《Family Glory》There will be a third part of the series

  • Auth:Little Diu
  • May 30, 2024

《Family Glory》 has become popular on various short video APPs recently. I believe your friends have also seen a lot of clips. Everyone is discussing the third part of the series 《 Family Glory》It’s also very enthusiastic, let’s take a look together.

《Family Glory》There will be a third part of the series

In fact, Heir to Family Glory is the second part of this series and is about to reach its finale.But we seem to have developed a habit. Since there is a first and second part, will there be a third part after it is finished?

It is rumored that the behind-the-scenes team is ready to start filming - Family - the third part of the series - Family Honor: Revenge Alliance.Luo Ziyi expressed that he wanted to fight with Charmaine Sheh again, and even said that it would be best to bury his wife Yang Qiyao in advance.

Yesterday there was news that "Home 3" might start shooting in the middle of the year and will continue to shoot in Malaysia.When interviewed, producer Liang Jiashu said frankly: "The story is only in the preliminary stage, and there are still many things that need to be revised."%

It is reported that - Home 3 - will inherit the core essence of the previous two series, focusing on the grievances between wealthy families spanning two generations. The story will revolve around the heiress of a group with hundreds of billions of assets and real estate as its pillar business.While responsible for the rise and fall of the family, he also has to face internal disputes and external challenges. He is known as a "modern version of palace scheming"!

So are you looking forward to the third part?

《Family Glory》There will be a third part of the series

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