《DNA Lover》Ep Intro

The play tells a romantic comedy about Han Suzhen (played by Jung In-sun), a genetic researcher who has failed countless times in love, looking for her destiny partner through genes.

《DNA Lover》E1Plot

Episode 1

Yi Suzhen uses cutting-edge DNAStarting from a dream-seeking journey woven by technology, she dreams of unlocking the mystery of true love through the key of science.However, the sweet dream was not completed. In the hazy moment, she regretfully returned to reality, and the face of her dream lover was still out of reach.

Suzhen, a researcher who is deeply involved in the field of genetics, has an emotional road full of thorns. The trauma of repeated betrayals makes her shy away from love and close her heart.Although her ex Shang Min did not continue the cheating drama, he still“无 feeling” ended the relationship, and even bluntly pointed out that Suzhen tried to use scientific means to change him——A misunderstanding and resistance to the beauty of nature.

Facing the sudden breakup, Suzhen was shocked, but still tried to stay, but the chase on the street only brought deeper loss.At the same time, Shen Yanyu, an elite in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, comes into our sight. His views on love are equally rational and decisive, and his emotional entanglement with a woman finally came to an end due to his disagreement with his ideas.Yanyu is a man who is at ease in love but yet ruthless. Every choice he makes seems so direct and not sloppy.

At an emotional low point, Suzhen accidentally discovered the secret hidden in Shang Min.“Cheating Gene”, although this discovery made her feel uncomfortable, she still chose to trust her intuition and firmly believed that betrayal without seeing it with her own eyes was not betrayal.On the other side, firefighter Jiang Xun illuminates Suzhen's world with his warmth and selflessness.During a fire rescue, he not only saved lives, but also inadvertently became the solace for Suzhen's soul.

As Suzhen's childhood sweetheart, Jiang Xun sympathizes with everything she has endured. Although he declined her invitation for some reason, his care remains the same.As fate would have it, Suzhen meets a group of frustrated people in a restaurant, including a woman whose heart was broken by Yanyu and the warm-hearted Suli.Under the influence of alcohol, they came up with the idea of ​​​​asking Yanyu for an explanation. A sudden...“Night visit” caused ripples in Yanyu's peaceful life.

During the conflict, Suzhen lost control and used the serum she developed. Unfortunately, this bottle of “special gift”Unpredictable marks were left on Yanyu's wounds.The next morning, the first ray of sunlight shined through the cracks in the curtains and onto Yanyu's slightly panicked face.He touched his right temple, and the unusually thick hair there made him instantly realize that the accident last night had“Gift”It really works.

Yanyu smiled bitterly, feeling surprised and a little helpless at Suzhen's incredible invention.At the same time, Suzhen woke up from a hangover, and the fragments of last night were pieced together in her mind like fragments. She only remembered that she had hoped that someone would be punished for this.“Lessons”, but I never expected that it would have such direct consequences.She sighed softly and decided to put this uneasiness aside for the time being, and instead looked forward to the agreement with Jiang Xun.

In the evening, when Suzhen and Jiang Xun were walking on the street, Shang Min's figure inadvertently broke into her sight, with her new partner nestled beside her.This scene was like a sharp blade, once again cutting open the unhealed wound in her heart.Shang Min's anger and accusations ensued, but Suzhen did not back down. In the name of science, she calmly revealed his future health risks and even predicted his bald fate.

Just when the atmosphere was tense, Jiang Xun intervened decisively, protected Suzhen with his strong arms, and took her away from the meaningless dispute.In a restaurant full of warm atmosphere, Jiang Xun's carefully selected delicacies not only warmed Suzhen's stomach, but also gradually melted the ice in her heart.They talked about the deep friendship between Jiang Xun's parents that spanned life and death. That pure and firm love made Su Zhen yearn for it.

Jiang Xun half-jokingly proposed to become Su Zhen's emotional lover.“Gatekeeper”, making sure her future partner can withstand his intense scrutiny.Despite the emotional setback she had just experienced, Suzhen still had hope burning in her heart. She believed that one day, she would find the one with her.DNAPerfectly matched lovers.

On the other side, Yanyu stepped into Suzhen's laboratory with complicated emotions.He originally came here for the patient's test results, but unexpectedly he was surrounded by Suzhen's nervousness and apology as soon as he met.The two looked at each other for a moment. Needless to say, both of them understood the subsequent impact of last night's farce.Yanyu shook his head slightly, as if to say that all this was destined, and he could only choose to accept it and move on.

《DNA Lover》E2Plot

Episode 2

Yanyu came to Suzhen's laboratory.He pretended to be nonchalant and waited to see Suzhen's reaction.Sujin, on the other hand, tried to stay calm and pretended not to know why Yeonwoo's temples were messed up.The chief technician asked Suzhen to take Yanyu to visit the laboratory and discuss the patient files with him.

Sojin tries to subtly mention Yeonwoo’s sideburns and talks about an anti-hair loss serum.She forgot about herself and started talking about the effectiveness of the serum.She mentions that the serum works really well, which makes Yeon-woo even more miserable.He realizes that Su-jin is trying to act innocent and plans to take revenge on her.

After the visit, they discussed one of Yeon-woo's patients.Suzhen is worried that one of his pregnant women will not be able to carry her pregnancy to term.The patient, Youying, had pulmonary hypertension, and the child had Edwards syndrome.In either case, it's a tough decision because only one person can be saved.

However, Suzhen wondered if there was at least a way to extend the pregnancy to term, allowing mother and child to see each other even briefly.She talks about how urgent and healing such meetings are.Sadly, Yeon-woo doesn't think so, but he still listens to her.After the meeting, he asked for Suzhen's phone number, which she reluctantly gave him.

After Yeon-woo leaves, So-jin begins to panic as he sends a message saying he's happy to be a part of her experiment.She realizes that she said this to him that night, and Yeon-woo knows what she did.She was already stressed about leaving the serum at his house, and now her secret is out.However, she still convinced herself that Yeon-woo should be punished.

That night, she took her coworker's dog for a walk, trying to train it to find the scent of the man of her dreams.The dog brought her to Jiang Xun, who was also walking a friend's dog.He mocks Su-jin for trying to find an ideal man and experimenting outside the lab.

He also gave her a safety bell to use when she went to his dad's restaurant.He knew Suzhen would get into trouble when she got drunk, and he wanted to be there to take care of her.Suzhen wonders if Jiang Xun is her ideal man, but she realizes that he is gentle to everyone and she feels like she is not special to him.She sends the dog home and promises to help her colleague Ali find a man too.

The next day, Shang Min bumped into another woman on the street and followed her to the gym.Even though she's not his type, he's strangely attracted to her.He tells Yeon-woo about his predicament, and the doctor advises him to date the woman and get her out of his system.

Yeonwoo admits that he has a favorite type.He seems to like an old friend, Zhang Meien, who is a famous sentimentalist.She liked him too, but neither of them wanted to try to cross the line.

Later, Yeon-woo meets Yoo-young and tells her about her pregnancy.Sadly, she turned out to be the woman Jiang Xun had saved.She chose to survive after learning she was pregnant, but life continued to bring her problems.

Yeon-woo advises her to think carefully about her situation, but admits it will be harder to keep her mother if she chooses to continue the pregnancy.

After trying to deal with his furry condition, Yeon-woo calls So-jin and asks to meet at the office the next day.Suzhen agreed to meet and take responsibility for her actions.Yeon-woo asks her to find the antidote within 24 hours.

She takes a sample of his DNA, but Yeon-woo starts to feel some attraction after getting closer to her.Although she knew it would be difficult, Suzhen threw herself into finding the antidote.

After a long day at the office, Yeon-woo goes to visit his mom to commemorate his parents' wedding anniversary.We learn that after Yeon-woo's dad left them, his mom fell into a deep depression.Little does she know how quickly time flies, living in an alternate reality mourning her lost love.

After the visit, Yeon-woo goes to Kang-hoon's dad's restaurant and admits that his parents ruined his belief in love.That's why he'd rather play with emotions than take anything seriously.He didn't understand how Jiang Xun could always love a woman.

Meanwhile, Yoo-young is considering her options and calls Kang-hoon to talk to him.Unfortunately, he was at work, dealing with a crisis, and missed her call.

At the same time, Suzhen continues to investigate Yuying's condition and discovers changes in new test results.She has the death gene, which means she is suicidal.She calls Yeon-woo to warn him, but it's too late.

A nurse tells Yeon-woo that Yoo-young is on the roof of the hospital.After Suzhen heard the conversation, she started running towards the hospital.Firefighters also arrived in time and began setting up the inflatable jumping mat.

When Suzhen arrived, she found that Yanyu was comforting Youying with her words.She walked up to Yoo Young and shared her experience of dealing with depression after a death in the family.She begged Youying to think twice and give Yanyu a chance to save the child.

As Yoo-young weighs her decision, Su-jin steps closer and holds out her hand.However, Youying chose to jump.Suzhen grabbed her and pulled her back.

The other doctors grab Yoo-young, and Yeon-woo jumps up to grab Su-jin.Unfortunately, they all tripped and began to fall towards the inflatable jumping pad set up by the firefighters.

《DNA Lover》E3Plot

Episode 3

Suzhen and Yanyu accidentally fell from the roof. On the verge of life and death, Suzhen could not help but become obsessed with Yanyu's unique scent.Fortunately, they eventually landed safely in the inflatable bag.Jiang Xun arrived in time to help the two, and in the process accidentally discovered the subtle connection that they had known each other for a long time.After confirming that both parties were fine, Yanyu hurriedly left and took care of Youying, while Suzhen chose to drown her sorrows with wine and strolled to her beloved park to drink in memory of her deceased father.

Jiang Xun followed him silently, and the two talked about the pain of losing their father, and their emotions were intertwined.Suzhen blames herself for not noticing the signs of her father's depression in time and failing to give him due care. What's even more shocking is that she and Su Li are actually blood sisters. The family had been torn apart long before her father passed away.After that, they became even strangers.At the same time, Jiang Xun was also deep in self-blame. As a medical staff at the scene, he failed to save the life of Suzhen's father. He gently comforted his friend and escorted him home.

On the other side, although Yanyu was ill and had unbearable back pain, doubts about Suzhen's words lingered in her heart, and she didn't understand why she used this to comfort Yuying.The next day, the gym received a special visitor——Yeon-woo’s doctor friend. He couldn’t help himself because of his obsession with Cheng-mi. Although he felt that her personality was unique, he hesitated to move forward.Interestingly, he is also quite fascinated by Chengmei's scent.talk about“Breathe”, Suzhen was also obsessed with Yanyu's unique fragrance. She designed a series of plans in an attempt to verify this inexplicable attraction through scientific means.

She first inquired about Yanyu's whereabouts from Jiang Xun, and then cleverly planned to approach Yanyu in the name of a friendly basketball game in an attempt to obtain his sweat sample.On the field, Suzhen transformed into the most enthusiastic cheerleader, but inside she was extremely anxious, just for that fleeting opportunity.After the game, she cleverly“borrow”Although Yanyu's jersey was broken on the spot, Yanyu chose to remain silent, but his heart was filled with curiosity.

Sujin used the sweat on her jersey to successfully extract Yeonwoo's unique scent and confirmed the fact that she was deeply attracted to it.However, Ali gave a completely different evaluation of the aroma, describing it as unpleasant as sewerage.Despite this, Suzhen decided to confess everything to Yanyu and explore whether there was some kind of genetic“fit”.At the same time, Yeon-woo and Mi-eun went to an exhibition together and met the artist Mingxi. The latter had a close relationship with Mi-eun and even called himself“daughter”.

However, the truth is revealed, Mingxi's real daughters are Suzhen and Suli.In the exhibition, a work profoundly revealed Mingxi’s struggle and exhaustion as a mother. She admitted that the arrival of her child had made her feel even more burdened.At the dinner, Yeon-woo and Mi-eun had a heart-to-heart talk. He confessed his curiosity about Su-jin and seemed to understand why Ming-hee chose to cut off contact with his family. He even revealed complicated emotions about his family relationship.

In the hospital, Yanyu was busy diagnosing and treating new cases, but Suzhen's various abnormal behaviors inadvertently attracted his attention.He hesitated to speak, full of doubts in his heart.By chance, with the help of friends, Yanyu invited Jiang Xun and Suzhen to dinner.During the dinner, a discussion about the habits of octopus partners unexpectedly triggered a dispute between Suzhen and Yanyu.When Suzhen accidentally choked on octopus meat, Yanyu responded quickly and came to help. The relationship between the two quietly changed at this moment.The storm after dinner did not subside. Yan Yu quietly followed Su Zhen in the night and finally faced her doubts.

Faced with Yanyu's questioning, Suzhen summoned up the courage to speak out. She explained that her original intention of stealing the jersey was just to explore the source of the inexplicable attraction.Instead of being angry after hearing this, Yanyu felt happy because of her honesty. This scene caught Suzhen off guard. Fortunately, Jiang Xun appeared in time to resolve the embarrassment.In the days that followed, Suzhen struggled internally, thinking repeatedly about whether she should get Yanyu's permission to conduct the seemingly absurd genetic test of cheating.

Finally, she decided to make this request when returning the Super Tel antidote to Yanyu.However, Yanyu firmly opposed it. He believed that such a test was not the correct way for men and women to understand each other.Suzhen mustered up the courage to ask him if he was also attracted by her scent, but when he came closer, she couldn't help but become shy, and the atmosphere was subtle and awkward for a while.At the same time, on the other side of the city, Cheng Mei and Jiang Xun encountered a fire. They acted quickly and rescued the trapped Mei En.

This accident made Mi-eun develop a special affection for Jiang Xun, and at the same time she blamed him slightly for the negligence of the emergency broadcast system.On the other side, at the memorial dinner held by Suzhen, Souri and Mingxi at Jiangxun's father's restaurant, the atmosphere was solemn and complicated.Mingxi's comments about Suzhen's father's suicide once again touched everyone's sensitive nerves. She believed that it was a sign of cowardice and the result of her father's inability to shoulder family responsibilities.

This remark sparked a heated argument among Su-jin, So-ri and Ming-hee, with the three each holding their own opinions and blaming each other for their role and responsibility in their father's death.This quarrel not only attracted the attention of the guests in the restaurant, but also unexpectedly attracted the attention of Yanyu who came to dine.After hearing her mother's accusation, Suzhen broke down and left the meeting angrily.Jiang Xun failed to catch up with Su Zhen in time due to his busy work, while Yan Yu followed silently. Although he tried to keep a distance, he was ultimately attracted by Su Zhen's vulnerability.

He found Suzhen in her favorite park and quietly accompanied her to vent her emotions.Suzhen talks about her confusion and pain about love, especially the torment of unrequited love. She longs to find the one who is the same as her.DNA-matched lovers spend the rest of their lives together.Yanyu was moved by her sincerity and persistence, and finally agreed to her DNA test.Test request.Suzhen rushed to the laboratory with great anticipation, filled with desire for the results.

However, the test results were unexpected - Yeon-woo had the highest level of...“Cheating Gene”.This discovery surprised and confused Suzhen, and what made her even more dumbfounded was that she mistakenly regarded Jiang Xun's jersey as Yanyu's. All this seemed to indicate that a more complex and subtle emotional entanglement was about to unfold.

《DNA Lover》E4Plot

Episode 4

Ali and Suzhen walked into the church devoutly and sought spiritual guidance from the respected Father Andre.After learning that Yanyu may carry the extremely rare “emotional changeable trait” gene, Suzhen felt worried about her past emotional pain. Ali used a gentle but firm attitude to comfort her that she should obey her destiny andFace this trait of Yeon-woo with an open mind.

In the hospital, Yanyu accidentally received a pot of flowers given anonymously, but did not pay much attention to it. His thoughts were completely devoted to a baby who was abandoned by his biological mother and was in urgent need of care.Father Andre is actively intervening to buy time for this helpless family, but if the mother does not show up within a week, the baby will face the fate of being sent to a child welfare institution.

As the sun rises and the moon sets, Yanyu notices Suzhen's unusual silence, secretly looking forward to the announcement of a certain test result.Even though Suzhen visited the hospital on the pretext of imparting knowledge on egg freezing, she deliberately avoided the topic of testing and maintained a subtle distance from Yanyu with Ali.They cast curious glances at the women Yeon-woo attracted in the hospital, whose attitudes suddenly changed and showed clear displeasure when Su-jin showed up.

At the same time, Cheng Mei visited Zheng Tan and confided in her troubles about late menstruation.With his unique humor and sincerity, Zheng Tan praised Cheng Mei as the most unique woman he had ever seen. This recognition deeply touched her heartstrings.He regarded her as an equal partner and promised to help, making Chengmei feel unprecedented warmth and comfort.

Mi-eun is deeply obsessed with Jiang Xun. She tries to get close to him by having dinner together and visiting Jiang Xun's father's restaurant, but she is repeatedly ignored.Yanyu teased her in a relaxed tone, but failed to conceal the loss and unwillingness in Mei En's heart.

As for Ali, her life seems to have been rippled by a special “DNA Connector”, and this figure unexpectedly appeared in her sight in the form of Father Andrei - when he worked for her fromWhen Ali bought her favorite potato skewers from a popular street food truck, Ali was deeply attracted by the sudden care.

While Suzhen was thinking deeply about how to disclose the test results to Yanyu, she ran into Yanyu's mother at the research center.This mother is struggling to maintain a slim figure to keep up with her husband's lover.With good intentions, Suzhen warned her about the risks of dieting and tried to have a rational conversation, but unfortunately, her advice was not taken as seriously as it should have been.To make matters more complicated, Suzhen knew nothing about the mother-son relationship between this person and Yanyu. This conversation deepened her indignation towards all people who are not emotionally professional.

Yanyu himself feels increasingly disappointed and puzzled by his father's romantic nature.He tried to communicate with his father, but received a response saying "I can't spend my life with someone I don't love". This made him reflect on how many people can he really fall in love with in his life?

On the way home, Suzhen ran into Shang Min, who was arguing with another woman.It turns out that after Shang Min abandoned his old love, he fell into a new deception.After the new girlfriend learned the truth, she left angrily. Shang Min turned his anger towards Su Zhen and vowed to take revenge.

After this encounter, Suzhen plucked up the courage to confess his genetic test results to Yanyu via text message.She advised him to seek inner peace through meditation and other methods, and suggested that he go to a temple to seek spiritual purification.Yeon-woo responded that she hoped to meet and discuss in detail.However, when Su-jin insists that they cannot be lovers due to genetic differences, Yeon-woo feels more offended than ever.He solemnly declares that he is not a frivolous person and invites Suzhen to get to know the real him more deeply.However, Su-jin is stubborn and firmly believes in the immutability of DNA, and judges Yeon-woo harshly.Yanyu finally couldn't bear it anymore and bluntly stated that she had no interest in spending time with such a prejudiced and judgmental person, and the relationship between the two reached a deadlock.

After the meeting, Yeon-woo stepped into a bar under dim lights alone and unexpectedly met Mi-eun.Although Mi-eun traveled with her partner, she chose to stay with Yeon-woo without hesitation, and her concern for Yeon-woo was palpable.Knowing that Yeon-woo is troubled by Su-jin's misunderstanding, Mi-eun gently tries to comfort her in her own way, hoping to bring him some comfort.

At the same time, on the other side of the city, Jiang Xun ran into Su Zhen, who was depressed.He was keenly aware of her unhappiness and told her with his unique warm words that DNA testing is just a scientific method and cannot determine a person's fate and future.While helping Suzhen avoid a dangerous height, Jiang Xun accidentally slipped, and the two fell together in a slightly awkward but romantic way.Suzhen smelled the faint floral fragrance on his body, but Jiang Xun responded to her gaze with a joking “pervert”, trying to ease the sudden awkward atmosphere.

As night fell, while sorting out documents about Yanyu, Suzhen accidentally discovered an important piece of information that had been ignored - Yanyu actually possessed the “healing gene”.This discovery was like a ray of sunshine that penetrated the gloom in her heart and gave her new hope.Yanyu's optimism and positivity are what she longs for, and she realizes that he might be the one to heal her trauma.

The next day, Yanyu welcomed his new patient - Ms. Xu.In a warm reminder, they agreed on a time to meet next time.Ms. Xu's kindness and care made Yanyu feel the long-lost warmth, and even made her ask about his childhood nickname, hoping to use it as a reference when naming her children in the future.

Recently, Suzhen has frequently felt the shadow of being followed. Jiang Xun's reminder made her more vigilant and decided to carry a security alarm with her.During an accidental restaurant dinner, Yanyu and Suzhen met unexpectedly. The subtle atmosphere between the two made Jiang Xun aware of the hidden entanglement between them.After the meal, Jiang Xun witnessed Yan Yu leaving quietly due to Yin Zhen's thoughtful care, and couldn't help but feel a little curious in his heart.

At Yanyu's home, her mother's visit brought depressing news - her father had once again found a new partner, and this new love was much younger than Yanyu.Yan Yu was deeply saddened by her mother's anger and helplessness. He tried to persuade her mother to leave the man who was not worth entrusting to her, and even recommended a lawyer for her.However, my mother firmly believed that my father would eventually return to the family, and she was willing to wait unconditionally.This blind persistence made Yanyu both angry and helpless, because he knew that it would bring greater harm to his mother.

Later, Yanyu and Ms. Xu went to the research center for prenatal check-up.In the process, Suzhen unexpectedly discovered that the baby might have retinitis pigmentosa. This news was like a bolt from the blue, which silenced everyone.What’s even more shocking is that Ms. Xu actually revealed her relationship with Yeon-woo’s father.Yanyu tried to warn Ms. Xu based on her own experience, but what she got in return was her refutation and misunderstanding.Ms. Heo is convinced of her choice and thinks Yeon-woo is jealous of her happiness.In the end, Ms. Xu left the scene angrily with a mix of anger and disappointment.

Faced with this series of changes and misunderstandings, Yanyu made a confidentiality request to Suzhen and hoped that she could understand the complexity of the case.Suzhen realizes that her words may have hurt Yeon-woo's sensitive and fragile heart because he has been trying not to make the same mistakes as his father.She hurried after him to apologize and return his forgotten umbrella but was severely reprimanded by him.Yeon-woo advises her not to just rely on DNA test results to judge a person but to feel and understand the other person with her heart.

As night fell, Suzhen was attacked by a stalker again on her way home.She panicked and pressed the alarm, but Jiang Xun failed to respond in time due to his busy work schedule.Isolated and helpless, Suzhen started running and dialed Jiangxun's number.Fortunately, Yeon-woo appeared at the critical moment and rescued Su-jin who fell.He stayed behind to take care of Su Zhen while Jiang Xun bravely chased the criminals.In the end, the criminal was revealed to be Shang Min, who was harboring revenge, and the crisis was resolved.

The episode ends with Sujin expressing her gratitude and apology to Yeonwoo.She sincerely asked him to allow her to conduct more in-depth research because she believed that Yeon-woo's healing gene could bring her hope and light.However Yeon-woo is frustrated by this and retorts that this is not how they should understand each other.He slowly approached her and whispered: “Perhaps this is the way to conduct an attraction test.” The relationship between the two seems to have taken a new turning point at this moment.

《DNA Lover》E5Plot

Episode 5

The story of this episode unfolds from Yanyu's unique perspective, telling how he relied on his intuition to save Suzhen at a critical moment.His actions stemmed from an inner premonition, but he didn't expect that he would become the target of others. This plot follows the suspense of the previous episode.

Yanyu originally wanted to kiss Suzhen to express his love, but accidentally touched her nose. The scene was warm and a bit embarrassing.At the same time, Jiang Xun acted quickly to arrest Shang Min, and in order to protect Suzhen's safety, he arranged for her to go home and stay away from Yanyu temporarily.Jiang Xun has complicated feelings for Suzhen. He treats her as a relative, but also has some emotions that go beyond family affection.Yanyu insists on handling the relationship with Suzhen by himself and does not want too much outside interference.

On the other side, Zheng Tan's pursuit of Cheng Mei is both persistent and subtle. Although he did not meet her directly in the gym, he seemed to be pulled by fate and always bumped into her accidentally.He paid attention silently, hoping to seize every opportunity to meet her.

The next day, Suzhen told Ali about her and Yanyu's almost kissing experience and Yanyu's mysterious appearance, which made Suzhen curious about telepathy.While volunteering at the church, Ali gradually discovered the family tragedy behind Father Andrea.

Although Mein's new book is about love, her polyamorous lifestyle has attracted public attention, and she encountered aggressive fans at a book signing, and although she dealt with it bravely, she still felt the pressure.

In order to meet Suzhen, Yanyu helped Zheng Tan and defended Suzhen at the research center, and then took her toWe sang in KTV to relax and even participated in Super Junior togetherparty.At dinner, although he couldn't sit with everyone, he participated in a special way and listened to Suzhen's story about the priest.The next day, he was going to send flowers to Suzhen, but found out that she was allergic to pollen.“Telepathy” surprised and delighted both parties.

Yeon-woo shows up at Su-jin's middle school lecture, bringing flowers, and the two share the secret of the time capsule in the lab.Yanyu's sincerity moved Suzhen and made this song a beautiful memory for them.

Yeon-woo quietly repairs Su-jin's old MP3 player, which leads Su-jin to believe in telepathy.But Yanyu thinks this is just a coincidence and tries to get Suzhen to treat it rationally.

The encounter between Joon Tan and Kang Hoon complicates the story.Jiang Xun's strong attitude toward Yanyu's pursuit of Suzhen shows his concern for Suzhen, and at the same time expresses his distrust of Yanyu.He tried to protect Suzhen, but she didn't understand.Jiang Xun's conversation with Mei En made him reflect on the meaning of “selfishness and ”hurt%.

What Zheng Tan found in Su Zhen's office reminded him of his relationship with Cheng Mei.Suzhen clarified that her frequent contact with Yeonwoo was for experimentation, not dating.

As the story unfolds, Yeon-woo attends a family gathering and Su-jin proposes a telepathy experiment.The two went to different places and missed each other.Jiang Xun waited for Su Zhen at the Han River, while Yan Yu met Mei Eun at Namsan Tower. This series of misses and coincidences increased the drama and uncertainty of the plot.

This episode uses telepathic clues to show the complex and real emotions and choices between the characters.While they are searching for their own answers, they are also playing the role of passers-by in other people's lives.The following plot will gradually unravel these mysteries.

《DNA Lover》E6Plot

Episode 6

At the end of the previous episode, Suzhen met Jiang Xun by chance on the bank of the Han River, while Yanyu met Mei Eun by chance under the ancient pagoda.Jiang Xun was confused by Su Zhen's sudden anger. He was just running at night and did not deliberately arrange this encounter.However, he immediately showed his heroic side and saved an old woman who was almost hit by a motorcycle. Suzhen quickly provided simple first aid treatment.

At the same time, Mi-eun feels warm and strange about Yan-woo's attempt to establish spiritual resonance with Su-jin.Later, Yanyu deliberately stayed in front of a restaurant near Suzhen's home, and cleverly used the misunderstanding of the location as an excuse to take a photo with the intention of sending it to Suzhen, but failed due to network failure.

As night fell, Yanyu had dinner with his mother and aunt. During the dinner, his mother once again expressed her deep desire for her husband to return to the family.

The next day, Zheng Tan started a relationship with Cheng Mei.“telepathy”Experiment, he tried to convey the message of his desire to meet through spiritual power.He firmly believes that the experiment has been successful because Chengmei frequently appears in his sight.In addition, he also met Jiang Xun and talked about Yan Yu's efforts to win Su Zhen's heart, which further deepened Jiang Xun's worries.At the same time, encounters between Jiang Xun and Mei En also occurred frequently.

On the other side, Suzhen was puzzled that Yanyu failed to show up at the Han River as scheduled. She speculated that there must be a misunderstanding, perhaps due to errors in the information transmission process.She desperately wants to know who Yeon-woo met under the tower and whether he really misunderstood the agreed place.So, she called Yanyu's phone number, and the latter invited her to meet again at another time.

However, Suzhen said her schedule is packed even on weekends.Before the two parties had yet determined a new meeting time, she received a call from her boss and had to hang up Yanyu's call in a hurry.Yanyu felt disappointed because he was full of expectations for meeting Suzhen again.

That night, Ali bought two skewers of potato skewers. After some careful consideration, she decided to visit Father Andrea in the church and give him a skewer as a token of respect.However, when she witnessed the priest talking to someone on the roof, she couldn't help but feel an inexplicable fear in her heart.The priest seemed to be leading the other person into deep introspection, but the identity of the person he was talking to was unknown.After returning home, Ali confided in Suzhen his admiration for Father Andrea.

It is also worth mentioning that Mei En ran into an old acquaintance at a party, who questioned her polyamorous lifestyle.At this moment, Mi-eun's ex-boyfriend Yanyu stepped forward to save her.The two then shared a few drinks and talked about their past breakups.It turns out that Mi-eun disappeared for six months without any reason and cut off all contact with Yanyu.She asks Yeon-woo if he enjoys the time he spends with her, and Yeon-woo admits that he enjoys the relationship because it maintains just the right sense of distance.He also encouraged Mei En to continue to insist on herself and not to care too much about other people's opinions.

Later, Yanyu called Suzhen and invited her to enjoy the astronomical wonders on Sunday.Suzhen has a special liking for stargazing activities and immediately agreed.In the excitement, the two began to plan the items needed for camping.Suzhen also called Jiang Xun specifically for help and revealed her plan to go camping and stargazing with Yanyu.This news surprised Jiang Xun, especially when he thought of the luxury camping spots that Cheng Mei had mentioned, he was filled with emotion.

Just as Yanyu and Suzhen were immersed in the romantic atmosphere of stargazing, Jiang Xun's sudden visit broke the tranquility. He untimely intervened in their private time, leading to a childish dispute, which madeSuzhen felt very unhappy.At the same time, Mei En followed Jiang Xun but accidentally got lost, and Jiang Xun received an emergency recall call. Although he was unwilling, he still warned Yan Yu not to hurt Su Zhen, and then left in a hurry.

Jiang Xun's departure re-created a warm atmosphere for Yanyu and Suzhen, who continued to enjoy stargazing and talk in depth.Yanyu curiously asked Suzhen why she was so obsessed with telepathy. Suzhen confessed that she hoped that when her lover was in trouble, she could instinctively sense and lend a helping hand.This deep affection brought the two people closer. They cuddled together and listened to the repaired music by Yanyu.Melodies flowing from your MP3 player.

However, this tranquility was once again broken by the appearance of Mei-en. She revealed her identity as Yanyu's ex-girlfriend, which immediately aroused Suzhen's jealousy, while Mei-en was angry at Yanyu for abandoning his friends in order to be alone with Suzhen.Act surprised.

After the camping trip, Yeon-woo watches Mi-eun's show and tries to draw inspiration from it to win Su-jin's heart.After Suzhen learned that Mei-en was the woman Yanyu met under the tower, she couldn't help but feel ripples in her heart. She began to pay close attention to Mei-en's social media, and even saw a photo of Mei-en and her mother, which made her even more upset.flat.

At the same time, Yan Yu is carefully planning the relationship with Su Zhen.“Coincidence”, he commissioned Zheng Tan to track Suzhen in order to create more opportunities for them to meet, and planned to conduct a new telepathy experiment.However, the plan failed to keep up with the change. Zheng Tan encountered pickpocketing on the subway. Not only was his wallet stolen, but Su Zhen's whereabouts were also lost.Fortunately, Cheng Mei appeared in time and rescued Zheng Tan who was in trouble, and unexpectedly met Mei En at the aquarium.

On the other side, Suzhen went to an exhibition alone, feeling a little disappointed that she could not achieve telepathy with Yanyu.But when she was about to leave the exhibition, she was pleasantly surprised by Yanyu's sudden appearance.The tacit understanding between the two seemed to convince Suzhen that there was indeed some kind of telepathy between them, so she readily accepted Yanyu's invitation and agreed to have her first official date with him.

In addition, while putting out a fire in a flower shop, Kang Hoon's team discovered a sign identical to the one on the flower pot that Yeon Woo anonymously received.This discovery triggered everyone's speculation and curiosity about the identity of Yanyu's father's new girlfriend. Who is she?What's the purpose?Everything seems to be shrouded in mystery, waiting to be revealed one by one.

DNA Lover

DNA Lover

Total 16 Episodes Aug 17, 2024 Korean Rom/Plot