was going to go to a private hospital, but Sun Hanhan told her not to go to a private hospital because it would be too expensive and she wouldn't be reimbursed.Just as Sister Xin called Sun Hanhan to ask her to go over there for something, Sun Hanhan ignored her stomachache and went to the company.After the incident, Zeng Cheng bought them food. When she shook hands with Sun Hanhan, she asked her why her hands were so cold. She gave Sun Hanhan a cup of hot milk tea.Sun Hanhan was very happy to see Zeng Cheng, because he was her idol.

When Sun Hanhan went for a run in the gym, she suddenly had a stomachache and fainted. When she woke up, she had been taken to the hospital by Mr. Zhou.The doctor told her that she had appendicitis and needed surgery. Sun Hanhan said she had to wait for her mother to come, otherwise she would be afraid.The doctor told her that this was just a minor operation, but her condition was very serious and she couldn't wait for her mother to come.Lawyer Zhou went out to answer the phone and came back. The doctor said that Sun Hanhan was missing. Lawyer Zhou hurried out to look for her. He found Sun Hanhan in a small house.Sun Hanhan cried and called He Zhinan and said that she was going to have an operation and was very afraid to ask her to accompany him. Lawyer Zhou heard this and told Sun Hanhan that the doctor who performed the operation on her was very powerful and she would accompany her.

Sun Hanhan completed the operation with the encouragement and company of lawyer Zhou. He Zhinan called her and said that he was busy.When she was busy and forgot, she quickly came over to accompany Sun Hanhan. Sun Hanhan was telling He Zhinan to come quickly and seek comfort herself just a second ago.The next second she saw Lawyer Zhou coming in, she asked He Zhinan to come back tomorrow.Lawyer Zhou came over and raised Sun Hanhan's bed, and Sun Hanhan asked him how much the medical expenses were.Lawyer Zhou asked her to rest in peace and recuperate first. Sun Hanhan said that he had already saved her life and could not let him spend any more money, otherwise she would be discharged from the hospital now.Seeing her persistence, Lawyer Zhou said that we should wait until she gets better.

When He Zhinan arrived at the company, he was ready to gossip with Coco. Unexpectedly, he was called away by Sister J and scolded her as soon as he said a few words about Coco.After she came out, He Zhinan asked her if she had offended Sister J. Ke Ke said that she just said a few words about Qu Yipeng.Her sister J was thinking about her, and she already had a good name.Coco said that when she went to the mall a few days ago, she saw Qu Yipeng pulling a girl. The girl was very beautiful and the two of them were very close.He Zhinan was very angry and sad when he heard that. Qu Yipeng was about to send He Zhinan a WeChat message but saw that he had been blocked.He turned around and thought about Han Su's desire for those high heels, but looking at his bank card balance, he was in a dilemma.

Qu Yipeng went to the company's finance and asked her to quickly insure herself for more than 2,000 yuan. The finance said that she should wait until next month, and it was already done this month.Qu Yipeng used the excuse that his family was sick to let him handle the finance first, and Han Su was hired by Hong Kong.She went directly to the mall and bought the high-heeled shoes she had chosen last time. When she returned to the office, her colleagues all praised her for her aura of 2.8 meters tall.When Han Su returned home, she was afraid that Qu Yipeng would see her and secretly hid her shoes. She told Qu Yipeng to go out for a big dinner at night and she would treat him.Qu Yipeng said that he should just eat at home. Han Su said that he had something to say.

Qu Yipeng said that she had to treat her to something. Could it be that she had cheated? Han Su said that Qu Yipeng had just cheated.When she walked into the bedroom, she saw that Qu Yipeng also bought her a pair of high heels. Qu Yipeng also said that he would do whatever he promised Han Su.Qu Yipeng asked her what she wanted to say. Han Su was moved by his move. She said nothing and prepared to cook for Qu Yipeng.Sun Hanhan drank wine because of socializing, and she sat uncomfortably. Zeng Cheng saw her and quickly poured her a cup of hot ginseng tea.Lawyer Zhou said that he was going to pick up Sun Hanhan, but Sun Hanhan told him that it was over and asked him to pick him up, but there was no reply.Zeng Cheng said that her husband came to pick her up and asked Sun Hanhan to come with her. Sun Hanhan saw that her husband was Lawyer Zhou.Sun Hanhan was so angry that she was discharged from the hospital.Zeng Cheng asked Han Su if he told Qu Yipeng that he was going to Hong Kong. Han Su said that he didn't know how to speak.

《In Between》E5Plot

Qu Yipeng and He Zhinan are dating

Han Su bought abundant ingredients and went home to cook. Qu Yipeng returned to his residence and was surprised to see a table full of delicious food.He was curious about how special today was, so Han Suxiao invited him to have a meal with her hands clean and taste her craftsmanship.During the dinner, Qu Yipeng accidentally walked into the bedroom and saw two large suitcases ready to go, and he felt an ominous feeling in his heart.However, the surface remained calm. After sitting down, Han Su revealed that he might go to Hong Kong for business.Originally this job belonged to Sister Shan, but for some reason it was transferred to me, and her salary was doubled.Han Su consulted Qu Yipeng for his opinion, and he readily supported it. He only said that the rent burden had increased, and he seemed to be more concerned about practical issues than emotional fluctuations.Han Su proposed to come back often, while Qu Yipeng comforted him with the convenience of communication. Han Su's eyes turned red when he heard this.

After the meal, Han Su continued to pack his luggage. Qu Yipeng proposed to keep his winter clothes, but Han Su insisted on taking them with him. The atmosphere was slightly solemn.Qu Yipeng asked whether this move heralded a long separation, and the two remained silent.Later, Han Su took out the unworn shoes given by Qu Yipeng and said that he had bought new shoes and wanted to return the shoes to reduce his burden.Qu Yipeng confirmed that the receipt was there, Han Su nodded and left.

The next day, after Qu Yipeng said goodbye to Han Su, he tried to contact He Zhinan, but found that he was still blocked.He decided to take the initiative and waited downstairs at He Zhinan. He saw him being picked up by a special car and mistakenly thought that he was born into a wealthy family.In fact, it was an invitation from a colleague.Qu Yipeng created a chance encounter and invited He Zhinan to have dessert together. He confessed his breakup and expressed his feelings, saying that He Zhinan's “cute” was better than his predecessor's beauty.He Zhinan left unhappy, Qu Yipeng rushed to explain, and finally resolved the misunderstanding with a kiss, and the two hugged each other on the street.Qu Yipeng refused to go deep immediately, wanting to savor the sweetness of this emotion.

This move deeply impressed He Zhinan. She mentioned Qu Yipeng at the silk scarf exhibition, showing her intimacy.Sun Hanhan joked and accepted Zhou Bin's invitation and gift. It turned out that Zhou Bin had divorced his ex-wife Zeng Cheng, and he asked for Sun Hanhan's forgiveness and the two reconciled.

On the other side, Han Su arrived in Hong Kong and contacted his old friend Alex and learned that his friend Gao Peng had recently broken up and they might get to know each other.Qu Yipeng encountered the cleaning aunt downstairs and asked Han Su. In order to prevent the truth from being leaked, he actually complained to the aunt.

《In Between》E6Plot

How did you know that Nanqu Yipeng was developing rapidly?

After Han Su arrived in Hong Kong, she made a special trip to visit Lawyer Hu to check in, even though she was not fluent in Cantonese.Lawyer Hu curiously asked how she learned Cantonese, and Han Su shyly said that she learned it by herself by watching TV series and listening to songs.Sensing Han Su's embarrassment, Lawyer Hu comforted her by saying that she faced similar challenges when she first learned Mandarin and encouraged her to practice more.Unfortunately, Lawyer Hu originally planned to arrange for Han Su to work with a colleague to familiarize himself with the business, but the colleague happened to be on a business trip to Shanghai.Therefore, Lawyer Hu decided to let Han Su take over the case immediately, and Han Su confidently stated that he was competent.

Later, Han Su completed the entry procedures under the guidance of his colleagues and greeted them cordially.On the other side, the cleaning lady who lost her job due to Qu Yipeng's complaint was packing her bags and preparing to leave. Qu Yipeng felt guilty and gave her some old clothes as an apology.The aunt complained angrily about the evil person behind the scenes.At this time, the landlord came with the housekeeper and expressed confusion about Qu Yipeng's decision to cancel the lease, thinking that he might be trying to escape due to emotional trauma.Just as he was seeing off guests, Qu Yipeng accidentally bumped into He Zhinan, panicked and hurriedly closed the door, and sent a text message to the landlord on the pretext of being urgent.

When He Zhinan returned from throwing away the garbage, he was bothered by the strong smell of the sour bamboo shoots placed by Qu Yipeng in the corridor, and returned home with a frown on his face.Qu Yipeng felt even more inferior after seeing this scene.After working overtime, Han Su found that the door was locked. Fortunately, Uncle Zhong, the doorman, guided him and learned that he had to go to the side door after twelve o'clock.Uncle Zhong also enthusiastically recommended late night snacks to Han Su.

On the other side, He Zhinan and Qu Yipeng were dating again. When they parted, Qu Yipeng revealed his plan to move to the community next to He Zhinan so that he could cook delicious food for her.He Zhinan was pleasantly surprised by this and invited Qu Yipeng to taste her new stocking milk tea.After the two returned home, they couldn't help but kiss each other.Qu Yipeng took the opportunity to mention his rural background in an attempt to win He Zhinan's sympathy, but in fact it was because he was uneasy about his own body odor.However, He Zhinan firmly stated that he had never underestimated him and appreciated his abilities.Qu Yipeng was deeply moved and believed that meeting He Zhinan was his greatest luck.

The next day, He Zhinan went to work in a happy mood. During the period, she received a video call from her friend Sun Hanhan, sharing her sweet trip with Zhou Bin in Sanya.After get off work, He Zhinan was feeding cats in the community when he was suddenly attracted by the cry of a parrot. When he turned around, he found Gao Peng standing behind him.Gao Peng said that he ran away from home and asked He Zhinan not to break up.He Zhinan firmly refused, but Gao Peng stayed at her house and refused to leave.At this time, Qu Yipeng sent a text message asking about dinner arrangements, and He Zhinan lied that he had returned to his parents' house.However, when Qu Yipeng returned home, he vaguely heard the sound of a man singing in He Zhinan's home. He asked doubtfully whether He Zhinan had returned, but received a negative answer.

《In Between》E7Plot

Qu Yipeng knew Gao Peng’s existence

While Zhou Bin and Sun Hanhan were traveling, Zhou Bin answered the phone, while Sun Hanhan browsed Zeng Cheng's circle of friends and found that apart from work, there was no mention of divorce.She curiously asked Zhou Bin who was on the other end of the phone. After learning that it was Zeng Cheng, she asked why she suddenly decided to return early.Zhou Bin explained that Zeng Cheng needed his help, but Sun Hanhan expressed dissatisfaction and questioned why Zhou Bin had not disclosed the divorce news yet.Zhou Bin explained that Zeng Cheng was mentally sensitive and had suffered from mania, and was worried that making it public at this time would irritate her.Sun Hanhan asked about her position in Zhou Bin's heart, and Zhou Bin admitted that he felt love for Sun Hanhan, but responsibility and care for Zeng Cheng.In the end, Sun Hanhan understood Zhou Bin's position and agreed with him to leave first.

On the other side, He Zhinan took care of Gao Peng, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa, and covered him with a quilt.When she woke up in the morning, she hurriedly checked her phone and found that Gao Peng was still outside the house, so she hid the truth from Qu Yipeng on the pretext of being with her family.Although Qu Yipeng saw through the lie, he still tried to resolve it with a joke, but in fact, he longed for He Zhinan's honesty in his heart.Later, Gao Peng asked He Zhinan to accompany him shopping. On the way, Qu Yipeng sent a message revealing their companions.Qu Yipeng appeared in the mall and expressed his loss and jealousy, but still confessed affectionately and waited for He Zhinan's return.He Zhinan immediately expressed his attitude to Gao Peng, encouraging him to be independent and handle family relationships well.

When Sun Hanhan and Zhou Bin were returning home, Sun Hanhan lamented that the journey was like a dream, and decided to get off the ferry and go home on her own. She rejected Zhou Bin's offer to rent a house for her and insisted on maintaining her personal independence.He Zhinan confided to Sun Hanhan the entanglement between Gao Peng and Qu Yipeng, deriding herself as a “scumbag”, but she also found a sense of existence in the attention.

Just when He Zhinan was involved in emotional entanglements, Qu Yipeng suddenly visited. After the two had their passion, Qu Yipeng proposed the idea of ​​getting married, but He Zhinan was uncommitted.On the other side, at Sun Hanhan's home, Zhou Bin once again proposed renting a house, but was also rejected by Sun Hanhan. She cherished her freedom and independence.

At the same time, Han Su ran into Sun Xu, whom she had long admired, during her morning jog. Although the other party did not know her, this chance encounter was enough to make her happy.

《In Between》E8Plot

Han Su and Qu Yipeng break up

As soon as He Zhinan finished working, he found Qu Yipeng already waiting.She curiously asked him why he didn't contact her directly by phone. Qu Yipeng smiled and said that he just wanted to confirm whether she returned alone.He Zhinan clarified that his ex-boyfriend had already left, and the topic changed easily.Qu Yipeng proposed not to mention the past, and the two of them embarked on their return journey hand in hand.On the way, Qu Yipeng mentioned that he hoped to meet He Zhinan's friends as soon as possible, and she happily agreed.

Back home, Qu Yipeng was busy in the kitchen, and He Zhinan was preparing dinner.At this time, his cell phone rang, but he was immersed in cooking and didn't notice it.He Zhinan answered the call, and it was Han Su on the other end of the phone, requesting to send a Youku membership verification code because the account was bound to Qu Yipeng's mobile phone number.Han Su didn't notice anything strange, and continued to complain about the pain of working overtime, eager to relax by watching dramas.

When He Zhinan heard this, his heart tightened and he politely asked Han Su's identity.After learning that she was Qu Yipeng's girlfriend, she responded calmly and hinted that it was inconvenient for her to reveal the details of her relationship with Qu Yipeng.After the call ended, she quietly deleted the relevant text messages and call records, as if nothing had happened, and walked into the kitchen to continue having dinner with Qu Yipeng.

Soon, Qu Yipeng's cell phone rang again. This time it was Han Su's mother.During the conversation, He Zhinan quietly retreated to the side, tears shining.Han Su tried to contact Qu Yipeng many times, but was ignored. His mood gradually collapsed, and he finally lay in bed in despair.During dinner, He Zhinan casually asked Qu Yipeng why he didn't answer the phone, but he excused himself by citing a call from his leader.However, she has understood everything, including “Susu” on the phone.

Faced with He Zhinan's doubts, Qu Yipeng frankly admitted that Han Su was his ex-girlfriend, and tried to use PUA techniques to appease He Zhinan, emphasizing that everyone has a past, including the intersection between her and her ex-boyfriend.He further emphasized that people who cherish past emotions tend to value friendship and justice, and suggested that both parties should not mention these pasts.Although He Zhinan had doubts, he still nodded in agreement.

Early the next morning, Qu Yipeng received a call from Han Su and explained that he missed the call last night because of his busy work.Han Su finally proposed to break up. Although Qu Yipeng was surprised, he readily agreed.He laughed at himself as not worthy of Han Su's great future, and hinted that Han Su's move to Hong Kong was actually a precursor to a breakup.The two ended their relationship peacefully and agreed to retrieve Han Su's luggage when he returned.Qu Yipeng even offered to prepare her favorite sweet and sour short ribs as a farewell meal, but he seemed hesitant to change the remarks.

At the same time, Zhou Bin called Sun Hanhan for help and asked her to help collect a set of furniture.Sun Hanhan happily went there, but was deeply attracted by Zhou Bin's luxurious residence. What was even more surprising was that the residence was very close to her workplace.Zhou Bin promptly proposed to rent the house to Sun Hanhan and promised to give him a preferential rent.The intimate interaction between the two in their new home quietly heated up.

On the other hand, Zeng Cheng visited Han Su in Hong Kong and asked her if her original intention of renting a house at a high price was to meet Sun Xu by chance.Han Su admitted that although the encounter was not as unexpected as expected, everything she did was to stand in front of him as Sun Xu's daughter one day.When He Zhinan visited Sun Hanhan's new residence, he inadvertently asked about the relationship between Zhou Bin and his ex-wife, and Sun Hanhan's answer seemed ambiguous.

《In Between》E9Plot

Zhou Bin kept cheating on Sun Hanhan

After witnessing the intimate photo of Zhou Bin and Zeng Cheng, Sun Hanhan angrily broke into Zhou Bin's office to question.She asked why Zhou Bin was so close to Zeng Cheng and even made it public in the circle of friends, but her relationship was difficult to see and she felt like a third party.After Zhou Bin finished venting her anger, he explained that it was just because Zeng Cheng was the one leading the way for yesterday's cooperation, and he couldn't refuse due to the circumstances.He planned to clarify with Zeng Cheng later, but was unable to do so in time due to Sun Hanhan's misunderstanding, and then showed the scars on his wrist to prove his helplessness.

Seeing the scars, Sun Hanhan's anger dissipated instantly, and she felt guilty instead, and began to comfort Zhou Bin.At this time, her colleague reminded her that she was about to have a meeting with Zeng Cheng, and she hurriedly put on makeup and attended.During the meeting, she noticed the bandage on Zeng Cheng's arm and thought of Zhou Bin's explanation.After the meeting, she approached Zeng Cheng on the pretext of signing documents and apologized for her gaffe at the meeting.Zeng Cheng reassured her not to worry and revealed that he was injured due to an accident during home decoration.Sun Hanhan found that this was inconsistent with Zhou Bin's description, but still expressed his admiration for Zeng Cheng's professionalism.

On the other side, Zeng Cheng and Zhou Bin discussed the decoration of their new house and revealed their desire to have children.Although Zhou Bin was surprised, he still expressed his support.Later, Qu Yipeng invited He Zhinan and Sun Hanhan to have dinner. During the dinner, Sun Hanhan asked Sun Hanhan what she thought of He Zhinan and expressed her curiosity about He Zhinan's ex-boyfriend Gao Peng.Sun Hanhan said that she was not familiar with Gao Peng and had only met him a few times.After the meal, He Zhinan asked Sun Hanhan about his impression of Qu Yipeng. After learning that Sun Hanhan had a high opinion of Qu Yipeng, He Zhinan expressed satisfaction.

Over the weekend, He Zhinan and Qu Yipeng went to the ancient town to visit and take photos. The two set the photo as their mobile phone wallpaper.Han Su had mixed feelings when she learned that Qu Yipeng would take her home at the weekend.She has broken up with her ex-boyfriend and decided to see Uncle Zhong one last time.Han Su saw Qu Yipeng's mobile phone wallpaper and He Zhinan's call at the dining table. He faced everything calmly, saying that he already knew the truth and believed in Qu Yipeng's sincerity, but also understood his rational choice.

《In Between》E10Plot

Qu Yipeng discovers that He Zhinan is a fake princess

On her first day back in Hong Kong, Han Su ran into Lawyer Hu on her way to work, who generously offered to give her a ride.On the way, the two chatted, and Lawyer Hu curiously asked her about the purpose of her trip.Han Su revealed that she went back to break up with her boyfriend. Unexpectedly, Lawyer Hu said half-jokingly that she might be able to get a promotion opportunity quickly.It turns out that the law firm where Lawyer Hu works has an unwritten rule: employees who successfully sign clients within a month are expected to be promoted.He self-deprecatingly shared that it took him thirteen months to achieve this achievement, and encouraged Han Su to try to challenge this record.

Later, Han Su got together with her friend Alex, and while she was drinking to soothe her worries, she asked Alex to introduce her to Gao Peng because she heard that his company was about to go public.Alex happened to mention that Gao Peng was also consulting with a law firm recently, and he readily agreed to help and put in a good word.Han Su asked about the name of the company and wanted to make some preparations in advance, but Alex believed that the first meeting was more important to establish friendship.Soon, Gao Peng arrived as promised, and Alex cleverly arranged the acquaintance between them.

On the other side, Zeng Cheng and Zhou Bin went to the hospital for a check-up, but received heavy news - Zeng Cheng was having difficulty getting pregnant.Faced with the low success rate and potential physical harm of IVF, Zeng Cheng couldn't accept it and burst into tears.Although Zhou Bin longed for a child in his heart, he still tried to comfort her and suggested that since he was already used to DINK's life, it was better to let nature take its course.The two decided to go home first and discuss it later.

At the company, Sun Hanhan noticed something strange about Zeng Cheng and asked Sister Xin privately about the situation, but was warned not to meddle in other people's business.Sun Hanhan couldn't help but guess whether Zeng Cheng was hiding any unknown secrets, while Sister Xin in turn became concerned about Sun Hanhan's personal life.

At the same time, when He Zhinan and Qu Yipeng had hot dry noodles together, they discussed the gap between the rich and the poor in life.He Zhinan mentioned the luxurious life of his colleague Chen Shishi and the interesting story of accidentally eating expensive white truffles, which aroused Qu Yipeng's curiosity.Through Sister J, Qu Yipeng learned that He Zhinan's luxurious life actually benefited from gifts from her wealthy boyfriend, and that Chen Shishi's background was also extraordinary.This discovery caused a subtle change in Qu Yipeng's attitude towards He Zhinan.

Zeng Cheng held a pizza party at the company to share his sweet love affair with Zhou Bin, but inadvertently touched Sun Hanhan's heartstrings.After returning home, facing Zhou Bin's dissatisfaction with waiting, Sun Hanhan asked her when she could confess to Zeng Cheng, and Zhou Bin promised to give her three months.

On the other side, Han Su and Alex visited Gao Peng. During this period, Alex accidentally discovered that the private message on Gao Peng's Weibo was a photo of He Zhinan and Qu Yipeng.The atmosphere was a bit awkward. Gao Peng said he had something to talk about at another time, but still gave Han Su a ride.

《In Between》E11Plot

He Zhinan is going to find Gao Peng

Han Su was a little angry when she saw Gao Peng, and she thought of what Alex said about becoming friends with Gao Peng.Han Su told him that she knew the man in the photo, and the two came to the river.Han Su asked Gao Peng to take out the photo of He Zhinan and Qu Yipeng, and she told Gao Peng that the man was her ex-boyfriend.When she learned about He Zhinan's existence, Qu Yipeng and the others had not completely broken up yet.Gao Peng said that the two of them had the same problem, and the two of them came to the bar.Gao Peng asked Han Su what kind of person Qu Yipeng was. Han Su said that he was gentle and considerate and knew how to coax people.She asked Han Peng what kind of person He Zhinan was, and Gao Peng said she was cute and moral.

The two chatted for a while, and Han Su felt that Gao Peng was far more sad than angry.Gao Peng said that he always thought that He Zhinan broke up with him just to gain a sense of presence. He also wondered why He Zhinan broke up so definitely this time.Han Su said that she could tell that Gao Peng loved He Zhinan very much. After the two drank, Gao Peng sent Han Su downstairs.Gao Peng asked her if she was interested in his company, and Han Su was very willing.The two of them made an appointment to meet tomorrow afternoon to discuss work. Han Su said that she felt it was her regret that He Zhinan missed Gao Peng. Gao Peng smiled and looked at Han Su's leaving figure.He Zhinan was drinking in the bar, and Sun Hanhan came to her and asked her why she came here to get drunk at noon.

He Zhinan said that she was broken up, and Sun Hanhan asked her what happened.He Zhinan said that she was broken up by a cliff and sent a message to Qu Yipeng saying that she was busy.The line on the phone is busy, and I can't find anyone at the company, as if I've disappeared from the world.When He Zhinan thought about these days, she felt that she was not in love with Qu Yipeng, but in love with herself who loved Qu Yipeng.What He Zhinan said happened to be heard by a boy singing in the bar, and he sang this sentence into the song.He Zhinan also shouted along with the melody. After the song ended, the boy took the initiative to add He Zhinan's contact information.He thought He Zhinan was right and very talented, and He Zhinan thought he was pretty good too.

Turning around, He Zhinan deleted Qu Yipeng's WeChat account, and Sun Hanhan looked at her quietly.He Zhinan was at work the next day, and her colleagues told her that someone was looking for her at the front desk.He Zhinan went to see the boy who was at the bar that day. She called him Teacher Zhang.Teacher Zhang came to give He Zhinan his new song, and he asked He Zhinan to give him some advice.He Zhinan told Sun Hanhan that Teacher Zhang asked him to go to the recording studio with him. Sun Hanhan said that the two of them had just met and didn't know each other yet.He Zhinan felt that Teacher Zhang attached great importance to her. She felt that Teacher Zhang was interested in her talent.

Zeng Cheng had just returned home from the ovulation injection. She didn't expect the injection to be so painful.Zhou Bin asked her to lie on the bed and rest, and Zeng Cheng discovered that the playlist Zhou Bin listened to was very different from before.When she took a look, she realized that Zhou Bin was listening to a playlist shared by a girl, and that girl was Sun Hanhan, whom she also knew.Zeng Cheng quietly looked at Zhou Bin's cell phone and found that he had deleted all call records.Zeng Cheng became a little suspicious, and she found Sun Hanhan in Zeng Cheng's WeChat.Zeng Cheng deliberately used Zhou Bin's mobile phone to send ambiguous text messages to Sun Hanhan, and the result was exactly what she thought.As expected, Zhou Bin cheated, and Zeng Cheng called Han Su to tell him everything.

Zhou Bin quietly made an appointment with Sun Hanhan on the ferry, and Sun Hanhan asked him what happened.Why do you want to block her and make her look like a secret agent?Zhou Bin said that Zeng Cheng knew about their relationship and had a night of trouble with him yesterday. Sun Hanhan asked him if he was hiding something from her and why she felt so strange.Zhou Bin coaxed Sun Hanhan again and gave her a card.Gao Peng, Alex, Han Su and others were playing in the bar, and Alex's cousin Emily was also there.He also had a good time playing with Gao Peng. Alex said that he originally wanted to introduce him to Han Su.Han Su told him that he felt that work was more important now. He Zhinan had been wronged by Teacher Zhang, and Teacher Zhang just wanted to have a relationship with her.He Zhinan was very sad and decided to go to Gao Peng. Gao Peng told He Zhinan that he was coming.Han Su asked him if He Zhinan would forgive her if she was honest with him, but Gao Peng said nothing.Zeng Cheng met with Sun Hanhan alone, and Sun Hanhan asked Sister Xin if she had done nothing wrong recently.

《In Between》E12Plot

Zeng Cheng knew about Zhou Bin and Sun Hanhan

Sun Hanhan went to meet Zeng Cheng, and Zeng Cheng said that although it was embarrassing, she still felt that she wanted to have a good chat.Sun Hanhan went straight to the point and said that her boyfriend was her ex-husband. It was just a coincidence and there was nothing to be embarrassed about.Zeng Cheng said that she and Zhou Bin had a fake divorce and that they would remarry soon in order to invest in a real estate property.And Zeng Cheng told her that Zhou Bin must have told her that he had bipolar disorder, and that he was an emotional person, and Sun Hanhan was also a sensible woman.When Sun Hanhan heard what Zhou Bin said, she asked Zeng Cheng if this was what Zhou Bin told her.Zeng Cheng said that he could already guess it without him telling him.Tears welled up in Sun Hanhan's eyes when she heard this, but she still sat calmly.

Zeng Cheng said that the misunderstanding was resolved and he hoped that Sun Hanhan could keep a distance from Zhou Bin and he could forget about the past.Sun Hanhan asked her what if Zhou Bin was unwilling to keep a distance from her, and she asked Zeng Cheng why she thought such things were all about women seducing men.Zeng Cheng said that she was still young and should not think that love could conquer everything. Sun Hanhan said that yes, she was still young, but Zeng Cheng had already lost his youth.Zeng Cheng was about to say something, but Sun Hanhan said that national laws protect marriage relationships.But she did not protect the fake marriage relationship. She said that she was worthy of the law and her relationship with Zhou Bin.

After saying this, Sun Hanhan left. Not far away, Sun Hanhan started crying.She took the ferry to the old house alone, but saw that someone was already cleaning things.Sun Hanhan sat alone on the stairs and cried, while Zhou Bin was discussing business with Director Xu.Zeng Cheng kept calling him, so Director Xu told him to answer the phone first.Zeng Cheng asked him to go home immediately no matter where he was now. Zhou Bin asked her what she had to say before he got back.He said that he finally managed to get an appointment with Director Xu, and Zeng Cheng asked him what happened at Zhongcheng Hui.When Zhou Bin heard that this was Sun Hanhan's residence, he hurried back.

Zhou Bin started talking about irrelevant things when he got home. Zeng Cheng asked him if he was going to explain to him about Zhongcheng Hui.Zhou Bin said that someone of his status threw himself into his arms, and Zeng Cheng said why it was different from what he heard.What she heard was that the two people were in love, and Zhou Bin told her not to listen to Sun Hanhan's nonsense.Zeng Cheng asked him not to talk to her in such a evasive manner. She said that the two of them were divorced anyway.Zeng Cheng said that if he hadn't relied on his own connections and her family's money, how could Zhou Bin have gotten to where he is now.Zhou Bin got angry and asked Zeng Cheng if he could stop mentioning this matter all the time.

Zeng Cheng was so angry that he threw the cup on the ground. Zhou Bin said that she was angry because she threw something.Zeng Cheng said that they were divorced and everything in this family belonged to her. She told Zhou Bin to get out.Zhou Bin turned to look for Sun Hanhan, but was also kicked out.Zhou Bin encountered a drunk driver while driving irritably. The police asked him to blow, and Zhou Bin impatiently took a blow.The traffic policeman asked him to blow a bit, but Zhou Bin didn't want to, so the cars behind him also started urging him.Zhou Bin immediately got out of the car angrily and quarreled with the car owner behind him. Zhou Bin was caught by the police and taken to the police station.The next day, Zhou Bin went to find Sun Hanhan as soon as he came out. Sun Hanhan and He Zhinan happened to be preparing to go back together.

Sun Hanhan didn't want to talk to Zhou Bin, and Zhou Bin said that he would always wait for her downstairs.Sun Hanhan saw that Zhou Bin had been downstairs, and she couldn't help but give him a bottle of water.Zhou Bin told her that he no longer loved Zeng Cheng at all, he only loved Sun Hanhan.Zeng Cheng called him, and Zhou Bin said in front of Sun Hanhan that he would not go back.Sun Hanhan said that if it was true as he said, let him go back and deal with everything before coming to find her. On the way back, Zhou Bin saw the video sent by Zeng Cheng. The things in the house were shattered on the floor and she even slashed the sofa with a knife.He Zhinan went to find Gao Peng, but Gao Peng said that he was not free to pick her up and asked her to take a taxi.He Zhinan went to Gao Peng's house by himself, opened the door and saw many people there.

《In Between》E13Plot

How did Gao Peng know that Nan was reconciled?

He Zhinan was stunned when she opened the door and saw many people at Gao Peng's house.Emily was the first to greet her. She said she was Alex's cousin and Gao Peng's good friend.Alex asked her if she still remembered him, they met in Jiangzhou.He Zhinan nodded, and Emily introduced other colleagues to He Zhinan.He Zhinan asked Alex about Gao Peng, and Alex said he had an online meeting upstairs.After saying that, Emily said she would take her for a walk, and Alex went upstairs to tell Gao Peng that it was indeed what Han Su said.He Zhinan felt a sense of crisis. Gao Peng looked at Han Su and said that this was really a good idea.

Han Su said that he would know in a moment, but Gao Peng was dubious and did not say anything.The day before, Han Su and Gao Peng talked about him and He Zhinan. Han Su told him that the biggest problem between him and He Zhinan was that He Zhinan didn't know the importance of Gao Peng.Emily took He Zhinan to introduce everything about the family to her, as if she was the mistress of the family.Emily told He Zhinan that she heard that they had been together for seven years, which was not as long as she and Gao Peng had been together.He Zhinan asked if the two of them were familiar with each other, and Emily said it was okay.As she said that, she took He Zhinan to a bathtub. She said that last night she told Gao Peng that it would be very pleasant if the two of them took a bath together.

He Zhinan couldn't listen anymore. She just wanted to see Gao Peng at the moment.He Zhinan cried and called Gao Peng, and Gao Peng came out of the conference room.He Zhinan saw him coming out and hugged him quickly, saying that she missed him.Gao Peng introduced Han Su to her, and Han Su recognized her at a glance as Qu Yipeng's girlfriend.She looked at He Zhinan who was about to cry, and Han Su said that she must be very tired today, so she should go wash her face and change clothes quickly.He Zhinan packed up and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Gao Peng's friends also left.Gao Peng told her to leave it there and someone would come and clean it up later, but He Zhinan said she could clean it up herself.Gao Peng said that he would have some information to read later, and he asked He Zhinan to do whatever he wanted.

Gao Peng was also thinking about He Zhinan in the study, and He Zhinan felt the strangeness between the two of them.She came to the study and told Gao Peng everything about Qu Yipeng. Gao Peng asked He Zhinan if he loved her now.He Zhinan said he loved him, so Gao Peng chose to forgive He Zhinan.Han Su and Emily went to drink herbal tea together. Han Su asked her if she left her mobile phone at Gao Peng's house on purpose last time.Emily said that she should see through it without telling her, and Han Su asked them how far they had progressed.Emily didn't say it directly. She felt that He Zhinan was not her opponent at all. If it was Han Su, she would be fine with it.

Han Su told her not to think that everyone likes Gao Peng. She said Gao Peng was not her cup of tea.At night, He Zhinan was lying on the bed and told Sun Hanhan that he and Gao Peng had reconciled. Sun Hanhan said that she was really amazing and asked her how she did it.He Zhinan was very happy. She shouted that she loved Gao Peng who was taking a bath in the bathroom.Gao Peng stuck his head out and asked her what she said, and He Zhinan said she loved him again.Just when she was happy, an earring suddenly appeared on the bed. He Zhinan asked Sun Hanhan what to do.Just as Gao Peng came out, he quickly hid aside when he saw the text message Emily sent him.When He Zhinan saw it, he felt even more that Gao Peng had cheated. Gao Peng said that he had to go to the study to work.

As soon as Gao Peng went out, he opened the swimsuit photo Emily sent him, and Emily asked him to play with her next time.Han Su cooperated with Gao Peng's company, and Gao Peng told her that he and He Zhinan had reconciled.He said that He Zhinan confessed everything to him, and Han Su said that including that one.Han Su asked him if he could make it, and Gao Peng said that they had been together since they were eighteen.He Zhinan was the kindest and most straightforward girl he had ever seen. Han Su didn't say anything more.Zeng Cheng hinted that all Zhou Bin's property was in his hands, and Zhou Bin would definitely ask her to remarry when the time comes.And Sun Hanhan would not waste her prime youth being a mistress, but she would not forgive Zhou Bin either.Zhou Bin told Sun Hanhan that he was going to remarry and he didn't have any money to his name.If the divorce is true, she will still be in debt. Sun Hanhan said that she has a job and does not need him to support her. Only now does she know that Zhou Bin lied to her.

《In Between》E14Plot

He Zhinan fights for Gao Peng

He Zhinan asked Han Su to have dinner together. She said that Gao Peng said that Han Su was a workaholic.She wanted to get to know Han Su, but Han Su said that her lunch break was very short.She asked He Zhinan to just say what he wanted, and He Zhinan took out the earrings found on Gao Peng's bed.She asked Han Su what he thought, and Han Su said what she could think. She and Gao Peng only had a relationship in life.He Zhinan asked her about Emily and what she meant by sending bikini photos to Gao Peng in the middle of the night.Han Su said that Emily was pursuing Gao Peng, and she asked He Zhinan if she couldn't tell.Han Su said that not only Emily, but also many girls in Gaopeng's company like him.He Zhinan said that she came too late, and it was only when she came this time that she realized that she could not do without Gao Peng.

He Zhinan asked Han Su if she could help her, and Han Su asked her how.He Zhinan said that if Emily contacted Gao Peng, let Han Su tell her. Han Su glanced at her and said nothing.He Zhinan said that if Han Su helped him, he would make her a real customer in front of Gao Peng.Han Su asked her if she didn't trust Gao Peng very much and why didn't she ask herself.He Zhinan was about to shed tears. She said that she couldn't live without Gao Peng.Han Su asked her if she wanted him to exchange her trust for Gao Peng's trust. He Zhinan didn't know what to do.Han Su thought of what Zeng Cheng said, and she felt that career was still the most important thing now.

Han Su felt that she should take over Gao Peng's business now. She told He Zhinan that the necklace might have been left by Emily intentionally to make them quarrel.He Zhinan understood what Han Su meant. Han Su said that his colleagues came to find him and left. He Zhinan was very grateful to Han Su for telling him this.He Zhinan was watching a small theater on the sofa, and Gao Peng came back.He Zhinan asked him what he had for dinner, and Gao Peng said he had already eaten.He asked He Zhinan to stay alone for a while and then accompany her to have supper when he was done with work. He Zhinan heard that Gao Peng had a cold.She made a cup of cold medicine for Gao Peng and brought it to the study. He Zhinan pulled Gao Peng and asked him to come down. She had something for him.

He Zhinan said it was him, and Gao Peng lay on He Zhinan's lap and listened to her singing.He Zhinan told Gao Peng that she would not go back and that she would stay in Hong Kong.In this way, the two of them no longer have to be in a long-distance relationship. Gao Peng quickly sat up when he heard this. He asked He Zhinan what he would do if he didn't go back to work.He Zhinan excused herself, and she asked Gao Peng if he was not happy to stay.Before Gao Peng could say anything, a call came from his mobile phone. Gao Peng walked aside to answer the call.The call was from Emily. She said she was celebrating her birthday today and asked if Gao Peng would come.Gao Peng said that he would stay with He Zhinan at home, and Emily said that Han Su was also there and wanted to introduce clients to him.

Gao Peng then agreed to go, but He Zhinan asked him why he was out for a meeting so late.Gao Peng said that Manager Zhang introduced clients to him and he wanted to go out to socialize.As soon as Gao Peng left, He Zhinan called Han Su, and Han Su told her.He Zhinan went directly to the bar where they had a party. Gao Peng said she didn't come because she had a headache. He Zhinan said how could she not come because Emily was here to pick her up.With that said, she gave a gift to Emily. Emily opened it and saw that it was the earring she left on purpose.Gao Peng gave Han Su a look, and the two of them arrived at the entrance of a corridor.Gao Peng asked Han Su who told He Zhinan, and Han Su said that He Zhinan called him.

She said that instead of being secretive, it was better to be generous, since there were so many of them anyway.He Zhinan thanked Han Su for telling him. Han Su said that the earring was actually his. Emily asked him to borrow it. He Zhinan realized that Emily wanted to frame Han Su.Suddenly Emily's boyfriend got married and he pulled Gao Peng and started beating him. He Zhinan angrily ran over to help Gao Peng beat the man.The two of them returned home in disgrace. Gao Peng said that he was only relaxed in front of He Zhinan, and He Zhinan also said that he regarded him as a relative.Zhou Bin had problems at work. He wanted Zeng Cheng to help him, so he approached Zeng Cheng and wanted to remarry.

《In Between》E15Plot

Zhou Bin asked Zeng Cheng to remarry

Zhou Bin came to Zeng Cheng to remarry with the divorce certificate and his other documents. Zeng Cheng asked him if he was asking for it.Zhou Bin said no and begged her to remarry him.He asked Zeng Cheng how he wanted to punish him, and Zeng Cheng asked him if he felt that he was behind this incident.Zhou Bin said that he didn't think that way, but Zeng Cheng had that ability.Zeng Cheng asked Zhou Bin if he would give up his love over there for the small profit in front of him.Zhou Bin said that these were two different things. He said that Zeng Cheng asked him to consider remarriage. He had now considered remarriage.Zhou Bin said that as for the business issues, it didn't matter if she didn't want to deal with them.

Zeng Cheng said that what he said was quite strong, and Zhou Bin began to apologize to Zeng Cheng, saying that it was all his fault and that he had ruined their relationship.Zhou Bin said that he was wrong, and Zeng Cheng asked him if he would definitely forgive him if he cheated.Zhou Bin asked if Zeng Cheng had no problem with his cheating. After so many years, he didn't think he was Zeng Cheng's husband, but rather her son.Zeng Cheng asked Zhou Bin if he was discussing remarriage with her. It seemed like a divorce.Zhou Bin talked about how wronged he was in this family, and Zeng Cheng told him that since he was so wronged, he would still get divorced after remarrying.Then it will be different from now. At that time, they will all become ordinary people who are willing to spend every penny for property.

Zhou Bin asked Zeng Cheng if he had never thought about remarrying, and Zeng Cheng left angrily.He Zhinan came to Gao Peng's company with her things. Gao Peng asked her to wait in his office for a while, and he would go find her later.He Zhinan said that she was not here to see him. She came here when she heard that Han Su was having a meeting here.After saying that, Han Su came out. She said that she only had half an hour lunch break and had no time to have lunch with He Zhinan.He Zhinan said she knew, so she brought lunch.After saying that, the two people left together, leaving a hungry Gao Peng behind.Because last time Han Su read the article written by He Zhinan’s official account, she thought it was very good.Han Su helped He Zhinan sort out other popular public accounts and let her learn from them.

Han Su encouraged He Zhinan to write articles on the public account. When He Zhinan was shopping in the mall, she saw a skirt that suited Han Su, so she bought it and gave it to Han Su.Sister Xin called Sun Hanhan and asked her to attend Zeng Cheng's meeting later. Sun Hanhan asked her if she could not go.Sister Xin said that Zeng Cheng asked her to go by name, and Sun Hanhan was the person in charge of this case, so she had to go.After the meeting, Sun Hanhan waited for Zeng Cheng to thank her for speaking up for her during the meeting, but Zeng Cheng said that he was not helping her.This is her own business, and she will have to pay for it if she doesn't do it.She would do this even if it was just for fun. She asked Sun Hanhan to fix the plan quickly so that they would not have to meet again.

Sun Hanhan called He Zhinan to tell her about this, and He Zhinan asked her if she still wanted to believe Zhou Bin.Sun Hanhan said that Zhou Bin had been calling her and sending text messages. She said that if Zhou Bin really remarried Zeng Cheng and then divorced for profit, then she would look down on him too much.Zhou Bin was worried about work problems. Zeng Cheng called him and said that he was helping him, which made Zhou Bin feel relieved.When He Zhinan and Gao Peng were chatting together, He Zhinan heard that Gao Peng would not necessarily use Han Su as the company's lawyer, and He Zhinan began to worry about Han Su.She came to Han Su's law firm to find Han Su, and she brought the documents she had on Gao Peng's desk to Han Su.

He Zhinan hoped to help Han Su. Han Su asked her why she wanted to help her. He Zhinan said because they were good friends.Because of this sentence, Han Su thought of her high school classmate who also said the same thing, but she lost her best friend. Han Su confided her heart to Uncle Zhong and started crying as she spoke.Uncle Zhong told her that this is growth and asked her not to lose her good friend again.Zhou Bin came to see Zeng Cheng and learned that she had fainted. Zhou Bin rushed to the hospital.The doctor told him that there were side effects from the ovulation injection he had received previously. He said that the worst case scenario would be hemiplegia.Zhou Bin wanted to stay and take care of Zeng Cheng, but Zeng Cheng said he hired a caregiver.

《In Between》E16Plot

Sun Hanhan knew that Zhou Bin remarried

Zhou Bin came to bring food to Zeng Cheng and asked Zeng Cheng what he was thinking.Zeng Chengshun still remembers that when Baidu was just popular, it took her a long time to teach Baidu to her mother.But when she went back, she found that all the search records on Baidu were about what to do if her husband cheated on her. Zeng Cheng said that she saw her mother crying secretly through the crack in the door.Zeng Cheng said that was her dearest father, one of thousands of men.She asked Zhou Bin if her test results were bad, and Zeng Cheng said that no matter what the results were, she would never remarry Zhou Bin.Zhou Bin told her that no matter what the outcome was, whether they remarried or not, he would never ignore Zeng Cheng.

As soon as Han Su entered the office, her colleagues started cheering for her, and Lawyer Hu even gave her a bouquet of flowers.It turned out that the signing between Han Su and Gao Peng was successful, and Gao Peng specially sent an email saying that Han Su was serious, responsible and professional.The other big guys at the law firm were also very happy after seeing this, and they decided to let Han Su be the person in charge of the entire project.Lawyer Hu called Han Su over. She said that she was going to apply for Han Su's best lawyer this year.Han Su was very grateful to Lawyer Hu for taking care of her. Lawyer Hu said that it was not him who helped her but herself.Han Su and He Zhinan had dinner together to celebrate Han Su's successful signing of the contract. Han Su said that he had never seen such a stupid wife from Party A.

Han Su told He Zhinan that the food she cooked had been disliked by others, and He Zhinan asked her if she was her ex-boyfriend.She asked Han Su to tell her about what Han Su knew about He Zhinan and Qu Yipeng. She felt that there was nothing to say.But He Zhinan kept asking her to say it, and Han Su said that her ex-boyfriend had someone else.He Zhinan was surprised that someone could steal someone from Han Su. Han Su felt that no one else was to blame for their breakup.Because both of them are too rational and too realistic, they are destined to break up.He Zhinan told Han Su that she actually liked someone else in Jiangzhou because she thought Gao Peng was a robot that could chat on WeChat.But at this time a boy happened to fall from the sky, and she fell in love with him.

Han Su told her to stop talking. He Zhinan asked her why, and Han Su said that she and Gao Peng were partners and were not afraid of her snitching.He Zhinan said that their relationship was very close. Han Su wanted to confess to He Zhinan about himself and Qu Yipeng. As soon as he opened his mouth, He Zhinan's cell phone rang.The call was from Sun Hanhan, who told her that she deliberately invited Zhou Bin to the forum where Zeng Cheng came.He Zhinan asked her if she really wanted to do this, and Sun Hanhan said that she must see clearly in person.Sun Hanhan waited until Zhou Bin arrived, then she took his hand and walked toward the symposium, and Zeng Cheng happened to see him.Zeng Cheng walked out, and Zhou Bin quickly threw Sun Hanhan's hand away.

When Zhou Bin saw the two of them, they wanted him to confront each other, and he said he wanted to leave first.Zeng Cheng asked him to tell Sun Hanhan the truth, and Zhou Bin had to say that he had remarried Zeng Cheng.Sun Hanhan shed tears when she heard what Zhou Bin said personally, and Zeng Cheng took Zhou Bin's hand and left.Sun Hanhan cried and left. She moved out of the house Zhou Bin got for her.He Zhinan asked Han Su what perfect love was, and Han Su said that love is the most perfect before it begins.She told He Zhinan that when she was in high school, there was a boy who brought her buns and chocolates every day, but neither of them said a word after graduation.

Gao Peng was having a meeting with Han Su and people from the company. He Zhinan called him back. Gao Peng asked her why she was so anxious to call him back.He Zhinan gave Gao Peng his roasted meat, and Gao Peng took a bite and spat it out.He said that his company was going public and he had no time to play this house game with He Zhinan, and he was about to leave and go back to the company.Han Su and Gao Peng chatted for a while after the meeting. Gao Peng said that in the eyes of others, he was just a rich fool.But he also wanted to show his achievements to his parents. Gao Peng said that Han Su must help him, and Han Su said that he would definitely help him.Han Su said that she also wanted to thank Gao Peng for praising him in front of her leader. Gao Peng said that Han Su deserved it.

《In Between》E17Plot

He Zhinan knows that Han Su is Su Su

Ever since Sun Hanhan heard Zhou Bin say that she and Zeng Cheng had remarried, she felt as if she had fallen out of love.I am so distracted every day that I even make mistakes at work.That day she came to the arcade to catch dolls, and a boy next to her told her how to catch them.But Sun Hanhan was not interested, and she left silently.Sun Hanhan walked aside and called the person she wanted to go on a blind date with. Unexpectedly, that person was the boy who just talked to her.He told Sun Hanhan that he had her WeChat account half a year ago, at Zhou Bin's dinner party.Sun Hanhan was like a beam of light. He was attracted immediately, so he added Sun Hanhan's WeChat account.Sun Hanhan asked him if he was familiar with Zhou Bin. The boy said that he knew him, but he didn't know him.

He asked whether Sun Hanhan and Zhou Bin were familiar with each other. Sun Hanhan said that just like him, she was a little transparent in the eyes of lawyer Zhou.The boy said how could it be possible? He must be blind. After that, the two of them went to watch a movie together.He Zhinan asked Han Su to help choose a dress. She wanted to accompany Gao Peng to the cocktail party.He Zhinan didn't want to do this, but she was willing to go for Gao Peng.She said that Gao Peng also gave her a list of guests at the reception for her to get familiar with. Han Su looked at the people on the list and said that there were many people on it who she wanted to meet but had no chance.He Zhinan said that he had an idea to let Han Su be Gao Peng's female companion.

Han Su said that people would misunderstand that she was Gao Peng's girlfriend, but He Zhinan said it didn't matter what others said.She felt that Han Su should be the youngest law partner. He Zhinan said that there happened to be an invitation letter, and she could go to eat and drink, so that both of them could get what they wanted.Han Su agreed to He Zhinan's suggestion. She attended the reception with Gao Peng as a female companion. Some people regarded her as Gao Peng's girlfriend, and Gao Peng did not deny it.Lawyer Hu came to greet Han Su and the others. Han Su told Lawyer Hu that He Zhinan was Gao Peng's girlfriend. Gao Peng was not very happy. On the contrary, the smile on his face disappeared.

Lawyer Hu told Han Su that he was going to introduce lawyer Sun Xu to her. Han Su heard that it was the person he tried so hard to see, her father.But when Han Su saw him, he didn't dare to talk to him, so Han Su left quietly.He Zhinan said how he could stand working eighteen hours a day. Gao Peng said that by the time he got to the printing factory, he would have no time to spend with He Zhinan.He Zhinan said that there was nothing to do but work, and she said that she could go back.Gao Peng happily agreed upon hearing this, but He Zhinan was disappointed when he saw his reaction.She said she was going to find Han Su. He Zhinan saw Han Su drinking sadly alone.She asked Han Su what was wrong, and Han Su told her that she had just seen her father.

He Zhinan asked her if she had spoken to him, and Han Su said no.She said that she had set a goal to meet him since she was sixteen years old, and she would make achievements to stand in front of him and ask him if he regretted it.But when she saw Sun Xu and his wife together, Han Su felt that these thoughts were too childish, and she ran away in a panic.Han Su burst into tears and drank a lot. He Zhinan asked Gao Peng to send Han Su back. She was not going home today and had to take care of Han Su.Gao Peng said that he never thought that Han Su could play with He Zhinan. They were not the same people at all.Han Su said that He Zhinan's frankness and warmth made Gao Peng cherish her, but Gao Peng was not very happy.Han Su asked him if he had any problems, and Gao Peng said that no problem was the biggest problem between them.

Emily knew that He Zhinan and Han Su played well, and she came to tell He Zhinan that Han Su was Su Su.As soon as He Zhinan heard about Su Su, she immediately thought of Qu Yipeng's phone call to note Su Su. She went to confront Han Su and Han Su admitted it. He Zhinan said that she never wanted to see Han Su again.Zhou Bin saw Sun Hanhan talking to the boy, and he stopped Sun Hanhan who was off work.Zhou Bin told her that he would definitely divorce Zeng Cheng. Sun Hanhan said that Zeng Cheng did in vitro fertilization for him, and he still thought about whether divorce was a human being.The two of them broke up their conversation, and Zhou Bin began to humiliate Sun Hanhan, saying that everything she wore, used, and lived in was provided by him.Sun Hanhan returned home and packed the things Zhou Bin bought for her. She pretended to be a courier and placed them in Zhou Bin's office.

《In Between》E18Plot

Sun Hanhan resigned and went to Hong Kong

He Zhinan was sitting alone on the beach enjoying the wind. She saw on her mobile phone that her high school classmates and their children were all over one month old.He Zhinan was thinking about when Gao Peng would marry her, but she said she wouldn't let herself ask.Gao Peng came back at night. He said that he was forced to go to business and had not eaten yet.He Zhinan said that she would make it for him. He Zhinan watched Gao Peng eat and she said that their high school classmate's child was one month old.Gao Peng said he knew and gave them a big red envelope.He Zhinan said that he would not cover it, and Gao Peng said that she did not need to cover it.He Zhinan said that apart from those who broke up in their high school, they were the only two who were not married. She asked Gao Peng when he would marry her.

Gao Peng was so frightened that he choked. He Zhinan quickly said in despair that he was joking and said that she was still young and didn't want to get married.Gao Peng also said that he was still young, and He Zhinan ran away quickly and said that he would pour water for Gao Peng.After He Zhinan walked over, Gao Peng spit out the noodles in his mouth.It was obvious that he was praising He Zhinan's delicious noodles just now, but now he vomited it out again.He Zhinan went out to drink alone, and when he was extremely drunk, Han Su came.Han Su looked at He Zhinan lying on the ground, she also lay down to accompany her, and took her back.The next morning, He Zhinan woke up and saw Han Su cooking for her. Han Su came over to apologize to her when he saw her awake.

He Zhinan said that if she received a provocative phone call from a tea-smelling person, she would not let that person go.As soon as Han Su heard her words, he knew that she was no longer angry. She said that they were even.Han Su said that the porridge he was cooking was very fragrant, and He Zhinan said that he smelled it.He Zhinan asked Han Su what she said when she was drunk last night. Han Su said everything, saying that she wanted to break up with Gao Peng.Han Su told her to think carefully about breaking up. She said that He Zhinan could stay here as long as he wanted, with food and accommodation included.Sister Xin called Sun Hanhan to go to her office. She asked Sun Hanhan why he provoked Mr. Li.He was so critical of Sun Hanhan just now and wanted to fire her several times.

Sister Xin said that she regarded Sun Hanhan as her biological sister, and she had helped her settle business matters several times.Sun Hanhan thought for a while and told Sister Xin that she should resign. Sister Xin asked her what happened.Sun Hanhan said that she knew it would happen sooner or later. She said that her previous boyfriend was named Zhou Bin.After saying that, Sister Xin knew what was going on. As soon as Sun Hanhan resigned, she went to Hong Kong to find He Zhinan.She moved into Gao Peng's home, and Sun Hanhan asked why Nan Gao Peng wouldn't come back.He Zhinan said that he immediately moved out as soon as he heard that Sun Hanhan was coming. Sun Hanhan said that she should stay in a hotel.He Zhinan said that Gao Peng felt relieved to go live. She said she was going back and Gao Peng immediately booked a flight for her.

He Zhinan said that Gao Peng's temper would not allow him to break up, but he would guide He Zhinan to do so.Sun Hanhan asked her not to say anything, but He Zhinan told her that the two of them were like a car that had run out of gas, and they were too lazy to find a gas station. There was no point in insisting like this.He Zhinan told Sun Hanhan to take her to get to know Han Su. Sun Hanhan said that she had been hearing about Han Su and should go and get to know him quickly.He Zhinan told her that Han Su was Qu Yipeng's ex-boyfriend, and Sun Hanhan was surprised.A few people were playing truth or dare at the bar, and He Zhinan asked Han Su to add the boy at the bar on WeChat.

Han Su went but was too embarrassed to join. Unexpectedly, the boy came to join Han Su himself.He said his name was Roma, and Han Su also introduced himself.When Sun Hanhan told the truth, she said that Zhou Bin was a scumbag. When Han Su heard about Zhou Bin, she asked her to take a photo as a souvenir.Han Su made an excuse to leave because she had something to do. When she walked out, she sent a photo to Zeng Cheng to see if Sun Hanhan was alone.Just when Roma sent her a WeChat message, Han Su deleted him immediately. Roma chased her out and asked her why she deleted herself.Zhou Bin said that he was going to Hong Kong on a business trip. Zeng Cheng received another call from Han Su saying that what Sun Hanhan said was not a lie. Zhou Bin went to harass Sun Hanhan.

In Between

In Between

Total 27 Episodes Sep 19, 2024 C-Drama Rom