《love endures》Ep Intro

In a family courtyard in an aerospace city in the north, seven only children, including Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi, are better than siblings. They grew up together and helped each other. They became sworn brothers as “Big Dipper” and agreed to take the college entrance examination to Beijing together.The age of seventeen comes quietly, and the college entrance examination rushes in with the wedding ceremony of eighteen, and the youthful promise disappears.Huang Yingzi went to Beijing, Jiang Yiyuan left for the United States, and his friends were scattered all over the country, forgetting each other in the world.

“Who do you like when you are seventeen” has become a mystery that lingers in the hearts of seven people, and it is also a lingering green memory.The first decade of the new century is about to pass. As they first entered society, they were bruised and bruised in the struggle between ideals and reality. Their once pure feelings were like shining stars in the night sky.Yingzi wanted to reunite with “Qixing”, only to realize that “Who do you like at age 17” was a questionnaire that she had to answer, and the answer sheets for Jiang Yi and other friends had already been submitted.

《love endures》E1Plot

The beginning of the story

The story begins in 2008. Huang Yingzi called his classmates outside the classroom to rehearse together. At this time, Jiang Yi was studying computers. Everyone had their own dreams. Huang Yingzi said that his current question was how to carry the rice cooker on his back.After all, their stage play officially begins in the evening.

Huang Yingzi was the first to stand on the stage, but she suddenly became very nervous while standing on the stage and immediately forgot her lines. She hurried back to the backstage. Fortunately, Jiang Yi helped her recall her lines, and Huang Yingzi also remembered them bit by bit., and soon returned to the stage to perform.

In this place in Hangtian City, the six of Huang Yingzi have played together since childhood. Lan Yifei is a rising star in the dance world and Huang Yingzi's best friend.As well as Guan Chao, Fang Mingyu, and Zhuang Yuan, this nonsensical stage play started from the first day they met. There was a sudden storm in the middle of the night. They once thought they could always be with them like this.

However, time has changed them and the world in their eyes.Many years later, Huang Yingzi made a deal with an old gentleman, but the other party did not reach an agreement with her.Huang Yingzi returned to the company. Huang Yingzi had prepared the recording file, but her only request was to protect the victim as much as possible.

The editor-in-chief said that once the document is released, he may receive a lawyer's letter from Mr. Hao Ping tomorrow. However, Huang Yingzi feels that he can get the truth, and the truth should be more important to others.When Huang Yingzi started chatting with Hao Ping, Hao Ping felt that there was no problem in the world that couldn't be solved with money, but Huang Yingzi just told him that he had been fooled.

There was no so-called interview, but I recorded the conversation with Hao Ping just now.Hao Ping was immediately flustered, and then asked Huang Yingzi how much money it would take not to announce the matter, but Huang Yingzi was unwilling to accept the deal.Originally, Huang Yingzi wanted to announce the news, but the editor-in-chief asked Huang Yingzi to apologize to Hao Ping.

The editor-in-chief told Huang Yingzi that the truth was indeed good, but in the adult world, she could not change it easily.Huang Yingzi thought of what he said to his thirty-year-old self after graduating from high school. Tears welled up in Huang Yingzi's eyes, and in the end he ruthlessly deleted the video.

Huang Yingzi looked at everyone's high school graduation photos and suddenly remembered the autumn of 2007. Because she won the prize in the essay competition, her father bought her a mountain bike as a reward. Huang Yingzi must have ridden the bike around the whole city.Huang Yingzi also told two good friends that his father gave him pocket money and he invited his friends to eat fast food and watch a movie. While grandma was busy in the house, Huang Yingzi left with Lan Yifei and Fang Mingyu.

Huang Yingzi sent a message to Lan Yifei saying that Guan Chao was getting married. Lan Yifei happened to come to the city, so she asked Huang Yingzi to meet. The two had not seen each other for many years.Huang Yingzi also remembered that when they were children, the six of them used to feel like they would never be separated when they were together, but now it seems that everyone has not been in touch for a long time.

Lan Yifei begged Huang Yingzi to find everyone and return to Hangtian City together. In the past, Huang Yingzi took the lead in everything. This time, she also hoped that Huang Yingzi could lead everyone back together. Huang Yingzi also hugged Lan Yifei and agreed to the matter..

Huang Yingzi returned home. She suddenly took out her mobile phone and called Fang Mingyu. Their conversation suddenly became very cold.Fang Mingyu was still being pressured by the leader at this time. Huang Yingzi just sent her a message saying that he hoped that Guan Chao would get married and everyone would return to Hangtian City together.Later, Huang Yingzi also sent a message to Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi had been receiving messages from Huang Yingzi over the years, but he had never replied.

Zhuang Yuan went to buy a lot of coffee, but it was spilled on the ground on the way back. Huang Yingzi happened to come over. In this case, Zhuang Yuan planned to give Huang Yingzi the rest of the coffee to drink.Huang Yingzi came here today just to ask Zhuang Yuan to accompany him to find Fang Mingyu. Zhuang Yuan made various excuses not to go, so Huang Yingzi had no choice but to go by himself.

Huang Yingzi came to Fang Mingyu's company the next morning. Now the company was preparing to lay off employees. As the manager of the human resources department, she could only take the initiative to talk to the older employees. The other party was so angry that they even poured water on her face.Huang Yingzi was afraid that Fang Mingyu would be embarrassed when he saw him, so he left first.He also ordered her favorite chocolate pie back then. When Fang Mingyu saw it, he remembered the scene where the three of us ate together. Although everyone had no money at the time, such a carefree life was indeed worth remembering..

When Huang Yingzi was waiting for the traffic light, he suddenly saw a man riding a motorcycle, and the figure of the other person was very familiar. It was Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi saw Huang Yingzi and hurriedly rode away. Huang Yingzi still caught up with him, and the two of them had been together for several years.The first meeting turned out to be such a scene.

《love endures》E2Plot

Huang Yingzi meets Jiang Yi again

Huang Yingzi did not expect that her first meeting with Jiang Yi after many years would be like this. Tears were already rolling in her eyes, and memories of their first meeting came to her heart.Recalling that year, three girls, Huang Yingzi, went to see a movie together, and three boys, Jiang Yi, also came over. At first, the boys didn't want to watch a horror movie, but they watched it anyway after Huang Yingzi's strong request.

The three girls were so frightened that Huang Yingzi grabbed Jiang Yi's hand in panic. Jiang Yi couldn't help but laugh. When the movie ended, everyone was ready to go on stage and leave.But only Huang Yingzi said that he had something to do and would not go to have supper with everyone for the time being. Everyone was still talking about whether Huang Yingzi would get lost if he left alone. Jiang Yi was a little worried about Huang Yingzi, so he hurried over to find her.

It was very dark here, and because he had watched a horror movie, Huang Yingzi could only sing to cheer himself up. Fortunately, Jiang Yi came over and walked back with Huang Yingzi.The two of them actually lived upstairs and downstairs, and Jiang Yi's parents were never around. Huang Yingzi sometimes envied him for being able to surf the Internet freely, but he didn't know that when other people were reunited at home, Jiang Yi looked lonely at home.

Fang Mingyu is often troubled by her parents' discipline. The lamp in her room will never be turned off. Zhuang Yuan always has endless homework to finish. Everyone thinks it is the self-cultivation of a top student. In fact, he started to learn early on like adults.She helps her family take care of the supermarket, but Guan Chao's father loves drinking. Lan Yifei keeps guarding the noodle shop with her grandmother until the last customer leaves.

This is their ordinary 18 years old, but they are very happy.Even if every family has something delicious, they will bring it to Huang Yingzi's house to share. Every family will bring a dish. Everyone is curious about why Jiang Yi doesn't eat tomatoes. Only Huang Yingzi's father knows that Jiang Yi's father brought it when he came back from a business trip.Jiang Yi bought two boxes of tomatoes. After finishing these two boxes of tomatoes, Jiang Yi never ate tomatoes again.After dinner, everyone played cards together and had a lot of fun. Although Jiang Yi lost, he was very happy to be made trouble by everyone.

Just when everyone was happy, Jiang Yi's parents came back and wanted to take him away. His parents rarely came back, and the relationship between Jiang Yi and them was not very good.

After many years, Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi had never met. Huang Yingzi asked him when he came back. In fact, Jiang Yi had only been back for half a month. During this time, he stayed in the hotel and spent all day.He drank to drown his sorrows and didn't even need a waiter to clean. In fact, he saw the messages sent to him by his good friends, but he didn't reply to any of them.Huang Yingzi shed tears as he spoke, and then said that he would take him to meet someone.

Fang Mingyu prepared meals at home, and her boyfriend came back with flowers. Unexpectedly, someone suddenly knocked on the door at this time. It was actually Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi, but Fang Mingyu opened the door after thinking for a long time. Her boyfriend saw a guest coming.Go home first from now on.Fang Mingyu's attitude towards them was very indifferent. Fang Mingyu also asked Jiang Yi when he came back after disappearing all these years.

Huang Yingzi came here to ask Fang Mingyu to attend Guan Chao's wedding with them, but Fang Mingyu refused directly, while Jiang Yi next to him said that he was not free.Guan Chao came to Lan Yifei's grandma's shop for dinner. In fact, he really wanted everyone to come back to attend his wedding, but now he doesn't know if everyone can come back.

In order to bring everyone back together, Huang Yingzi also created a new group to invite everyone to his home for dinner. Currently, only Lan Yifei cannot get together with them because she is abroad.Huang Yingzi made wontons, and suddenly he remembered the scene when they went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. At that time, Jiang Yi and Huang Yingzi were competing in the sports meeting. If Huang Yingzi won the first place in the long jump, Jiang Yi had to eat tomatoes.

Huang Yingzi was very confident at first, but he still lost.Jiang Yi suddenly fainted after finishing a sprint. Everyone rushed him to the hospital, but they didn't expect that Jiang Yi had amnesia when he woke up.

《love endures》E3Plot

Jiang Yi lost his memory

Everyone was surprised because of Jiang Yi's amnesia. Huang Yingzi felt that he must be pretending on purpose. Huang Yingzi came to the ward, and I also said that I was Jiang Yi's aunt, and took out the tomato soup that he disliked the most. Jiang YiIn order not to reveal any flaws, he could only drink it in one gulp. Now Huang Yingzi really believed it.

However, Huang Yingzi still felt that Jiang Yi did not have complete amnesia, and the only things he had forgotten were what happened at the sports meeting. Huang Yingzi even read out the diary written by Jiang Yi at that time, just to make him deliberately expose his flaws. Jiang Yi couldn't bear it in the end.Live, everyone knew that he was pretending on purpose and punished him.

Everyone talked about what happened that year. Unexpectedly, Huang Yingzi still kept the gifts everyone gave him when he was 17 years old. Huang Yingzi was full of expectations, but everyone gave him a card that could make wishes. Huang Yingzi seemed very happy.I was happy, but in fact I was very disappointed, and I deliberately pretended to leave. Everyone was very happy at that time.

Now when Huang Yingzi took out the wish greeting card, you hoped that everyone could realize this only wish. Everyone holding the greeting card in their hands still felt a little conflicted.Zhuang Yuan and Liu Mingyu have both asked for leave from their leaders, but the situation has not yet been determined. Jiang Yi is talking to the United States about rescheduling the meeting.

Huang Yingzi thought that everyone would not be absent this time, but Jiang Yi left anyway and left a letter of apology. Zhuang Yuan and Liu Mingyu also had no way to go. Huang Yingzi felt very disappointed, but he could only call Guan Chao to comfort him., Guan Chao seemed to be fine on the surface, but in fact he was still very disappointed in his heart.

Huang Yingzi was having a meeting in the company. The leaders were discussing how to design the next news layout. Huang Yingzi didn't want to waste time on some so-called gossip news. Now there was news about an obscene woman. Huang Yingzi offered to investigate it. I always felt thatThe story behind this matter is not simple. Only through in-depth investigation can the topic selection be prevented from being wasted. As a result, the leader still handed over the news to other colleagues.Huang Yingzi said it was okay, but in fact he still felt very uncomfortable.

In fact, the workplace is like this. It does not mean that you can do what you want to do if you have the desire. On the contrary, it is more about doing things for profit.Huang Yingzi thought of how when they were in high school, he showed off Stefanie Sun's autograph in front of his classmates. As a result, one of his classmates actually had money for all Stefanie Sun-related albums. At this time, the dean came in and all the classmates' albums were confiscated., but fortunately the album in Huang Yingzi’s hand was not taken away by the dean.

After class, everyone was doing radio gymnastics. Huang Yingzi looked absent-minded. He learned from Liu Mingyu the entertainment items that the dean was searching everywhere. Of course, the album Huang Yingzi put in the drawer was also taken away.Huang Yingzi naturally wanted to get it back, and then said that he wanted to use the wish card to ask everyone to help him. At night, Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi quietly climbed over the wall to the dean's office. The three of them searched around inside, and the other three onlyKeep a lookout at the door.

Soon the security came. Guan Chao and Zhuang Yuan deliberately ran around in the stairwell to distract the security. Although Jiang Yi and Huang Yingzi found the confiscated record, Huang Yingzi's, Huang Yingzi was very sad and even felt that the dean was deliberately torturing them.Own.Jiang Yi suddenly thought of a way. Every time the dean came to buy wontons, grandma would deliberately not sell them to him. The dean was very anxious.Grandma deliberately said that her granddaughter's record had been confiscated, so she was not in the mood to eat.Finally, with the joint help of my grandma, Huang Yingzi finally got my own record, because she was very happy about it.

At the weekend, only Huang Yingzi took the car back, but to his surprise, Zhuang Yuan was also in the car. After thinking about it for a long time, Zhuang Yuan still felt that he should go back and attend the wedding with them. Huang Yingzi was quite happy.Guan Chao and his fiancée were waiting for them to come back at the station. Huang Yingzi was very happy to see Guan Chao, and then drove them back.After Huang Yingzi came back, his parents were very happy. His mother was still concerned about the situation of several of their childhood classmates, and later sent a message to Jiang Yi.Huang Yingzi returned to the room, but he didn't know if Jiang Yi would really come back.

《love endures》E4Plot

The past events of Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi

When Huang Yingzi returned home, her parents immediately prepared her favorite meals.Now that her daughter has grown up, her mother has begun to care about Huang Yingzi's personal problems.She asked about Jiang Yi's current situation, and even used Huang Yingzi's mobile phone to send a message to Jiang Yi, inviting him to come to her house for dinner.Huang Yingzi believed that Jiang Yi should be in the UK now, but to her surprise, shortly after the WeChat was sent, she received a reply from Jiang Yi, with only the simple words “agree”, which showed that Jiang Yi still cared about Huang Yingzi very much.His mother had a very good impression of Jiang Yi and hinted that Huang Yingzi should contact him more.

Recalling the past with Jiang Yi, Huang Yingzi clearly remembered that one time Jiang Yi ran home excitedly after hearing that his mother came home.This time, his mother brought him a pair of branded skates when she came back from a business trip. Jiang Yi was very happy when he saw the gift from his mother and asked when they could go to the skating rink together.However, his mother told him with embarrassment that the company was going to send her on a business trip abroad for a period of time and she would leave that night.Jiang Yi was very disappointed. After his mother left, he threw the skates directly into the trash can.Huang Yingzi happened to see Jiang Yi throwing away garbage dejectedly. After knowing that it was skates, she knocked on Jiang Yi's door and invited him to go to the skating rink.At first, Jiang Yi didn't cooperate, but when Huang Yingzi took out the wish card, he had no choice but to pick up the discarded skates.

That day, Jiang Yi and Huang Yingzi had a lot of fun at the skating rink.Although it was Huang Yingzi's first time on the skating rink, and she had lied about teaching Jiang Yi how to skate, and ended up injuring her knee, she saw Jiang Yi being so excited and felt it was worth it.In the evening, Jiang Yi returned the wish card to Huang Yingzi, saying that she could use it again.

When Zhuang Yuan returned home, he found that his mother was still carrying boxes after boxes of purified water with her injured leg.Although the child offered to help, she immediately discouraged him.For Zhuang Yuan's mother, her son's success is her greatest comfort.The neighbors all knew that she had a promising son, and they all called her “Doctor's Mom”.Zhuang Yuan felt embarrassed when he heard this title because he had not yet graduated with a doctorate.Even though he had to ask for leave from his supervisor to attend an important forum today, his supervisor still believed that this forum was very important and related to whether his thesis could be successfully graduated.

《love endures》E5Plot

Mother thought Huang Yingzi and Zhuang Yuan liked each other

Her mother thought that Huang Yingzi and Zhuang Yuan liked each other, so in order to become in-laws, she let the two of them go on a blind date, but they had never had such an idea. Even at that time, the person Zhuang Yuan liked was Fang Mingyu.In order to reassure their parents, the two of them pretended to be very happy. Zhuang Yuan was still asking Huang Yingzi about Liu Mingyu. In fact, Huang Yingzi had very few opportunities to meet Liu Mingyu. He just knew that she seemed to have a boyfriend now.In fact, Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi are a couple. Huang Yingzi has always cared about Jiang Yi, and learned that Jiang Yi developed a game some time ago, but his name was not in the final list. The reason why Jiang Yi cannot come back this time may be the reason.Because I have to deal with this matter.

Zhuang Yuan was going to play ball, and Huang Yingzi went with him. Suddenly he remembered that Huang Yingzi was sitting on the court playing ball with three boys like this back then.At that time, everyone was beaten and scolded by their father to prevent Guan Chao from failing the exam. Everyone went to Guan Chao's house to help him plead for mercy. Fortunately, Guan Chao's father let them go in the end.Time passed very quickly. Everyone was still recalling the incident at the stadium. Guan Chao received a text message from his mother and told him that he could not come to attend the wedding. He also sent a red envelope to Guan Chao. Guan Chao said it was okay., I was still very disappointed.

Soon it was the day of Guan Chao's wedding. Huang Yingzi was still blocking the door and embarrassing the groom's family. At this moment, Jiang Yi unexpectedly came over. Jiang Yi finally regarded Huang Yingzi as more important than his own affairs.Soon it was time for the wedding ceremony. Guan Chao's wife's father came to the stage. His wife's father was very happy. Finally, he invited all the fathers of his good friends, plus Guan Chao and other fathers to perform on the stage.Guan Chao couldn't help but shed tears.

Guan Chao said thank you to him on the stage. What he cherishes most is the relationship between good friends. At this moment, Liu Mingyu rushed over. Guan Chao thanked everyone very much and said that everyone could come today.It's complete.Liu Mingyu was urged to get married by his elders while eating, but Liu Mingyu said that he had a boyfriend, and Jiang Yi didn't say that he had a girlfriend.

Soon it was time to grab the bouquet. Huang Yingzi asked Jiang Yi what his girlfriend looked like. Jiang Yi said that if Huang Yingzi grabbed the bouquet, show her the photo. Huang Yingzi drank a glass of wine and then grabbed it.Go to the front to grab the bouquet.In the end, Huang Yingzi failed to grab the bouquet. In the evening, everyone sat and drank together, and then talked about playing games.

Guan Chao was still saying that he seemed to have obtained a doctorate, but he would probably not be able to graduate. Guan Chao continued to circulate Liu Mingyu, and Liu Mingyu also said that he really regretted choosing his current position.It was Liu Mingyu's turn to ask Huang Yingzi, but she said that she had no questions to ask. Then Huang Yingzi asked Jiang Yi why he didn't reply to his messages. Jiang Yi did not answer directly. He just said that the game he had prepared for eight years would fall into the hands of others if he did not enter it..

In fact, everyone is unhappy in their own way. Everyone drank a lot of wine tonight and spoke out what was in their hearts.Suddenly, I remembered that on Huang Yingzi's 18th birthday, everyone was preparing to drink rice wine together, and everyone started playing games while drinking.Guan Chao was the first to be drawn. He took the initiative to say that he liked Lan Yifei, and then came to Zhuang Yuan. Zhuang Yuan also imitated his favorite Fang Mingyu, but to his surprise, Fang Mingyu said that she liked Jiang Yi, and the atmosphere suddenly changed.Very embarrassing.When it came to Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi didn't say who he liked.

Soon, everyone had to return to their respective posts. Huang Yingzi and Liu Mingyu sat on the same train, and the two finally had a good heart-to-heart talk on the train.Huang Yingzi found the photo stickers you found at home and showed them to her. Memories gradually came to mind. The three of them took photos of the photo stickers together. At first, everyone just sat there looking ugly, but later they took a few formal photos.In fact, Jiang Yi is not in love, just to deal with adults.As soon as Huang Yingzi arrived home, Zhuang Yuan called to tell Jiang Yi that he was staying. Huang Yingzi said that he could make up for his debt to Jiang Yi.

《love endures》E6Plot

Huang Yingzi recalls those years

Huang Yingzi suddenly received a call from a colleague in the taxi and asked him to quickly take a look at this week's work plan. Unexpectedly, her topic selection was taken away by someone else, and Huang Yingzi was very angry.But she didn't show it in the company, but this incident made her see the true colors between her colleagues. There are no so-called true friends in the workplace.

Even so, Ding Ye's topic selection was also given to her so that Huang Yingzi would not have nothing to do.Jiang Yi called Huang Yingzi as soon as he rented the house. At first, he thought Huang Yingzi didn't know about his arrival, but he didn't expect that Huang Yingzi already knew about it. Jiang Yi also asked Huang Yingzi to have dinner together in the evening.

When Huang Yingzi returned home, he remembered that in those days, Jiang Yi liked to play games in Internet cafes. When Huang Yingzi learned that he was going to compete, he also hoped that Jiang Yi would take him with him. Huang Yingzi also went to big cities to watch whales, and even said that he could be responsible for allAfter asking for all the clothes to be washed by Huang Yingzi, Jiang Yi agreed to take her with him.

Huang Yingzi was very happy after he passed there, and asked Jiang Yi how much prize money there was for the competition. Huang Yingzi also said that he just hoped to find someone who could live with him until he grew old and be happy. Jiang Yi felt very happy after hearing this.Very happy.He also showed Jiang Yi his favorite author’s book signing, hoping that Jiang Yi would accompany him there.

The two of them could only sleep in the same room at night because they were both minors and needed ID cards to rent a room.Huang Yingzi was very sensible and slept on the sofa. He originally thought that Jiang Yi would leave a pillow for himself, but he ended up using both.

Jiang Yi couldn't help but smile as he listened to Huang Yingzi talking about the creatures in the ocean, and was discovered by Huang Yingzi.When Jiang Yi woke up the next morning and looked at Huang Yingzi who was still sleeping on the sofa, he felt quite happy.

Huang Yingzi came to the author Ding Ye's book signing, but found out that he would not come today. Huang Yingzi felt a little disappointed.In this competition, Jiang Yi won first place and gave Huang Yingzi a gift that day.

In fact, Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi liked each other, but neither of them said it out loud.Huang Yingzi was still thinking about how to send an email to Ding Ye, but the editor-in-chief came over and asked her to make a new plan. It was best to find the person first.In the next few days, Huang Yingzi has been looking for news about Ding Ye.After receiving the message from Jiang Yi in the evening, the two went out to eat together. In fact, Huang Yingzi was surprised by Jiang Yi's sudden return.

Before the two said a few words, Huang Yingzi suddenly received a call. After learning the other party's address, he hurried over and left Jiang Yi alone.Huang Yingzi went there to see Ding Ye. At this time, Ding Ye was counting down. Huang Yingzi spoke to him but did not reply at all. When the time came,

Ding Ye picked up the fire extinguisher in his hand and threw it at a car. Jiang Yi called Huang Yingzi after eating. At this time, Huang Yingzi was being interrogated at the police station. Jiang Yi hadn't heard the reason yet.Huang Yingzi hurriedly hung up the phone.

Huang Yingzi told the police everything he saw truthfully, and soon Ding came out. Huang Yingzi still didn't want to give up the interview with him. On the way back together, Ding was surrounded by several people, and Ding ran away.Huang Yingzi could only follow him in a hurry. When the two stopped, they realized that Jiang Yi was standing opposite.

When Huang Yingzi was still studying, he remembered that Jiang Yi had become very popular in school since he won the award, so some girls took the initiative to find Huang Yingzi and asked her to help deliver love letters. At first, Huang Yingzi didn't care, but then she found Jiang Yi's campus card.There was actually a photo of Liu Mingyu in it, and Huang Yingzi misunderstood Jiang Yi when he thought of Lan Yifei once saying that if you like the other person, you will usually put the other person's photo on your body.

《love endures》E7Plot

Jiang Yi failed to help Huang Yingzi

Jiang Yi felt that he had not helped Huang Yingzi, but Huang Yingzi said that he had done him a big favor. Huang Yingzi took the opportunity to bump into Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi leaned against the wall next to him before he could stand still. Huang Yingzi was still a little embarrassed.In fact, the reason why Huang Yingzi insisted on interviewing Ding Ye was also because of the bet he made ten years ago.At the beginning, Huang Yingzi originally asked Ding Ye to sign, but he did not sign. Jiang Yi signed his name on the book, and wrote a row of small words below saying that this book will be more valuable in 10 years. Huang Yingzi was still very angry.

In the end, the two people reached an agreement to bet that Huang Yingzi would be friends with Ding Ye in 10 years, and Jiang Yi would also have some success in the game.Jiang Yi still said that it was not certain who would lose and who would win. After the two reached an agreement, they left together.After Huang Yingzi returned, he sent the photos of Guan Chao's wedding to Lan Yifei, but she didn't come back this time. Huang Yingzi also talked about the days when they watched TV dramas together. The three girls watched it with gusto, but the boys didn't understand it at all.Their likes.

Jiang Yi showed a game he had just finished to the other company. Now that he is determined to return to China for development, he must accept the domestic game trend. Jiang Yi said that he has no conditions on salary and benefits, but his only purpose is toDesigning a game of its own, the company readily agreed to Jiang Yi's conditions and went through the onboarding procedures as quickly as possible.

When Liu Mingyu returned to the office, she found a box of gifts on the table. It turned out that it was given to her by a newly hired employee.In fact, Jiang Yi has a former colleague in the company named Chloe. Jiang Yi recognized him at a glance, but he didn't show it during the initial interview because he was afraid that the boss would misunderstand him.

It has been more than three years since Jiang Yi left the company in the United States. The two of them were in the same company back then, and Chloe also left not long after Jiang Yi left.Chloe remembered that Jiang Yi was the first person in her former company who was willing to play games with her, but she didn't expect that Jiang Yi would be tricked by her former company. Now that the matter is over, she can just live a good life.

Huang Yingzi is still preparing for the interview with Ding Ye. Ding has not agreed or rejected her yet. Huang Yingzi reported the situation to the leader, who also advised her to work harder.

Huang Yingzi went to the bookstore to pester Ding Ye, hoping that he would accept her interview. She even said that she was willing to help Ding Ye clarify and find the truth. Huang Yingzi believed that Ding Ye, as an idealist, would naturally not do those things.Ding Ye also recommended a book to Huang Yingzi and asked her to go back and read it carefully. Ding Ye also deliberately let Huang Yingzi steal a book. Huang Yingzi could only suppress her fear and took out the book just to get an interview with Ding Ye..

Afterwards, she returned to the bookstore and settled the account for the book.Liu Mingyu and her boyfriend had an underground relationship in the company. After all, both of them were senior white-collar workers in the company. Moreover, the company explicitly required that they not fall in love, so they never made it public.Huang Yingzi also sent a message to Liu Mingyu saying that he would have dinner at his home tonight to celebrate Jiang Yi's new job.

In the evening, everyone was here except Liu Mingyu. But at this time, Liu Mingyu sent a message saying that he could not come, so the three of them could only eat together. But just as they clinked glasses and prepared to drink, there was a sudden power outage.Huang Yingzi remembered that back then, everyone was fighting for the TV to watch the TV series finale. Because they could only watch it at Jiang Yi's house, they all gathered at Jiang Yi's house, but several boys were playing games and were unwilling to get out of the way. The last few people fought for it.Unexpectedly, there was a power outage, so everyone decided to go out. Three boys rode a battery car. Jiang Yi originally wanted Huang Yingzi to be his own car, but unexpectedly Liu Mingyu took the initiative to sit on it. There was no way, Huang Yingzi could only take Guan Chao's car.

Several people ran a long way before they found a canteen that didn't have a power outage. They finally saw the ending.In fact, Guan Chao still still has Liu Mingyu in his heart, and Jiang Yi still has the photo of Huang Yingzi posted on the bulletin board in his wallet. Jiang Yi carefully took it off and took it home.In fact, the place where Jiang Yi lives now is very close to Huang Yingzi, and he can look at her as soon as he opens the curtains. This is why Jiang Yi will rent it.

《love endures》E8Plot

Huang Yingzi found Chao

The next day, Huang Yingzi went to the park to find Ding Ye early in the morning. Ding Ye was playing chess with the old man, but his skills were very poor and he quickly blew the wind. Huang Yingzi complained to him afterwards.Huang Yingzi also said that he had liked Ding Ye since he was a child. It was because of reading his books that he had the motivation to study.Huang Yingzi's grades were very poor when he was in high school, and he was even scolded by the dean of students. Jiang Yi could not keep his eyes off Huang Yingzi, complaining about him, but still worrying about her silently in his heart.

Huang Yingzi found Guan Chao again and said that he wanted to interview Ding Ye now, but Ding Ye wouldn't take him with him anyway, so now he wanted Guan Chao to help him see if he could find some clues about when he was in college.Jiang Yi was still talking to the leader about how he had agreed to join the job because the only requirement was to continue working on his own projects, but now the leader suddenly stopped it, which he couldn't accept. Jiang Yi still wanted to fight for himself, and both sides had a meeting in the conference room.Differences arose.

Chloe was still there to smooth things over, hoping that the relationship wouldn't get too tense.Guan Chao also told Huang Yingzi a secret, which was that Jiang Yi's so-called girlfriend actually had a boyfriend, and the boyfriend was Spider-Man. After Huang Yingzi saw the photo, he suddenly realized that they had all been tricked by Jiang Yi. In fact, Jiang YiTsubasa doesn't have a girlfriend at all.

In this case, Huang Yingzi was relieved.Jiang Yi went to the cafe to drink coffee during his lunch break, and met Chloe. Chloe told him in a subtle way that if he wanted to win, he must keep calm, otherwise he would achieve nothing.Jiang Yi went to have dinner with Liu Mingyu in the evening. Liu Mingyu also said that Jiang Yi had changed a lot. Jiang Yi was actually curious as to why she didn't come to the dinner that day.

Liu Mingyu could only find an excuse to say that there was something wrong with the company, but he could not leave.Jiang Yi originally wanted to ease the relationship between the two, but Liu Mingyu could never go back after hearing that something had happened.Back in 2012, after Lan Yifei's incident happened, Liu Mingyu didn't know how to face Huang Yingzi.

When her mother saw Liu Mingyu looking at her phone in the bedroom, she thought she was in love. Liu Mingyu wanted to refute, but her mother told her that once she met someone she liked, she should cherish it.In fact, at that time, Liu Mingyu already had a boyfriend, and the two had been in love for many years.

Huang Yingzi would still send messages to Jiang Yi on QQ when he had time, but he never got any reply.When Huang Yingzi and Guan Chao went to the vegetable market to buy groceries, they suddenly saw Liu Mingyu holding a boy on her arm. Liu Mingyu also took the initiative to introduce Huang Yingzi to her boyfriend Zhang Nan, but Huang Yingzi recognized at a glance that he had seen a girl pointing at Zhang Nan in the library.Nan called him a scumbag. It seemed that Zhang Nan's life was not very clean.

Huang Yingzi hurriedly called Liu Mingyu out, and said that he had seen Zhang Nan and a woman flirting with each other a few days ago. Liu Mingyu repeatedly emphasized that Huang Yingzi had made a mistake, and Huang Yingzi repeatedly confirmed that he was not wrong.

As a result, Liu Mingyu was very angry because of this incident. She also felt that Huang Yingzi took too much care and everyone was moving forward. Only Huang Yingzi was still living in the past. He also said that once some things happened, they could never go back..Huang Yingzi's eyes were filled with tears, but he didn't know how to refute.

In fact, Huang Yingzi also knew that Liu Mingyu had deliberately alienated herself since she went to college. Huang Yingzi also confessed that if she had done something wrong, she could ask Liu Mingyu to tell her. However, Liu Mingyu did not lie about anything and just told Huang Yingzi to stay away from her in the future.Even so, Huang Yingzi still broke up with Zhang Nan. In front of Zhang Nan, he said that Huang Yingzi was his friend and asked the other party not to contact him again.

Huang Yingzi was criticized by her boss for not interviewing Dingyuan for a long time. There was not much time left for her. If she could not interview Ding Ye, she might not be able to renew her contract by then.

Huang Yingzi also came to school to find Zhuang Yuan, and learned from Zhuang Yuan's good friends that he had always had someone he liked, and even put a bracelet like a treasure in his dormitory drawer.In fact, Huang Yingzi knew that the person Zhuang Yuan had always liked was Fang Mingyu, but Zhuang Yuan did not dare to take this step.At first Liu Mingyu blatantly liked Jiang Yi, but Jiang Yi liked Huang Yingzi, and Huang Yingzi also liked Jiang Yi. Huang Yingzi would get jealous every time he saw Liu Mingyu treating Jiang Yi well.

《love endures》E9Plot

Huang Yingzi invites everyone to celebrate the New Year together

Huang Yingzi didn't expect that Zhuang Yuan thought he liked her, but under Zhuang Yuan's pressure, Huang Yingzi still told her that she liked Jiang Yi.In fact, these were all young and frivolous, but now they understand that if you like someone and don't say it, this is the most regretful thing. Later, Huang Yingzi encouraged Zhuang Yuan to muster up the courage to say what he wanted to say.

Fang Mingyu sometimes wonders whether she looks too hard for people to get close to, and because of her job position, she is basically not allowed to participate in many team-building activities.Fang Mingyu also talked about Jiang Yi coming to see him today, but her boyfriend Guo Kai felt that she was socially ineffective and a complete waste of her time.

Fang Mingyu felt that not all contacts should be based on interests, but this matter caused a disagreement with her boyfriend Guo Kai.Now because a leader of the company is retiring, he will soon face a new election, and Guo Kai is also one of the candidates. Guo Kai began to calculate whether his chances are good or not, but Guo Kai feels that no matter whether his chances are good or not,, oneself must go all out.Guo Kai took Fang Mingyu's hand and said that when he reached the core management of the company, he would let Fang Mingyu resign and stay at home to do whatever he wanted. He then asked Fang Mingyu to help him get the information of the other two people. This time he was bound to get it, butFang Mingyu was always unhappy.

Jiang Yi called Huang Yingzi, but Huang Yingzi unexpectedly guessed that Jiang Yi just wanted to celebrate the New Year with him.Huang Yingzi talked about how they exchanged gifts during New Year's Eve when they were children. He wanted to do the same this time, but Jiang Yi was very supportive.The time went back to 2008. Six people were at home preparing to give each other gifts on New Year's Eve. Each person drew a rope, and Guan Chao and Lan Yifei happened to draw together, and the two of them happened to prepare gifts for each other.Gift, but Huang Yingzi was not so lucky to get Jiang Yi, but got Zhuang Yuan.In fact, Huang Yingzi prepared a gift for Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi liked it very much. Zhuang Yuan originally wanted to give Fang Mingyu a watch, but ended up giving it to Huang Yingzi.Fang Mingyu received a gift from Jiang Yi, but Fang Mingyu did not share it with everyone.Jiang Yizi's company held a meeting and got everyone's approval.

As soon as the meeting ended, Huang Yingzi sent a message to everyone saying that they would exchange gifts together to celebrate the New Year. Fang Mingyu refused directly. Originally, Fang Mingyu was planning to celebrate the New Year with Guo Kai, but Guo Kai wanted to have dinner with his boss tonight, so he refused Fang Mingyu, butFang Mingyu quickly sent a message to Huang Yingzi saying that the plan had changed.In the end, the four of them celebrated the New Year together, and Huang Yingzi also said that they would draw lots in a different way this year.In fact, Huang Yingzi deliberately wrote Zhuang Yuan's name on all four notes, just to create an opportunity for Zhuang Yuan to give gifts to Fang Mingyu.Huang Yingzi glanced at Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi understood what she meant immediately, so even though the note had Zhuang Yuan's name written on it, Jiang Yi said that he had drawn Huang Yingzi, but Fang Mingyu said that he had drawn Zhuang Yuan.of.

Zhuang Yuan gave Fang Mingyu the gift he carefully bought, with the date engraved on it. Fang Mingyu suddenly remembered that maybe this was not just a gift.In fact, when he was in college, Zhuang Yuan came to see Fang Mingyu, but he didn't expect that there was a boy beside Fang Mingyu. Zhuang Yuan had actually prepared a gift, but when he saw that Fang Mingyu had a boyfriend, he gave up.Fang Mingyu even chased Zhuang Yuan out and asked him if he had anything to say to him, but Zhuang Yuan still couldn't say it at first.

But now I mustered up the courage to confess to Fang Mingyu.Fang Mingyu also said that he liked this gift very much. Fang Mingyu would definitely treat him back to a meal he owed him when he was in college.Fang Mingyu also thanked Huang Yingzi, knowing that no matter how he smoked this time, he would receive a gift from Zhuang Yuan. This was also the happiest New Year's Eve for him.

Fang Mingyu handed the gift he prepared to Huang Yingzi. In fact, this gift was originally prepared by Jiang Yi for Huang Yingzi. Fang Mingyu also said that he wanted the gift to return to its original owner.Huang Yingzi felt very happy after looking at this glass ball. This was his favorite sea creature.After Fang Mingyu came back, Guo Kai saw the gift given to Fang Mingyu, and looked down upon it and said that Fang Mingyu would definitely not wear it.Fang Mingyu recalled that when the college entrance examination was about to take place, Fang Mingyu was very nervous and worried that he would not do well in the exam.

Fang Mingyu went to his mother to get the keys, but his mother complained that he was not good at studying. In fact, even though Fang Mingyu had good grades, his mother still used a suppressive education.Fang Mingyu sometimes felt that he was ordinary and had no merit, but Zhuang Yuan was there to comfort Fang Mingyu.

Fang Mingyu finally put the bracelet Jiang Yi gave him on his hand.When Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi were chatting, they talked about Ding Dingye and felt that Dingye had changed a lot.Huang Yingzi also said that Ding Ye had replied to him, so he believed that Ding Ye's nature was good.Back then, Huang Yingzi wanted to write a letter to Ding Ye, but Jiang Yi saw it and accidentally tore it up. After returning home, Jiang Yi thought of this and decided to write a reply to Huang Yingzi in Ding Ye's name.

《love endures》E10Plot

Huang Yingzi has been in a bad mood recently

Soon, Huang Yingzi received a reply from the so-called Ding Ye. Huang Yingzi was very happy at the time and said that when he saw Ding Dingye's name, he was sure it was true.Jiang Yi, who was upstairs, couldn't help laughing when he saw it. In fact, these were Jiang Yi's secrets.The owner of the bookstore wanted Ding Ye to hold a reading party in the bookstore, but Ding Ye agreed to hold it without the media.Ding also found a book in the bookstore that Huang Yingzi said he had written. Huang Yingzi also wanted to use this incident to persuade Ding to accept an interview.

Huang Yingzi said that he came here not for the interview, but because he wanted to become friends with Ding Ye.Later, Huang Yingzi took Ding Ye to his favorite treasure shop for dinner. Huang Yingzi talked about the colorful life, but Ding Ye didn't think much of it.Ding Ye said that he didn't like to make friends. Huang Yingzi suddenly saw a takeaway boy. The man's face was very familiar. When Huang Yingzi chased him out, he found that he had left.

Huang Yingzi suddenly remembered that Lan Yifei's father was chased and beaten because Lan Yifei's father caused the factory explosion. Now he owed money to others for gambling. Huang Yingzi suppressed his fear and went to confront them. Fortunately, his fatherWhen he came over, the other party also knew Huang Yingzi’s father, and later helped Lan Yifei’s father pay back the money. The acquaintance Huang Yingzi met today actually felt like he was Lan Yifei’s father, and he thought that if he could meet him,Maybe Lan Yifei will be very happy.

Huang Yingzi asked his colleagues to help him draw a portrait of Lan Yifei's father. During the meeting, Jiang Yi suddenly saw the news about Huang Yingzi's method. The leader just asked Jiang Yi to express his opinion. Jiang Yi quickly revealed the existence of the game.problem and gave his own solution to the problem. The leader was very satisfied.

Huang Yingzi said that he had met Lan Yifei's father. Jiang Yi was very surprised when he heard it, so he planned to find his father for Lan Yifei this time, and this time he hoped Jiang Yi would help.In fact, the last time Jiang Yi met Lan Yifei's father was in high school. When Lan Yifei returned to her mother's barber shop, she saw her father as soon as she came home. When Lan Yifei went out, she stopped her father and evenThe money to buy the costumes was given to her father. Lan Yifei and Fang Mingyu happened to see a pair of gloves when they went shopping. Thinking that their father was driving in the factory, they wanted to buy a pair of gloves for their father to go out. However, they were in trouble because they didn't have enough money.Unexpectedly, Huang Yingzi and Fang Mingyu both used their own money to pool their money together, and luckily they were able to buy gloves.

Huang Yingzi has been in a bad mood recently, and his father also asked several boys what made Huang Yingzi unhappy.In fact, most of the money Lan Yifei owes now is paid by Huang Yingzi's father.When Huang Yingzi's father got out of the car to buy something, Lan Yifei's father looked at the money he put in his bag. After careful consideration, he took away a huge amount of money.As soon as Huang Yingzi's father went out, he found no one in the car. When he saw that his bag was empty, he knew it was over.

Now everyone is looking for Lan Yifei's father everywhere. Just when he saw his father preparing to run away, Lan Yifei hurriedly chased him out. In the violent storm, Lan Yifei called desperately for her father, still holding gloves in her hand, but her father still refused.He turned around, took the money and ran away.Lan Yifei returned to the store, her whole body was soaked by the heavy rain, and her mother just let her tears flow down, and she didn't know what to do now.She recalled the scene when her father taught her to ride a bicycle. In fact, Lan Yifei's father was introduced to the driving job by Huang Yingzi's father.

But she didn't expect that everything would never go back. The mother looked at her daughter sitting alone at the door. The mother and daughter held each other's hands. Lan Yifei was even worried that her mother would leave, and her mother also said that she would not leave.After Huang Yingzi's plea, he agreed to help.Huang Yingzi sent a message to Lan Yifei and said that she had met her father. She originally wanted to help find her father, but Lan Yifei replied and said no.Huang Yingzi remembered his sixth birthday, which was actually the first time he met Jiang Yi. Everyone had just helped Huang Yingzi sing a happy birthday song, and suddenly heard a “pop” sound. Soon Huang Yingzi's father received a call and learned that the factorySomething happened.

《love endures》E11Plot

Huang Yingzi wants to confess to Jiang Yi

Huang Yingzi's father suddenly received a call and rushed over to the factory. He and his wife left first, leaving only six children at home. His father also asked Huang Yingzi to take good care of his good friends. Huang Yingzi saw Jiang Yi alone.Sitting next to him, he was so frightened that he started crying, so he called him over to sit with everyone.Huang Yingzi also told everyone not to worry. There is also a rice cooker at home. With the rice cooker, they will not starve to death.Huang Yingzi, let’s all sing happy birthday together, hoping that friends will not be afraid.

In order to reward Jiang Yi for painting Lan Yifei's father's appearance, Huang Yingzi kept massaging him. Huang Yingzi now desperately hopes to find Lan Yifei's father, Lan Bin, and she believes that she was right.

Then Jiang Yi's portraits were posted in every corner of the city.The two chatted while posting a missing person notice. Huang Yingzi also said that he was almost successful, and now he and Ding have quickly become friends.Huang Yingzi was waiting for Ding Ye in the park, and happened to see an aunt introducing Ding Ye to a blind date. Huang Yingzi couldn't help but laugh.Ding Ye also read a collection of poems in public. It was a love poem. It must be said that the reading attracted many people's attention. Huang Yingzi was a little embarrassed. What he didn't expect was that Ding Ye actually let himself hold the trumpet and didn't read it.Read all the finished parts.

Huang Yingzi was a little embarrassed at first, but suddenly he remembered that he had given a speech on stage when he was in high school.Huang Yingzi saw someone selling cactus on the side of the road, and he remembered that when everyone raised plants together, only his own cactus lived the longest, so everyone had no choice but to admit defeat and give their money to Huang Yingzi.

Jiang Yi was called by the teacher to answer a question in class, but he couldn't answer it at all. Huang Yingzi also kept paying attention to her cactus during class. As a result, the teacher changed her place on the grounds of desertion, even though she was scolded by the teacher.After a while, Huang Yingzi was still very optimistic.In fact, Huang Yingzi knew that Fang Mingyu liked Jiang Yi and deliberately avoided him. Fang Mingyu knew that Jiang Yi also liked Huang Yingzi, but only Huang Yingzi didn't know it.Jiang Yi and Chloe went out to exercise together. Originally, a colleague wanted to ask Jiang Yi to go drinking at night, but Jiang Yi refused.Jiang Yi wanted to leave first on the pretext that he was going home, but Chloe deliberately said that she wanted to go to his house to get the copied information. Jiang Yi originally wanted to refuse, but Chloe insisted on going.

Chloe also pointed out to Jiang Yi the fatal problem of its work, which is that it is too self-centered. Maybe putting the things it has made into other people's boxes will have different effects.Huang Yingzi sent the photo of the cactus to Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi smiled knowingly when he saw it.Jiang Yi didn't even listen to what Chloe said. Jiang Yi wanted to let Chloe go back because it was too late for the reporter, but Chloe said she was hungry, so Jiang Yi had to cook for her. Jiang Yi didn't guess why.What Huang Yingzi meant by cactus, Huang Yingzi started a video call for Jiang Yi. Chloe also deliberately went over to greet Huang Yingzi and said that she was at Jiang Yi's home. Huang Yingzi hurriedly hung up the phone after hearing this.

Of course, Huang Yingzi wanted to confess her love to Jiang Yi several times. After learning that the person Jiang Yi liked was not Fang Mingyu, she was about to go find Jiang Yi, but she happened to see Lan Yifei helping Jiang Yi pack things. Huang Yingzi thoughtThe person Jiang Yi likes is Lan Yifei. She was very sad and went to sing to vent her emotions.Jiang Yi was also absent-minded while eating with Chloe. Chloe also noticed it, so she left first.Jiang Yi did not have cold medicine at home, so he specially prepared cold medicine according to the method on the Internet and brought it to the sick Huang Yingzi.Huang Yingzi drank all the medicine in one go. Jiang Yi didn't say that he came specifically to see Huang Yingzi, but both of them knew it.

At that time, Huang Yingzi felt very unhappy when he saw Jiang Yi and Lan Yifei as tablemates. Later, Lan Yifei took the initiative to take him over for a look. It turned out that the purpose of Jiang Yi changing seats was to be able to see Huang Yingzi through the window. Huang YingziVery happy too.

《love endures》E12Plot

Ding Ye rejects Jiang Yi

Jiang Yi spent the whole night waiting for Huang Yingzi to take the initiative to send him a message. After Huang Yingzi sent the message, he responded as soon as possible. After learning that Huang Yingzi also wanted to give him his secret cold medicine, he took the time to give him a message.We arrived at Huang Yingzi’s home in fifteen minutes.Huang Yingzi also asked Jiang Yi to accompany him to find Lan Bin if nothing happened, and Jiang Yi agreed.

Ding Ye was holding a book exchange and sharing meeting in the library, and Huang Yingzi let Ding Ye go along with it. Huang Yingzi originally wanted to ask him questions, but Ding Ye asked him what his job was. Huang Yingzi talked about Lan Bin, although he didn't know that yearWhat is the process, but only by finding him can we get a result, and all he has to do is wait for the result. These words also touched Ding Ye deeply.

Jiang Yi found his colleagues and talked about his ideas. He didn't want the two people to become enemies. What they wanted to do was how to develop the game well.In fact, Jiang Yi said that these were also inspired by Chloe, otherwise he would not take the initiative to build a good relationship with his colleagues.Although Ding Ye did not relent, he became more and more cooperative with Huang Yingzi's interview work. The editor-in-chief also encouraged Huang Yingzi after learning about it.

Huang Yingzi saw that her colleague was very worried about family matters, but could not put down her work. Faced with a dilemma, Huang Yingzi offered to help her colleague handle work matters and let her go home without worries. Her colleague was very grateful to Huang Yingzi.Huang Yingzi went to interview on behalf of his colleague, but the other person was a very difficult person to deal with. Huang Yingzi also endured the difficulty to interview him.Fang Mingyu told her boyfriend Guo Kai that her new colleague might be pregnant, and she hid the news of her pregnancy during the interview.

Guo Kai felt that the other party should be fired, but Fang Mingyu still couldn't bear it, so he took the initiative to talk to the other party about the matter. The girl said that her husband had been laid off, and they needed this job very much now, hoping that Fang Mingyu could show his favor.After Zhuang Yuan returned to the dormitory, he continued to be busy writing papers. In fact, they all wanted to stay. After all, they had not used books for so many years. If they were asked to understand the market, they might not know what kind of career to choose.

Huang Yingzi continued to look for Lan Bin when he was free. He met a girl at the barber shop just now. The girl said that she and her mother had seen Lan Bin in the photo. Huang Yingzi suddenly remembered that he went to Lan Yifei's house.Hair washing scene.At that time, some people came to the barber shop to make trouble, saying that Lan Yifei's mother had seduced her husband. Lan Yifei's mother quickly denied the incident.In order to take care of the boss lady's business, Jiang Yi and Huang Yingzi both took each other and got a perm on their heads. I have to say that this hairstyle is exactly like the 1980s. The two even took a photo together as an ugly photo of each other, which was also goodrecorded.

Fang Mingyu knew her colleague's difficulties, so she asked him to buy some loose clothes to last at least a month and a half. However, these things happened after she joined the company, so they were not concealing information.In addition, she is indeed good at work, and Fang Mingyu does not want to miss a good employee. The female colleague is very grateful to Fang Mingyu for his mercy.Huang Yingzi took Jiang Yi to find Ding Ye. In fact, he also wanted his help with Jiang Yi's game copyright. Ding Ye was now working as a waiter in a restaurant, and Huang Yingzi knew that he must be plotting something.

Ding Ye directly rejected Jiang Yi, who was also very mean in his words. As a result, his boss asked him not to work as a waiter here because of his work mistakes.Huang Yingzi quickly took the initiative to apologize to Ding Ye, and also said that if he could help her friends, she could give up the opportunity to interview.

《love endures》E13Plot

Huang Yingzi goes to the blind date corner

Huang Yingzi is still asking why Ding wants to be a waiter here, and Ding Ye is still learning how to cook fish in the kitchen. In fact, this time it is because Huang Yingzi distracted Ding Ye, so he hopes that the manager can give Ding Ye another chance. Huang YingziHe also used his language skills to attract the manager, who was very interested.

At first, Huang Yingzi was criticized by the editor-in-chief at the company meeting, and said that she had not produced any output recently. Unexpectedly, at this time, her colleague stepped forward to help her, and said that she had been looking for information with her, and she also said that she had been looking for information with her.Because of this incident, Huang Yingzi was not scolded by his leader.Huang Yingzi was very grateful for what her colleagues had done to her, and later sent a message to Ding Ye to apologize for causing her to lose her job.

Huang Yingzi also went to the blind date corner, but suddenly received a call that Lan Bin had appeared. Huang Yingzi quickly called Jiang Yi. They went to the place where Lan Bin had lived for three years. It was the owner of the rental who recognized Lan Bin..Huang Yingzi looked at the potato chip box on the table, and suddenly remembered that when everyone helped Zhuangyuan Supermarket stock the goods, everyone was still laughing and playing happily.

In the evening, Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi went home together. As soon as they walked downstairs, they saw Lan Yifei's mother having sex with another man. Huang Yingzi hid quickly, not knowing whether he should tell Lan Yifei about this.Fei's mother.Lan Yifei was practicing dancing in the dance studio. At this time, Lan Yifei's mother came over. Huang Yingzi's eyes changed when he saw Lan Yifei's mother after witnessing that incident, and he didn't know whether he should tell her what happened today.

Her mother rarely came to the practice room. Lan Yifei was still a little surprised when she saw her, but she was more happy.The mother came over and bought a pair of the latest ballet shoes for her daughter, and told her that she must dance well. Then the mother left. Before leaving, she asked Huang Yingzi to help take good care of Lan Yifei. She always felt that her mother was in a strange state. Lan YifeiHe also asked his mother if she would come over tomorrow, but her mother did not answer.

When I got home from school, I only saw an envelope in my grandmother’s hand that my mother had left when she left. It contained a sum of money. It turned out that my mother chose to leave in the end.After Lan Yifei learned about this incident, she was very depressed. An aunt even ran to the house to make a fuss and asked Lan Yifei where her mother had gone. Lan Yifei was very scared.Huang Yingzi has been comforting Lan Yifei.Many years have passed since the incident, and Jiang Yi is actually worried whether Lan Yifei still resents her father's departure.Lan Yifei also sent an email to Huang Yingzi. In fact, she believed that no matter what decision she made, Lan Yifei would support it.Fang Mingyu saw her colleague and took the initiative to say hello and asked her if she wanted to have dinner with her. However, her colleague was very indifferent and refused directly. Fang Mingyu felt very strange.

Later, Fang Mingyu took the initiative to go out and ask why his attitude was so bad, but Deng Hao had already made it clear to himself everything that needed to be said. He even directly informed the girl to leave her job as soon as possible and go through the handover procedures. Fang Mingyu was very surprised that he had not said these things.Zhuang Yuan's thesis was plagiarized by his best friend, which made it very difficult for him to graduate. Because of this incident, he completely lost his friend.Huang Yingzi met Ding Ye and said that he had made it clear to the restaurant manager that Ding Ye could go back to work.

Huang Yingzi deliberately looked for an opportunity to watch a movie with Ding. This time Ding did not refuse. Jiang Yi kept calling Huang Yingzi, but she did not answer because she was watching a movie.After watching the movie, Ding was ready to leave. Although Huang Yingzi would not interview him now, he hoped to help his friend win the copyright.After Fang Mingyu returned home, he asked Guo Kai whether he had disclosed your colleague's matter to the company. He also admitted it and said that he would not allow Fang Mingyu to make such a low-level mistake.

Fang Mingyu became very angry because of this incident. He didn't expect that Guo Kai would do anything for his own interests.The two had a big quarrel, and Guo Kai left directly.Zhuang Yuan was also homeless now, so he called Jiang Yi. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yi was on the phone with Huang Yingzi.

Zhuang Yuan also called Huang Yingzi, but he couldn't speak.When Huang Yingzi and Ding Ye came back from watching the movie, Ding Ye saw that the weather was a little cold, so he put his clothes on her. After Huang Yingzi came home, a note suddenly fell out of his pocket. She didn't realize it until she saw it.Today is a bucket list day.Fang Mingyu took the initiative to go to her colleague to explain the matter clearly, but the other party was not prepared to forgive her.

《love endures》E14Plot

Episode 14

Love Enders Episode 14 Plot Introduction: Huang Yingzi accompanies Ding Ye to complete the bucket list

After negotiating the copyright transfer of the novel at the game company, Ding Ye asked Huang Yingzi to go to the amusement park with him. Going to the amusement park was not a big deal, but the key was that Ding Ye asked him to ride the roller coaster with him. Looking at such a high roller coaster, Huang Yingzi felt in his heartJust retreat.Ding Ye held on to her and encouraged her to face her fear.

This reminded Huang Yingzi of going to the amusement park with some of his friends in high school. Everyone except Huang Yingzi wanted to ride the roller coaster. Even the timid girl Yifei, who was usually timid, also suggested this, but Huang Yingzi said nothing.To play, Mingyu reminded everyone that two people share a seat when riding a roller coaster. If Huang Yingzi did not go, only one person would ride the roller coaster. Jiang Yi immediately said that he had retinal problems and could not play with dangerous equipment, so Jiang Yi had to stay.Come down and accompany Huang Yingzi.

Jiang Yi and Huang Yingzi went to play with the big revolving tea cup where the children sat. It was the first time they were alone together. Huang Yingzi felt very strange. Their eyes met and they always felt that the other person was very cute.In the end, Huang Yingzi accompanied Ding Ye on his first roller coaster ride in his life. At the beginning, he clung to the seat nervously. Ding Ye laughed at her, but after playing for a while, Huang Yingzi was fine with it, while Ding Ye was.My legs feel weak.

Huang Yingzi was very curious about why Ding Ye insisted on riding the roller coaster. Ding Ye said that he wanted to experience the feeling of near-death. Huang Yingzi felt a little sad. Yesterday she saw Ding Ye's bucket list. Could it be that Ding Ye really has an incurable disease?From Huang Yingzi's reply, Ding also guessed that she had seen the list. Hearing that Huang Yingzi felt that living was quite fun. At least he could see those lovely friends every day. He felt that Huang Yingzi must be a happy person, caring and caring.Nostalgic.

Zhuang Yuan's roommate Tianlin stole his works, causing Zhuang Yuan to lose the opportunity to study abroad. After being completely disappointed, Zhuang Yuan moved out alone. His mother couldn't get through to him, so she called Tianlin directly and heard that her son was not there.Zhuang Yuan was very surprised because Jiang Yi rented a large house outside.

Jiang Yi couldn't find Huang Yingzi all day long. The next day when he heard that Huang Yingzi went to play the roller coaster with Ding Ye, he felt jealous. Huang Yingzi was usually afraid of heights and had never been on a roller coaster. He didn't expect that he would accompany Ding Ye.Went up to play, Huang Yingzi wanted to explain, but this was also related to Ding Ye's personal privacy, and the two broke up on bad terms.

Zhuang Yuan was worried that his mother was calling Jiang Yi to verify the situation, so he invited Jiang Yi to his rental house and asked Jiang Yi to help him tell his lies. When Jiang Yi heard about Zhuang Yuan's experience, he helped pack his luggage and let Zhuang Yuan go.Live with him.Zhuang Yuan came to Jiang Yi's residence for the first time, and it looked familiar. Suddenly he remembered that this was actually Huang Yingzi's community. It turned out that Jiang Yi was so affectionate for Huang Yingzi, and the two of them were so close, but they always missed it.

Late at night, Ding Ye called Huang Yingzi. According to the next item on the list, he visited the aquarium late at night. Huang Yingzi couldn't shirk Ding Ye's request, so he had to go to the aquarium. The aquarium was already closed at that time, but DingShe didn't know where she got the key, and the door opened automatically. She and Ding Ye were the only two people coming to the aquarium at this time.

The two people were talking about the novel about whales at the aquarium. Whales cannot be kept in captivity. An aquarium once tried to put whales in the aquarium, but it failed in the end. Ding also lamented that whales have more backbone than humans, so the two of them went backWhen they were there, they happened to meet Zhuang Yuan and Jiang Yi who were about to dig out and drink together. Jiang Yi misunderstood Huang Yingzi again.

Ding Ye finally agreed to Huang Yingzi's interview. It was a rainy day, and the two people were talking about their understanding of family and friendship in the teahouse. There was only no love in Ding Ye's emotional world, but he said these were not important.When Huang Yingzi recalled her love, she concluded that she lost this relationship herself when she was eighteen years old.

《love endures》E15Plot

Episode 15

love endures episode 15 plot introduction: Yang Fan discovered Guan Chao’s secret

Ming Yu has liked Jiang Yi for a long time, but found that Jiang Yi still had no enthusiasm for her. She couldn't help but reflect on the fact that feelings are really not like studying. If you work hard, you will gain something. She was relieved and queued up the two movies she bought.The ticket was given to Huang Yingzi, encouraging Huang Yingzi to pursue Jiang Yi boldly, and advocating that the face of the women in Space City depended on her.

Since Ming Yu didn't like Jiang Yi, he could boldly pursue his love. Huang Yingzi carefully put on a heavy make-up based on the most popular makeup now, and came to the cinema to wait for Jiang Yi, full of hope. As a result, Jiang Yi was killed by Huang Yingzi's big brother.The heavy makeup shocked her. She originally thought it would be a romantic movie between two people, but Jiang Yi brought Zhuang Yuan with her. A huge lightbulb came on between Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi. While watching the movie, Huang Yingzi was confused and confused about the style.Without changing places with Zhuang Yuan, Jiang Yi answered a call soon after and took Zhuang Yuan away first.

After watching the movie, Huang Yingzi ran to Jiang Yi's house and saw Yi Fei, Zhuang Yuan and Ming Yu there. It turned out that some classmates saw Yi Fei being bullied at night, so they called Jiang Yi and Zhuang Yuan. Everyone had a look on their faces.They were all injured. When Huang Yingzi was applying medicine to Jiang Yi, he suddenly remembered that he had left the umbrella with the whale in the cinema. He screamed in fright and hurried back to the cinema.After searching for a long time, she couldn't find it. Huang Yingzi sat in front of the cinema and cried sadly. Jiang Yi comforted her that it would be enough to buy another umbrella that was exactly the same. However, Huang Yingzi cried out that if she bought another umbrella, it would not be the lost one.Many years later, Zhuang Yuan was packing things in Jiang Yi's room and found an identical umbrella with a whale on it.

Guan Chao has been in the Aerospace City since graduation. His classmates were curious about their teacher’s past and sneaked into the office to look for the teacher’s photos. Guan Chao’s wife Yang Fan happened to be looking at her. Some of the photos were taken between Guan Chao’s high school classes andIn the photo of Yifei, when Guan Chao looked at Yifei, his eyes were bright and clear, and he was so happy that he almost overflowed. Yang Fan had never seen Guan Chao so happy. In the evening, she asked Guan Chao about the past, and Guan Chao chose to remain silent..

Perhaps Zhuang Yuan told Huang Yingzi about the umbrella collected by Jiang Yi. In the evening, Huang Yingzi asked Jiang Yi to go out to chat. She explained that her relationship with Ding Ye was just a friend. She was a favorite writer more than ten years ago, and she still is now. ListenJiang Yi finally felt relieved at this point, and the two decided to go back to Space City together after work.

On the train, Jiang Yi asked Huang Yingzi why he didn't ask him to buy another similar umbrella. Huang Yingzi was relieved. She explained that she had lost such a precious gift, so how could she have the nerve to ask the person who gave it to buy it again.In fact, after losing his umbrella at the cinema that night, every time it rained, Jiang Yi would stand at the entrance of the cinema to see if the umbrella held by everyone was the right one. After waiting for who knows how many days, he finally found the one with the whale painted on it.Umbrella, and then I kept it carefully.

Back in Space City, Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi already knew about Guan Chao. They went to the basketball court to find Guan Chao. Guan Chao admitted that he still couldn't forget it. He felt very guilty every time he faced Yang Fan. Huang Yingzi thoughtIt's not wrong to say that he misses her often, but Guan Chao murmurs that this kind of missing is different from Huang Yingzi's.

In the evening, Guan Chao came home. Yang Fan was not there. There was no light in the room and everything was cold. Guan Chao saw a diamond ring on the coffee table. It was given to her by Guan Chao when they got married. Now it has been taken off.The wedding photos lying there are still as new as ever, but the marriage of the two people is now encountering some troubles.

《love endures》E16Plot

Episode 16

love endures episode 16 plot introduction: Huang Yingzi helps Yang Fan and Guan Chao get back together

Guan Chao recalled every detail of his time with Yifei in high school. He often went to help Yifei's grandmother's stall after school. At that time, he and Yifei could always do the same things, wipe the table, help grandma serve wontons, and serve wontons at closing time., the two went out to relax together. Guan Chao plucked up the courage to express his willingness to take care of his grandmother with Yifei in the future. Yifei was very moved and even kissed Guan Chao on his own initiative.The unexpected little surprise was still very happy when I recalled it more than ten years later. Guan Chao originally thought that he and Yifei could stay in Space City forever, but after graduation, they went their separate ways.

Jiang Yi got drunk in his hometown, and Huang Yingzi was forced to put him in his own home. Jiang Yi's wine taste was really unflattering. After getting drunk, he kept clamoring for boiled instant noodles and asked for more eggs.ham, and also warned not to put coriander.He kept yelling for most of the night, and Huang Yingzi simply covered his mouth and warned him solemnly.When it comes to asking Huang Yingzi to cook instant noodles, this memory still comes from a few years ago. When Jiang Yi was most uncomfortable, Huang Yingzi cooked instant noodles for him. The taste of that meal has always lingered in Jiang Yi's heart. Perhaps it was the best meal in his life.A meal you like.

In her spare time, Huang Yingzi went to find Yang Fan, and the two chatted together. Yang Fan said that Guan Chao enthusiastically took care of his unrelated grandmother, and his thoughtfulness and simplicity moved her so much that she married him regardless of the cost. However, these years have left her feeling uneasy.Feeling that he was not the only one with Guan Chao, Huang Yingzi remembered an incident that happened in high school and shared it with Yang Fan.

At that time, stealing vegetables was very popular among classmates. Huang Yingzi was once worried because the vegetables she planted were always stolen, so she wrote the harvest time of all her vegetables on a piece of paper and begged her friends to help her steal the vegetables..At that time, Guan Chao saw that Huang Yingzi was worried, and he actually brought back a big cabbage for Huang Yingzi early the next morning. He was excited and said that it was the first time in his life that he had stolen vegetables from the vegetable market, and the process was thrilling.This past incident made Yang Fan overjoyed. She knew Guan Chao's personality and never played online games or software. Naturally, she didn't know about “stealing food”. The two of them met Guan Chao while they were talking. Yang Fan and Guan Chao were talking about it.Make peace.

When Huang Yingzi's mother saw that Zhuang Yuan did not come with her this time, she immediately asked Huang Yingzi what was going on at the dinner table and put the marriage on the agenda. Huang Yingzi immediately argued that it was impossible for her and Zhuang Yuan to be together, and besides, Zhuang Yuan had a girl he liked.The mother couldn't help but be anxious when she saw that her daughter was always not paying attention to her own affairs. When she heard that Jiang Yi was also single, she couldn't help but want to lead the way, but Huang Yingzi's father interrupted Huang Yingzi's mother's thoughts. He felt youngPeople's affairs should be resolved by themselves.

Two days later, Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi left the space city together. Zhuang Yuan heard that Jiang Yi had been staying at Huang Yingzi's house for the past two days and couldn't help but gossip about whether there was any progress. He also encouraged Jiang Yi to return the umbrella with the whale painted on it to Huang Yingzi as soon as possible.

The original character setting of Jiang Yi's game company was an old man with a perverse personality, but Jiang Yi secretly set the protagonist of the game to be a high school girl. As a result, the company boss was dissatisfied. From the beginning, this “Sandbox” plan wasDesigned by Jiang Yi, he could not tolerate the complete commercialization of his design, so he decisively resigned from the company manager.Chloe quietly called Huang Yingzi and heard that it was about Jiang Yi. Huang Yingzi immediately put down his work and ran to Jiang Yi's company.

《love endures》E17Plot

Episode 17

Love Enders Episode 17 Synopsis: Jiang Yi wants to confess but Huang Yingzi rejects the appointment

Chloe came to Jiang Yi who was packing his luggage. She knew that Jiang Yi had always cared about the game Sandbox. In order to make the appearance of the game character he set better, she took the initiative to help Jiang Yi apply for the most cash hardware.Jiang Yi was very surprised by the facilities. Top-level game editing equipment was not easy to get. Moreover, Chloe had been helping him these days and helped him turn the tide. Jiang Yi was even a little moved at the time.

Huang Yingzi came to the company and happened to see Chloe leaning in front of Jiang Yi. Hearing Chloe's confession to Jiang Yi, Huang Yingzi immediately ran out with red eyes. Not wanting to hear any explanation from Jiang Yi, Huang Yingzi locked himself at home.It happened that Ding Ye called. Huang Yingzi was feeling sad, so she asked Ding Ye to accompany her to sing.Ding had never seen Huang Yingzi lose his temper, and Ding also witnessed Huang Yingzi's sadness. He questioned why Huang Yingzi didn't confess his love earlier since he had a boy he liked. Huang Yingzi was worried that if he confessed his love, and Jiang Yi liked someone else,Doesn't this mean we can't even be friends?

Finally, Ding Ye sent the drunk Huang Yingzi home. Huang Yingzi did not forget to express his gratitude to Ding Ye, saying that he would definitely help him complete the last item on his bucket list.Jiang Yi made countless calls and was finally answered by Huang Yingzi. Hearing Huang Yingzi yelling on the phone, not knowing what accident had happened, Jiang Yi quickly ran from his home to find Huang Yingzi.Huang Yingzi accidentally fell off the sofa and climbed onto the sofa again before Jiang Yi arrived.As a result, Huang Yingzi mistakenly thought that Jiang Yi was planning something evil and beat him up.

After sobering up, Huang Yingzi felt a little embarrassed when he saw Jiang Yi whose hair had been pulled into a bird's nest by himself. Fortunately, Mr. Jiang Yi had a lot of wine and carefully told Huang Yingzi not to drink again in the future.Huang Yingzi remembered that she was injured while roller skating. Jiang Yi often went to visit her at home. Not only did she help with her homework, but she also designed her favorite Tetris game for Huang Yingzi. It is said to have only eleven levels. When you succeed in playing, you will receiveaward.The game designed by Jiang Yi was very considerate and became Huang Yingzi's best memory when he was in bed recovering from his injuries.

In order to facilitate the good things between Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi as soon as possible, Zhuang Yuan specifically checked the weather forecast and told Jiang Yi that it would rain the next day, so he could express his love to Huang Yingzi with an umbrella.On that day, Jiang Yi called Huang Yingzi, and then he was waiting at the appointed place alone in a suit and tie. Huang Yingzi just said that he would get off work later, but when he finally got off work, he saw Ding Ye in the magazine. Ding YeWithout saying a word, he pulled Huang Yingzi into the car, and his tone was unquestionable.

Unexpectedly, Ding Ye took Huang Yingzi to drive to a far away mountain, and there was very little signal. Huang Yingzi searched for a long time with his mobile phone, and finally found some signal, and immediately called Jiang Yi. By this time, it was already the closing time of the restaurant, Jiang YiI heard intermittent sounds on the phone, and Huang Yingzi didn't call again until very late.Ding Ye asked Huang Yingzi to help fulfill his last wish, to watch the sunrise together. Huang Yingzi sat on the stool anxiously, looking at her phone and waiting until dawn, absently thinking about what Jiang Yi was going to tell her tonight.

《love endures》E18Plot

Episode 18

love endures episode 18 plot introduction: Jiang Yi went to study abroad after the college entrance examination

In high school, Jiang Yi once heard about the school Huang Yingzi was applying for, and realized that he should consider how he could go to the same university as Huang Yingzi in the future. Then he began to study hard and write fast, listening carefully in class every day, and never giving up again.After dozing off, he persisted for more than a month, and actually scored 102 points in the exam, getting excellent results. Jiang Yi excitedly ran to the corridor holding the test paper high, as excited and fanatical as Fan Jin passed the exam.

The sky turned white, and Ding Ye called Huang Yingzi to watch the sunrise together. Looking at Ding Ye’s clear-cut profile, Huang Yingzi felt that he probably didn’t like playing chess with Park or putting on an apron to cook. Ding Ye admitted that since the last work came outAfter that, he has been working hard for the past ten years, but there is no content to output, so he feels that he still needs to experience more.It's best to spend more time with friends. Huang Yingzi laughed dumbly and actually became Ding Ye's friend.The first ray of sunlight from sunrise fell on Ding Ye and Huang Yingzi. They were intoxicated with all things bathed in the morning glow, and they could see the lush greenery in front of them.

In the early morning, Jiang Yi saw Ding Ye sending Huang Yingzi back on the balcony. Thinking that Huang Yingzi had let him go last night and misunderstanding the relationship between Huang Yingzi and Ding Ye, he shut down his phone in disappointment.Huang Yingzi couldn't get through on the phone, so he went directly to Jiang Yi's company. It turned out that his colleagues were also looking for Jiang Yi everywhere. Today was the press conference of Jiang Yi's sandbox game. Many reporters were waiting to interview Jiang Yi, so they had to attend.Huang Yingzi quickly went to find Zhuang Yuan. Zhuang Yuan said that he didn't know where Jiang Yi was. Huang Yingzi glared at Zhuang Yuan. She knew Zhuang Yuan so well that she could spot lies with one look.

In high school, Jiang Yi studied hard to study at the school in Beijing where Huang Yingzi originally wanted to apply. He was used to being lazy on weekdays. If he didn't work harder, he couldn't keep up with Huang Yingzi's pace. Zhuang Yuan also came to help Jiang Yi with tutoring. He told Huang Yingzi that Jiang YiYi made rapid progress because he wanted to keep up with Huang Yingzi. Every time he was tired from studying and wanted to take a rest, he would see a whale on the test paper and his whole body would be filled with energy like chicken blood.

Finally, the scores of the college entrance examination were announced. Huang Yingzi sat next to Jiang Yi and fully expected Jiang Yi to get the ideal score. As a result, Jiang Yi's score was not admitted to Huang Yingzi's school. Jiang Yi was so angry that he locked himself in the bedroom without saying a word.Later, Jiang Yi's mother decided to send him to study in the UK. He failed to pass the exam in Beijing and could not even stay in China. Jiang Yi was very angry.The next day, he told his friends about the incident. Everyone could understand, and besides, how many people were fascinated by studying abroad, but Huang Yingzi was very sad. When he got home, he saw Jiang Yi still coming to the house for dinner, and he felt distressed and angry.He deliberately ignored Jiang Yi.At the dinner table, her parents asked Huang Yingzi where he planned to go during the summer vacation. They also suggested that he could get together with his friends before going to college. In the future, they might spend less time together and more time apart. Jiang Yi tried his best to encourage Huang Yingzi to travel together, but he was rejected.

Jiang Yi's mother had already contacted schools in the UK, but her son was determined not to go abroad, so Jiang Yi's mother went to Huang Yingzi, hoping that she could persuade Jiang Yi.Huang Yingzi knew that Jiang Yi's dream was to become a game designer and go to the UK to learn more advanced game software tutorials. In order to let Jiang Yi go abroad, Huang Yingzi put on the most beautiful dress and specially called Zhuang Yuan.In front of Jiang Yi, he and Zhuang Yuan held hands and pretended to be a couple. Jiang Yi came out of the Internet cafe and saw Huang Yingzi and Zhuang Yuan holding hands while shopping. She desperately thought that Huang Yingzi had chosen Zhuang Yuan, and then flew to the UK with her mother.

Many years later, Huang Yingzi told Zhuang Yuan about this incident. Now Zhuang Yuan suddenly realized that Huang Yingzi had commissioned him to play the boyfriend in order to piss off Jiang Yi. Zhuang Yuan felt the need to explain to Jiang Yi and immediately called Jiang Yi out.

Huang Yingzi explained the reason for flying doves on a date. Jiang Yi was angry that Huang Yingzi was flying doves to watch the sunrise with Ding Ye. Zhuang Yuan wanted to explain that he and Huang Yingzi pretended to be a couple twelve years ago. Jiang Yi calmly said that he knew they were the ones who were together at that time.acting.

《love endures》E19Plot

Episode 19

love endures episode 19 plot introduction: Jiang Yi finally confessed his love in the cinema

Zhuang Yuan was very surprised when he heard that Jiang Yi had always known about Huang Yingzi pretending to be a couple during the summer vacation of his senior year of high school. Jiang Yi admitted that they had known each other for many years, but at that time he was very angry that Huang Yingzi had to say goodbye to him in his own way. Wasn't it true?We should discuss it calmly, or at least listen to his thoughts.Jiang Yi left without looking back, ending their conversation, leaving Huang Yingzi sitting there alone, with tears on his face, but without saying a word.

After returning home, Huang Yingzi took out the globe that Jiang Yi had given her. Recalling what Jiang Yi had just said, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She knocked the globe to the ground. As a result, the globe fell to the ground and broke into two pieces, and the contents inside fell out.What came out were cards drawn by Jiang Yi himself. The pictures on them were all about Huang Yingzi. They were the happiest moments when Jiang Yi saw Huang Yingzi. It turned out that Jiang Yi liked Huang Yingzi very much twelve years ago, otherwiseWhy are these photos so vivid? There are memories exclusive to them.

Huang Yingzi came to Jiang Yi's company with these cards. On this day, Huang Yingzi, as Ding Ye's agent, discussed game development with Jiang Yi's company. Jiang Yi had always suggested that the protagonist of the game be a young girl. Huang Yingzi also told his storypoint of view and the world view of Ding Ye's novel, Jiang Yi's boss finally agreed to this setting.

Zhuang Yuan went to Ming Yu's company for an internship. Guo Kai, Ming Yu's boyfriend at the time, asked Zhuang Yuan to join the company. On the first day at work, Guo Kai confessed to Zhuang Yuan that he and Ming Yu were boyfriend and girlfriend, and asked Zhuang Yuan to help him.Do one thing.In the evening, Zhuang Yuan also called Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi to the hotel booked by Guo Kai. He thought they would have a meal together, but unexpectedly it turned out to be Guo Kai's proposal banquet.

In front of Zhuang Yuan, Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi, Guo Kai proposed to Ming Yu with a diamond ring. He also said that if Ming Yu didn't accept, he would kneel down on one knee and not get up. Ming Yu looked back at Zhuang Yuan in embarrassment.He actually accepted Guo Kai's diamond ring with tears in his eyes.

After dinner, Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi chatted with Zhuang Yuan. They all knew about Zhuang Yuan's feelings for Ming Yu. In his senior year of high school, Zhuang Yuan wanted to be in the same university as Ming Yu, so he secretly asked Huang Yingzi to ask Ming Yu.Hearing that Mingyu's favorite university was Qingbei University, Zhuang Yuan really changed his mind and changed his choice. As a result, on the day the results were released, Zhuang Yuan saw that he had really been admitted to Qingbei University, but Mingyu had been admitted to Jiangzhou University..Although his grades were very good, Zhuang Yuan was not happy at all. One day, he and Ming Yu stood in the corridor to enjoy the breeze. Ming Yu confessed that he was very much looking forward to going to the same university as Zhuang Yuan. At that time, the Admissions Office of Jiangzhou University calledThe phone call said that he could be recruited according to the advance batch. Mingyu was not sure about his college entrance examination results, so he agreed to Jiangzhou University's invitation.When Huang Yingzi hurried to the library and asked Mingyu which university he was going to apply for, she knew it must be Zhuang Yuan who asked. Mingyu deliberately mentioned Qingbei University, hoping that Zhuang Yuan would have the best future.

Zhuang Yuan drank too much that day. When he got home, he sadly told Jiang Yi that he must catch up with Huang Yingzi and not be like him who actually saw his beloved woman accept someone else's engagement ring. Huang Yingzi had waited for Jiang Yi for twelve years.Deserve the best gifts.Zhuang Yuan asked Jiang Yi to give away the collected umbrellas immediately. Time was not waiting for me. If Huang Yingzi was caught first, Jiang Yi would be completely out of luck.

Jiang Yi asked Huang Yingzi to watch a movie together. In order to create an atmosphere, he specially booked the entire cinema. After the movie, Jiang Yi opened the umbrella that he had treasured for a long time. When the umbrella opened, Huang Yingzi burst into tears. This one had been lost.The umbrella with the whale painting was lost and found!

《love endures》E20Plot

Huang Yingzi prepares candlelight dinner

After Jiang Yi returned, Zhuang Yuan asked him, and Jiang Yi told him truthfully. Although the umbrella was given away, the relationship between the two was not explained. Zhuang Yuan also asked if it was because of Huang Yingzi's incident.So it's hard to start. The two people are still a little uncomfortable with the sudden change of identity.

After Huang Yingzi returned, he called his mother and asked for the recipe. After all, he wanted to cook and invited Jiang Yi to come over and taste it.When Fang Mingyu went to work, she was called to the office by her boss. The boss was very relieved after learning that Fang Mingyu had experience in many departments and believed that she could become the vice president.But when she heard the leader say that the other candidate was Guo Kai, she was very surprised, but she couldn't show it in front of the leader.

Soon, Zhuang Yuan also heard the news in the company, and was ready to take the initiative to chat with Fang Mingyu, but Fang Mingyu ignored Zhuang Yuan.In the evening, when Fang Mingyu and Guo Kai were having dinner, Guo Kai even wanted Fang Mingyu to give up the competition. Fang Mingyu understood what Guo Kai meant, but he didn't want to back down.

Guo Kai wanted to continue chatting with Fang Mingyu, but Fang Mingyu took the opportunity to leave after receiving a call from Huang Yingzi.Huang Yingzi also mentioned that the three of them were the better-looking people in Tiancheng back then. Fang Mingyu remembered that when Huang Yingzi went to watch a movie, he helped her dress up.Huang Yingzi also asked Fang Mingyu about the preparations for the wedding. Fang Mingyu said it was fine on the surface, but in fact he was worried.

Huang Yingzi prepared a candlelight dinner in advance, but when Jiang Yi came in, he blew out the romantic candles and turned on the lights.Under Jiang Yi's gaze, Huang Yingzi cooked a table of delicious food. But after all, she seldom cooked, and all the food she cooked was burnt. There was no way for the two of them to eat only one bowl of instant noodles, but Huang Yingzi cooked the instant noodles well.fine.

Huang Yingzi also asked Jiang Yi to help him repair his computer. In fact, he wanted to unlock the final prize of the game Jiang Yi made for him. In fact, the final prize was Jiang Yi's confession.Huang Yingzi talked about how Jiang Yi gave everyone gifts before leaving and gave his own things to Guan Chao and Zhuang Yuan.

Huang Yingzi happened to finish the game at home, but Jiang Yi was about to leave again. Jiang Yi didn't even have the courage to say goodbye to Huang Yingzi in the end. Huang Yingzi watched Jiang Yi leave upstairs. In fact, the two of them couldn't bear to leave each other., but didn’t say it out in the end.Huang Yingzi did not dare to let Jiang Yi see him crying, so he could only squat on the ground silently and cry loudly.

As soon as Jiang Yi left, Huang Yingzi regretted it. She hurriedly rode her bicycle to chase Jiang Yi, but the weather was unfavorable and suddenly it rained heavily. Jiang Yi was actually looking forward to Huang Yingzi seeing her one last time, but Jiang Yi still decidedHuang Yingzi's loud shouting was not heard, and the two of them just missed it.

Huang Yingzi wanted Jiang Yi to tell the important point. Jiang Yi took a sip of wine to muster up the courage to speak out. When he was about to say it, Chloe called. It turned out that he had to leave early because of something in the company, but the words still didn't come to his lips.Although Jiang Yi could say it, he actually didn't dare to say it.Jiang Yi saw the conversation between Chloe and the leader at the alarm clock. Chloe was still speaking for him, and he was very grateful.

Jiang Yi knew that Huang Yingzi was unhappy, so he took the initiative to apologize.At home, Jiang Yi asked Huang Yingzi to raise his head and look out the window while he turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone. In fact, Jiang Yi would choose the place closest to Huang Yingzi at any time, and this time too.Huang Yingzi hurriedly ran out of the house and came to Jiang Yi's unit building, but she didn't know which floor Jiang Yi lived on. Huang Yingzi could only search one floor at a time. Fortunately, she finally saw Jiang Yi. Huang Yingzi said a wordWithout saying anything, he rushed up and gave Jiang Yi a big hug.

Huang Yingzi turned around and saw a person hiding behind the curtain. At first, he thought it was a thief, but after he helped me beat him with a baseball bat, I learned that it was Zhuang Yuan.Huang Yingzi questioned the two people, and Jiang Yi also pretended to talk. After all, Zhuang Yuan knew that Jiang Yi lived in the same community but did not say anything.

After going back, Huang Yingzi was lying on the bed and remembered the scene when he hugged Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi just sent a message and asked Huang Yingzi to come to the window. The two people looked at each other, as if they were just like when they were studying. Jiang YiSitting where I could see Huang Yingzi at a glance, I felt that nothing had changed.

《love endures》E21Plot

Fang Mingyu broke up with Guo Kai

Jiang Yi and Huang Yingzi are like young lovers now. Huang Yingzi also asked Jiang Yi to have dinner together in the evening. When getting off work, Jiang Yi took the initiative to pick up Huang Yingzi, and the two were officially dating.Huang Yingzi held Jiang Yi's hand. In order to complete their love list, Jiang Yi was forced to put on a pink couple's outfit and accompany Huang Yingzi to catch the dolls. Huang Yingzi was very happy, but Huang Yingzi did not catch any of them.Jiang Yi hugged Huang Yingzi from behind and helped her pick up a doll. Huang Yingzi was very happy.

When Zhuang Yuan was working overtime and getting ready to get off work, he saw that the lights in Fang Mingyu's office were still on, and then he went to buy her a supper. The two of them sat in the office eating and chatting. Fang Mingyu actually knew that he had grown too much over the years.changes, but these cannot be changed.Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi started to puzzle after returning. Huang Yingzi was still a little embarrassed and kept staring at Jiang Yi.She suddenly remembered that when she was in class in high school, she was too sleepy and wanted to sleep, but the teacher stopped her and stayed.

Originally, he wanted to let Fang Mingyu stay and paint posters with him, but Fang Mingyu left first without knowing why.Just when Huang Yingzi was worried about this matter, Jiang Yi happened to pass by the door of Huang Yingzi's classroom. Then with the help of Jiang Yi, the blackboard report was in progress.Huang Yingzi looked at Jiang Yi and felt that his whole body was glowing. The two of them worked together to finish the blackboard report. Jiang Yi drew all six of them on it. Jiang Yi also talked about how when he was a child, he had no idea at all.People ignored him, and it wasn't until he met Huang Yingzi and the others that he gradually became cheerful.

After Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi completed the puzzle, she asked Jiang Yi to go back quickly. Before the two left, they were ready to kiss like an ordinary couple, but when they got closer, they felt that they couldn't kiss. They even went to find sunglasses to wear, but it still didn't work.Perhaps the relationship between the two people is too familiar, so there is no way to start.Jiang Yi fell asleep with Huang Yingzi like this. Huang Yingzi opened his eyes and saw Jiang Yi, and took the initiative to kiss Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi also kissed Huang Yingzi.

Soon the day came when Fang Mingyu and Guo Kai ran for vice president. Both of them gave speeches about everything they had done in the company over the years and their future plans. The leader also raised his questions and told everyone.The results will be announced shortly.

Recently, Huang Yingzi was full of smiles every day when he went to work. Jiang Yi would bring him a loving lunch at noon. Huang Yingzi was very happy. Jiang Yi couldn't help but kiss Huang Yingzi. The two of them would be very happy just sitting on the roadside like this.Guo Kai came to Fang Mingyu's office. He was actually very unconvinced, but he couldn't show it.

Fang Mingyu called Guo Kai at night and asked him to come to his house for dinner, but he never came.The next day, when Fang Mingyu went to work, he was talked about a lot by his colleagues, and was even called to the office by his boss.Unexpectedly, the colleague who resigned at the time actually recorded the conversation with him. Now it has become clear that Fang Mingyu has harmed the interests of the company for the sake of the colleague who resigned. Moreover, this matter was very sensitive, and the leader could not help Fang Mingyu.

Fang Mingyu saw Guo Kai after coming out of the leader's office. In fact, she also guessed that this matter must be related to Guo Kai.Soon, Zhuang Yuan also heard what his colleagues said about Fang Mingyu in the company. He was also a little worried, and told Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi about it after returning.When Fang Mingyu came out, she met her colleague who had resigned. She took the initiative to tell her that Guo Kai had found her and used money and a position in the company to make her hand over the recordings of the two of them. The girl still felt a little sorry for Fang Mingyu and was worried that Guo Kai would do it.Something more terrible had happened, so he took the initiative to admit everything.

At the meeting the next day, Fang Mingyu took the initiative to submit his resignation letter while Guo Kai was giving a speech, and then talked about his responsibilities in the company and why he helped his pregnant colleagues.The leaders did not want Fang Mingyu to resign, and deliberately disclosed his relationship with Guo Kai. Guo Kai quickly chased him out.

Fang Mingyu broke up with Guo Kai directly and met Zhuang Yuan when he got out of the elevator. Fang Mingyu is still very chic now, but Zhuang Yuan is still a little worried about her.Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi had just drank a little wine at home and were about to take the next step. Unexpectedly, Zhuang Yuan came over, and their behavior could only stop abruptly.

《love endures》E22Plot

Episode 22

Love Enders Episode 22 Plot Introduction: Ming Yu finally sees Guo Kai’s face clearly

Zhuang Yuan remembered that when he was in his third year of high school, Mingyu and Zhuang Yuan were helping to look after the store because Yi Fei was out. They happened to encounter someone making trouble. Yi Fei's mother had eloped with a married man, and the man's wife's brother came to vent his anger.First, they went to the wonton stall to cause trouble. Yes, they were not in the shop this time. Zhuang Yuan protected Ming Yu and the other party did not move rashly.

But not long after, the troublemaker was looking for trouble near the wonton stall. After recognizing Yi Fei and grandma, he discussed with several friends in the Internet cafe to smash the wonton stall. Fortunately, Jiang Yi was also in the Internet cafe that day, and he quickly reported the newsTell everyone that after some discussion, everyone decided to arrange shifts to monitor the wonton stall. Once they find someone making trouble, they will immediately run to the wonton stall to support them.

Late at night, the drunk Guo Kai returned to Ming Yu's residence. He asked Ming Yu to call the company boss immediately, apologize for his impulsiveness during the day, and help him say more nice things. Ming Yu refused to follow Guo Kai's coercion and urgentlyThen Guo Kai verbally humiliated Ming Yu. Ming Yu asked him to go out, but Guo Kai still refused. Ming Yu saw that something was wrong and wanted to leave the residence. Then Guo Kai directly grabbed her hair and dragged her back to the sofa, punching and kicking her..

In the evening, Huang Yingzi contacted Mingyu on WeChat but there was no reply all night. The next day, Zhuang Yuan did not see Mingyu at the company. He immediately ran to Mingyu's residence with Jiang Yi and Huang Yingzi, and kept knocking on the door for a long time.Finally, Mingyu opened the door. Huang Yingzi saw Mingyu with a scarred face, and immediately shed tears in distress.There were many bruises on Mingyu's body, feet and face. Zhuang Yuan clenched his fists in anger.

Huang Yingzi, Jiang Yi and Zhuang Yuan went to the company to settle accounts with Guo Kai like they did when they were in their senior year of high school to protect Yifei and his grandma. Zhuang Yuan and Jiang Yi grabbed Guo Kai's arms, and Huang Yingzi went up and used all his strength to fight.Huang Yingzi slapped Guo Kai several times, then pulled his hair and punched him a few more times. As long as he thought about his best friend being bullied by Guo Kai, Huang Yingzi was full of strength to deal with Guo Kai. In addition, Jiang Yi and Zhuang Yuan were supporting him.One person vented his anger for Mingyu, and everyone was almost exhausted. Mingyu also came. She finally let her see the face of this scumbag clearly, and Mingyu also slapped him several times.Everyone in the company saw the scene of Guo Kai's family violence and being severely punished by Ming Yu. I believe Guo Kai will never be able to work in the workplace again in the future.

Finally, Huang Yingzi, Jiang Yi, Zhuang Yuan and Ming Yu were sent to the police station again. I remember that in their senior year of high school, they also went to the police station to protect the wonton stall and confront the troublemakers. It was the first time in their lives that they went to the police station., looking back now I still have no regrets.

Huang Yingzi organized a reading club for Ding Ye. Ding Ye was not in a good state and perhaps had a low self-esteem. In order to encourage him to move on, Huang Yingzi sent a WeChat message to Ding Ye, hoping that Ding Ye could participate.At that time, Ding was also on the beach, looking at the turbulent sea water with mixed emotions. For him, this world even felt like he had no life left.Although he rarely responded to Huang Yingzi's WeChat messages, Ding did attend the book club on the day of the book club. He heard that his novels had brought spiritual encouragement to so many people and drew strength from it.After the book club ended, Ding Ye said that he was not terminally ill and did not need Huang Yingzi's care. There were still people who wrote bucket lists for themselves for no reason. Huang Yingzi shouted that Ding Ye was boring.

《love endures》E23Plot

Episode 23

love endures episode 23 plot introduction: Ding also has a new understanding of life

After that book club, Huang Yingzi felt more and more that Ding Ye was not in the right state. He usually satirized her and deliberately angered her, but now he was much quieter. He usually did not reply to calls on WeChat. When Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi were together, they alsoHe couldn't help but worry that Jiang Yi didn't know what was going on, thinking that Huang Yingzi still couldn't let go of Ding Ye, but Huang Yingzi had promised Ding Ye that he still kept the secret and refused to explain to Jiang Yi.

Colleagues told Huang Yingzi about the recent negative news about Ding Ye. Some people falsely accused Ding Ye of being selfish and killing his good friends. It was simply nonsense. Huang Yingzi saw Ding Ye’s personal collection of books donated by him in the library. There were also some books in the book.There were some handwritings of Ding Ye. The more Huang Yingzi thought about it, the more something was wrong, so he immediately called Ding Ye.Ding Ye answered the last call and asked Huang Yingzi to leave him alone and refused to tell him his location.

Huang Yingzi's call was hung up, and he vaguely recalled the sound of waves on the phone, and immediately ran to the beach.At this time, Ding Ye had already taken off his coat and walked towards the sea. Huang Yingzi was very anxious. He shouted Ding Ye's name loudly on the beach and searched for it for a long time.Jiang Yi heard Chloe say that Ding also hired an estate lawyer and had written the copyright income into the contract, as if to explain the funeral arrangements. Jiang Yi thought that Huang Yingzi was also worried about Ding yesterday, and immediately realized that something was going to happen.Then he ran to find Huang Yingzi.

At the beach, they finally found Ding Ye. Fortunately, at the last moment, Ding Ye thought of his dead friends and thought that there were still some people in the world who had been encouraged by his works, and finally tried hard to choose to live.Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi heard his epiphany about death. Life is sometimes boring, and sometimes it is full of surprises. At least for now, the vast sea and the melodious sound of seagulls feel quite good.

In the evening, the three of them ate at the night market and played skewers together. Huang Yingzi mentioned that he had received a reply from Ding Ye when he was a senior in high school. Ding Ye once again stated that he had never replied to readers, but Huang Yingzi did receive a letter signed by Ding Ye's name., and even this letter encouraged her for a long time and helped her get through the trough smoothly.Huang Yingzi saw Jiang Yi smiling and saying nothing next to him, and finally realized that this precious reply letter was actually the work of Jiang Yi, a scumbag in elementary school.

After dinner, the two of them went back together. Huang Yingzi mentioned that when he was a child, everyone played hide and seek together. The factory where Huang Yingzi was hiding was locked. He even called several times but no one responded. Huang Yingzi was almost frightened. Fortunately, Jiang Yi found him.Come here and stay with Huang Yingzi all the time. There are so many warm memories. These are enough to support Huang Yingzi for a long time.

During the period when Mingyu was falling out of love, Zhuang Yuan often came to accompany her, practicing yoga and reading by the lake. It was not until Mingyu's condition got better that he felt relieved.

Jiang Yi specially encrypted a fragment in the game he designed, which happened to be a handle for competitors. The company began to have some rumors about Jiang Yi taking on private jobs in the company. Seeing that the rumors became more and more intense, Jiang Yi decided to disclose it at the staff meeting.Regarding the setting of this game, company executives saw that Jiang Yi had been working very hard and asked him what his original intention was in making the game. Jiang Yi has never forgotten the reason why he decided to become a game designer in the first place. It all happened because of one person.

《love endures》E24Plot

Episode 24

Love Enders Episode 24 Plot Introduction: Huang Yingzi discovered that Jiang Yi’s login was not his email address

Zhuang Yuan took Ming Yu to relax. This time he found a wall where he could graffiti. He said that the patterns on it would be whitewashed again every once in a while, so he could paint as he pleased. Ming Yu happily splashed various paints on the wall., seeing the patterns on it changing, his whole body was glowing. Suddenly he heard someone shouting that his painting was covered, Zhuang Yuan quickly took Ming Yu's hand and ran away.

In the evening, Huang Yingzi, Jiang Yi, Ming Yu and Zhuang Yuan had dinner together. Now everyone's life seems to be back on track. Although Ming Yu resigned, she does not regret her decision. In the future, she does not want the step-by-step life before.Zhuang Yuan plans to drop out of school. He used to listen to his mother's advice to study hard, then get admitted to a good university, and then get a doctorate. Now he is very sure that these are not what he wants most.

After the dinner, Huang Yingzi wrote to her friend Yi Fei as usual, telling her about her current situation and asking when Yi Fei would come back to reunite with everyone. Just as the email was sent, she suddenly heard the notification ringtone of Jiang Yi's cell phone.The phone was left at home, and strangely Yifei's email address was on Jiang Yi's phone.Huang Yingzi was very surprised. At this time, Jiang Yi knocked on the door and came back to get his mobile phone. Huang Yingzi asked him if he had contacted Yifei recently, but Jiang Yi directly denied it. Huang Yingzi began to feel uncomfortable.

After a while, Huang Yingzi called Jiang Yi directly and asked him to explain the problem with the mailbox. Jiang Yi immediately said that it was to get to know Jiang Yi better. He was a software master and could directly break into Yifei's mailbox as a hacker. Huang Yingzi's eyesShe was red, she knew Jiang Yi too well, and she would not be bored and act like a hacker to get into Fa Xiao's mailbox.

Jiang Yi called Guan Chao and asked him to help explain Huang Yingzi's affair. Guan Chao readily agreed. This incident reminded them of their high school days, when Huang Yingzi took the initiative to please his teacher and prepared a drama to welcome the Olympics, with six people working together.Everyone has been carefully preparing for the play they participated in for a long time, but on the day of the performance, there was a very important interview that needed to be attended, so it was not sure whether they would be able to come back on time and perform with everyone.

Finally, the day of the Olympic performance arrived. In order to be able to rush back as soon as possible, Yi Fei deliberately deleted a link from his dance during the interview and then made it more difficult. The interview teacher did not understand the reason for the deletion.Yifei's explanation reminded her sincerely that there would be many important moments in her life, hoping she would understand how to make choices.

It was Huang Yingzi's turn to start the show, but he hadn't arrived yet. Huang Yingzi was like an ant on a hot pot. At this moment, Jiang Yi appeared in the center of the stage and began to sing solo. The spotlight shone on Jiang Yi, and Huang Yingzi simply looked like an ant.I wanted to be fascinated by Jiang Yi's heroic profile. At such a critical moment, Jiang Yi actually picked up the microphone. He was already very handsome, and now he sang the song very well. I remembered the bursts of applause from the stage, and they finally arrived. TheySix people appeared in the skit together.

While Ding was eating, he suddenly saw Yifei's father Lan Bin. Huang Yingzi once told him that the reason why he chose the position of reporter was to help Yifei find his father. Ding also saw Lan Bin leaving with the takeout box.He followed quietly.

《love endures》E25Plot

Episode 25

Love Enders Episode 25 Plot Introduction: Jiang Yi tried his best to hide things about Yifei

Tianlin, his roommate in college, plagiarized Zhuang Yuan's thesis. Later, Tianlin took the initiative to confess to the department leaders, and the professor finally gave Zhuang Yuan the reward he deserved, allowing him to stay in school to teach. Now Zhuang Yuan no longer cares about this and resolutely started to pack his luggage and prepare to leave.school.His mother personally came to the school to do ideological work for Zhuang Yuan. She hoped that Zhuang Yuan could stay in school to teach and have a stable life in the future. However, Zhuang Yuan insisted on living according to his own ideas. He wanted to engage in scientific research and did not want to stay in school to do other things.of.

In a blink of an eye, Huang Yingzi's thirtieth birthday was coming. In addition to Yifei, Jiang Yi, Guan Chao and Yang Fan came to celebrate Huang Yingzi's birthday. In the car, Huang Yingzi's face was filled with longing. Many years ago, she and Yifei had a thirty-year-old girlfriend.As promised every year, when her birthday comes, no matter where she is, she will fly to celebrate her birthday.Jiang Yi looked very sad when he heard what Huang Yingzi said. After all, the anger could not be contained in the paper. How should he explain to Huang Yingzi then.

Jiang Yi remembered her eighteenth birthday, when several of her friends went to a disco for the first time. Full of excitement and surprise, the manic music, and their twisting waists, Huang Yingzi led several of her children onto the dance floor and began to sway happily., several gangsters saw Yifei and immediately called the person who had caused trouble for Yifei's mother. Mingyu quickly informed Huang Yingzi that Huang Yingzi had been bold since he was a child. When he heard that Yifei was in trouble this time, he immediately rushed to save people.Huang Yingzi likes to fight on weekdays, and is known as Huang Feihong% in the world. The other party knows that Huang Yingzi also has a famous father, so the looming group fight died down instantly.

Huang Yingzi and several girls left the disco, but she left her mobile phone in the disco. She went back to look for her mobile phone in a daze. Jiang Yi sent Huang Yingzi a text message for a long time without receiving a reply, so she ran to Huang Yingzi's house.After asking, they found out that Huang Yingzi had not come back at all. Huang Yingzi's father and Jiang Yi hurried out to look for him.

Jiang Yi came to the disco. The enemy held up Huang Yingzi's mobile phone to remind him that his brothers had been injured in the last gang fight and needed compensation now. It was best to call back directly. Jiang Yi was not cowardly. For Huang Yingzi's mobile phone, heHe was beaten hard.Huang Yingzi's parents went out to search for a long time, and finally found a sleepy Huang Yingzi in a corner. Huang Yingzi smelled of alcohol and kept mumbling that she had lost her cell phone. Her parents couldn't bear to blame her anymore and immediately helped her back home..

On this thirtieth birthday, Huang Yingzi still chose to celebrate at KTV. During the break, Huang Yingzi saw that Jiang Yi was a little distracted, so he added to his birthday wish that he hoped there would be no secrets from his beloved in the future.When it came time to open the birthday gift, Jiang Yi took out the gift and said it was specially commissioned by him. After Huang Yingzi opened it, she saw that it was all Stefanie Sun's discs. She suddenly realized that Stefanie Sun was the singer she admired most throughout high school. Every timeEveryone ran to buy her new album that had just been released.Huang Yingzi said with red eyes that this was not a gift from Yi Fei. Everyone did not know how to comfort Huang Yingzi. At this time, Ding Ye called, and Ding Ye found the residence of Yi Fei's father.

Huang Yingzi always felt that everyone was hiding something from her, so she ran to Lan Bin and asked why he didn't look for his daughter all these years. He didn't necessarily miss his father very much. Anyway, he wouldn't be returning to China soon. Then they could meet each other.Lan Bin heard this inexplicably, so he opened a curtain next to him, and Huang Yingzi saw Yifei's photo.

《love endures》E26Plot

Episode 26

Love endures episode 26 plot introduction: Yifei was harassed by gangsters

Huang Yingzi suddenly learned of Yifei's death. She covered her face and ran out. Over the years, Huang Yingzi missed Yifei countless times, looking forward to getting together for her thirtieth birthday. But when the birthday finally arrived, she knew that Yifei was not here., her face was full of tears, and she ran to the street in a daze. People were coming and going on the street. Suddenly Huang Yingzi seemed to see Yifei, and Yifei smiled at her, and then told her that he had already left, but Huang Yingzi did not want to believe it..

Watching Yi Fei jump from the building, Huang Yingzi rushed over to save her, grabbing an empty space with both hands. Huang Yingzi suddenly remembered that Yi Fei was no longer there, and the strong stimulation made her faint to the ground.Jiang Yi carried Huang Yingzi home. Early the next morning, Huang Yingzi woke up and went to the living room to drink water. She had forgotten what happened last night.

Ding Ye asked Jiang Yi what happened that year. Back in the summer vacation of his senior year in high school, Jiang Yi had just gone to England. He was worried that Huang Yingzi would always think about Jiang Yi and take her out to play. Huang Yingzi sent Jiang Yi messages on Tencent.Although he could also receive it in the UK, Jiang Yi still hesitated whether to reply to him. He also heard that Huang Yingzi was worried about Jiang Yi all day long and told her not to be too sad. As long as she still misses this person in her heart, he will notGo away.

For a long time in the UK, Jiang Yi couldn't adapt. His father bought him tomato chips. Jiang Yi didn't like tomatoes, but he remembered that Huang Yingzi liked ketchup the most, so Jiang Yi happily accepted the tomatoes.He saw today's calendar, which should be the news about the college entrance examination admission results. Indeed, Huang Yingzi had received the admission notice from Beijing Communication University at home, and both Yi Fei and Zhuang Yuan had received it. Guan Chao had not received it yet.Guan Chao's father was very strict with his son. He didn't know if he would be beaten when he was young, so Huang Yingzi called Yifei and asked her to go to Guan Chao's house with him.

When Yi Fei arrived downstairs at Guan Chao's house, he saw the postman coming to deliver Guan Chao's university admission notice. Both of them were admitted to universities in Beijing, and they were very excited about each other. They imagined that after arriving in Beijing, they could spend the holidays together.Visiting the Forbidden City in Beijing, there are many beautiful places in the Summer Palace. During that summer vacation, Guan Chao also confessed her true feelings to Yi Fei. He also put the hairpin that Guan Chao gave her on her head and accepted Guan Chao's feelings.This scene was seen by Yifei's ex-boyfriend, who was a social gangster. He didn't want Guan Chao to come into contact with Yifei, so he took out Yifei's father's watch and showed it to her. Yifei followed him to see his father, but was taken toA bar.

Yifei and this “ex-boyfriend” met once when “ex-boyfriend” and another gangster went to rob Yifei's mother's barber shop. At that time, Yifei's mother had just collected the tuition for the dance class. “ex-boyfriend” watchedWhen he arrived at Yifei Chuchuren, he gave up robbing to pay for school fees, and then he always hung around Yifei's school.

Back then, Yifei's father borrowed a lot of money and ran away. There were always people surrounding Yifei's school. Once, “ex-boyfriend” saw someone bullying Yifei, so he stepped forward because he used too much force., pushed the assailant down the steps and was seriously injured, so he was sent to a detention center and spent several years in prison.

Later, the gangster who helped Yifei was released after serving his sentence. Seeing that Yifei and Guan Chao were getting close, he drugged Yifei into the wine and made him drunk. Yifei did not tell anyone, and soon he met Guan Chao in public.When he proposed to her, he did not think that he was already impure, so he refused in panic.

《love endures》E27Plot

Episode 27

Love Enders Episode 27 Plot Introduction: It’s not the moment of despair that you choose to jump off the building

Yifei's classmate suddenly got a photo, which showed an ambiguous man and a half-naked Yifei. When the photo was shown to Yifei and several friends, Guan Chao reminded those people not to make noises, and Yifei's face was filled with tears.Tell Huang Yingzi that's not the case. The gangster in the photo is Dai Wei. Huang Yingzi knows Dai Wei's name. She hugs her tightly and comforts her. Everyone will stay with her.

Regarding the scene of being drugged by Dai Wei that day, I didn’t just remember waking up in the morning and finding myself on the hotel bed. Because my clothes were still there, Dai Wei also promised that he didn’t do anything. Now it seems that he is completely lying.Not being cheated by Dai Wei, Guan Chao was furious, so he went to settle the score with Dai Wei. Later, there was a group fight, and Guan Chao injured the other person's head by hitting him on the head. He was detained by the other person's people. Huang Yingzi and his father went to rescue Guan Chao.Chao, the other party had to pay 50,000 yuan in compensation before he would let him go. How could Guan Chao's father have so much money? Huang Yingzi's father reminded those gangsters not to hurt Guan Chao, and he would find a way to raise money.

Everyone was trying to find a way for Guan Chao. Huang Yingzi took out all his pocket money. Huang's father also took out his own small treasury. Huang Yingzi's mother found out about this and gave Huang Yingzi her family's bank card. Now to save people.After Mingyu returned home, he mobilized his parents to help Guan Chao, but his parents said that their family's financial situation was also very tight.Since Zhuang Yuan returned home, his mother locked him in his room directly, fearing that he would not help her.

Huang's father was going to rescue Guan Chao alone. Huang Yingzi was worried about his father and insisted on accompanying him. Mingyu's home was on the second floor. In order to help Huang Yingzi, she jumped down from the building. Zhuang Yuan and several others went to meet him together.David.It was not that she followed behind and saw Guan Chao being beaten violently because of her, and that Huang Yingzi and Huang's father were so enthusiastic to help rescue him. All of this happened because of her, and it was not that he called Dai Wei and asked him to go out and talk.

That night Dai Wei forced Yi Fei in the car and Guan Chao was released. Huang Yingzi waited anxiously for a long time at the wonton shop and finally saw Yi Fei covered in scars. His clothes were messy and it looked like he had suffered misfortune. Huang Yingzi angrilyHe wanted to take Yifei to the police, but he was afraid that it would be disadvantageous for Yifei to become known to everyone. Huang Yingzi hugged Yifei tightly and cried all night.That night, Huang Yingzi stayed with Yifei. Yifei said that she had always envied Mingyu and Huang Yingzi because her parents were by their side and loved them so much. Yifei's parents could run away now and disappeared.Like an orphan.

On the next day, Huang Yingzi was not allowed to accompany her. She wanted to see her mother and asked her grandmother for her mother's new address. Now her mother had a new family and gave birth to a little brother. After a brief exchange of greetings,The mother asked Yifei not to come to her again in the future.It’s not that she originally wanted to say goodbye to her mother, but now her mother really doesn’t need her anymore. It’s not that she was completely desperate. When she saw Huang Yingzi, he asked her to buy potato chips. When Huang Yingzi went to the supermarket, it wasn’t that he jumped off the building.

Huang Yingzi walked out of the store holding potato chips, and saw Yifei lying in a pool of blood after jumping from the building. This was her best friend. Huang Yingzi couldn't let go, and fainted to the ground at that time.I don’t know how long I lay there in a daze. When I woke up again, Huang Yingzi just felt a headache and couldn’t remember anything about Yifei. Huang Yingzi’s father was a doctor. He knew about this disease and decided to let the children hide it from Huang Yingzi.Something wrong.

《love endures》E28Plot

Episode 28

love endures episode 28 plot introduction: Huang Yingzi cannot accept the fact that Yifei committed suicide

After Yifei fell from the building, Guan Chao went all over the street to look for Dai Wei. At night, he leaned on the bridge, holding the gift that Yifei had given him, and his whole heart was torn to pieces by longing.Finally he found Dai Wei. He ran over and gave Dai Wei a good beating. The police came. Dai Wei was suspected of committing a crime and was sent to the detention center. Guan Chao's father found his son, scolded him for being ignorant and almost beat Dai Wei to death., Guan Chao had previously planned to go to college with his beloved girl, but his good expectations for the future have now come to nothing. He went to Yifei's grave and cried, recalling every bit of Yifei's life every day.

When Jiang Yi heard about what happened in Space City, he immediately packed his luggage and prepared to go back. His mother advised him to think clearly and not to be emotional. However, Jiang Yi felt that Huang Yingzi was his future and decided to drop out of school in the UK.During the funeral for Yifei, everyone was tight-lipped about Huang Yingzi. Huang Yingzi was inexplicably sad at home. He saw that his parents seemed to be worried these days. Their parents said that a colleague of theirs had passed away.

Huang Yingzi didn't remember anything about Yifei and still sent her text messages, but she didn't receive a reply for a long time. She always felt that something was wrong. When she returned to the wonton stall, her grandma was not there. Only Mingyu and Zhuang Yuan were helping. They unifiedCaliber said that Yifei went on tour abroad and would be back soon.Fortunately, Jiang Yi returned home in time, and Huang Yingzi was stunned when he saw him.

Later, Huang Yingzi explained to Jiang Yi that she knew that he refused to study abroad. In order to have a better future, Huang Yingzi deliberately pretended to be a couple with Zhuang Yuan. Also, when Jiang Yi went to England, she chased him a long way behind, but she could not drive well.Too fast to catch up.After that, Jiang Yi often went to talk to Huang Yingzi. When he was young, he wanted to take Huang Yingzi on a trip to relax. Huang Yingzi searched online where Yifei's band was performing now, and suggested that everyone go to the place where the troupe performed.

Everyone fell silent immediately, looking at Huang Yingzi's face with longing, but couldn't bear to tell her the truth. Guan Chao, Ming Yu and Jiang Yi accompanied Huang Yingzi to Jiangzhou. On the train, Huang Yingzi kept talking excitedly and nervously, and evenThe snacks I brought were shared with everyone, except for the potato chips that Yifei loved.Huang Yingzi missed Yifei so much. Although everyone mentioned many times that they should not disturb Yifei's performance, Huang Yingzi nodded and said that he would quietly wait for her performance to end before looking for her.

Finally arrived at the performance place that was published in the newspaper. Huang Yingzi bought a ticket and watched the girls dancing on the stage intently. He found the shadow of his best friend inside. Jiang Yi looked at Huang Yingzi nervously and sadly. Finally, the performance was over. Huang Yingzi excitedlyRunning to the backstage, several of them looked at each other in shock, no one knew what would happen.

Huang Yingzi was looking for Yifei behind the stage. The other girls dancing in the ballet had not heard of Yifei's name. Huang Yingzi was surprised and continued to search. Jiang Yi couldn't bear to deceive her anymore, and told Huang Yingzi anxiously and nervously that there were only five of them left.Personal.Huang Yingzi was heartbroken. After the great pain, he still forgot about Yifei.

The summer vacation of the senior year of high school is coming to an end soon, and they all rush to their respective schools. Jiang Yi finally came to see Huang Yingzi. She was sleeping soundly on the bed, with a face that had been peaceful for many years. Jiang Yi leaned down and kissed Huang Yingzi softly, repeating in his heartI repeated over and over again that I would stay with her no matter what.

Early the next morning, Huang Yingzi woke up again. This time she still forgot what happened in Jiangzhou. She also said that she had met Yifei. The two of them were chatting happily together. Huang Yingzi's parents saw their daughter looking like this., very distressed.

《love endures》E29Plot

Episode 29

Love Enders Episode 29 Plot Introduction: Huang Yingzi retrieves memories from Jiang Yi’s game

Mingyu and Zhuang Yuan were about to go to college to start a new life. Mingyu and Zhuang Yuan were walking on the roof of the community. Thinking of what happened recently, Mingyu was very sad. When he was very young, he always looked forward to growing up, but when he really grew up, he couldn't.I feel like life was really good when I was a kid.Zhuang Yuan comforted Ming Yu, there is no such thing as a banquet in the world, it will be fine when he enters university.

Guan Chao prepared things for college, and his father also packed things and prepared to go out to work. Several friends gathered together to discuss what to do. Huang Yingzi was not in a good mental state recently. He forgot twice about things that were not accidents. Ming Yu sawAfter reading relevant books, I knew that Huang Yingzi could not accept the news of the sudden death of his close partner.After thinking about it, Jiang Yi registered an email address under Yifei's name and sent Huang Yingzi an email every once in a while, telling him about Yifei's overseas tour.

The children went together to say goodbye to Yifei's grandmother. Yifei's grandmother prepared wallets for each child and could not refuse. However, Huang Yingzi was worried that her grandmother had not prepared enough tuition for Yifei, and specifically asked her if she had any.Everyone’s hearts tightened suddenly because they were not prepared. Grandma said with tears that of course she was prepared for her good granddaughter.

Huang Yingzi's mother also began to prepare things for her to go to college. She packed a lot of snacks. Huang Yingzi saw her parents loading her luggage. The familiar little home exuded warmth everywhere. Huang Yingzi began to miss Jiang before she went to college.Winged.Holding the globe given to her by Jiang Yi, Huang Yingzi had mixed feelings. Looking at the globe, she lamented that they had agreed to go to Beijing together, but now she was the only one to go. The globe was too big, so she could only keep this gift at home.

Speaking of Jiang Yi, Huang Yingzi always thought that she deliberately pretended to be a couple with Zhuang Yuan during the summer vacation and deeply hurt him, so she didn't talk to her much recently. Therefore, she blamed herself very much and said a lot of her heart to the globe. Jiang Yi was on the balconySeeing Huang Yingzi's face full of tears and hearing what he just said, Jiang Yi secretly told himself that he must find a way to cure Huang Yingzi.

Twelve years later, Ding Ye heard Jiang Yi talk about the past and asked him if he was sure of curing Huang Yingzi. If Huang Yingzi failed to be awakened this time, it would be the third time to stimulate Huang Yingzi. Jiang Yi did not want the previous tragedy to happen.Replaying the game, he thought about the sandbox game he had made, which was still to the last link. He immediately returned to the company and went to find Chloe, hoping that she could summon all the colleagues in the company to advance the game with him.

In order to finish the game as soon as possible, Jiang Yi stayed next to the company's computer day and night. Huang Yingzi's father once suggested that using the game to recreate the scene that happened at that time would help Huang Yingzi recall what happened at that time to a certain extent. As for the effect,It won't be as good as expected, no one can guarantee it.

The game was finally ready, and Ding Ye asked Huang Yingzi to come out and experience the maze game. He told that he had never thought about selling his novel. Later, Jiang Yi found him and revealed that Ding Ye had written this story.The original intention of this novel is actually to find a friend.This was indeed Ding Ye's original intention in writing, and he readily accepted the copyright transfer.

Huang Yingzi put on VR glasses and seemed to have returned to the space city. Time and space seemed to be frozen. In the virtual world, Huang Yingzi saw Fa Xiao and Yifei's parents. They were both in the barber shop and they had a close relationship.Huang Yingzi was sincerely happy at the intimate appearance, now he no longer had a family.During the game, Jiang Yi told Huang Yingzi that if he wanted to see Yifei's performance, he would have to find a blue ticket. How much he missed his friends, he worked hard to find the tickets. The hard work paid off, and Huang Yingzi successfully obtained the tickets.

After watching the performance, Jiang Yi took Huang Yingzi to the building where they had gone to detain Guan Chao. At that time, Guan Chao hit Dai Wei on the head and was detained here. Huang Yingzi entered the game and followed Yifei's footsteps. Later he sawThe best friend was raped by Dai Wei and then walked towards the building. Huang Yingzi ran over nervously and shouted Yifei's name, trying desperately to stop her extreme thoughts, but Yifei turned around with tears in her eyes and jumped.

Now Huang Yingzi finally remembered that everyone had been weaving a lie for her these days. Huang Yingzi couldn't help but shed tears. Her good sister had already left her. It took so long for her to move on from that unbearable past.Come out.

《love endures》E30Plot

Episode 30

Love Enders Episode 30 Plot Introduction: Huang Yingzi saw Yifei’s message

In the game, Huang Yingzi finally saw Yifei. In a place full of flowers and many butterflies dancing gracefully, Yifei stood among the flowers and looked at Huang Yingzi with a smile. Huang Yingzi rushed over and was very sad. She knew that Yifei was gone., to this day, I still blame myself for why I went to the supermarket to buy things and why I didn't stay by Yifei's side all the time. If I had been by Yifei's side every step of the way, maybe Yifei wouldn't have died.

It's not that she didn't blame her. On the contrary, she hugged Huang Yingzi tightly to comfort her. In fact, they were too weak at the time, but now she has the life she wants. She has parents and grandma who love her, and she lives happily here every day., under the sun, Yi Fei once again pushed Huang Yingzi to play on the swing. She told Huang Yingzi that as long as she was thinking of her, she would always be there. Huang Yingzi snuggled next to Yi Fei, with tears on his face. He was so sad, but Yi Fei hoped that she would be happy.Huang Yingzi tried his best to smile, which made Yifei happy.

After coming out of the game this time, Huang Yingzi no longer lost her memory and snuggled close to Jiang Yi. Huang Yingzi was deeply moved. Jiang Yi was not in the UK for so many years, but was always by her side. Every time he tolerated her, he silently cared about Huang Yingzi.everything.The next day, accompanied by Fa Xiao, Huang Yingzi came to Yifei's grave. Thinking that he had been late for so many years, Huang Yingzi was still very sad. He didn't know if Yifei was good in that world. They and their friends will always miss her.She, Huang Yingzi, reassured Yifei, who was far away, that they would live a good life and would visit her often in the future.Guan Chao returned the camera that Yifei left to Huang Yingzi intact, and saw the video taken before again. Yifei was talking and laughing in the video. Everyone took a video together and expressed their expectations for the future. Everyone had a happy face.With admiration and imagination, they must not have imagined that this would be their last group photo.

In the video, everyone said a blessing to themselves in their thirties in the future. At that time, Yifei dreamed of becoming the world's prima ballerina, living a free and safe life every day, and the most important thing was to have a happy ending.At the end of the video, there was a message from Yifei before her death. Yifei held back her tears and said that she might not be able to fulfill her dream of being thirty. She hoped that her remaining best friends could be brave and live a good life, and she also hoped that Guan Chao could forget her., start a new life.The person Yifei was most worried about at the time was Huang Yingzi. She encouraged Huang Yingzi to work hard for her dreams, and then helped her see more beautiful scenery, do more interesting things, and took her to see the world together.

At the youthful age of eighteen, it was indeed a very tragic thing to experience the separation of a best friend. Jiang Yi and Guan Chao looked at Huang Yingzi's lighted window and sincerely hoped that Huang Yingzi could survive this ordeal.

After Guan Chao's wife learned about Yifei, she began to understand her husband and said that if she missed Yifei, she would accompany her to visit her.Grandma accidentally fell while taking care of the wonton stall. Fortunately, the injury was not serious. Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi began to make travel plans, preparing to take grandma to travel all over the country.Speaking of travel, Huang Yingzi remembered that his first trip was thanks to his grandmother. At that time, several of his children wanted to go to Beijing to watch Stefanie Sun's concert, but his father was very stingy and refused to support Huang Yingzi, Zhuang Yuan and Ming.In order to raise money for traveling to Beijing, Yu started selling books at a stall.

《love endures》E31Plot

Episode 31

Love Enders Episode 31 Plot Introduction: Grandma Yi Fei passed away

Ming Yu and Zhuang Yuan had been running a street stall for a long time before earning more than a few hundred yuan, which was not enough to buy a ticket to Beijing. Everyone was worried together. Huang Yingzi finally got the tickets for Stefanie Sun's concert, but they were temporarily occupied by someone. JiangYi took out his lucky money and planned to help Huang Yingzi get the concert tickets.

Huang Yingzi invited the girl who had snatched her concert tickets and several companions to accompany them. The two started a fair competition. The judges began to ask questions. All of them were Stefanie Sun's albums. Huang Yingzi had studied all the albums thoroughly. She was familiar with the albums.Soon, Huang Yingzi completely won every song in it, including the lyrics. The other party started to add money to grab tickets, which was 500 yuan more than the original price. The concert was still taken away after all. Huang Yingzi was furious. In addition,In order to save money, I skipped many nutritious meals on weekdays, and I fainted due to lack of energy.

Finally waking up, Huang Yingzi saw the nervous expressions of her parents standing beside her bed, and started to try hard to get more financial support from her parents, but this time her parents were determined not to provide financial support. Later, Yifei's grandmother came up with the money.Huang Yingzi spent his life savings to fund a trip to Beijing for several of them. Huang Yingzi was very touched. This time everyone’s wish to go to Beijing will finally come true!

Ming Yu and Jiang Yi's parents heard about Grandma Yifei's sponsorship of their children's trip to Beijing. After discussing it together, they decided to let the children go and experience it, and Grandma Yifei's money should be returned to her.Huang Yingzi and a few friends were sitting on the special train bound for Beijing. They were very excited. Jiang Yi took out the concert tickets he grabbed on the website. For Huang Yingzi, there is nothing more exciting than this news!

After finally arriving at Stefanie Sun's concert, because the tickets Jiang Yi bought on the website were fake, Huang Yingzi was mercilessly turned away. Huang Yingzi even prepared lights and small gifts, and she began to blame Jiang Yi for his luck.Not good, Yi Fei and Ming Yu tried to persuade Huang Yingzi, and they came to Beijing from Space City together. This was a very youthful thing. The concert started, and they heard Stefanie Sun singing outside the door.The kids are all together, they are very excited, twisting their bodies to the rhythm naturally, this is their happiest moment.

Now recalling that concert, Huang Yingzi and Jiang Yi are still very emotional. Their grandmother is getting older, so they should cherish this time and spend more time with her.All the clothes and preparations have been made. Grandma is sitting in the wonton shop, looking at everything here. Here are her best memories. Grandma doesn’t want to travel anymore. When the leaves fall, she returns to her roots. She wants to stay in the wonton shop and reminisce every day.Finish the last time.

At the last moment of her life, grandma still missed Yifei the most, worried about Yifei being bullied, and felt sorry for her child who had suffered a lot of grievances due to her. She recognized Huang Yingzi as Yifei, and asked Huang Yingzi to sing to her the songs she often sang when she was a child.He said apologetically that he should never be reincarnated into a family like theirs again, as life was too hard.Huang Yingzi rested his head on her grandma's shoulder, and scenes of the past appeared in front of her eyes, and she felt extremely sad.

Several friends from Aerospace City took care of grandma's funeral together. Now she can't see grandma in the sky. Huang Yingzi cleaned up the inside and outside of the wonton shop. He didn't speak these days. Mingyu was a little worried., Jiang Yi asked everyone to give Huang Yingzi some time.At night, Huang Yingzi sat in front of the clean wonton shop. In the past, her grandmother always kept the lights on in front of the wonton shop, worrying that passers-by could not see the road clearly.Now Huang Yingzi also wants to keep the lights on. If grandma wants to come back for a visit, she can come back at any time. Huang Yingzi waits for Yifei’s mother to come and makes a bowl of wontons for her. Yifei’s mother laments that she has been eager to leave since she was a child.In a small town, she looked forward to a prosperous future. She originally thought that as long as she didn't look behind, she would be able to live a peaceful life in the future, but now she regrets it extremely, as the most precious people are far away from her.

《love endures》E32Plot

Episode 32

Love Enders Episode 32 Finale Plot Introduction: Jiang Yi proposes to Huang Yingzi

Jiang Yi knew that Huang Yingzi had always had a wish to attend Stefanie Sun's concert. For this reason, he wrote a letter to Stefanie Sun, hoping to give his childhood sweetheart a chance to realize her dream. Soon, Jiang Yi really received a message from Stefanie Sun's agent.After receiving his phone call, Stefanie Sun saw her letter and was very willing to help him realize his dream.

After taking care of grandma's funeral, several of her children were about to return to their respective cities. Talking about their expectations for the future, Huang Yingzi still wanted to continue her career as a journalist. Someone once asked her about her original intention of choosing this career. Huang Yingzi felt thatAt that time, most of the reasons were right and wrong, but now she feels that she chose this career for her own sake, to bring justice to the weak and expose the bullying forces to the public.

Zhuang Yuan decided not to stay in school anymore. He asked Ming Yu which city he was going to submit his resume to. Now he and Ming Yu were going to work in the same city. Zhuang Yuan had been behind Ming Yu all these years. Except for the fact that he had lost a little courage, he had nothing else.It was no less than Jiang Yi's contribution, and Ming Yu naturally saw it.

Huang Yingzi's editor-in-chief was going back to Beijing to work. This time he asked Huang Yingzi if she would like to go to Beijing with him. Huang Yingzi was a little hesitant. She really wanted to see a more exciting world. Before leaving, she went to see Ding Ye. Ding Ye's condition was much better., has started writing the next novel. Ding Ye heard that Huang Yingzi was going to Beijing, and wished Huang Yingzi a better future with tea instead of wine. Huang Yingzi gave Ding Ye a photo of his blue tears as a gift.Looking at the vast sea in front of him and holding the photo in his hand, Ding Ye found peace in the depths of his soul. At this time, it seemed that his deceased friend was beside him, and the two of them lived the life that Haizi longed for.

Jiang Yi has already begun to design the small home he and Huang Yingzi share. Every corner is perfectly combined with delicacy and practicality, especially incorporating Huang Yingzi's preferences and interests. Jiang Yi showed the designed drawings to Huang Yingzi and excitedly introduced his creativity.Huang Yingzi anxiously told Jiang Yi that he wanted to work in Beijing. Jiang Yi readily agreed and was ready to give up his current job to accompany Huang Yingzi. Huang Yingzi was hesitant as to whether he should let Jiang Yi give up the job he had just made.cause.

Huang Yingzi returned home sadly, opened the game designed by Jiang Yi, and put on VR glasses. Huang Yingzi met Yifei again. She told Yifei that the reason why she decided to work in Beijing was to investigate the topic of violence against girls. ThoseShe wanted to speak out for these injured girls who were innocent and ignorant of the pain and trauma they suffered when they were violated.

Through this game, Huang Yingzi also saw Jiang Yi, who was silently guarding him not far away. In fact, every key node of his life had Jiang Yi's shadow. When he graduated from elementary school, middle school, university, etc., Jiang Yi was not far away.Look at him everywhere, and then silently bless him.But he had no idea what Jiang Yi had done for her.Huang Yingzi decided not to go to Beijing. She wanted to accompany Jiang Yi and bought a diamond ring to propose to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi already knew that Huang Yingzi refused a job in Beijing for him. It had always been Huang Yingzi's dream to become a reporter for Times.com. Jiang Yi didn't want his beloved girl to give up her promising future for him, so she advised Huang Yingzi to reconsider it carefully.Huang Yingzi didn't know what was going on with Jiang Yi, but she actually rejected her proposal. When she got home at night, she drank a lot of wine. After being drunk, she began to leave messages to Jiang Yi, cursing Jiang Yi for not agreeing to the proposal. When she saw that Jiang Yi didn'tHe even added Jiang Yi's WeChat account to the blacklist and then deleted it.

The next day, after Huang Yingzi sobered up, he received a call from Ming Yu. Ming Yu asked Huang Yingzi to go to the Jiang Yi game press conference. Huang Yingzi hurried out and wanted to go to the press conference to apologize to Jiang Yi. At the press conference, Jiang Yi spoke in publicMy original intention of designing this game was actually for Huang Yingzi. I started to like Huang Yingzi from the first time I saw him in the sophomore class of kindergarten. Until now, liking Huang Yingzi has become a part of my life. Jiang Yi confessedAs long as it was for her, he was willing to do anything. During the summer vacation when he was eighteen years old, he had already thought about his goal. After speaking, Jiang Yi knelt down on one knee with a diamond ring and proposed to Huang Yingzi.

This two-way relationship finally bore fruit. Huang Yingzi responded with red eyes: "She is willing". While hugging her tightly, Huang Yingzi heard a familiar voice singing. This was a scene that haunted her. Stefanie Sun was really standing in front of her singing., at her happiest moment, Stefanie Sun stood next to her, singing her favorite song. Many scenes of growth appeared in front of her eyes, and Huang Yingzi burst into tears.With her childhood friend still by her side, Huang Yingzi really reached a place called happiness at this time.

love endures

love endures

Total 32 Episodes Jan 20, 2024 C-Drama Urban/Youth Actor: Fan Chengcheng Yang Zi