《Sharp heart》 Summ

In a prosperous city, there was a wealthy lady.She once had wealth and status, and lived a life that everyone envied.However, due to her family's bankruptcy, she had to give up everything and fall from the clouds to the earth.She became a down-and-out daughter, and her life became extremely difficult.

Faced with tremendous pressure and challenges.She lost the luxurious life she once had and the support of her friends and relatives.She had to readjust to ordinary life and find a job to support herself.However, she did not give up and decided to work hard to make a comeback.

As time goes by, their relationship gradually warms up.They began to love each other, but their identity differences and past misunderstandings made their relationship complicated.However, when love begins to surge, they are forced to face their true feelings.Discovering that her feelings are genuine, and realizing that he cannot afford to lose this brave, independent and beautiful woman.They decided to overcome all obstacles and stay together.

In the end, and overcame the identity differences and misunderstandings, and came together.Their love story has become a legend in the city, making people feel the power and courage of love.No matter how many difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we love each other, we can overcome all obstacles and achieve a better future.

《Sharp heart》Full Summary

《Sharp heart》Episode 1 plot

Tan Zhixing was entrusted by his father to help Uncle Lan manage the company.Uncle Lan's daughter Lan Xi has always lived the life of a young lady. Although she works in the company, she has never experienced the sadness of ordinary employees.

《Sharp heart》第1集分集剧情介绍

On this day, Lan Xi went shopping with her best friend Qin Ziyue. She liked a batch of paintings very much and decided to buy them all. Qin Zi was more and more impressed by Hao Heng's handiwork, but the cashier swiped Lan Xi's card twice and was unable to pay.Lan Xi called Xiao Zhang to ask the reason and was shocked to learn that the company was bankrupt.

Uncle Lan's condition was very pessimistic. Fortunately, he was rushed to the hospital in time and saved his life. He had already prepared a car and an apartment for Lan Xi, which could ensure Lan Xi's basic life. But Lan Xi knew that the family still had a lot of debts.After that, she handed over the car and house to Xiao Zhang to sell, and she changed from a young lady to an ordinary person overnight. She was bored and squatted alone on the roadside and was sad. She happened to be seen by Tan Zhixing, who was passing by. Tan Zhixing immediately stopped the driver., put his clothes on Lan Xi, but Lan Xi didn't recognize him at all.

Lan Xi used to work as the design director in the company. When she came to work today, she found her rival Shang Tianjing sitting in her office. She couldn't help but feel angry. However, now that Shang Tianjing is the director, Lan Xi had to go find the new leader to discuss the matter. She just opened the door.He happened to hit the new leader Qin Zhixing's head. Although he felt guilty, his mouth was still cold.

Qin Zhixing used data to explain that he arranged Lan Xi to be Shang Tianjing's assistant so that she could learn how to be considerate of ordinary employees and cooperate with the leadership.

《Sharp heart》Episode 2 plot

When Lan Xi saw that Qin Zhixing refused to reinstate her to her original position, she immediately quit and wanted to resign.Shang Tianjing overheard Lan Xi's words and was very happy, thinking that her position as director was secure.Lan Xi was extremely bored and went to the bar where she usually went. The boss learned that she was now in dire straits. Seeing that Lan Xi had taken care of his business for so long, he stingily gave Lan Xi a glass of concoction with just a sip of wine added. Lan Xi hadn't drank it yet.As soon as I took the last breath, I received a call from the hospital. I learned that my father's hospitalization fee had not been paid, so I quickly tried to find a way to raise money.

《Sharp heart》第2集分集剧情介绍

When Lan Xi was rich, she had many friends around her. She felt that the money was not much and she could just make a phone call, so she started calling. But when the other party heard that she was borrowing money, she quickly hung up the phone with the excuse that there was no signal. Lan Xi kept calling.She called her several times and no one was willing to borrow it, but she didn't believe in this evil and still insisted on finding a way to borrow it. It turned out that the person who was willing to borrow either had an impure purpose for her or was still a student and couldn't afford so much money.Come.Lan Xi really had no other choice, so she decided on the car and house given by her father. Unfortunately, Xiao Zhang had already taken care of them and used them to pay off the debt.In order to survive, Lan Xi decided to go back to work in the company.

Qin Ziyue saved some money when he followed Lan Xi. Seeing that his good friend was so worried about money, he gave everything he saved to Lan Xi, which moved Lan Xi very much.In order to become director again, Lan Xi took the initiative to take on an extremely difficult project. She was almost late for work on her first day, bumped into Tan Zhixing, spilled her drink and scalded both of their hands.

《Sharp heart》Episode 3 plot

Lan Xi was worried about being late and wanted to go to work, but Tan Zhixing was worried that her hand would be burned if not treated in time and would leave scars, so he dragged Lan Xi to take a shower.Lan Xi saw that Tan Zhixing had been holding her hand and running it under the faucet, and quickly asked Tan Zhixing to let go.Tan Zhixing also knew that such an action was not appropriate, so he turned around and wanted to leave. Unexpectedly, Lanxi grabbed him and asked him to rush his hands. As a result, both of them were late, but because Lanxi was an assistant, Shang Tianjing deliberately gave her small shoes., fined her three hundred yuan.

《Sharp heart》第3集分集剧情介绍

There was a meeting today, so Shang Tianjing arranged for Lan Xi to clean the conference room. After Lan Xi finally finished tidying up, she sent Lan Xi to revise the plan.Colleagues kept asking Lan Xi to work today, which made Lan Xi very angry. She finally burst out and scolded those people, but she remembered that she was Shang Tianjing's assistant and obeyed Shang Tianjing's arrangements to change the plan.

Xiaobai overheard the phone call between Lan Xi and Qin Ziyue and learned that Lan Xi had a second-hand account. He quickly told everyone the news. Everyone was very satisfied with Lan Xi's clothes, so they all wanted to pick them up. However, Shang Tianjing wanted to maliciously lower the price, so she let them know.Everyone left Lan Xi to dry first. Unexpectedly, Tan Zhixing also heard Lan Xi's call and immediately wrapped up Lan Xi's things. This made the colleagues who did not get the bargain very regretful.

《Sharp heart》 Episode 4 plot

Shang Tianjing did not go to Lan Xi in trouble, so she left the protein powder project to Lan Xi. She called it Lan Xi and said that Lan Xi had many ideas that could be realized. After the meeting, she arranged for Lan Xi to tidy up the conference room. Lan Xi had done so much work in one day., feeling a little unhappy, but she still accepted her fate and did things.

《Sharp heart》第4集分集剧情介绍

Shang Tianjing was interested in the newcomer Tan Zhixing, so she sent Xiaobai to find out the news.Xiaobai knew what Shang Tianjing was thinking, so he told the news that Tan Zhixing was single. Shang Tianjing was so happy that he quickly made a cup of coffee to show his courtesy to Tan Zhixing.Shang Tianjing reported work to Qin Zhixing in a charming manner, which made Qin Zhixing a little unhappy, but he still reluctantly picked up the coffee sent by Shang Tianjing and took a sip. He concluded that Shang Tianjing was cheated when buying coffee, and he was so angry that Shang Tianjing almost broke his heart.achievement.

Shang Tianjing was frustrated by Tan Zhixing, so she took Lanxi's surgery. Without carefully reading Lanxi's plan, she asked Lanxi to make changes. She also asked Lanxi to make three editions, euphemistically saying that the accumulation of quantity can lead to qualitative changes.Lan Xi felt that Shang Tianjing was making things difficult for her, so she retorted on the spot. She had to bow her head under the eaves, so she had to accept her fate and do the street investigation. It took a lot of effort to complete the investigation, but her legs couldn't do it.Asking for it made her frown in pain.Tan Zhixing's younger brother finally came back after two years abroad. Unfortunately, he still looked unstable, which made Tan's father very dissatisfied.

《Sharp heart》Episode 5 plot

When Tan's mother was young, she couldn't compete with Lan Xi's mother and almost failed to marry Tan's father. She was very worried about this matter. Looking at Lan Xi's face that resembled her mother's, she didn't want Lan Xi to marry into the Tan family.Tan Zhixing's younger brother, Tan Zhao, knew his mother's troubles and decided to help his mother. He decoded his mobile phone while Tan Zhixing was taking a shower and changed the originally scheduled meeting time from three o'clock to two o'clock.

《Sharp heart》第5集分集剧情介绍

Lan Xi arrived at the blind date place on time at two o'clock. She looked out the window and saw Tan Zhixing walking towards her. She couldn't help imagining that Tan Zhixing was her blind date and confessed to her affectionately. Tan Zhixing was here, but he changed his usual uprightness and sat down.On the sofa, he expressed that he was not interested in Lan Xi and that he went on a blind date this time to deal with his parents.Lan Xi felt that Tan Zhixing was disrespecting her by doing this, so she turned away angrily and blocked Tan Zhixing, not knowing that the Tan Zhixing just now was a fake.

Tan Zhixing dressed up specially for this blind date and became a little nervous when the driver praised him. When he arrived at the cafe, Lan Xi had already left. In order to make Tan Zhixing give up, Tan Zhao asked the waiter to tell Tan Zhixing that Lan XiNot only did she come, she also left a message for him, stating that she had no interest in Tan Zhixing at all and hoped that Tan Zhixing would stop pestering her in the future.After hearing this, Tan Zhixing felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. He did not expect that the long-awaited meeting would end in this way.

《Sharp heart》 Episode 6 plot

Tan Zhixing wanted to know about the blind date from Lan Xi, so he followed her while Lan Xi was making coffee. However, Lan Xi had misunderstood him. When Tan Zhixing mentioned the word "blind date", it meant that she was a person who distinguishes between public and private matters.Tan Zhixing could only watch Lan Xi walk away helplessly as he would bring personal matters into work.

《Sharp heart》第6集分集剧情介绍

Lan Xi has a heavy workload today and will have to work overtime until very late depending on the situation. Qin Zi is more and more worried that Lan Xi has not eaten yet, so he calls to express concern. Lan Xi clearly wants to eat food from a restaurant, but now he is too short of money and cannot afford it. Tan ZhixingAfter hearing what Lan Xi said, he quickly ordered food from this restaurant and invited Lan Xi to eat with him.

Lan Xi didn't want to take advantage of Tan Zhixing, so she lied that she wasn't hungry, but her growling stomach betrayed her.Tan Zhixing said that he would talk to Lan Xi while eating, and Lan Xi agreed to eat with Tan Zhixing.

Lan Xi didn't like eating coriander the most, so he picked out all the coriander. Tan Zhixing didn't dislike it at all and ate all the coriander Lan Xi picked out.After the meal, Tan Zhixing helped Lan Xi look at the plan, and the ideas he put forward made Lan Xi think of the good idea of ​​built-in cards.

The two of them talked more and more enthusiastically. They couldn't help but turn around to seek the other's approval. Seeing the emotion in the other's eyes, they couldn't help but be a little stunned.Tan Zhixing came to his senses first and quickly turned around to get off work.Lan Xi was grateful for Tan Zhixing's help today and sent a WeChat message to thank Tan Zhixing, which made Tan Zhixing very happy.

《Sharp heart》 Episode 7 plot

Tan Zhixing's mother arranged blind dates for Tan Zhixing three times a week. Tan Zhixing didn't want to go, so her mother played the emotional card and cried that her hair was falling out in handfuls because of Tan Zhixing's affairs, which made Tan Zhixing feel distressed and distressed for her. Please hurry up.Find someone to marry so that you can raise your own grandchildren.Tan Zhixing couldn't resist his mother and had to agree. Her mother immediately took out the photos and asked Qin Zhixing to choose a blind date.

《Sharp heart》第7集分集剧情介绍

Lan Xi worked overtime last night, so she didn't arrive at the company after nine o'clock today. When Shang Tianjing saw that Lan Xi didn't come, she immediately got into trouble and quickly called Lan Xi and asked Lan Xi to come quickly. After all, there was a meeting soon and everyone was asked to wait for Lan Xi.Not good either.Lan Xi was a little angry, but more importantly she had to give in. By the time she arrived at the company, the meeting was over.

When Shang Tianjing saw that Lan Xi had completed the third version of the plan, he praised Lan Xi while not forgetting to deduct a fine for Lan Xi's lateness.Lan Xi thought that she should be paid overtime for working overtime last night, but Shang Tianjing refused on the grounds that no one saw it. Fortunately, Qin Zhixing stood up and proved that Lan Xi had worked overtime, and Lan Xi felt happy.

Shang Tianjing slightly modified Lan Xi's original plan and took the credit for it. Lan Xi was so angry that she started to quarrel with Shang Tianjing. Tan Zhixing believed that no matter what the reason, such quarrels should not be made in the company. This madeLan Xi felt aggrieved, tore up the plan on the spot and left.Lan Xi cried to Qin Ziyue and wanted to leave the company. Qin Ziyue felt sorry for Lan Xi after working for so many days without receiving a bonus, and persuaded Lan Xi not to do so.

《Sharp heart》 Episode 8 plot

In the evening, when all her colleagues got off work, Lan Xi returned to the company and found Tan Zhixing sitting on the floor working on the plan that she tore into pieces, and she couldn't help but feel a little moved.When Qin Zhixing saw Lan Xi, he apologized for his impulsiveness in the afternoon. Seeing how hard he worked, Lan Xi said that she had a backup, but when she took out the USB flash drive and plugged it into the computer, she couldn't open it.Lan Xi suspected that she had broken the USB flash drive, so she had to accept her fate and spell the files. Tan Zhixing accompanied Lan Xi to spell the files together.

《Sharp heart》第8集分集剧情介绍

Lan Xi had already thought about it. What Shang Tianjing used this time was her first original plan. She only saw the advantages but not the disadvantages. After several subsequent revisions, she was confident that she could beat Shang Tianjing and decided to make a decision tomorrow.Tian Jing competes together and wins Shang Tian Jing openly.

Lan Xi got along better and better with Tan Zhixing in the process of putting together documents, and the atmosphere gradually became a little ambiguous. Tan Zhixing couldn't help but wanted to kiss Lan Xi. Lan Xi's hands were faster than his brain, and he slapped Tan Zhixing on the face, and finally said that heThere were mosquitoes on his face, and he slapped him just because he was swatting the mosquitoes, and the atmosphere between the two became awkward.

The more Qin Zi learned about Lan Xi and Tan Zhixing, he thought that Lan Xi already had a crush on Tan Zhixing, but Lan Xi was stubborn and refused to admit it.Tan Zhixing specially held a meeting to ask Shang Tianjing and Lan Xi to explain their project plans respectively. Lan Xi received far more votes than Shang Tianjing and was elected as the project director. Shang Tianjing couldn't help but feel bitter and jealous.

《Sharp heart》 Episode 9 plot

Lan Xi made an appointment with Mr. Kang. Mr. Kang’s wife, Sister Gu, got the news from somewhere and suspected that Lan Xi had seduced Mr. Kang by her appearance, so she had a chance to win the cooperation..

《Sharp heart》第9集分集剧情介绍

As soon as Lan Xi heard Sister Gu's words, she knew what she was worried about, and immediately held Tan Zhixing's arm pretending to be intimate, making Sister Gu think they were a couple.After Sister Gu cleared up the misunderstanding and heard Lan Xi praise her, her mood immediately improved. She immediately called Mr. Kang over and the four of them went to dinner together to celebrate the successful cooperation.

Lan Xi knew that Tan Zhixing was quite self-disciplined and did not drink at all on weekdays, so he took the initiative to drink with Mr. Kang and Sister Gu. However, Tan Zhixing was worried about Lan Xi, so he still drank with him. By accident, everyone got too drunk. Lan Xi barely stayed awake and sent Tan Zhixing away.He went to the hotel bed, but the drunk Tan Zhixing was very uncomfortable and twisted his body and almost fell off the bed.

Lan Xi quickly pulled Qin Zhixing and placed him in place, but her skirt was pressed down. It took a lot of effort to pull it out.

Thinking of the recent unhappiness, Lan Xi slapped Tan Zhixing and scolded him for demotion and bullying her. However, seeing Tan Zhixing pulling on his tie uncomfortably, he still stepped forward to help. As a result, the more anxious he became, the worse he got and even tore the tie..

Tan Zhixing had calmed down at this time. Lan Xi looked at his sleeping face and was a little crazy. Just as he was about to touch Tan Zhixing's face, he saw Tan Zhixing move and quickly went back to his bed to sleep. Unexpectedly, he woke up the next day, Tan Zhixing and Lan Xi actually slept in the same bed.

《Sharp heart》Episode 10 plot

Tan Zhixing opened his eyes and saw Lan Xi sleeping next to him. He couldn't help being surprised and happy. He wanted to touch Lan Xi's face with a smile on his face. When he saw that Lan Xi was about to wake up, he quickly pretended to be asleep.Lan Xi realized that the two of them were sleeping in the same bed, and immediately remembered that last night Tan Zhixing suddenly jumped up and wanted to go home. She had no choice but to pull Tan Zhixing, and the two fell on the bed. Although she was somewhat clear-headed, Tan Zhixing took herThe skirt was pressed down and I couldn't move around honestly, so I had to sleep on the same bed.

《Sharp heart》第10集分集剧情介绍

After Lan Xi got up, Qin Zhixing pretended not to know and got up too. Seeing that Lan Xi was not angry, he also said that the battle last night was fierce and he was responsible for it, so he immediately asked if he needed Lan's father's consent.

Seeing that Tan Zhixing was overthinking, Lan Xi quickly explained that what she was talking about was that Tan Zhixing's clothes were damaged, and Tan Zhixing's tie was also damaged by herself.Tan Zhixing immediately said that he would compensate Lan Xi for the clothes, but Lan Xi refused.Since Lan Xi said she would pay for Tan Zhixing's tie, she would buy it regardless of whether Tan Zhixing wanted it or not.

The more Qin Zi learned that Lan Xi wanted to buy a tie to compensate someone, he immediately guessed that the person was Tan Zhixing, and couldn't help but be curious about the current relationship between the two.Tan Zhao found that Qin Zhixing was browsing the web at home. The page seemed to be about choosing gifts for women, so he volunteered to help, saying that he knew his mother's preferences best.

Only then did Tan Zhixing realize that Tan Zhao had misunderstood, but he did not explain. All he could think about was Lan Xi, and he wanted to contact but could not muster the courage.

《Sharp heart》Episode 11 plot

Tan Zhixing wanted to ask Lanxi out for dinner but didn't know how to ask, so he practiced talking to himself.Lan Xi specially came to give Tan Zhixing a tie, but Tan Zhixing said he didn't need it. This made Lan Xi a little unhappy, and he immediately stated that it was for Tan Zhixing. He could wear it if he wanted to, and throw it away if he didn't want to.Seeing that Lan Xi was about to leave, Tan Zhixing nervously tried to persuade him to stay, but all he said had nothing to do with the dinner date. Lan Xi said that there was something wrong with Qin Zhixing, but after he left the house, he couldn't help but snicker.

《Sharp heart》第11集分集剧情介绍

Tan Zhixing actually liked the tie Lan Xi gave him, and edited a message to express his gratitude, but he remembered that Tan Zhao said that his mother didn't want gifts, but only wanted a daughter-in-law, so he sent a text message asking Lan Xi to attend his mother's birthday.During the banquet, he didn't realize that he had sent the message to Shang Tianjing by mistake. He was still thinking happily about Lan Xi. When he met Shang Tianjing in the tea room with a spring-like face, he also suspected that she was sick.Lan Xi didn't receive the message, and seeing Tan Zhixing's obviously wrong expression today, she thought he was going crazy.

Tan Zhixing's mother knew that Tan Zhixing was going to take his girlfriend to celebrate his birthday today and had been waiting to see someone. Seeing that she was anxious, Tan Zhixing went to greet the person. Shang Tianjing happened to come from the other direction. Tan Zhixing didn't see it.I sent a text message by mistake, so I could only hold my nose and admit it.Lan Xi happened to meet Sister Gu in a private room nearby. When she heard a familiar voice and saw Shang Tianjing and the Tan family together, she couldn't help but get very angry. The next day, she not only refused the gift from Tan Zhixing, but also put it on herGrab the tie around your neck.

《Sharp heart》Episode 12 plot

Tan Zhixing's mother asked Shang Tianjing to go to her friend's new beauty salon tonight. Shang Tianjing happily agreed. Xiaobai saw the joy on her face. Faced with Xiaobai's questioning, Shang Tianjing deliberately pretended to be worried about having an office romance.It would make people suspect that she rose to the position through nepotism. Xiaobai guessed that the person was Mr. Qin and quickly congratulated Shang Tianjing. At the same time, he did not forget to remind her not to forget about herself now that she is rich. He also introduced a hairstylist to Shang Tianjing to help Shang Tianjing.Tranquility dressed up as a goblin.

《Sharp heart》第12集分集剧情介绍

Lan Xi had been busy all day and was exhausted when she got off work. She entered the elevator a little depressed. Tan Zhixing happened to enter right after. Lan Xi immediately cheered up to show that she was fine and that she already had a plan in her mind.

Qin Ziyue saw Lan Xi staring at the tie in a daze, and couldn't help but wonder, so he asked Lan Xi why he was here again after giving away the tie.Lan Xi thought of Tan Zhixing's appointment with Shang Tianjing to meet his family, and thought that Tan Zhixing was not strong in determination. For her now, only career and money are the most important, so she pulled Qin Ziyue to drink with her.

Shang Tianjing once again stole the inspiration of Lan Xi's plan and developed the same category of customers as Lan Xi. Tan Zhixing said that he would only support one of the two. Lan Xi immediately proposed fair competition. Shang Tianjing was secretly happy in her heart, thinking that Lan Xi would not be able to recover, soShe was the first to show her own plan. Unexpectedly, Lan Xi's plan was much better than hers. Once again, she was praised by everyone and deservedly won against her.It turned out that Lan Xi had already seen Shang Tianjing's plan to secretly photograph her that day, and had already made preparations to fight back.

《Sharp heart》Episode 13 plot

Shang Tianjing was deeply embarrassed because she was exposed on the spot by Lan Xi last time. The client company did not need the project she proposed. In order to monitor Lan Xi, Shang Yijing specifically asked Xiaobai to push away the billboard blocking the view. When she saw Lan Xi leave her seat, then put on sunglasses and followed secretly.Lan Xi had long noticed that Shang Yijing was secretly taking photos, and walked forward with her arms around the tightly covered person.

《Sharp heart》第13集分集剧情介绍

Lan Xi came back from seeing a client and saw that Tan Zhixing was still working overtime. She especially admired Tan Zhixing's drive. She also had a lot of work to do. However, Qin Ziyue called her and said that a very handsome resident singer had come to the bar.Lan Xi insisted on coming over to take a look, but Lan Xi couldn't resist, so she got off work first.

At the bar, Lan Xi saw Tan Zhao singing on stage and felt that he looked too much like Tan Zhixing. Fortunately, she knew that Tan Zhixing was working overtime in the company, so she didn't mistake him for him.A woman deliberately bumped into Qin Ziyue, and the wine in Qin Ziyue's hand spilled on the woman's skirt. The woman said that her clothes were from a big brand, and asked Qin Ziyue to pay thousands of dollars in dry cleaning fees.

Lan Xi was wearing a small brand name, and she could tell at a glance that the dress was a counterfeit. She politely stepped forward and asked the woman to take the dress for appraisal. If it was genuine, she would pay her no matter how much she paid. Seeing that she could not take advantage, the woman left quickly.Lose.Tan Zhaoyin also helped Qin Ziyue to speak when he was in trouble. Qin Ziyue specially invited him and Lan Xi to have supper together, and the three of them got to know each other since then.

Shang Yijing used dirty tricks to post, and Hei Lanxi got the project only after having an affair with a client. Unexpectedly, the client was a woman. Lanxi warned Shang Yijing on the spot that she was a little cautious, which made Shang Yijing very shameless.

《Sharp heart》Episode 14 plot

Qin Ziyue fell in love with Tan Zhao but did not have the courage to ask him out. Lan Xi persuaded Qin Ziyue to muster up courage, otherwise there would be no chance. Qin Ziyue asked Tan Zhao to have a picnic in the park. Tan Zhao's first reaction was to ask Lan Xi if he could go.Go and find a reason why three people can fight the landlord.

《Sharp heart》第14集分集剧情介绍

At this time, Lan Xi felt that Tan Zhao was unreliable and didn't want Qin Zi to fall deeper and deeper into trouble. However, the better Qin Zi was, he would never find someone he liked and would not give up.Lan Xi had no choice but to give Qin Ziyue some advice and asked her to lie that she had something to do and couldn't go. So Qin Ziyue and Tan Zhao looked at each other in embarrassment. Later, Tan Zhao tactfully told her that she was looking for inspiration.The more Qin Zi talked about Lan Xi, the more Qin Zi thought it was inappropriate, and the atmosphere between the two became more awkward.

On the weekend, Tan Zhixing hesitated and sent a message to Lan Xi, wanting to invite her to dinner. Lan Xi didn't want to talk about work on the weekend, let alone meet her boss. Just when Tan Zhixing was thinking about how to convince Lan Xi, Shang Tianjing came to Tan's house.

It turned out that Tan's mother liked Shang Tianjing very much and thought she was well-behaved and sensible. She wanted Tan Zhixing to go out to see the art exhibition with Shang Tianjing.Tan Zhixing found an excuse that he had seen before to refuse. Shang Tianjing immediately invited Tan's mother, so Tan's mother went to change clothes and planned to go together.

Shang Tianjing confided to Tan Zhixing that she had grown up with her father and was particularly eager for maternal love, and Tan's mother was very kind, so she wanted to get closer to her, but she had no intention of crossing the line.Tan Zhixing saw that it was not easy to stop him, so he left first.Tan Zhao shamelessly asked Qin Ziyue to take him home, and immediately got involved with Lan Xi when he saw her, but Lan Xi was not interested in him at all.

《Sharp heart》Episode 15 plot

Tan Zhao refused to accept Lan Xi's rejection and stated that he fell in love with Lan Xi at first sight, so he said love words to Lan Xi at the second meeting. Lan Xi bluntly said that he did not like Tan Zhao's style. If Tan Zhao wanted to fall in love with Qin Zi, the better., he could make room for them, but Tan Zhao was obviously not interested in Qin Ziyue. Upon seeing this, Lan Xi directly issued an order to expel the guests. Although Tan Zhao felt embarrassed, he still did not forget to let Lan Xi think about it again.

《Sharp heart》第15集分集剧情介绍

Qin Ziyue was very envious of Lan Xi's charm. She had always been pursued by boys since she was a child. Unlike herself, who was always lackluster, she wanted to imitate Lan Xi.Lan Xi told Qin Ziyue that imitating others would never last long, and that Qin Ziyue was very beautiful and smart, but he just lacked self-confidence.The more Qin Zi remembered that when he was a student, he was bullied, and it was Lan Xi who protected her from the physical pain. He couldn't help but smile at Lan Xi, full of gratitude.

Lan Xi's words made Qin Ziyue think through a lot, and she decided to let go of Tan Zhao. After all, Tan Zhao was a wild horse that she could no longer control. The only right choice was to stop the loss in time.Lan Xi felt that Qin Ziyue's love for Tan Zhao was not at all, but just a temporary infatuation. Now that she figured it out, she felt relieved.

The next day, Lan Xi rushed to work and stopped the elevator to wait for her. Unexpectedly, there was Tan Zhixing and Monk Tianjing inside, so she used the excuse of calling to wait for the next one.In order to pursue Lan Xi, Zhixing Qin found a reason to go for a run with Lan Xi on the weekend when he was meeting a client, almost exhausting Lan Xi to death.

《Sharp heart》Episode 16 plot

Tan Zhixing usually exercises a lot, and climbing mountains is just a trivial matter for him, but Lan Xi was very tired and had to ask for a rest.Tan Zhixing took advantage of this opportunity and proposed to carry Lan Xi on his back. Lan Xi felt it was difficult to refuse, but Tan Zhixing kept urging her, and half-heartedly, Lan Xi asked Tan Zhixing to carry her forward. The two came to Hualin and sawLooking at the falling petals, Lan Xi's mood became joyful. She almost couldn't bear it when she saw Tan Zhixing looking at her with such affection. However, she already knew the relationship between Shang Tianjing and Tan Zhixing and would not let herself fall.

《Sharp heart》第16集分集剧情介绍

Tan Zhixing didn't know anything and was still happy that he and Lan Xi had a further relationship, but Lan Xi would avoid his eyes every time. Tan Zhixing mustered up the courage to take Lan Xi's hand, but Lan Xi immediately pretended to raise her hand to avoid him., Tan Zhixing wanted to put his arms around Lan Xi's shoulders but was worried that Lan Xi would fall out, so he hesitated for a while and had to give up.Lan Xi thought that Tan Zhixing wanted to soak her even though he had Shang Tianjing, so she deliberately added mustard to Tan Zhixing's dipping sauce while eating. It was so spicy that Tan Zhixing changed his face.

Tan Zhixing was very happy today. His mother noticed that he was guessing the reason for his happiness, so she saw the photo that Tan Zhixing had dropped and knew that he was with Lan Xi, so she immediately asked Tan Zhao to destroy it.Tan Zhao overheard Tan Zhixing's phone call, pretended to be Tan Zhixing and had an affair with a woman in the company office, and deliberately let Lan Xi bump into her. Later, as Tan Zhao, he asked Lan Xi to give him a chance to pursue her.

《Sharp heart》Episode 17 plot

Lan Xi was making coffee in the tea room. When she saw Tan Zhixing coming, she immediately left with a face. This made Tan Zhixing, who wanted to deepen his relationship with Lan Xi, very confused. In order to solve the problem of love, he called Dongdong and asked him to help.Analyzing it, Lan Xi said that he was a straight man, and then asked Dongdong to help find a way to make his relationship with Lan Xi closer.

《Sharp heart》第17集分集剧情介绍

On this day, Tan Zhixing went up to talk to Lan Xi while she was alone.When Lan Xi heard that Tan Zhixing wanted to talk about personal matters, she immediately turned around and left.Tan Zhixing hurriedly stopped him and mustered up the courage to confess to Lan Xi, but Lan Xi had already misunderstood him as a man with a few feet on his feet, and felt extremely disgusted, so he rejected Tan Zhixing without hesitation.

Tan Zhixing was so sad that he hid in the office and drank alone. As a result, Shang Tianjing happened to go back to the company to pick up the express delivery and ran into Tan Zhixing who was drunk. She was going to help Tan Zhixing go home, but Tan Zhixing mistakenly mistook her for Lan Xi.He held her tightly and refused to let her go, even telling Lan Xi not to leave.

Shang Tianjing knew that Tan Zhixing mistook her for Lan Xi, but she still refused to leave. When Tan Zhixing recognized her, he would drive her away. This made Shang Tianjing even more angry, so she simply slept with Tan Zhixing on the sofa.One night, the next day she acted like something had happened between the two of them, letting Tan Zhixing avoid her like a snake or a scorpion when he saw her.Tan Zhao sang in the bar as usual, telling his feelings. What he wanted most was for Lan Xi to follow him, but Lan Xi obviously didn't like him.

《Sharp heart》Episode 18 plot

Tan Zhixing didn't like Shang Tianjing always hanging around in front of his eyes, so he promoted Shang Tianjing and transferred her to a foreign headquarters. However, Shang Tianjing was unwilling to just get a promotion. She also wanted to get Tan Zhixing, so she enjoyed the popularity of ordinary employees., while thinking about making Tan Zhixing her boyfriend.

《Sharp heart》第18集分集剧情介绍

Tan Zhixing plucked up the courage to ask Lan Xi to come to his office and stuffed Lan Xi with a box of iced fruit, but Lan Xi didn't answer the question at all and just turned around and left.Tan Zhixing suffered setbacks one after another, so he called Dongdong and asked him to give him some advice.Dongdong originally advised Tan Zhixing to give up, but Tan Zhixing liked Lan Xi so much that he couldn't let it go, so he tried to change his dressing style, but he was mistaken for Tan Zhao by Lan Xi.

Tan Zhixing immediately asked people to investigate Tan Zhao. Knowing the bar where Tan Zhao sang, he went to inquire about the news. He happened to meet Qin Ziyue. Qin Ziyue mistook Tan Zhixing for Tan Zhao and mentioned that Tan Zhao was going to propose to Lan Xi tonight.The reason why Lan Xi didn't like Tan Zhixing was actually because the first blind date between Tan Zhixing and Lan Xi was unpleasant.

Later, he met his parents without telling Lan Xi about the green tea from the same company. Lan Xi happened to catch him, and then he openly flirted with another woman in the office.Tan Zhixing knew that he had never done any of these things. He suspected that his twin brother had done it, so he squatted in the bar, preparing to expose it face to face.

《Sharp heart》Episode 19 plot

The more Qin Zi knew that Tan Zhao was going to confess to Lan Xi, he specially brought Lan Xi to the stage. Lan Xi thought it was a power outage in the bar and was a little scared. When the lights came on, Tan Zhao sang a song specially written for her, hoping that Lan Xi couldAgree to be your girlfriend.

《Sharp heart》第19集分集剧情介绍

Lan Xi was a little touched by Tan Zhao's intentions. Tan Zhixing was very anxious after seeing this, and quickly said aloud that he had clearly not met Lan Xi before, the blind date was ruined, and he did not tease others in the office, but Lan Xi just misunderstood him.Now that he knows that Qin Zhao did all this, he tells Lan Xi the love he has hidden in his heart for many years and hopes that Lan Xi can be with him.

Lan Xi liked Tan Zhixing from the beginning to the end, and she happily put her hand on Tan Zhixing's hand. Just when everyone thought that Tan Zhixing and Lan Xi finally had lovers and got married.Shang Tianjing rushed to the bar and confessed that she was pregnant and was sure that the child was Tan Zhixing's.

Lan Xi's expression changed immediately after hearing this, and she immediately dropped Tan Zhixing to escape from all this. Tan Zhixing wanted to chase but was held back by Shang Tianjing, so Tan Zhao jumped over Tan Zhixing and chased after him.Lan Xi hated Tan Zhao for disrupting the situation and ruining her relationship with Tan Zhixing, but Tan Zhao believed that Shang Tianjing's pregnancy was not forced by him, and Tan Zhixing would hurt Lan Xi sooner or later, which made Lan Xi even more dejected and left alone.

Shang Tianjing sounded nice on the surface and didn't want to force Tan Zhixing, but in fact, she just deliberately made Tan Zhixing misunderstand that the two had a relationship. Seeing that Tan Zhixing and Tan Zhao came back in a low mood, Tan's mother kept asking what happened.

《Sharp heart》Episode 20 plot

Tan Zhixing drank to drown his sorrows, recalling every moment with Lan Xi and thinking about Shang Tianjing's pregnancy. He couldn't help but have a splitting headache. He hated himself for being drunk for this to happen, so he raised his head and poured wine into his mouth.Lan Xi was also in pain. She couldn't let go of her relationship with Tan Zhixing, but she couldn't accept that Tan Zhixing made Shang Tianjing pregnant.

《Sharp heart》第20集分集剧情介绍

Tan Zhao specially brought his things to the hospital to visit Lan Xi. As soon as Lan Xi saw him, he turned away and didn't want to talk to him. However, Tan Zhao still wanted to have a relationship with Lan Xi, so he asked Lan Xi to listen to his last few words, which showed that he still wanted to talk.With Lan Xi, even if Lan Xi regarded him as Tan Zhixing's substitute, Lan Xi thought it was unfair to Tan Zhao and rejected Tan Zhao directly.

Shang Tianjing enthusiastically helped the pregnant woman to go to the bathroom and asked for her urine afterward. Tan Zhao saw all this and already knew in his heart that Shang Tianjing was falsely pregnant. Instead of exposing it to her face, he took advantage of Shang Tianjing'sWhen he was with his mother, he asked her to get in the car first. He had something to say to Shang Jingjing.

Tan's mother felt that there was nothing she couldn't hear, but Tan Zhao was afraid of dirtying her ears and insisted on letting her get in the car first.Seeing this, Shang Tianjing cooperated and asked Tan Zhao to take her to the company later.Tan Zhao warned Shang Tianjing that he already knew about her deception, and hoped that Shang Tianjing would not do anything he regretted. Shang Tianjing sarcastically said that he also relied on deception to get close to Lan Xi.

《Sharp heart》Episode 21 plot

Lan Xi missed Qin Zhixing especially. When she looked through the photos Qin Ziyue took of her in high school, and saw Tan Zhixing in the photos, she knew that it was true that Qin Zhixing had liked her since high school. She thought about it so much.She wanted to be with Tan Zhixing, but because Tan Zhao interfered, and now Tan Zhixing is with Shang Tianjing, Lan Xi is in great pain. She wants to be selfish for a while, but she can't convince herself.

《Sharp heart》第21集分集剧情介绍

Tan Zhao was not having a good time this time. He came specially to see Lan Xi and learned from Qin Ziyue that Lan Xi was confused and hurt for Tan Zhixing every day, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.Lan Xi mistook Tan Zhao for Tan Zhixing, and asked him why he stayed quietly with Shang Tian after letting her fall in love.Tan Zhao looked at Lan Xi who was holding her tightly, and felt extremely uncomfortable just because she thought of him as Tan Zhixing.

Qin Ziyue reminded Lan Xi that the person in front of him was Tan Zhao. Lan Xi immediately let go and returned to the room in despair with Qin Ziyue's support.Tan Zhao looked at Lan Xi who had lost the beauty of the past, and regretted that he had impersonated Tan Zhixing and deliberately ruined his image in Lan Xi's heart. At the same time, he felt pathetic for himself. Even if he tried his best, he still couldn't make Lan Xi accept him.

Tan Zhixing was drunk in the office. Shang Tianjing received a call from Qin's mother and went to find Tan Zhixing. She learned that Lanxi was an oasis in Tan Zhixing's heart, but she was the quicksand of despair, and she couldn't help but shed tears.Tan Zhao found Tan Zhixing and told Shang Tianjing about Shang Tianjing's fake pregnancy. Tan Zhixing was so happy that he hugged Tan Zhao and kissed her twice.

《Sharp heart》Episode 22 plot

Tan Zhixing hasn't come to the company these days. After Lan Xi completed the project signing, he couldn't help but glance at Tan Zhixing's position and was discovered by the attentive Xiaobai. Xiaobai immediately reported to Lan Xi that Tan Zhixing hadn't come to the company recently, which madeLan Xi felt a little disappointed.

《Sharp heart》第22集分集剧情介绍

On this day, Qin Ziyue came back with a box, saying it was a package from Lan Xi. However, Lan Xi had not bought anything recently, which made her very puzzled. When she opened it, she found that it was all the luxury goods she had sold when she was poor.When she thought about it more carefully, she realized that this was the return gift that Tan Zhixing had planned to give her.

Lan Xi didn't want to miss Tan Zhixing again and wanted to find him immediately, but Qin Ziyue refused to let Lan Xi go and advised Lan Xi to be more reserved. After all, only hard-won feelings will be cherished.Lan Xi thought what Qin Ziyue said made sense, so she suppressed her desire to see Tan Zhixing and went to the art exhibition with her at Qin Ziyue's request.

Lan Xi and Qin Ziyue had just arrived at the art exhibition, and Qin Ziyue excused themselves by going to the bathroom. Lan Xi walked into the art exhibition alone and saw that the paintings hanging on the wall were all of her and Qin Zhixing together. There was Qin Zhixing in high school.There were also photos of her secretly standing behind her, including her angrily taking back her tie, and the scene of Tan Zhixing confessing to her in the bar. These pictures brought out Lan Xi's tears. She saw Tan Zhixing's hopeful eyes and accepted her.Zhixing offered a kiss, and the two finally got together.

Sharp heart

Sharp heart

Total 22 Episodes Nov 17, 2023 C-Drama Urban Actor: Liu Haikuan Zhou Weiwei