《iPartment 4》Ep Intro

The careers of Xiaoxian (Michael Chen) and Yifei (Lou Yixiao) have begun to get on the right track, but their relationship is still experiencing bumps in the road.Although Ziqiao (played by Sun Yizhou) and Meijia (played by Li Jinming) have become boyfriend and girlfriend again, Lu Ziqiao's love-minded nature has not changed, and he still seems to like to pick up girls, which really gives Meijia a headache.

Guangu (played by Wang Chuanjun)'s career is booming, but there are still occasional rifts with Youyou (played by Deng Jiajia).Zhanbo (played by Jin Shijia) still can't forget Wanyu, but he also starts looking for a new partner again.Zhang Wei (played by Li Jiahang)'s career has finally ushered in spring, he is about to get married, and he has returned to his love apartment.

After so many years and so many things happened together in the love apartment, everyone began to gradually understand the direction of their own lives and each other's position in their hearts.

There is not only mutual ridicule, teasing, and teasing, but also mutual encouragement, help, and support.There is beauty and laughter; there is loss and melancholy; there is hard work and struggle. As always, iPartment has witnessed everyone's youth and growth, whether it is Yifei, Xiaoxian, Guangu, Youyou, Ziqiao, Meijia, YidaIt's still Zhanbo, everyone's story continues...

《iPartment 4》E1Plot

There is only one truth

The lights in the bar were dim and soft. Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao and others sat together and talked about Tang Youyou and Guangu's proposal.Everyone congratulated them on their happiness, and at the same time lamented the little things in life.Suddenly, the topic turned to Tang Youyou's pregnancy, which surprised everyone present.Meijia was obviously very nervous. She didn't want everyone to know this secret. Fortunately, everyone did not continue to delve deeper.

During the chat, the matter of safflower oil was brought up again.Facing this embarrassing topic, Zeng Xiaoxian felt embarrassed and helpless.He knows that some things cannot be escaped and can only be faced bravely.

Guangu decided to find out who the pregnancy test stick belonged to. He tried his best to look for clues and finally found clues to the express delivery order.He decided to make an appointment with the courier to get more information.However, after Meijia learned about this, she intercepted the courier who came to make the appointment in advance.She used her intelligence to seduce the courier and let him conceal the truth for her.This trick was quite effective, making Detective Guangu's thinking even more confusing.

There is only one truth

At the same time, Zeng Xiaoxian was determined to practice the master's massage techniques in order to help Hu Yifei heal his foot injury as soon as possible.He spent a lot of time and energy and finally succeeded in developing very good massage skills.When he was massaging Hu Yifei, Nuolan came to the apartment again.Her appearance made Hu Yifei very unhappy, and the final result was that Zeng Xiaoxian was kicked to the ground by Sister Yifei.

After going through various twists and turns, Tang Youyou deduced that the pregnancy test stick belonged to Meijia.Faced with everyone's questioning, Meijia had no choice but to confess honestly.

《iPartment 4》E2Plot

Who said I was sick

Hu Yifei sought help from a psychiatrist for psychological problems.She felt that her life was out of balance, especially when compared with Nuolan, she was jealous and her heart was full of imbalance.The psychiatrist suggested raising fish, hoping that she could learn balance and patience by taking care of life.Although Hu Yifei was confused about this, she decided to buy fish.

At the same time, Tang Youyou accompanied Meijia to the hospital for a pregnancy test, and the two met a handsome doctor in the hospital.Meijia's nymphomania broke out instantly. She started chatting with the handsome doctor and even asked Tang Youyou to pretend to be herself and take another pregnancy test.Although this ridiculous behavior made Tang Youyou feel helpless, she could only try her best to cooperate.

Who said I was sick

Hu Yifei bought a huge fish tank and planned to start her fish farming life.It happened that Zeng Xiaoxian was passing by and saw Hu Yifei's plight. He did not hesitate to lend a helping hand and became a laborer to help Hu Yifei move the fish tank.However, because the fish tank was too big and it coincided with maintenance of the elevator in the apartment, Zeng Xiaoxian was trapped in the elevator by the fish tank, which made his situation extremely embarrassing.

On the other side, Lu Ziqiao decided to be ordinary friends with the beauties, but it seemed that his personal charm was too great, or there was something wrong with his way of getting along, and as a result he was besieged by the beauties.He is deeply troubled when his good intentions lead to trouble.

As for Meijia and Tang Youyou, their lies were eventually exposed by the handsome doctor.Meijia's nymphomaniac behavior brought trouble to Sekiya, and he was punched by the doctor because of it.

《iPartment 4》E3Plot

in the name of the father

The news of Chen Meijia's pregnancy was like a bombshell, shattering the tranquility of the apartment.Hu Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian also learned the news. For a moment, everyone's curiosity surged like a tide, and they all asked Chen Meijia who the father of her child was.

As for Hu Yifei, when she saw Zeng Xiaoxian looking for a new place for Nuo Lan, the familiar jealousy surged into her heart again.She once thought she had given up on this, but at this moment, she realized that she had never really let go.

By chance, Hu Yifei saw the house upstairs that the old tenant wanted to sublet.After listening to the homeowner's introduction, an impulse surged in her heart.She decided to tear up the sublet notice. She didn't want Zeng Xiaoxian to see it, and she didn't want him to have any idea of ​​leaving.

in the name of the father

At the same time, Guangu and Tang Youyou have been trying to persuade Chen Meijia, hoping that she can tell everyone who the father of the child is.But Meijia always kept her secret and did not reveal any clues.In desperation, Guangu and Youyou decided to use a special method - using the “Xunlong Ruler” to find out the child's father.

The pointer of the dragon-seeking ruler first pointed to Meijia's first love boyfriend, Long Zaitian.But when Long Zaitian heard the news that Meijia was pregnant, he chose to leave again without leaving any explanation to anyone.

Then, the pointer of the Xunlong Ruler turned to Lu Ziqiao.Tang Youyou and Guan Gu immediately rushed to interrogate Lu Ziqiao, but still did not get any useful clues.Lu Ziqiao himself was confused and said he knew nothing about Meijia's pregnancy.

《iPartment 4》E4Plot

Roll over!Exhibition

Sekiya Miracle and Tang Youyou mysteriously announced to everyone that they had created a magical rule that can accurately judge procrastination.It is said that this rule can accurately identify the degree and reason of each person's procrastination, so that everyone can hide their procrastination behavior.

As soon as the news came out, Zeng Xiaoxian and Chen Meijia looked at each other speechless.They knew that although Sekiya and Yoyo's rules were interesting, they were undoubtedly a ruthless revelation to people like them who often procrastinated.However, in the love apartment, everyone can always find fun, even in the face of such “judgment”.

At the same time, in the other corner of the apartment, Zhan Bo was announcing to everyone with a firm face that he would resign from his current job and join the mysterious EIO organization to become a defender of the earth.This news surprised everyone, especially Hu Yifei.She was worried that Zhanbo's decision was too impulsive, and she was also worried about whether the EIO organization was really as upright as Zhanbo described.

Everyone felt embarrassed when they learned that Zhanbo's working location and content - a secret research institute located in a remote area that researched cutting-edge technologies for global environmental protection.On the one hand, they understand Zhanbo's determination to contribute to protecting the earth; on the other hand, they are also worried that such work will bring him danger.In the end, Zhanbo left the apartment and embarked on his EIO journey.

Roll over!Exhibition

On the other side of the apartment, Meijia came to the hospital alone for a pregnancy check-up.With mixed feelings, she happened to run into an old classmate.Faced with inquiries from old classmates, Meijia did not disclose the fact that she was pregnant out of wedlock, but was vague.She decided to find a “husband” to accompany her to the upcoming class reunion to hide her current situation.

Meijia thought of Lu Ziqiao.She knew that Lu Ziqiao was always willing to help others, and when he heard that there was a free meal, he would definitely agree without hesitation.So, Meijia took Lu Ziqiao to the class reunion.However, things did not go as smoothly as Meijia expected.Lu Ziqiao's antics and humor made the atmosphere of the party a mess, and Meijia's plan completely failed.

At the same time, Zhanbo’s experience in the EIO organization was not smooth.He failed to pass the first round of assessment that Hu Yifei was worried about, which made him feel disappointed.He decided to take revenge on Hu Yifei, but he messed up his plan again.

《iPartment 4》E5Plot


Chen Meijia walked into the pregnancy examination room of the hospital alone.With anticipation and apprehension, she hoped to hear the news that would make her and the people around her happy.However, when the doctor told her solemnly that she was not pregnant.

The news spread quickly among friends like a gust of cold wind.Everyone was originally full of expectations, but suddenly they were enveloped in disappointment.Just when everyone was feeling sorry for Meijia, Lu Ziqiao unexpectedly appeared.His concern for Meijia was beyond words, but when he learned that Meijia was not pregnant, he collapsed instantly and jumped from the balcony.


Lu Ziqiao has always had strong expectations and anxiety about Meijia's pregnancy.He was trapped in it, unable to extricate himself, and finally chose to seek help from a psychiatrist.During the treatment process, Lu Ziqiao entered a wonderful dream.

In this dream, he experienced the joy and responsibility of being an expectant father, attended the expectant father's party, and felt the excitement of welcoming a new life.However, dreams are not always beautiful.He also experienced a fierce PK with Lu Zhiqiao, which symbolized his inner fear and uneasiness about the unknown future.He also witnessed Meijia's premature birth and experienced the separation of life and death from Meijia. These painful experiences made him deeply reflect on his attitude towards life and the way he handles emotions.

《iPartment 4》E6Plot

top gun

Lu Ziqiao, a young man with a bright personality and humor, chose to jump off the roof of a building on impulse.However, fate seemed unwilling to let him leave. He was hung by a crooked neck tree and saved his life.Although he regained his life, Zi Qiao's injuries were serious.

On the other side, laughter came from the apartment again.Zhang Wei, this friend who once left the apartment, has now returned to everyone's lives.His return filled the apartment with laughter again.At the same time, Nuolan is about to embark on a journey to the United States, and her heart is full of longing and expectations for the future.However, her affectionate confession message to Zeng Xiaoxian was unexpectedly heard by Hu Yifei.

top gun

In order to distract themselves, Zhang Wei and Lu Ziqiao formed a team and once again started a chase for beautiful women in the bar.However, Zi Qiao was unfortunately defeated this time.Despite his repeated setbacks in the emotional world, Zi Qiao still remains optimistic and tenacious.He understands that life will not stop because of a failure, and he will continue to pursue his happiness bravely.

Hu Yifei, on the other hand, has always been concerned about Nuo Lan and Zeng Xiaoxian.She encouraged Zeng Xiaoxian to bravely meet Nuolan and pursue his love.However, when faced with emotional problems, Zeng Xiaoxian seemed hesitant.He is afraid that his feelings will be hurt again and he is afraid of facing the unknown future.In the end, at the critical moment of emotional choice, he chose to escape, leaving Hu Yifei feeling disappointed and helpless.

Hu Yifei felt even more uncomfortable when she saw Nuolan's Weibo post.

《iPartment 4》E7Plot

a big river

Guangu and Tang Youyou set an engagement banquet at a carefully selected place, and they imagined the arrival of that day with happiness on their faces.However, when the list of the engagement party was announced, everyone was taken by surprise.Sekiya's parents were not on the list, which surprised Yuyou and everyone in the apartment.

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian returned to the apartment with shocking news. He told everyone that he and Nuo Lan were together.This news was like a bomb, making the atmosphere in the apartment instantly tense.Although Guangu, Meijia and others felt that Zeng Xiaoxian had taken this step too quickly, they could not deny the feelings between them.

In order to thank everyone for their concern, Nuolan came to the apartment and invited everyone to have dinner.She hoped that everyone would take good care of Zeng Xiaoxian when she was about to go abroad.However, this move made Hu Yifei feel jealous, and she decided to treat everyone to egg fried rice to show off her cooking skills.

At the same time, Zhang Wei was also worried about how to strike up a conversation with Weiwei.Both Meijia and Lu Ziqiao advised him to be more direct and stop being hesitant.However, Zhang Wei always seemed unable to muster the courage.On the other hand, Zeng Xiaoxian is also hesitating whether to participate in Hu Yifei's Egg Fried Rice Game.

In this chaotic moment, Meijia and Zeng Xiaoxian discovered a surprising fact. It turned out that Lu Ziqiao was pretending to be Weiwei and talking to Zhang Wei on Weibo.However, Zhang Wei, who was kept in the dark, knew nothing about it.After learning the truth, he decided to take revenge on Zi Qiao.

Behind this farce, Guangu's father contacted Guangu and Youyou through video calls.In the video, they saw the drunken Hu Yifei, the performance artist Zhang Wei, and the Weibo truth revealed by Zeng Xiaoxian.Although Sekiya's father had some concerns about Yuyou's origin, he finally agreed to their marriage after seeing her and Sekiya's happiness.

Amid the laughter in the apartment, Hu Yifei and Nuo Lan were alone together.Drunk Hu Yifei finally admitted that she had always liked Zeng Xiaoxian, but now she could sincerely wish Nuo Lan and Zeng Xiaoxian hope that they would be happy.

a big river

《iPartment 4》E8Plot

If you are the one

Nuolan and Zeng Xiaoxian, who are far away in the United States, are enjoying video chat time. Nuolan told Zeng Xiaoxian that she is looking for a suitable boyfriend for her friend Hu Yifei.Meijia, who was far away on the other side, was dating Guanyu in a dream, but Zhang Wei accidentally discovered all this, and Meijia reacted violently and even swore.

Sekiya has also encountered some difficulties recently. His comic series of Romantic Three-Legged Cats has been suspended, which has put him in employment difficulties.To make a living, he had to find other jobs.At the same time, the blind date Hu Yifei met online came to her home, but unexpectedly met Zeng Xiaoxian.In order to give advice to his friends, Zeng Xiaoxian came up with a series of crooked ideas for his blind date, and finally suggested that they go bungee jumping together.

Tang Youyou took Guan Gu to seek advice from his senior brother, hoping to get some career advice.However, the advice given by the senior brother to them was to work multiple part-time jobs, including jobs such as “formaldehyde purifier” and “negative review remover” that seemed not to be respectable.Despite this, in order to survive, Guangu and Tang Youyou decided to accept these suggestions.

In order to seek help from Zeng Xiaoxian, Hu Yifei's blind dates formed a group to come to him for advice.Zhang Wei has been questioning Meijia, trying to reveal the fact that she has a crush on Sekiya.However, Meijia refused to admit it and firmly denied her feelings.

At this moment full of laughter and troubles, Teacher Zeng’s lecture hall officially started.The main lecture this time is how to pursue Hu Yifei. Teacher Zeng deeply analyzed Hu Yifei’s personality and preferences in class, hoping to provide some useful suggestions for those who pursue her.

At this time, Chen Meijia once again dreamed of dating Guan Gu, and the plot in the dream became even more ambiguous.However, this sweet dream was awakened by Zhang Wei who broke into the dream.Zhang Wei took Meijia to Guangu, hoping to help her get rid of the troubles in her dreams.In the end, Tang Youyou successfully helped Meijia get rid of the troubles of the dream and let her return to reality.

Hu Yifei accidentally discovered Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao's training class, and angrily came to “Classroom” to disrupt the situation.The angry Hu Yifei finally said that she wanted to break up with Zeng Xiaoxian, which put Zeng Xiaoxian into a dilemma.

If you are the one

《iPartment 4》E9Plot

cold war

Guangu's new job is not as smooth as he expected.As a new teacher, he faced the challenge of communicating with students, especially in art classes. His class turned into a Japanese teaching class, which confused him.Sekiya tries to find ways to communicate with students, but can't seem to find the right way.

At the same time, the cold war between Hu Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian continued.Ever since Hu Yifei decided to break up with Zeng Xiaoxian, the relationship between the two has become extremely tense.Zeng Xiaoxian tried various ways to reconcile, but failed.The shadow of the Cold War shrouded their lives, making them all feel extremely depressed.

cold war

Meijia was surprised when she accidentally met her former student in a pet store.Meijia was honored by students who invited her to attend their graduate prom.At the same time, in order to improve the classroom situation, Sekiya invited Yuyou to pretend to be a student to help.However, Yuyou was arranged by her classmates to choke the teacher in class, which made Sekiya very angry.

In order to force Zhang Wei and Zi Qiao to draw a clear line with Zeng Xiaoxian, Hu Yifei took tough measures.However, Zeng Xiaoxian bought Zhang Wei and Zi Qiao with the VIP of the underwear show, which made Hu Yifei very disappointed.At the same time, Yuyou continued to help Guangu in class. She used her own way to influence the troublesome students in the class, so that Guangu's comics course could proceed smoothly.

Hu Yifei saw that Zeng Xiaoxian was still entangled with Zi Qiao and Zhang Wei, and she decided to take action.In order to apologize to Hu Yifei, Zi Qiao and Zhang Wei accidentally involved Zeng Xiaoxian.Zeng Xiaoxian's head was stuck in the crack of the door, and everyone helped to escape.However, in the chaos, Zeng Xiaoxian threw Hu Yifei to the ground, but was brutally murdered by Hu Yifei.

《iPartment 4》E10Plot

I am a motivational teacher

Meijia missed classmate Zhang's graduation prom because of her worries.She stood outside the window and looked at the jubilant crowd at the dance, but she felt mixed emotions in her heart.She didn't know that sometimes, courage is more important than anything else.

At the same time, Lu Ziqiao’s APP software was launched.This app is designed to encourage women and spread positive energy.Ziqiao transforms into an angel brother and embeds heart-warming videos into it.Even Tang Youyou, who has always been calm, was deeply attracted by these videos and became a loyal fan of Zi Qiao.

I am a motivational teacher

Guangu fell into another kind of trouble.Originally, she just wanted to contribute to the wedding of the bar staff, but unexpectedly, Yunyu also wanted to participate with great interest.Eventually, Sekiya had to fight for a place for the newlyweds.However, the bride and groom had very different stories, putting the friends in an awkward position.In the end, the wedding that Youyou had longed for was unexpectedly canceled because of her involvement.

Zhang Wei's life was not easy either.Because of his participation in the lawsuit, he became nervous and stuttered, and was even beaten up by a girl in the supermarket.With Zi Qiao's help, Zhang Wei tried to transform, but unexpectedly became a sissy.This change surprised everyone.

As for Zeng Xiaoxian and Hu Yifei, this pair of happy enemies fell out because of Guangu and Youyou's wedding.Their dispute was misunderstood as preparations for their own wedding, which led to an unexpected incident.

《iPartment 4》E11Plot

Rich people, let’s be friends

On this day, the residents in the apartment welcomed two special guests - one was Du Xiaotao, a wealthy client who was about to visit, and the other was Tang Youyou, who was about to sign a contract with a new film and television company.

Zeng Xiaoxian, the good old man in the apartment, was given the important task of receiving Du Xiaotao.He knew the importance of this task, so under the guidance of his good friend Zi Qiao, he began to practice golf at home.Although Ziqiao is usually idle, he is quite knowledgeable about golf. His guidance doubled Zeng Xiaoxian's confidence.

At the same time, Tang Youyou is preparing nervously for the upcoming interview.She showed everyone excerpts from various dramas she has appeared in, from romantic dramas to martial arts dramas, from spy dramas to science fiction dramas. Every character ended with a tragic ending.This moved and amused other people in the apartment, and at the same time made Tang Youyou sweat for her acting career.

Rich people, let’s be friends

When Du Xiaotao finally arrived at the apartment, Zeng Xiaoxian decided to take him to experience an unusual golf experience.They went to a pool hall and played billiards like golf balls.Chen Meijia transformed into a bunny girl waiter in one second, and her appearance made Du Xiaotao a little at a loss.Zi Qiao quickly became a table tennis coach and taught Du Xiaotao how to play table tennis well.

In the billiard hall, Tang Youyou and Guangu also reviewed the modified video again.But the results were not satisfactory and they had to decide to reshoot.Zhang Wei and Yifei made guest appearances. Although they were almost spoiled in the process, the final video effect was unexpectedly good.

As night fell, Zeng Xiaoxian and others accompanied Du Xiaotao in a unique game competition in the billiard hall. This game combined the rules of golf and baseball.

《iPartment 4》E12Plot

flash marriage operation

Zhang Wei, a usually low-key and reserved man, suddenly announced a shocking news to everyone: he has a girlfriend and is about to get married.This sudden news surprised everyone and aroused everyone's curiosity about his girlfriend.Under the strong request of everyone, Zhang Wei agreed to introduce his girlfriend to everyone.

For this wedding, Lu Ziqiao was appointed as the best man by Zhang Wei, while Guangu and Youyou decided to try out their wedding plans at Zhang Wei's wedding.However, Ziqiao's idea was different. He planned to show a beautiful model show at the wedding. This proposal was immediately strongly opposed by Guangu and Youyou.

In everyone's expectation, Zhang Wei's flash marriage partner appeared for the first time.Meijia and Yifei were full of praise for the bride and thought Zhang Wei had found a good girl.However, Zeng Xiaoxian did not think so.He and his bride Mo Mo were classmates, and Mo Mo has never let go of his feelings for Zeng Xiaoxian.When Zeng Xiaoxian came to Zhang Wei, he silently confessed to him, which put Zeng Xiaoxian in trouble.This scene happened to be seen by Meijia, which put Zeng Xiaoxian into an even more embarrassing situation.

flash marriage operation

On the other hand, Youyou has been trying to persuade Zhang Wei to invite a band and actors to the wedding, hoping to add more joy to the wedding.However, Zi Qiao's sudden appearance disrupted everything.He claimed that he had found the legendary B-Box master and performed a wonderful B-Box performance for everyone at the scene.This made Guangu and Youyou both angry and helpless, and at the same time, they began to worry about the bet between them and Zi Qiao.

However, just before the wedding, Zhang Wei's flash marriage partner suddenly moved away silently.And Zhang Wei also gave up the pre-prepared wedding and chose to start over to find his true happiness.

《iPartment 4》E13Plot

brotherly code

Zhang Wei ushered in a new challenge.His new case is to help an old man regain his property.This old man, whom Meijia and Yifei nicknamed Hong Qigong“, walked into the apartment. His appearance brought new changes to the life in the apartment.

At the same time, Zi Qiao is cultivating a magical seven-color flower. He plans to use it in his business of picking up girls after the flower blooms.However, he never expected that this flower would be picked by Master Qi and given to Meijia and Yifei.Zi Qiao was very angry about this, and decided to go to Qi Ye for comment, but the result was not as he expected, and he suffered a loss in the confrontation with Qi Ye.

brotherly code

The arrival of Master Qi brought a lot of troubles to Zhang Wei's life.He once accidentally set Zhang Wei's bedroom on fire during a date between Zhang Wei and Wei Wei, leaving Zhang Wei in a panic.Although Zhang Wei felt very helpless about this, he still tried his best to take care of Qi Ye and even let him stay in the apartment and live with him.

Master Qi's farce seems never-ending, and his behavior troubles everyone in the apartment.Zhang Wei always adhered to his responsibilities. He tried his best to help Qi Ye, hoping that he could find his property as soon as possible and end this chaotic cohabitation life.

Finally, Master Qi left the apartment, and Zhang Wei's nightmare” ended.

《iPartment 4》E14Plot

Crazy Drama (Part 1)

Yoyo invites everyone to watch the play she stars in.Zhang Wei readily accepted the invitation and invited Weiwei to go with him.However, to his surprise, Weiwei also brought three colleagues.In order to save face, Zhang Wei had to buy three high-priced tickets from scalpers.

Backstage, Yuyou was nervously preparing for her performance, but Guangu inadvertently put his mobile phone inside the costume.Just at the critical moment when he was about to play, Sekiya discovered this mistake.He anxiously took out his cell phone in the audience, but he couldn't get it anyway.Without a mobile phone, Sekiya could only go to the theater entrance to deliver tickets to Yifei. Unexpectedly, he was mistaken for a scalper by the police and was eventually taken away by the police.

Crazy Drama (Part 1)

Yifei, who rushed to the theater, was unable to enter because she had no tickets, so she had to call Guangu.Yoyo, who was performing on stage, suddenly heard her cell phone ringing, which threw her performance into chaos.Youyou started to panic on the stage, and the audience in the audience also burst into laughter at this scene.

In another corner of the theater, Zeng Xiaoxian had trouble going to the toilet.He had a severe mysophobia and used all the toilet paper on the toilet seat to clean it.As a result, he found himself trapped in the toilet and unable to escape.

《iPartment 4》E15Plot

Crazy Drama (Part 2)

Zeng Xiaoxian was accidentally trapped in the toilet.While he was trying to find a way out, a reporter accidentally broke in and took a picture of him, mistaking him for some kind of perverted behavior.The reporter threatened to publish the news that Mr. Zeng was a pervert as social news the next day.Zeng Xiaoxian was in extreme trouble and he had to find a way to restore his reputation.

At the same time, Tang Youyou's stage mobile phone farce continued.During a Qing palace scene, Youyou's cell phone suddenly rang, breaking the serious atmosphere of the play.In desperation, Youyou decisively turned the palace drama into a time-travel drama, making the audience laugh out loud.Unexpectedly, the audience liked this “change” very much and applauded Yoyo's wit and adaptability.

On the other side, Meijia pretended to be a staff member selling popcorn at the theater, but an accident occurred while popping popcorn.She accidentally spilled a pot of popcorn all over the floor and was buried in the popcorn pile.This accident caused chaos at the scene, and Meijia was also in a panic.

Crazy Drama (Part 2)

At this moment, Zeng Xiaoxian snatched back the camera that took his own photo.He wanted to regain his reputation, but was mistaken for a reporter.In desperation, Zeng Xiaoxian could only bite the bullet and take photos of the crew who performed successfully.He strives to demonstrate his photography skills in the hope of winning everyone's approval and redeeming his reputation.

Lu Ziqiao was confused by various women with similar names, which led to another big misunderstanding.He originally wanted to help his friends solve their problems, but he didn't expect that he would become a laughing stock instead.

Sekiya and Yifei found Mika buried in a pile of popcorn, and Yifei felt very broken when she saw this scene.She blamed herself for failing to take good care of Meijia, which put Meijia in such a predicament.Guangu and Youyou found it inconvenient to live with everyone, so they began to consider moving.Yuyou decided to buy a car and Guangu decided to buy a house, so the two had differences.

Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian were very surprised when they learned that Yifei was going to participate in the human-machine battle competition.After Meijia revealed, they learned the reason why Yifei participated.It turns out that Yifei decided to participate in the competition to pay tribute to a deceased relative and friend.This made them admire Yifei's courage and determination.

When Guangu and Youyou were looking at the house, they called Zi Qiao to help them make suggestions.Guangu was deceived into paying the deposit.

《iPartment 4》E16Plot


Zeng Xiaoxian learned the reason why her friend Yifei participated in the competition. She was feeling stressed because of some financial problems.He decided to help Yifei solve these problems so that she could concentrate on the game.

At the same time, Ziqiao took Yuyou to the car 4S store to eat and drink. Originally she just wanted to enjoy a free lunch, but Yuyou couldn't control it. She ate, drank and played in the 4S store, and even saw Need for Speed.The game is even more crazy.The two also accidentally participated in the silent auction in the store. Zi Qiao left Zeng Xiaoxian's information, while Yuyou left her true information.

That night, Zeng Xiaoxian had a strange dream. He dreamed that he transformed into Batman and helped Yifei solve the problem in the dream.After waking up, he decided to take practical action to help Yifei solve her financial problems.


Things did not go as smoothly as Zeng Xiaoxian imagined.He went to the bank to withdraw money, but was tricked by bank employees into buying investment products again, and was unable to withdraw the money.In desperation, he could only borrow money from his friend Zhang Wei.After going through many difficulties, Zeng Xiaoxian finally borrowed money, which made him deeply appreciate the preciousness of friendship.

At the same time, Yuyou didn't know that she participated in the silent auction and ended up winning the bid, causing greater trouble for Sekiya and her.They had to buy the auction item - a car.Ziqiao, Guangu and Youyou found the buyer of the car at the 4S store. However, during the test drive, Guangu received a message from the real estate company, requiring him to pay the house payment temporarily.The three of them were in trouble and at a loss.

Yifei also asked Zhang Wei to borrow money, but found out that Zeng Xiaoxian had borrowed Zhang Wei's money.She felt very guilty and at the same time moved by Zeng Xiaoxian's righteous behavior.

In the end, Yifei, who won the competition, returned home and received a phone call.

《iPartment 4》E17Plot

Let’s fly, single weekend (Part 1)

Preparations for Youyou and Guangu's wedding are in full swing. However, Ziqiao suddenly has a whim and plans to hold a bachelor's weekend party for them.However, Yuyou and Guangu resolutely rejected this proposal. They preferred to enjoy the tranquility and sweetness of their world.

However, life is always full of surprises.When Yoyo and Meijia were shopping in the supermarket, they unexpectedly won the first prize. The prize was a trip to Hainan for three people.Faced with such attractive prizes, Meijia and Youyou decided to change their original plans and extend their bachelor's weekend to their trip to Hainan, while the men stayed in the apartment to spend their men's bachelor's weekend.

The sunshine and beaches of Hainan were originally the paradise that women looked forward to. However, a sudden typhoon trapped them in the hotel.In this strange environment, women began to feel the inconveniences of not having men around them.At the same time, the men also started their crazy party in the apartment, playing polo, playing gun battles, and leaving the apartment in a mess.

Let’s fly, single weekend (Part 1)

Meijia and Youyou were enjoying a rare leisure time in the hotel. They went to the SPA together. However, Youyou accidentally used Meijia's DIY beauty products, and she instantly turned black.This sudden change made Yoyo feel embarrassed, while Meijia couldn't help laughing.

In the hotel, the women unexpectedly met a gigolo version of Zeng Xiaoxian.He had a lively conversation with Yifei, which surprised both Yoyo and Meijia.They never thought that they would meet such a familiar face in this strange place.

At the same time, life in the apartment became increasingly unmanageable for the men.They began to miss the care and love of women, and Guangu decided to drop everything and immediately flew to Hainan to find Yuyou.He realized that life had become so dull and boring without Yuyou around.

《iPartment 4》E18Plot

Let’s fly and have a single weekend (Part 2)

On a sunny day, Guangu, Ziqiao and Zhang Wei embarked on a journey to Hainan. They were full of expectations and prepared to bring a surprise to their girlfriends.However, when they arrived in Hainan, the first thing they saw was the black-faced Po Youyou, which shocked them.They originally thought they would see Youyou with a smile on her face, but they didn't expect to see such a scene, which made their mood suddenly become complicated.

During their stay in Hainan, the men also unexpectedly met the gigolo version of Zeng Xiaoxian.They were shocked to find that this gigolo not only looked exactly like Zeng Xiaoxian, but also behaved exactly the same.This surprised and amused everyone, and they all gathered around to watch this strange “Teacher Zeng”.

Let’s fly and have a single weekend (Part 2)

But during this surprise trip, Zi Qiao did something ridiculous.He mistakenly ate the durian given to Guan Gu and Youyou by the gigolo version of Teacher Zeng.It was originally intended to be a prank, but it ended up being a joke.Seeing this, others also gave various gifts to Guangu and Youyou, who were about to get married.Among them, Meijia's gift was the most special, it was actually a slap that Ziqiao owed her.This unique gift made everyone laugh and added a lot of joy to the trip.

After Zeng Xiaoxian learned about the trip to Hainan, he also came excitedly to join in the fun.However, when he saw Asibian, who looked so much like himself, he was so surprised that he was speechless.This unexpected encounter made Zeng Xiaoxian become very interested in Asibian, and the two had a lively chat.

However, Youyou and Guangu, who returned from Hainan, failed to obtain the certificate successfully.I thought everything was going well, but unexpectedly, I encountered an accident.At the same time, Meijia and Yifei also discovered that the Zeng Xiaoxian they brought back turned out to be a “pirate”.It turned out that the genuine Zeng Xiaoxian was left in a hotel in Hainan, but what they brought back was a person who looked very similar to Zeng Xiaoxian.This discovery shocked everyone and made them dumbfounded.

As Christmas approaches, Yifei originally planned to spend this wonderful holiday with everyone.However, other people went out for various reasons, and in the end only Yifei was left alone.This made her feel a little lost and alone.

At the same time, Yoyo was arranged by the boss of the film and television company to have dinner with a celebrity client on Christmas Eve.Although she was a little reluctant, she reluctantly agreed.Meijia was invited to Xiaofeng's house for dinner.Originally thinking it was just a simple dinner, Xiaofeng unexpectedly asked Meijia to help him look after the house while he went to play outside.This made Meijia feel a little helpless, but she had no choice but to bite the bullet and agreed.

Youyou works hard to express herself at the dinner table, hoping to leave a good impression on her celebrity clients.After Guangu learned about this, he was not angry, but expressed understanding.He understands Yuyou's hard work and dedication, and is willing to support her work.

While Meijia was looking at a house at Xiaofeng's house, she accidentally encountered a ghost.

《iPartment 4》E19Plot

Goddess's Santa Claus

Lu Ziqiao was invited by her friend Meijia to help catch ghosts in the mansion. She originally thought it would be a thrilling adventure, but she didn't expect that she was almost destroyed by a bunch of high-smart home appliances.In the mansion, Ziqiao encountered tricks from various smart devices, which made him embarrassed.However, he did not give up, but bravely faced the challenge, and finally conquered the smart refrigerator in the mansion through a series of brain teasers, which impressed everyone.

At the same time, Zhang Wei, a lonely female teacher, encountered ridicule from her colleagues when she was alone.Zhang Wei was helplessly teased repeatedly, but he did not get angry. Instead, he responded with humor, showing his optimism and open-mindedness.

On the other side, Yoyo's agency arranged for her to go on a date with Brother Dino to stir up scandals.I originally thought it would be a relaxing date, but unexpectedly Brother Dino took advantage of me.However, Yoyo did not give in. She bravely defended her dignity and showed the independence and strength of women.

Goddess's Santa Claus

Meijia pretended to be Ziqiao's wife and helped him to save himself from being surrounded by many female suitors.She resolved the crisis with wit and humor, making Zi Qiao grateful.In the end, Meijia and Ziqiao spent a romantic Christmas Eve in the mansion, and their relationship became deeper.

In the other corner of the apartment, Hu Yifei returned to the room alone and found Zeng Xiaoxian in a very abnormal state.Yifei drank Zeng Xiaoxian's sleeping potion by mistake and fell into a deep sleep.When she woke up, she found the Christmas tree she wanted in her room.It turned out that Zeng Xiaoxian was injured while trying to help Yifei fulfill her wish.This made Yifei both distressed and moved, and the relationship between the two became stronger.

《iPartment 4》E20Plot

When happiness comes to pry the door open (Part 1)

Zhang Wei, Meijia and others sat around the sofa in the living room, all their eyes focused on Yifei.There is a Christmas tree placed in the room, but this Christmas tree has become a mystery in everyone's mind.Zhang Wei and Meijia suspected that there was an unknown secret hidden behind the Christmas tree, so they began to question Yifei.

Yifei did not choose to answer their questions directly, but made up a story to try to hide the truth.Although her explanation was clever, it could not completely eliminate Zhang Wei and Meijia's doubts.As the story develops, Yifei wins % of prizes one after another, and these accidents make her increasingly uneasy.She began to doubt her luck and whether the hidden secret would bring her more trouble.

Under Meijia's persuasion, Yifei decided to treat Zeng Xiaoxian to dinner to ease her uneasiness.However, when the appointed time came, Yifei let Teacher Zeng go, putting Teacher Zeng into an embarrassing situation.This move made Yifei feel even more guilty, and she began to reflect on whether her behavior was appropriate.

When happiness comes to pry the door open (Part 1)

At the same time, Lu Ziqiao was chatting up new beauties everywhere.This time, his best partner became his aunt Youyou.The two of them searched for information about various girls, hoping to find new targets.However, they discovered some disturbing content on a mysterious Weibo that seemed to herald some ominous sign.

Zhang Wei and Meijia misunderstood the relationship between Yifei and Teacher Zeng.They believe that the prince charming Yifei met on Christmas Eve is Teacher Zeng, and decide to test their feelings through an experiment.They secretly put mustard and mint in the burgers and watched Teacher Zeng's reaction.When Teacher Zeng ate this special burger, Yifei promptly brought him mouthwash.All this confused Teacher Zeng, and he began to wonder if Yifei was playing a trick on him.

《iPartment 4》E21Plot

When happiness comes to pry the door open (Part 2)

In the busy city, Hu Yifei decided to invite Zeng Xiaoxian to dinner again in order to make up for the previous misunderstanding.Originally they just wanted to have a simple meal, but they didn't expect that the coupons in their hands turned out to be an unexpected romantic candlelight dinner.

As night fell, the candlelight flickered in the restaurant, and the two of them sat by the window. The neon lights outside the window complemented the candlelight indoors, creating a warm and romantic atmosphere.However, in this romantic atmosphere, small episodes appear from time to time.

First, the waiter accidentally knocked over the candle, causing the tablecloth to catch fire. Although it was extinguished in time, the mood of both of them was greatly affected.Then, Hu Yifei accidentally spilled red wine on Zeng Xiaoxian's shirt, making the already tense atmosphere even more awkward.

But it was these accidents that made the two cherish their time together even more.They started chatting about bits and pieces of the past, and all the misunderstandings and conflicts became insignificant at this moment.Under the candlelight, their eyes were full of deep love for each other.

When happiness comes to pry the door open (Part 2)

At the same time, other people in the apartment also noticed the ambiguous relationship between Hu Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian.They sent their blessings one after another, hoping that the two could get together.However, Hu Yifei was caught in a tangle.She really liked Zeng Xiaoxian, but she didn't want to get involved in Nuolan and Zeng Xiaoxian's relationship when they were still boyfriend and girlfriend.This contradiction made her feel doubly painful.

Zeng Xiaoxian also faced a dilemma.On one side is his beloved Hu Yifei, and on the other is his lover Nuolan, who is about to return to China.He didn't know how he should choose so as not to hurt anyone.

Just when the relationship between the two reached a deadlock, Yuyou and Guangu's premarital examination report gave them an unexpected turn of events.Sekiya was originally worried that there was something wrong with his kidneys, but the test results showed that everything was normal.After Yuyou learned that her report was also correct, she secretly tore it up and hid it.Her behavior confused everyone.

《iPartment 4》E22Plot

Forgiveness of the Dawn Goddess

In the dream, he hurried to the airport with only one destination - to break up with Nuolan.However, a trick of fate caused him to go to the wrong airport, and the relationship that could have ended continued.As for Nuolan, after waiting at the airport to no avail, she could only take a taxi to their shared love apartment alone.

In the apartment, Hu Yifei's heart was filled with complex emotions.She not only wanted to apologize to Nuolan, but also wanted to confess her love for Zeng Xiaoxian.She has hidden this secret for too long. She longs to release it, but is afraid of hurting others.However, the secret was eventually learned by Meijia, Youyou, Zhang Wei and Ziqiao.In order to maintain the harmony of the apartment, they decided to stop Yifei's impulse.

Forgiveness of the Dawn Goddess

While everyone was struggling, Zhang Wei accidentally became allergic to crayfish and was in critical condition.Everyone rushed him to the hospital, and Zeng Xiaoxian also rushed there after learning the news.In the hospital ward, Zeng Xiaoxian received support from everyone. He finally plucked up the courage and decided to show off his cards to Nuolan.

In the face of Nuolan's tenderness and understanding, Zeng Xiaoxian's inner defense completely collapsed.He said the words he had always hidden in his heart: “I love you, Yifei.”

《iPartment 4》E23Plot

Looking back and seeing him again (Part 1)

In the latest special program - Your Moon, My Heart, host Lisa Rong used her unique humor and insight to bring the audience a unique complaining conference between men and women in the apartment.She not only reviewed the classic moments of the characters in the apartment, but also conducted an in-depth analysis of their personality traits and emotional entanglements.

The first to bear the brunt was Zhang Wei, a lawyer known around the apartment for his lobster allergy.Although Zhang Wei tried many times to turn over, fate always seemed to be playing tricks on him.Lisa Rong joked in the show that Zhang Wei is probably the most honorable protagonist in the apartment. This honor is not only because of his lobster allergy, but also because of his consistent and slightly sloppy character.

Looking back and seeing him again (Part 1)

Next, Lisa Rong's complaints turned to the bitch Zeng - Zeng Xiaoxian.She detailed the various scenes in which Zeng Xiaoxian made a fool of himself throughout the series. Whether it was his funny lines or embarrassing behavior, Lisa Rong became the target of complaints.However, in these complaints, it is not difficult for the audience to see Lisa Rong's love and recognition for the role of Zeng Xiaoxian.

And Yifei, the violent goddess in this apartment, also showed another side of her in Lisa Rong's complaints.Lisa Rong not only teased Yifei's violent tendencies, but also deeply analyzed the emotional needs and soft side behind her.This kind of analysis gives the audience a more comprehensive understanding of Yifei.

Finally, Lisa Rong turned the topic to the lovers Guangu and Youyou.She analyzed the emotional problems between them in detail, from the first meeting to mutual dependence to the final emotional entanglement, Lisa Rong interpreted it one by one.

《iPartment 4》E24Plot

Looking back and seeing him again (Part 2)

After the perfect ending of "Love Apartment 4", that familiar apartment full of laughter, tears and touching seems to have become our common memory.Lisa Rong, who has a sharp tongue, while complaining about Lu Ziqiao, Chen Meijia, Lu Zhanbo and Lin Wanyu, also did not forget to reveal more secrets, filming behind-the-scenes and Easter eggs about this popular TV series.

As the plot comes to an end, many viewers are immersed in speculation about the unsolved mysteries.Will Meijia and Ziqiao, the happy enemies, finally come together?Can they overcome the obstacles in life and find happiness for each other?Will the result of Xian Fei's love stop at a simple confession?Or will there be more stories waiting for us to explore?Will Guangu and Youyou, an exotic couple, finally get married?And what kind of secrets does the premarital examination report hidden by Youyou hide?

In addition, the “Tathagata Divine Palm” performed by Meijia at the end of the play has also become the focus of heated discussion among the audience.When will this palm be struck?Which characters' fate will it affect?These questions undoubtedly leave suspense and expectations for the arrival of the fifth season.

Looking back and seeing him again (Part 2)

iPartment 4

iPartment 4

Total 24 Episodes Jan 17, 2014 C-Drama Comedy Actor: Li Jiahang Li Jinming Sun Yizhou Deng Jiajia Wang Chuanjun Chen He Lou Yixiao