《Marry My Dead Body》Ep Intro

It tells the story of Pun, who is thin-skinned and handsome, but hides a big secret that no one knows: he is a vampire who has lived for thousands of years!He just wants to live a low-key life. By chance, he meets the cheerful college student Yo, and together they develop a joyful love between man and ghost.

Pun is a mysterious man who has lived alone for thousands of years. He has a young face that always looks about 25 years old.With vampire blood, he lives an ordinary life among humans.One day, he met a boy named Yo, a college student and the only person Pun was willing to let close to him and enter his life.In this way, the love between vampires and ordinary humans began to sprout without their knowledge...

《Marry My Dead Body》E1Plot

Episode 1

In the silence of the night, Yoh and his friends embarked on an adventure to find UFOs with their love and curiosity for supernatural phenomena.They chose to camp and wait for the unknown light and shadow on the mountains far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.Huang Tian paid off his hard work. After two days of patient waiting and praying, they finally captured the mysterious unknown light and shadow in the sky and submitted a satisfactory answer to their class group report.

However, Yoh's daily life is also full of wonderful encounters.He liked to order a bowl of hot pig blood soup from a vendor near his dormitory. That day, he met a customer with strange behavior - Pun.Pun always orders a big bowl of pig blood soup and always holds two umbrellas while eating. These unusual behaviors aroused Yoh's curiosity.Through his familiar little sister Kaemsai, Yoh learned Pun's name and discovered that Pun had become the vendor's VVIP because of his frequent visits.Yoh didn't want to lose to this “weird”, so he ordered more pig blood soup, and even had to take it away even if he couldn't finish it.

Pun's strange behavior inspired Yoh's desire to explore, and he decided to investigate Pun as an observation object.By chance, Yoh and his friends met Pun again at a street vendor.The girls who were initially hesitant about Yoh's plan were deeply impressed after seeing Pun's appearance and temperament.This makes Chalui, the only male member of the group, feel a little helpless.

Yoh's interest in Pun became more and more intense, and he began to peek at Pun at the vendors, intentionally or unintentionally.Once, Pun noticed Yoh's behavior. He walked up to greet Yoh and expressed his interest in the same pig blood soup.When saying goodbye, Pun even patted the back of Yoh's hand gently and praised him for smelling good.This move made Yoh feel strange and at the same time inexplicably familiar.

This sense of familiarity drove Yoh to approach Pun.When Yoh learned that the dormitory in the building where Pun lived was for rent, he rented the vacant room diagonally opposite to Pun without hesitation.His group members were excited, and although Chalui had some objections to using Pun as a research subject, he eventually compromised.

Soon, Pun discovered that Yoh had moved to the haunted house diagonally opposite.The two began to meet frequently at the stall because of their mutual love of pig blood soup.During a Valentine's Day half-price dining event, Pun actually grabbed Yoh's hand to announce their relationship in order to save money.Afterwards, Pun explained that he had no other intention and simply wanted to reduce daily expenses.

However, when Yoh and Pun were talking on the rooftop, Pun suddenly asked Yoh's purpose.In Yoh's flashing eyes and hesitant words, Pun noticed that Yoh seemed to have met him many years ago.Pun revealed that he was no ordinary person and then disappeared without a trace.

Yoh was confused and worried about Pun's sudden disappearance.He came to Pun's dormitory door and knocked, but found that the door was unlocked.He walked into the room curiously, but was surprised to find a coffin on the floor.This immediately reminded Yoh of the legend of vampires, and his danger was approaching...

《Marry My Dead Body》E2Plot

Episode 2

Yoh's heartbeat was racing like thunder, and he clenched his fists, determined to uncover the mystery of his friend Pun.Is he really the legendary vampire?Yoh broke into Pun's room with anxiety.The room was dark, with only one window covered by heavy curtains.In the center of the room, an ancient coffin stood quietly, as if telling a thousand-year secret.

A chill ran down Yoh's spine, and he felt the hairs all over his body stand on end.Did he really guess it right?At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew across his neck. He turned around in horror and saw Pun standing behind him with a strange smile on his lips.What surprised him even more was that Pun actually had vampire braces on his mouth, as if he was deliberately teasing him.

“This is just a joke, Yoh, are you scared?”Pun's voice had a hint of mischief.

Yoh breathed a sigh of relief, but the doubts in his heart did not dissipate.He understood that Pun was not a real vampire, but this joke made him have a strong interest in vampires.

Pun did not directly answer Yoh's question, but he revealed that he was a vampire who had lived for thousands of years.From ancient times to modern times, he has witnessed the death of countless friends, and only he has survived.His wounds would heal on their own, and the only pain he felt was the glare of the sun.For thousands of years, he tried various methods to end his life, but miraculously survived each time.

However, this vampire's life isn't entirely dark.Pun was obsessed with the taste of pig blood soup, which became the only joy in his life.Whenever he smells the aroma of pig blood soup, he seems to feel the pulse of life.

Yoh was dubious about Pun's words, but he was moved by Pun's love for pig blood soup.He began to try to understand this vampire who had lived for thousands of years, and at the same time he gradually became attracted to his story.

However, just as Yoh began to accept Pun's vampire identity, a sudden date broke the peace.It turned out that the waiter came over with cat food and asked if they wanted it.Yoh and Pun smiled at each other and happily fed the cat.This heartwarming moment made Yoh temporarily forget his doubts about vampires.

Pun's fantasy was interrupted by a knock on the door, and his little sister brought his favorite pig blood soup.Immediately afterwards, Yoh rushed over and asked Pun in concern if he was hungry.Yoh's curiosity was aroused again, and he began to wonder whether Pun was really interested in vampires.However, when Pun smiled happily because of a bowl of pig blood soup, Yoh's doubts disappeared again.

Pun asked Yoh to keep his secret, he didn't want to be disturbed by strangers.However, Yoh became keenly interested in the existence of vampires.He began to search for information about vampires on the Internet, but accidentally discovered a rumor about a school student who was sucked by vampires and died.This made Yoh more determined to see Pun for verification.

Just as Yoh was about to knock on the door of Room 407, a nearby aunt came over and told him about the dark history of the room.However, the aunt's words did not bring any useful information to Yoh, just trivial matters.Yoh felt a little disappointed, but he did not give up his pursuit of the truth about vampires.

In order to verify whether Pun is a vampire, Yoh thought of a way-to test with a cross necklace.He imagined the horrific scene of being sucked by a vampire, and felt increasingly uncomfortable with Pun.In the end, he decided to hang the cross necklace on the door of Pun's house, hoping to reveal the truth.

However, when Pun came to Yoh's room to thank him for the gift, Yoh's doubts were broken again.Pun's desire for Yoh's blood frightened him, but Yoh refused his request.He told Pun that there were other people in the room and his sister was about to bring a cake to celebrate their birthday.This makes Pun feel very happy and satisfied.

After the separation, Yoh began to reflect on what he had done.He realizes that whether Pun is a vampire or not, he has become an integral part of his life.He began to cherish his friendship with Pun and no longer struggled with the truth about vampires.And because of the appearance of Yoh, Pun's love and expectation for life were rekindled.

《Marry My Dead Body》E3Plot

Episode 3

In order to be able to eat pig blood soup every day, Pun bought the pig blood stall and moved it to the top floor. Then he recruited Kaensai to make pig blood soup for him with double salary.Yoh passed by and heard the pig blood soup slogan on the top floor and came to the rooftop. When he learned that Pun bought the pig blood soup, he gave Pun a bunch of garlic that he wanted to test as a gift for opening the store. Because of this, Yoh thought that Pun would probablyAliens, not vampires.

Later, Yoh took the Pig Blood Soup duo and the driver out for photography for the report content. During the trip, Pun's various behaviors made the driver feel extremely weird, especially during the stargazing session, Pun revealed that he had lived for a hundred years.As soon as he said this, the driver immediately regarded him as a weirdo.

Kaemsai worked tirelessly to make pig blood soup for his boss Pun every day. During this period, some residents in the apartment also came to help test it. With everyone's suggestions and Kaemsai's improvements, he finally succeeded in making the pig blood soup that he thought was delicious.

One night Yoh also began to think about why he was so obsessed with Pun. When he doubted whether he was really a vampire, he couldn't help but recall the memories of his youth. When he recalled it, he remembered that there was indeed a support in his memory.A strange man with an umbrella, and the other party gave him ice cream when he was acting like a naughty child and crying.Because he remembered this incident, he couldn't believe that he had ever met Pun. He immediately went to knock on Pun's door and invited him to go out for ice cream the next day.

Pun happily went to the appointment. During the date between the two, Pun spoke openly about being a vampire. However, Yoh was still hesitant about the fact that vampires were real. Therefore, in order to make Yoh believe in him, he took Yoh with him after returning home.He went to the rooftop and jumped off the building to prove what he said was true.Unexpectedly, Pun jumped because she was afraid of pain, and Yoh was worried for nothing because she saw her taking action. Afterwards, she felt unhappy and had to go back to her room.

That night, Kaemsai looked at the stalls on the top floor and had the idea of ​​opening a business. However, Pun rejected the idea as troublesome when he heard it. This made Yoh feel resentful for Kaemsai, who had the dream of opening a pig blood soup shop., I hope Pun will not bury Kaemsai’s good craftsmanship and diners who like pig blood soup for his own selfish desires.Later, the residents in the community building who supported the opening of the stall also came to support. Seeing that the stall he opened on the top floor could actually bring love and joy to more people, Pun finally agreed and officially opened it on the top floor of the building.Business.

The opening of the pig blood stall business carried the hopes and dreams of Pun, Yoh, Kaemsai and others. When everyone was watching the rooftop in the morning and shouting slogans to cheer each other up, they never thought that the former tenant of Pun's room in front of the building was also in Bagua AuntieThe panic came...

《Marry My Dead Body》E4Plot

Episode 4

Although Pun is the boss, he does not cook or entertain guests, but only eats. In order to reduce the pressure of outside and inside work after opening the store, Kaemsai and Yoh began to post and distribute advertisements for recruiting assistants on the road, andSoon someone called me to schedule an interview.

The newcomer who came to apply was Sin, who was dressed differently than ordinary people but had a very humble and polite attitude. Although Sin was a weirdo like Pun in terms of temperament and did not know how to cook any food, Kaemsai saw the seriousness in Sin.Therefore, Ke Ran decided to hire him to join as one of the members to open the store.

That day, a man who called himself Somchai came to Pun's door. Yoh, who was going out to return home, came to say hello to Pun when he passed by. Somchai shook hands with him as soon as he saw Yoh, and Yoh let him go with this shake.He couldn't help but sigh at the scent of his body.Just when Yoh felt that Somchai was weird, Pun on the side had a very cold attitude and told Yoh to leave quickly...

After Yoh returned home, he had dinner with his father and sister. At the dinner table, his sister revealed to her father that her brother had not come home frequently because of someone showing up recently. After a while, there was a sound outside the back door. As soon as her sister went to answer the door, she found that it wasPun.It turns out that Pun came here based on the smell of Yoh. He arrived just in time to meet Yoh's parents. During the meal, even Yoh's father laughed endlessly about Pun claiming to be a vampire, and his first impression of him was very vivid.

Because Sin didn't know how to cook pig blood soup, Kaensai trained him on how to get started before opening the store. After practicing hard again and again, Sin gradually mastered the cooking skills. Only Pun in the group always criticized Sin the most.The reason for Yu Praise is simply that he believed that Sin's arrival threatened his status and forced him to compete with him for favor.

One day, Yoh met Somchai on the way back to the dormitory. When the two were alone, Somchai seemed very interested in Yoh. As soon as he started to get entangled, Pun came over and pulled Yoh away to let him go back to the room first.As soon as Yoh left the two of them, he was pulled aside by the aunt who had gossiped about him. After the aunt's warning, Yoh found out that Somchai was the former tenant of Pun's room...

Pun was worried that Somchai would be harmful to Yoh. When he went to bed at night, he brought his own cat to his room to sleep on the grounds that he wanted to protect Yoh's safety.When Yoh woke up the next day, he looked at Pun who was sleeping on the floor and suddenly found that the place where Pun was wearing the cross necklace seemed to be injured. However, when he woke up, Pun put the necklace away pretending to be fine and went about his daily life as if nothing had happened.Talk to Yoh about everyday things.

Sin's training has come to an end, and the pig blood soup shop will be officially opened for business soon. In order to pray for Yoh, he brought the pig blood soup members and his friend Bowie to the temple to listen to Buddhist scriptures and practice during the holidays. In particular, they must abide by the Buddhist temple regulations of not staying past noon.Food, this requirement directly made Pun hungry to the point of almost having a nervous breakdown.

Pun, who was so hungry at night, decided to break the habit during a meeting. After everyone except Yoh voted unanimously, Kaemsai borrowed the kitchen to start the fire. The pig blood and other ingredients that Pun had prepared in advance were also given to Sin to cook for assessment., and received very high praise after everyone ate it.During the practice the next day, Yoh couldn't help but ask Pun whether he would feel uncomfortable wearing the necklace he gave him. After hearing this, Pun said that he was fine and because the gift was given by Yoh, he liked it very much and was willing to wear it all the time..

After finishing the temple practice, the members of Pig Blood Soup are also preparing to welcome their first day of opening. What kind of customers will they welcome on the first day of opening...??

《Marry My Dead Body》E5Plot

Episode 5

However, on the first day of opening, none of the customers who had promised to come to the store came. The only one who came to shop was a sweeper who only ordered white rice and lettuce. Seeing that the opening of the market was so unfavorable, Sin had no choice but to find another way.

Since the store is located on the rooftop and there are no advertisements, in order to spread the news about the store's opening, Sin proposed to write a song and have everyone dance and put it on the social platform to attract people.The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. The film that everyone worked on all afternoon has been completely ignored, and the business of pig blood soup has still not improved.

Compared to the passivity of store manager Pun, Sin is very hardworking as an employee. In order to increase the customer rate, he went to the alleyway to attract customers with flags and shouts.Pun had to go shopping because his cat was about to run out of food. During the shopping trip, he invited Yoh to accompany him. At Yoh's request, he took the light rail instead of walking, which gave Pun his first experience of taking public transportation.On the way back, Pun was very happy about buying the trip today. He regarded this trip as a date with Yoh, and he also asked Yoh to date him again next time...

The pig blood soup was still crowded at night, but Pun's uninvited guest Somchai was welcomed into the store. Somchai's appearance and provocative behavior aroused Pun's displeasure.Pun couldn't help but beat Somchai while the two were pushing and pulling. After Somchai was injured, he told Pun that he would visit the stall often in the future, and then left under the unwelcome eyes of everyone.

After Somchai left, other employees also left work one after another. Yoh asked Pun why he disliked Somchai, and Pun told Yoh that he didn't need to know because Yoh shouldn't know someone like Somchai.Pun then said that he wanted to take good care of and protect Yoh, because Yoh was already regarded by him as a person with a good reputation. Soon after he finished speaking, he lowered his head and leaned close to his head and shoulders, smelled it, and did something.Yoh was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to react.

The dance trick obviously didn't work. The next day, the Pig Blood Soup team held another meeting to discuss the next battle plan. At Yoh's suggestion, everyone agreed to use Pun's weirdness as a gimmick and use the vampire theme to shoot a short video.Promote the store.

After finishing today's shooting, Yoh took over the editing work. He was tired from working all day and was only halfway through editing when he lay down on the desk in the room so tired.As soon as Pun saw him fall, he carried him to bed to rest. As a result, Pun was thinking about scenes in fairy tales when he hugged him to bed. He thought that Yoh's sleeping face at this time was like Sleeping Beauty and that there should be a prince here.A passionate kiss...

《Marry My Dead Body》E6Plot

Episode 6

Pun didn't make a move on Yoh, he just let out the scent of Yoh's body and was intoxicated. However, Pun also made up his mind to pursue Yoh at this moment, so that he could use his delicate lips.Yoh woke up after resting for a while. Although Pun had already left the room, he was considerate and worried that Yoh would be hungry when he woke up, so he prepared pig blood for Yoh in advance, which made Yoh feel heart-warming when he saw it.

Episode 6

In the evening, Yoh went to the top floor to help the Yan shop. After thanking Pun for delivering dinner to him, Yoh was inspired by Pun's unintentional words and decided to use them as a way to attract customers.Yoh distributed the pig blood soup in the store to all the residents of the building to promote the news of opening a store on the top floor. For this reason, he also agreed with Pun Lagou that if this method did not bring economic benefits to the store after one month, he would compensate the store.Hand out free food for all losses.

In addition to distributing food, the video previously shot by Yoh and others has also been edited. With the support of his sister and other people involved in the creation, Yoh uploaded the video to the platform. During this period, Pun, who was curious about the result, asked him day and night if he had any acting skills.So good that I have a few more fans.

Originally, I didn’t have any hope for the video, but who would have expected that the video would become a hit the day after it was uploaded. Pun’s beautiful face has completely become the best spokesperson for the store. As the number of views of the video increases day by day, the pig blood stall has also successfully gained popularity.Make people come here.

Pun's passion for Yoh has been obvious to others for a long time. On this day, Yoh and his sister came to Pun's room. Pun suggested that he go out on a date with Yoh. Originally, Yoh was a little embarrassed and shy in the presence of his sister and refused to agree. The sister looked down upon him.The elder brother said that she would be responsible for the cat and asked him to agree to Pun's invitation and go out with him.So the two started a date over dinner, during which Pun also bluntly stated that he wanted to pursue Yoh, and he didn't care if Yoh dodged and evaded his straight-ball confession.

Because Yoh is always very gentle to his cats, Pun would like to ask Pun to treat him like a cat during meals. After that, Pun would stick to Yoh like a cat the whole day and would not go anywhere.After returning to the store, he ignored other people's opinions and fans' requests for photos. He lay on Yoh's lap and enjoyed Yoh's touch. He also said that he would also be a cat in the future...

Yoh was busy with opening a store and Pun, which made Phakwan, a member of the group, come over specifically. After seeing the way Yoh looked at Pun, he soon realized that Yoh had someone he was more passionate about than aliens.object.However, Pun retorted when faced with Phakwan's inquiry. He duplicitously said that he cared more about aliens than vampires. However, Pun overheard these words, making Pun think that Yoh had no special affection for him. His eyes were filled with tears.Lost.

After sending Phakwan away, Yoh returned to the top floor, but he didn't see Pun until the closing time. Pun's absence also made Yoh feel a little complicated.When going to bed at night, Yoh's room was haunted and there was a knock on the door. Feeling creepy, Yoh rolled up his pillow and quilt and went to Pun's room door. After he knocked on the door, Pun's face looked a little cold after opening the door, but he stillYoh was allowed to enter his room and spend the night.

When Yoh saw Pun, he wanted to ask him why he didn't show up at the store at night, but Pun ignored his choice and went to sleep. Yoh originally wanted to touch Pun and ask him what happened, but a call from his friend forced him to firstPull your hand back to answer the call.As soon as he picked up the phone, his friend warned Yoh in a nervous tone to be careful recently, because there were reports in the news that a vampire creature was suspected of attacking people, and the person who happened was the one who attacked in the alleyway of Yoh's residence when Pun disappeared........

《Marry My Dead Body》E7Plot

Episode 7

Between being afraid of ghosts and being afraid of vampires, Yoh chose to be afraid of ghosts. However, in order to prevent himself from being bitten at night, he kept a little distance from Pun. Before falling asleep, he held two umbrellas and pillows as defensive weapons.When Yoh woke up the next day, Pun had already disappeared. He called his friend to tell him the news about the vampire night attack, and asked him to go home quickly and not stay too long because he was worried about his safety.But not long after returning home, his sister told Yoh that today was the date that everyone was scheduled to shoot a movie together. As a result, Yoh had no choice but to follow his sister back to the rental building...

Pun disappeared early in the filming and put on an alien costume. Of course, he did this because Yoh's words made him choose to be an alien. However, Yoh still did not take Pun's actions lightly. After all, yesterdayPun's attitude towards him was super cold at night, but he returned to normal overnight as if nothing had happened. From the beginning to the end of the filming, Yoh was speculating whether Pun was harmful to them.After the shooting, Pun took the initiative to talk to Yoh, but Yoh mistakenly thought that he was going to hurt them and asked Pun with a scared look on his face that if he wanted to be a good vampire, he should surrender to the police station.Seeing Yoh's insistence, Pun had no choice but to follow him to the police station. During the interrogation, Pun told that he actually stayed in the room all day last night and didn't go anywhere, and that he got into trouble because of what Yoh said to his friends.Finally, because he missed Yoh, he pretended to be a ghost and knocked on his door to let him sleep in his room.

After clearing up the misunderstanding, Yoh apologized to the police, and then pulled Pun away quickly. The two people who solved the problem quickly repaired their relationship. That night, they even slept together on the rooftop while watching the stars and the moon. Yoh looked so sweet.My sister is also secretly happy for her brother.

The next day, Pun happily took a shower and fed his beloved cat. He went out to find Yoh who was diagonally opposite for dinner. Unexpectedly, he saw an old acquaintance, Janja, who happened to be Pun's school classmate.Pun also walked out of the room with his sister at this time. Seeing the way the two met, Yoh acted like a light bulb and pulled Pun to go to dinner with them. This made the sister worry about her brother who had no sense of crisis after walking out of the door.

Kamsai and Sin operate the pig blood stall seriously every day. Although the temporary exposure brought a customer base, the number of customers has also decreased as the popularity subsided.Sin had previously made a bold statement about changing his hair color due to low ratings, so this time he was asked by Kamsai when he would dye his hair, and the atmosphere between the two was somewhat ambiguous.

After dinner, Yoh chatted with his sister. When his sister asked him which one he thought was more important, aliens or vampires, Yoh's answer was already self-evident, because compared to his previous enthusiasm for chasing aliens, he now felt more important.What attracted more attention was Pun's existence, and all that appeared when he was admiring the stars was his face.

《Marry My Dead Body》E8Plot

Episode 8

Yoh's father was looking forward to seeing Pun again after they met last time. Unexpectedly, Pun actually came to visit him that day. He also made an agreement with Pun to eat the pig blood soup in the store, so he kept his promise.Get ingredients and wait for Kaensai to cook.During the meal, Yoh's father learned that everyone was making short videos and writing songs, so Pun asked Yoh's father if he wanted to learn their dance steps, and Yoh's father not surprisingly agreed to Pun's request, and the two of them had fun together that afternoon.Interactive learning to dance.

Episode 8

While Yoh was teaching Pun how to wash dishes, Kaensai and his sister were both happy with the sight of their friendship. However, the younger sister soon became worried about her brother and his love rival, and told Kaensai Janja's name, determined to do something right.Fight hard for your brother's love., Yoh was worried that Somchai was the murderer, so he asked Pun for information about him, but the misguided Pun not only misunderstood the point, but also madly expressed his love for Yoh, leaving Yoh helpless and had to wait until Pun's honey offensive intensified.End the conversation.

By chance, Pun saw Yoh's notes on how to kill vampires. Unlike ordinary people, Pun did not have any negative emotions at all. Instead, he praised Yoh for taking everything seriously, and then he tried to help Yoh experiment with those methods.The vampires were killed for Pun to use as a human experiment, and he tested the holy water he bought online after listening to the monks chanting sutras.But it was clear that what Pun bought was a fake, and because the holy water had a peculiar smell, Yoh had to take the responsibility of giving Pun a bath when the experiment failed. The intimate behavior between the two was also seen by Yoh's father.He deliberately took his daughter away to tell her not to look at anything inappropriate.

Because Pun stayed at Yoh's house and did not return, Pun asked Yoh to call Kaensai to take care of his cat. After Kaemsai completed the task and was about to leave, Janja came to see Pun. When she learned that Pun and Yoh were staying together, JanjaHe came to Yoh's house alone, hoping to join the two of them in stargazing and chatting. However, when Yoh saw Janja, he thought she had something to say to Pun and left to leave them alone.

Seeing her brother's surrender gesture, the sister grabbed her brother and asked him not to be a deserter, and then told her brother that the place they were in was the owner of his own home, so there was no reason for the owner to be driven away by guests.After that, he forced Yoh to go back and join the conversation.Just like this, the dead people lay on the ground looking at the sky and chatting. Yoh also misunderstood when Janja and Pun knew each other. Unexpectedly, as soon as Janja finished speaking, Yoh felt a chill down his spine, because Janja's tone and so on were somewhat similar to Pun's.Similar, this made him suspect that Janja might also be a vampire, so for personal safety, he hurriedly grabbed his sister and escaped first out of respect on the pretext of going back to the house to sleep...

Sin kept his promise and changed his hair color, but Pun, as his boss, was as venomous as ever and asked him to use the hair dyeing time to improve his ability to cook pig blood soup.Although Pun is always picky about Sin, Sin is the only employee in the store who can help Kaensai share his worries. Therefore, when Pun asked Kaemsai to help him chase Yoh, Kaemsai directly turned around and called Sin to come over and help.Pun completely collapsed with helplessness.

After returning to the room, Pun's face became solemn, because the uninvited guest Somchai appeared in his room, and Janja also walked out holding his beloved cat. It was obvious that the three of them had known each other for a long time....

《Marry My Dead Body》E9Plot

Episode 9

The arrival of Janja and Somchai reminds Pun that the millennium deadline is approaching, and they also express the hope that Pun will abide by the agreement and marry Janja by then. This makes Pun can only use his last remaining time to get along with Yoh and his friends.According to Yoh's notes, Pun continued to let Yoh experiment on him. Since Pun was unwilling to stab Pun with nails as an experiment, Pun had to do it himself. This allowed others to witness Pun's cell healing ability, which confirmed hisThe fact that he really is a vampire.

Episode 9

Punching stakes was not enough. The next challenge was for Pun to hold up under the bright sun for five minutes. Due to Yoh's request, Pun did it even though he didn't like it. But when he was really stung by the sun and almost couldn't hold on anymore.Yoh couldn't help but step forward and hand him the umbrella, which made Pun feel good about his caring behavior.

Afterwards, Pun told Yoh who raised doubts that because he didn't drink human blood very much, he looked weaker than Somchai, but he couldn't like his current life, so he never thought about taking it.Human blood.

After eating the ice and taking a breather, Pun once again sought death. The next challenge was to ask Yoh to decapitate him with a shovel. Of course, Pun did not do it in the end. Then he said that this was too childish, and Kaensai and his sister on the side agreed..The last challenge was to pick hearts. After hearing Pun talk about this challenge, Yoh replied to Pun in a rare and disgusting way, saying that he didn't have a heart, just because his heart was already with him. This earthy love words made KaensaiThere is also a younger sister who decisively fled the scene and stayed behind, unwilling to be a light bulb.

After returning to the store after a busy afternoon, everyone was surprised by the number of fans who suddenly came to the door. It seemed that everyone had once again become popular on the social media.After closing the store after a busy night, everyone had a tacit understanding to leave Pun and Yoh alone. Sin and Kaensai even called Pun out specifically and asked him not to waste this opportunity to capture Yoh's heart by singing a love song to confess to him..

But just when Pun was about to play guitar and sing to Yoh with the encouragement of Sin and others, Sonchai ran out to ruin the atmosphere, and even pretended to attack Yoh and suck blood, which made Pun angry: On the other hand, Kaemsai was waiting in the room with Yoh's sister,The two exchanged information and learned that Somchai's choice of Janja was a stumbling block between Pun and Yoh's love. They expressed their common intention to find ways to prevent Somchai from getting close to Janja for their happiness.

After Sonchai was beaten by Pun Ou, he warned Yoh on the side, asking Yoh to be careful of the angry Pun, because as long as he is angry, he will become extremely irritable.

After Sonchai left, Yoh hugged him in order to calm Pun down, and then told him that if he could, he could let Pun wear his deodorant all day long. The effect of these words was so great that Pun immediately became very excited after hearing this.Pull Yoh into the room for the wedding.

But Yoh is not a vegetarian. Seeing that Pun has calmed down, he breaks his promise and hangs him, leaving Pun happy in vain and thinking that something will happen to him and Yoh tonight. Even his last request to Yoh to give him a bath failed.

It was the annual Songkran Festival in Thailand. I watched Pun delivering a congratulatory speech to the younger generation like an elder. Sonchai outside looked at Pun with a wicked smile on his face, thinking that sooner or later he would join them in drinking human blood.

《Marry My Dead Body》E10Plot

Episode 10

Somchai specially sent someone to give Pun a wine bottle filled with human blood, which made Pun who received the gift very unhappy. When he returned to the room, he poured the entire bottle of blood into the sink.Because this also greatly reduced his original appetite, and he tried his best to restrain his angry thoughts, so much so that Yoh who came to see him later was treated coldly by him.

Episode 10

As soon as he left Pun's room, Yoh told the two assistants about Pun's unhappiness. Kaemsai and his sister were a little surprised when they learned that Somchai had taken the initiative to come to the door but was driven away by Pun, especially when they were told that Somchai and JanjaThey were even more surprised when they were both vampires.However, it didn't take long before Somchai came to Yoh's door again and asked Yoh to talk to him alone. His eyes were clearly threatening Yoh to do what he said.

Somchai came here mainly to inquire about Pun's expression after receiving his gift, and then mocked Yoh that he would be frightened if he saw Pun's crazy side of drinking human blood. After hearing what he said, Yoh became confused after the conversation.He quickly fled back to the room, and then sent his sister back to her hometown for her personal safety.In the evening, Yoh's friend Bowie came to visit concerned about his safety. The two also held a video conference with the girl Phakwan in the group. In the video, Yoh explained who were the vampires around them, and then the three of them started investigating Janja and others.Why did the human purpose form a temporary vampire team?

The next day, the department was also holding activities related to the Water Splashing Festival. Janja came to greet Yoh and others lively, while Phakwan and Bowie ran to gather information with the juniors after the event. After asking, they found out that Janja actually sponsored the department society.The high cost of hosting the event made the two puzzled and suspected that there must be other reasons behind it.

Janja and Yoh were talking alone and didn't care at all about their vampire identity being exposed. But not long after the two of them talked, Pun came with Kaensai and the domestic cat. Janja saw this and was sensible enough not to disturb him and left. Before leaving, he choseHe said something intriguing.After Janja left, Pun continued his courtship routine, leaving Kaemsai who was captured with a resentful look on his face. He wondered when his boss would successfully capture the target so that he could go home early.

When Yoh went to the toilet, he accidentally saw a sister who was a cadre of the department society with suspected vampire bite marks on her neck. Under his relentless questioning, the girl finally went from beating her to death to admitting that it was a vampire. Yoh also had a new vampire attack here.Cognition of events, knowing that people attacked by vampires will not necessarily lead to death or transformation into the same kind.

Pun came to Yoh's room to sleep at night. Yoh also greatly lowered his psychological alertness to Pun because of his cognitive changes. And because of the thousand-year deadline mentioned by Somchai, he learned from Pun that the life span of a vampire is a thousand years, and Pun this yearAt the age of 925.Pun told Yoh that if he and Yoh fell in love at his age, they could grow old together. Yoh also smiled brightly and agreed to him after hearing Pun's words that they would love each other until death. The two naturally sealed their relationship with a kiss.However, after Yoh fell asleep, Pun quietly stayed by Yoh's side and looked at his sleeping face, because the time he could accompany Yoh was not as long as he said but only two days left.

On the other hand, Somchai focused on the girl who was a resident of the building who often helped with the work at the pig blood stall. When the girl was alone, he walked up to her, and the aura of him getting too close made the girl scared and didn't know what to do.At this moment, Auntie Bagua didn't want to see the girl being attacked by Somchai, so she jumped out and took the initiative to attract hatred and let the girl escape quickly. Because of this, she was caught by Somchai and said that she wanted to show her auntie some sex.

《Marry My Dead Body》E11Plot

Episode 11

Somchai's desire to attack people made Pun very angry. He warned Somchai not to touch the people in the apartment, but Somchai provocatively replied that he had lived like this for hundreds of years, and then it was time to scold Pun as an elder brother.Recognize your true nature and return to their clan.But he never thought that these words were overheard by Yoh, who was shocked when he learned about the relationship between Somchai and Pun.

Somchai invaded every door early in the morning and went to the pig blood stall on the top floor to block people. As soon as he saw Sin, who was the first to arrive to prepare, he stepped forward to threaten him, but when he saw Sin's desperate expression when he was about to suck his blood, he chose to give up.It would be better if he lives first.After Sonchai left, Karnsai also came to the store to take care of it. Recently, she saw Pun and Yoh spending all the time together, so she wanted to make the store business better than the boss's love, so she told Sin.You can start spending more time on business marketing instead of being Pun's love consultant.

Pun was very unusual today. It was the first time he went out without an umbrella under the scorching hot sun. He went out on a date with Pun, dressed appropriately, and completed his proposal to Yoh under a tree. The two wore love letters for each other.King ring, the atmosphere is very romantic and warm.

However, at the end of the day, Somchai came to harass Pun again and told him that there was only one last day left, forcing Pun to break away from the group of people at the pig blood stall. He also emphasized that the only relationship between Pun and Yoh wasAs soon as it's over, I will seamlessly eat Yoh...

The next day, while having dinner with Yoh, Kaensai and others on the top floor, Pun revealed that he hoped to hand over the management of the store to Kaensai. Since Pun's tone sounded obvious, Kaemsai and others asked Pun if there were any problems in running the store, andFor this reason, she was willing to let Pun deduct her salary to stop the loss, but Pun was determined and spoke tough. In the end, Kaensai and Sin, who had always worked hard, were disappointed with her. Even Yoh could not accept Pun's decision and got angry.leave.

Afterwards, everyone noticed that something was wrong with Pun. At this moment, Somchai came forward to help with the damage and told everyone that the reason why the number of customers at the pig blood stall fluctuated was because Pun paid for it out of his own pocket in the hope of seeing everyone smile.of extras.These words that added insult to injury undoubtedly undermined the morale of the pig blood stall team. After hearing this, Sin, who had always been meek, couldn't help but fix the unreasonable Somchai in front of him. Somchai also laughed wildly and turned away after achieving his goal.

Yoh wanted to see Pun that night to explain things clearly, but not only was Pun not in his room, he also didn't come back from the pig blood stall on the top floor.He just sat on the rooftop feeling the loneliness without Pun by his side until Bowie and his sister came over. Faced with his sister asking him why he followed Pun's whereabouts without taking any action, Yoh seemed unusual and took no action this time.It wasn't until Bowie saw the note Pun left for Yoh next to the stall and showed it to him that Yoh plucked up the courage to go downstairs to Pun's room to look for someone. But when he opened the door, he only saw the same scene as Pun and hisMy beloved cat has left...

After Pun disappeared, Yoh also moved out of the dormitory building without Pun, but he still missed his old friends at the pig blood stall, so he came back to ask the residents of the building if there was news about Pun and got a negative answer, so he came to ask for permission.We went up to the rooftop to see Zai Geye’s pig blood stall.Kaensai also misses the time when she had Pun in the past, but now she is unwilling to run the store alone without Pun. When the two were reminiscing about the past, her sister, who was unwilling to let her brother end the relationship with Pun, came over.The sister brought the news and informed her brother that after Pun disappeared, Janja and others also disappeared silently.

Encouraged by her, the pig blood stall team decided to regroup and find Pun. They began to post missing person notices on the street. Bowie used his growing writing ability to post the love story of Yoh and Pun on the Internet., thereby increasing the reach rate so that more people can join the ranks of Xunxun.After several days of hard work, Yoh received a call one night indicating that he knew Pun's whereabouts.

Accompanied by Kaemsai and his sister, Yoh and others were led by men in black to a church. Soon after they sat down, Yoh saw Pun, whom he had longed for, appear.But along with Pun came Janja and Somchai. Just when Yoh didn't know what situation he was in, he saw Somchai saluting the three of them exaggeratedly, and then loudly announced that the wedding ceremony would be held next, and the bride and groomIt was Pun and Janja on stage.

《Marry My Dead Body》E12Plot

Episode 12

Pun actually met and fell in love with Yoh in every life before, and because he only admired Yoh, he declined his fiancée Janja's affection many times. The engagement between the two was only based on Pun's promise to Janja's father.

After witnessing the wedding of Pun and Janja, Yoh returned home heartbroken. After that, he stopped coming to the building and ended up running between school and home at two o'clock. He didn't want to socialize and stayed in his room all day long.Kaemsai, who was good friends with Yoh's sister, found out that Yoh didn't feel sorry for her, and scolded Pun for his disloyalty and injustice when the two were having lunch. As a result, the scolding lasted until the rightful owner arrived...

When Kaensai saw Pun arriving, she went downstairs angrily and didn't want to make pig blood soup for Pun to eat. However, when he came to the rooftop in the evening and still saw that Pun hadn't left, she felt soft-hearted and had to wash her hands again and make soup to prepare meals for Pun.After the meal, Pun hoped that Kaemsai could continue to open the store and not bury his cooking skills. However, Kaemsai not only refused to agree to take over the store, but instead aroused long-standing resentment and told Pun that if he did not plan to come back, then she would never open the store..

Pun came home smelling like pig blood. As soon as Janja got closer, she knew that her newlywed husband had gone back to meet an old acquaintance. She asked Punja aggrievedly if he could give away her feelings for Yoh, but she was coldly ignored again by Pun.of rejection.Angry, she left and prepared to go to Yoh's house to kill him. However, just as she was about to leave, the student union cadre who had been sucked by her rushed up and volunteered selflessly when he knew that she wanted to suck blood.Only then did Janja regain her sense and let go of her murderous intention...

Janja failed to take action, so Somchai, who was watching the show, went to Yoh to tease him. He told Yoh that he had something to do with Pun in his previous life, and revealed that he had died at his hands in several lives. Yoh thenI understand why I saw Pun angry several times when Somchai approached me.Just when Somchai finished speaking and was about to bite Yoh, Pun appeared between the two again to protect Yoh, but this time he appeared and Yoh did not express his gratitude for his kindness, and told Pun sincerely afterwards that heI have never loved him, and I hope Pun will let go and stop pestering him.

After Somchai went back, he talked to Janja. He originally wanted to stimulate Janja's love to make her want to kill again. Unexpectedly, his provocation method didn't work. Janja was still tired of missing the endless grass for more than a hundred years and planned to end it.everything.After understanding that there was no chance that Pun would fall back in love with her, Janja took the initiative to interview Yoh. She told Yoh that she hoped he could cherish the opportunity to fall in love with Pun for the rest of his life, and she decided to put down her relationship with Pun.Pun's obsession is no longer in the way.

Janja's opening made Yoh rethink the possibility of being with Pun. After questioning himself in his mind and heart, he finally chose to face his inner love for Pun. He found Pun's dormitory door and entered the room.Seeing that there was no one in Pun's room, he regretfully confided his love for Pun into the empty room.This confession was heard by Pun who was actually somewhere in the room the whole time. After hearing Yoh's words, Pun appeared happily holding the cat. As a result, the two people who were in love with each other came together and confirmed their relationship.

Pun returned to the pig blood stall again, and Sin, who had resigned in anger, later came back to apply for a clerkship again, and restored the original pig blood stall alliance with Pun's approval.Pun's birthday soon came, and Yoh, his sister, and Kaensai all prepared gifts for Pun. When Yoh asked why he hadn't celebrated Pun once in the past few lives, he learned that Pun actually didn't have a birthday at all.You're not stupid, I just said that just to show pity and attract Yoh's attention...

Pun fell in love with Yoh until Yoh was late. Yoh looked at the previous videos of himself and Pun and recalled the good times. Before he died, he promised to meet Pun again in the next life.After hearing this, Pun said that just like in the past, he would definitely see the reincarnated Yoh again in the vast sea of ​​people. After hearing this, Yoh rested his pillow on Pun's shoulder and fell asleep quietly under the sunset.

After Yoh and others passed away one after another, Pun became a lonely man again. Also like him was Somchai, who still watched too many movies.The two of them were sitting on a wooden bench in the park chatting. Somchai playfully asked Pun, who only had 20 years left to live, if he could find Yoh again. Then he casually mentioned the name of the song Pun composed for his lover in this life, and then listened to it.When Pun answered that the name of the song was - Yoh Bei Bi - he complained that he thought it was useless.

Marry My Dead Body

Marry My Dead Body

Total 12 Episodes Feb 15, 2024 Tai Comedy/Rom