《Heartstopper Season》Ep Intro

Boy meets boy, becomes friends and falls in love.The gentle Charlie and the rugby-loving Nick met in middle school. The two unexpectedly became friends, and soon the friendship developed into an unexpected love.Charlie, Nick and their friends embark on a tightly connected journey of self-discovery and acceptance, supporting each other in finding their true selves.

《Heartstopper Season》E1Plot

Episode 1

Charlie Spring returns to school after Christmas break, and Ben sends him a message asking to meet him in the library before class begins.Charlie slipped into the quiet and empty library, only to find no one inside.I wanted to meet him during the break instead.Charlie arrives in his classroom and finds his new seat next to Nick.The two simply said “Hi”.During the break, Charlie and Ben met. Charlie liked Ben and Ben was taking advantage of him.The two shared a kiss, which Ben wiped away and reminded Charlie not to tell anyone about them.In the next few days, Charlie and Nick often ran into each other in the corridor.In the classroom, they sat next to each other and Nick simply said “Hi”, but Charlie beamed as soon as he heard the word.Eventually, the two met on the way to mathematics and chatted a lot.Charlie found Nick doing his math homework and offered to give him the answer. Nick agreed and prevented Charlie from taking away his homework.This resulted in him accidentally drawing Charlie's hand, and Nick added a stroke on it, turning it into a smiley face.But when Charlie wanted to say hello to Ben who was passing by, Ben pretended not to recognize Charlie.Charlie had lunch with his friends Xu Tao and Isaac. Xu Tao found Charlie staring at Nick who was playing rugby. Xu Tao didn't know what Charlie and Nick discussed every morning and expressed doubts about it.Xu Tao warned Charlie to be careful around Nick because Nick was friends with the people who bullied Charlie last year and he was worried that Nick might be like them.Xu Tao sent a message to Al, who was enjoying lunch. He told her about Charlie's crush and asked her how her new school was.She lies to him and says she has friends, when in fact she is trying to fit in at the all-girls school.The next day, Charlie came to school and met Ben in the library.Ben apologizes for pretending not to know Charlie, and Charlie lets Ben kiss him, but when he looks down at the smile Nick left on his hand the day before, Charlie kisses Nick again.During lunch, Charlie hid in Teacher Ajay's classroom to eat.Charlie eventually confesses his feelings to Mr. Ajayi.Teacher Ajay's suggestion is for Charlie to talk to Ben and find out what happened, but Charlie has been unwilling to honestly say how he feels.After school, Charlie sees Ben kissing a girl and then leaves in a hurry.When he got home safely, he told Ben that he didn't want to see each other again, but wouldn't tell him why or what he saw.The next day, Charlie talks to his sister about his breakup and crush.In gym class, Nick saw Charlie running far ahead of the other runners.Later, the two meet at Charlie's locker.Nick wants Charlie to join the football team. Charlie doesn't want to join, but Nick convinces him to give it a try.Although Charlie's friends advised him not to participate, Charlie seemed very interested in participating.Before practice, Charlie overheard others talking about him in the locker room, suggesting they should find someone else, but that didn't stop Charlie from joining the football team.On the team, Nick and the players taught Charlie how to play.After a football practice, Ben convinced Charlie to come meet him and talk to him.While talking, Nick appears and tells Ben to leave.He said he followed Charlie because he was worried about him.Eventually Charlie and Nick went home.At home, Charlie decided to send Nick a message that read: “Thank you, kiss”, which made Nick smile.

《Heartstopper Season》E2Plot

Episode 2

Nick browsed Charlie's Instagram page.He saw a picture of a school hallway, and underneath it was written that Charlie hated it because he had been bullied there the previous year for coming out as gay.Nick racked his brain to figure out what to say to Charlie, and finally he decided to ask Charlie how he felt after what happened to Ben.Charlie tries to pretend he's okay, but Nick gently reminds him that if he ever needs someone to talk to, he's there.This gave Charlie the courage to be honest with Nick, and it also gave him the courage to open up to Ben.Charlie thanked Nick, calling him his %supportive straight friend, and Nick didn't deny it, but it looked like Nick might be struggling with some feelings of his own.At Higgs School for Girls, the teacher offered to assign Elle a student.But Al declined the invitation and promised to make a friend within the next few weeks.Charlie rereads Nick's text message to him as Xu Tao and Isaac look on.Xu Tao affirmed that Nick was heterosexual and warned Charlie not to let their relationship go too far.Unsatisfied with his friends' advice, Charlie turns to teacher Ajay for help, but the advice isn't much better for him.The teacher says that if Charlie wants to get over his crush, he either needs to distance himself from his crush or learn to live with it in silence.At Higgs School for Girls, Tara chatted with Al after picking up Al's pencil case.Tara also invited her to have lunch with them.Al thinks she only did it because Mr. Greenwood asked her to.At lunch, Al decided to have lunch with Tara and Darcy.At the boys' school, Nick shows Charlie a picture of his adorable dog and invites Charlie to meet him at his house over the weekend.On Saturday, Charlie went to Nick's house and the two played games. Nick said that Charlie was very good at playing games.It was snowing, and the two were playing in the snow.Later that day, Nick's mother asked Nick how he met Charlie.She felt that Nick was more open to himself when he was with Charlie.On Monday morning, Nick returned to school with the intention of texting Charlie and inviting him to hang out for the weekend.But when his friends discovered he was texting someone else, they began to take issue with his situation, and instead of sending, Nick deleted the message.During a rugby game, Xu Tao came over to chat with Charlie.Charlie said he thought Nick might have feelings for him.However, his dreams are shattered when Xu Tao tells Charlie that he overheard Nick possibly liking Tara.Xu Tao called his friends for an emergency meeting after school to help deal with Charlie and Nick's situation.They kept telling Elle what had happened, begging her to talk to Tara.Al promised that if and when she had the chance to ask Tara, she would.At Higgs, Ellie joins Tara and Darcy's French class and takes the opportunity to ask Tara if she has a boyfriend, to which the answer is no.And Darcy either speaks poor French or has a girlfriend.It dawns on Charlie at the boys' school, imagining Nick saying that he only likes girls and that they shouldn't be friends.Nick pulled Charlie out and tried to get him to open up and tell him what was wrong.Instead of telling Nick the truth, he invites him to his house.At the girls' school, Al overhears Darcy and Tara jokingly arguing in the classroom.Al eventually decided to ask them both if there was anything more important than friendship, and eventually learned that Tara and Darcy were a couple.The following weekend, Nick and Charlie spent more time together.Charlie teaches Nick how to play the drums, they watch a movie together, and Nick seems to question his feelings for Charlie.There's even a rather romantic moment where Nick almost holds a sleeping Charlie's hand.But before he suddenly leaves, he hugs Charlie.Charlie approaches his friends to find out what happened with their hug, and Al tells Charlie that Tara doesn't like Nick at all.But that doesn't mean Nick doesn't like her.It's just that there's a good chance they'll never become a couple.At Nick's house, he is still processing his feelings for Charlie.

《Heartstopper Season》E3Plot

Episode 3

Nick sat in his room, searching the internet to find out if he was gay, which didn't help at all and made him feel more conflicted than ever.While waiting for school to start the next day, Nick is invited to Harry's birthday party, and Imogen asks Nick to invite her.It's obvious she likes him.Later, in the dressing room, they talk about Nick having two girls to pick from at the party since Tara and Imogen are going too.But Nick insists he doesn't like Imogen, prompting them to continue talking about Tara.He doesn't deny that this could be his chance with her, and poor Charlie has to sit and listen to it all.Nick invites Charlie to come to Harry's party.Charlie tries to say no, but Nick really wants him to go.That night, Charlie breaks the news to Xu Tao, Isaac and Al, and Al is excited for him, but Xu Tao is quick to point out that they already have plans for the weekend.Charlie tried to get them to reschedule, but Xu Tao refused to budge.The night of the party arrives and Charlie is dropped off by his dad, who promises to give him a call if he needs to leave.Charlie walks through the party, looking for Nick, who is with his buddies.However, Nick seems preoccupied and has been waiting for Charlie.Al came to Xu Tao's home.Xu Tao's mother was very concerned about her and asked about her school and her current situation.Al and Xu Tao rush upstairs to watch a movie when Isaac sends a message that he is sick and leaves, leaving the two of them alone.Back at the party, Nick's friends find him and Charlie chatting.They drag Nick to see Tara in an attempt to rekindle their romantic relationship.But it’s embarrassing for all parties involved.Charlie didn't seem to know how to handle the matter and left in a hurry.Xu Tao told Al about Charlie's recent changes at home.Says Nick stole Charlie because of Charlie's obsession with Nick.Not wanting to argue about it, Al continued watching the movie.Nick had his own awkward moment, trying to talk to Tara and explain what was going on.Tara confesses her relationship with Darcey to Nick and they decide not to hide it anymore.Nick opens up to Charlie and even calls him his best friend.When Tara and Darcy go dancing, Nick notices that Charlie is missing.He goes to find him, but Harry and the others find Nick first.They made some very homophobic comments about Charlie liking Nick, and Nick called them out.Turns out he didn't want to be friends with the annoying birthday boy at all.He didn't bother to see what they had to say, but instead went to find Charlie.Xu Tao was happy that Al finally made friends at school, while Al also said that she was worried about how others would react to her, so she kept her distance from others.But this change is good.She felt safe and happy at her new school, when Xu Tao reached out and took her hand.Back at the party, Charlie wanders alone and encounters Ben, while Nick searches for him.Charlie and Ben are arguing.Xu Tao promised Ai Er that their friendship would always come first.El thought it was a bit dramatic, but she agreed.When Nick is looking for Charlie, Imogen stops him and asks him to dance with her.He tried to run away but she wouldn't let go.She even expressed that she liked him and wanted to be with him.Looking extremely uncomfortable, Nick managed to pull her off of him and go to find Charlie.He spots Tara and Darcy in the crowd and they kiss.Nick finally finds Charlie, who tells Nick that he feels like a hindrance and that Nick's friends are scary.But Nick no longer considers them friends and says he really enjoys hanging out with Charlie.Charlie changes the subject to meeting Ben, saying he's got Ben.Nick thought it was too noisy, so the two set out to find a quieter place to play together.They came to a large room.Charlie finally worked up the courage to ask about Tara and ask Nick if he had a crush on anyone.The conversation turns to Charlie asking Nick if he would date or kiss someone other than a girl.Nick agreed, and the two slowly approached and kissed.Nick heard his friend looking for him and he rushed out of the room, leaving Charlie where he was.But Charlie called his dad to pick him up and take him home.That night, Charlie struggled with what had happened.The next day, Charlie wakes up to no message but a knock on the door.That person is Nick standing in the rain.

《Heartstopper Season》E4Plot

Episode 4

Nick stood in the rain and apologized for not texting him, he just wanted to talk in person.The two go upstairs to chat, and Charlie tries to apologize for forcing Nick to kiss him last night.Charlie worries that last night's events have officially ruined their friendship, but then Nick kisses him again.Nick apologizes for his behavior after their first kiss and says he's having a “gay crisis”.He was sad because he was confused about his feelings and didn't know what to do.Charlie didn't try to give him any advice or force Nick to do anything.He even promised that he wouldn't say anything about the relationship at school until Nick was ready to come out to the outside world.Nick left Charlie's house with an umbrella, and Charlie chased Nick into the rain and gave him a decent goodbye kiss.The next morning at school, Nick meets Imogen, who sees something different about him but blames it on his hair.Charlie walked down the hallway with a big smile on his face, and the two of them couldn't help but smile as they sat next to each other.At Higgs School for Girls, Tara and Darcy continue their plans to hide no more, while Al and Xu Tao make plans for the future.Everyone seems to be heading towards happiness.Charlie and Nick are having lunch in Mr. Ajayi's classroom.Nick worries that Charlie's friends will be angry at him for abandoning them, but Charlie really needs those football team friends.Charlie opened up and said Ajayi was the only teacher who offered to help him with his bullying issues last year.Teacher Ajay knew that Ben was trying to force Charlie to keep their relationship a secret.When Nick realizes he's doing the same thing, Charlie tries to make the teacher understand that this is completely different and Nick is nothing like Ben.Later, in rugby, Charlie was still trying to adjust to the contact part of the sport.After practice, Coach Singer tried to give him some encouragement.They will need him for the next game because someone will be out.He finds it hard to have confidence when the rest of the team (except Nick) only sees him as a stereotypical gay boy who's not good at sports.However, Coach Singer reminded him that there are many gay people in the world who are doing this well.At Higgs Girls' School, the whole school is gossiping about Tara and Darcy kissing at a party.Imogen told many people, including Al, that she and Nick were together.Nick and Xu Tao had a little argument at lunch.Xu Tao believes that Nick is a thief who steals friends, and he is worried that Charlie will eventually be harmed.Nick's friend threw a football at Xu Tao's head, and Nick tried to calm the situation by making sure Xu Tao was okay.When Xu Tao refused to give the ball back to Nick, Nick walked away, only to have Xu Tao throw the ball at the back of his head.Even then, Nick didn't fight back.At the football game, Xu Tao, Al, Isaac, Tara and Darcy show up to support Charlie during his big game.He promised Nick that he wouldn't tell them about their relationship, and while Nick agreed, he seemed to have second thoughts about hiding it.Nick's friends also appeared, followed by Imogen and Ben.As the game continued, they were not just crushed, but annihilated.Charlie was even bullied by his own teammates.In the end, he was punched so hard that he suffered a nosebleed, and the game was canceled due to weather conditions.Nick struggled to find him and continued to keep their relationship a secret.He watched Charlie being helped off the field, but then went to meet him again.Charlie apologizes for embarrassing Nick, but Nick knows he's the one in the wrong and he shouldn't have forced Charlie to hide their relationship.The scene is broken when Isaac walks in with disinfectant wipes.Nick walks out and Charlie tells him that Isaac won't say anything.Xu Tao and Al are waiting outside, and they decide that maybe they should stop getting involved in Charlie's romance.Their conversation was interrupted by noise from below the stands.Under the stands, Imogen asked Nick to go out. Nick didn't know what to say. Everyone was encouraging him, so he had to agree.

《Heartstopper Season》E5Plot

Episode 5

Charlie, Xu Tao, Al and Isaac play Monopoly together.A fight breaks out over who wins, and Isaac kicks over the chess board.After a while, Xu Tao and Al found a way to tell Charlie that Nick was going on a date with Imogen.Xu Tao wanted to protect his friends so much that he even vowed to crush anyone who hurt his friends.Of course, it's just words.They agree to tell Charlie when he gets back upstairs, and then Al tries to change the subject.Everything comes to an abrupt end when Charlie and Isaac suddenly return to the room.Before Xu Tao and Al tell him about Nick's date, Charlie asks them if Nick can come to his birthday party, and everyone agrees.Before school the next day, Nick tried to tell Imogen that he didn't want to go on a date.However, when he saw her crying over her recently deceased dog, he decided against it.Charlie invites Nick to his birthday party, which is also on Saturday.Charlie gave Nick a chance because Nick didn't really know Charlie's friends, but of course, Nick wanted to go.He also needs to think about what gifts to give since he doesn't have much time to find them.Imogen tells everyone about her date with Nick, who has to figure out what he's going to do.Xu Tao and Charlie walked past them, and Harry took the opportunity to throw something at them.This caused Xu Tao to rush up and argue with them, and Nick tried to stop Harry.Harry made more homophobic remarks, and Xu Tao fired back before taking Charlie out of there.Charlie doesn't want Nick and his friends to quarrel because it will make Nick's situation more difficult.Of course, while Charlie is trying to make things easier, Imogen is kicking up a storm right where they left him.At home, Nick was thinking about what he was going to do.He told his mother about his predicament, and she told him that a suitable girl would come along very young.Nick didn't correct her about his feelings for Charlie.At Charlie's birthday party, Nick shows up with a gift in his hand.Charlie made some preparations before formally introducing his friend.Isaac and Al welcome it, but Xu Tao remains opposed to the whole thing.Things were going smoothly, with Charlie and Nick trying to stay close to each other without being too obviously noticed.Everyone else in the group was having fun, even Xu Tao seemed to be having a good time.After the first game, Charlie went to the bathroom and Xu Tao decided it was time to talk to Charlie.Xu Tao told Charlie about Nick and Imogen going on a date, but Charlie didn't believe him.Nick went to get drinks and food, leaving Al and Isaac behind.While waiting at the counter, Nick overheard Xu Tao and Charlie arguing in the bathroom.Charlie insists that Nick is just a friend and he's not like the others.Xu Tao reluctantly accepted.They found Nick outside the bathroom, just hugging Charlie.Back on the lane, the bowling game continues.Nick took advantage of a quiet moment to try to talk to Xu Tao.Xu Tao warned him not to play tricks on Charlie, and he didn't believe Nick at all.The group heads to the arcade, where Nick tells Charlie that he heard about the altercation.He said he would apologize to her for what happened to Imogen and that he didn't actually want to date her.Nick is seen struggling with wanting to be open about his sexuality but fearing the reaction of his friends and even family.Thankfully, Charlie has always been supportive.The two change the subject, and Charlie opens his birthday present to find a framed photo of them and Nellie (Nick's dog), and the two kiss.Charlie sets off to find another console to play, and Nick sends a message to Imogen, telling her that he has to abandon their date and will explain everything tomorrow.Everyone had a good time the rest of the time, Isaac even won a silly coin game.The next day, Nick meets with Imogen and tells her how he really feels.Nick told her that he was changing.

《Heartstopper Season》E6Plot

Episode 6

Nick and his mother are getting ready to watch a movie at home.She wanted to see Mamma Mia, but Nick was more interested in movies about sexual minorities.In the end, they settled on Pirates of the Caribbean, where a scene between Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom led to the realization that she might be bisexual.The next day, Al, Darcy, and Tara have lunch together.While Al was busy messaging Xu Tao, Tara scanned the comments on her coming-out post and deleted the negative ones.Elle opens up about her crush on Darcy.In the boys' school, Harry started fighting with Xu Tao, and Charlie and Xu Tao fought back.It was obvious that Nick didn't tell his friends how badly they treated Charlie, and Xu Tao was upset, but he didn't say anything.At the all-girls school, Tara is still dealing with silly comments on her Instagram posts.Darcy finds her hiding in their “special room” (where they had their first kiss).Darcy tries to ask her what's going on, but the music teacher spots them and yells at them because they weren't there during rehearsal.Homophobic comments don't appear to be just on Instagram.Tara and Darcy are affected even during rehearsals.Nick and Charlie having a picnic together.Nick asks Charlie how he felt when he realized he was gay.Charlie shared how he felt as a child and said not everyone feels that way.He says Nick doesn't need to rush to figure out who he is, even if that fear means their relationship is weird.Back home, Nick continued researching bisexuality.The next day at school, Nick took Charlie to rehearsal, when Nick ran into Tara.The two chatted and Nick told her that he was in a relationship with Charlie.This is the first time he's opened up about his relationship with Nick.Tara and Darcy have lunch with Nick, and they ask him if he wants to come out.On the way back to the rehearsal room, Nick asked Tara if she was lesbian or bisexual and how she knew.She reminds Nick that he doesn't have to come out until he's ready.Because once he does that, whether he wants it to or not, people will look at him differently.At Charlie's house, his sister suddenly appears in front of Charlie who is waiting for Nick to show up.He tries to pretend they are friends, but the sister knows these things.Nick finally shows up and the two try to do their homework before getting wrapped up.Nick tells Charlie that he opened up to Tara and Darcy.They decide to go on a foursome with Tara and Darcey, their first official date.Then the four of them decided to let Al and Xu Tao go too, and they would work together as matchmakers to bring the two of them closer together.The next day, the six of them shared milkshakes together, and Darcy tried to interfere in the relationship between Xu Tao and Aili.Charlie and Nick decide to go get milkshakes and spend some quiet time together chatting, deciding that their next date will be just the two of them.When Xu Tao got up to help get the milkshake, Al called Darcy and Tara out, saying they wanted to meddle in their own business.She didn't want to risk letting Xu Tao know that she had a crush on Xu Tao and ruining their friendship.Tara says once the secret is out, there's no turning back.Xu Tao asked Nick and Charlie to return to the dining table.Nick tells Al that they really just want to go on a six-person date: Darcey and Tara, her and Xu Tao, Nick and Charlie.Elle shared her excitement about her and Xu Tao being together.Charlie then told her that Xu Tao was the only one who didn't know about his relationship with Nick yet, and that he had been looking for the right time to tell Xu Tao.There was a sweet interaction between Xu Tao and Al as they set off to the concert.When they arrive at the concert, Tara overhears the girls making another homophobic comment, and she storms out of the concert hall with Darcy.In it, Charlie teaches Nick how to play the drums.Charlie told Nick that he wanted him to come on the show, but he was worried that people would start speculating that they were together, and he didn't want Nick to be miserable over it.Nick didn't seem to care and opened up about how he felt he was bisexual.Tara and Darcy were locked in a room. Tara wanted to be quiet, but Darcy finally let Tara express her feelings.Tara didn't handle the reaction to her coming out as well as she'd hoped.She found that people treated her differently, even though she was still the same person.Darcy worried that she would regret coming out, but that was not the case.Tara just doesn't want to deal with homophobic people anymore, and the two reconcile.Nick and the others ran screaming through the hallways, looking for Tara and Darcy.Eventually the music begins.

《Heartstopper Season》E7Plot

Episode 7

Charlie is getting ready to go out with Nick and Nick's friends.Charlie's sister worries that Nick's friends will become mean and unaware of their relationship, but Charlie isn't worried.He told her that they haven't put a label on the relationship because Nick hasn't been public about it yet.When Charlie is dropped off at the movie theater, his dad reminds him to tell him if he needs help.Nick and Charlie meet up and try to make Charlie less nervous about hanging out with Nick's friends, Ben and Harry won't be there so he doesn't need to worry.But in fact, they showed up anyway, and Nick was sad because he didn't know Ben and Harry were going to show up, and the two continued to make negative comments.A terrifying moment in the movie theater causes Nick to reach out and grab Charlie's hand.On the way out of the theater, Harry starts harassing Charlie again, asking him what it's like to be gay and trying to figure out what kind of people he likes.Nick stepped forward and dragged Harry away, and Harry asked Charlie if he liked Nick.Charlie says he's not before storming off.Nick follows Charlie to the parking lot, where he tries to apologize for his friends.But Charlie was used to the situation and told him not to worry.He went to his dad's car and left Nick at the theater.But before he could reach the car, Ben stopped him again.Ben sees him and Nick holding hands and asks if they are dating, but Charlie denies it.In the theater, Nick confronts Harry and the others.Harry seemed to think Nick and Charlie needed to learn to accept the banter.The argument intensified and when Harry insulted Charlie, Nick broke away and punched him.On the way home, his mother tried to get him to tell him what had happened.He admitted that the row was over the way they treated Charlie and that he only became violent after Harry said the slur.Nick's mother asked him if Charlie was a special friend.The next day, Charlie got up and went to school.Nick didn't sit outside as usual, but Harry was there waiting for him.Charlie realizes he has a split lip, and Harry tells him that Nick overreacted to a little joke he made in the movie.When Xu Tao arrived, Charlie was trying to leave and started arguing with Harry.Charlie told him to leave it alone and go away.Charlie found Nick in the classroom and noticed the bruises on his face.Nick confesses about the fight he and Harry had after Charlie left.He didn't think Charlie should have to put up with these comments or get used to such bad words.Nick refuses to let Charlie apologize for this, and Nick even thinks that those people are no longer his friends.But Charlie doesn't want him to abandon his friends for himself.Charlie hides in Teacher Ajay's classroom during lunch time, away from Xu Tao and Nick.Elsewhere, Xu Tao tells Al that he thinks the argument with Harry was all his fault.Elle said she wasn't surprised by Nick and Harry's fight because Harry made nasty comments about Charlie.Xu Tao realizes that there is something more going on between Nick and Charlie, and Al confirms his suspicions.She also told him that all their other friends knew about it.It’s just that Charlie wanted to tell Xu Tao in person, but had been waiting for the right time.Xu Tao felt sad about being left out and left in a hurry before Al could talk to him about it.At Charlie's house, Charlie is worried that Nick doesn't want to continue the relationship because he caused Nick to fight with his friends.But he decided to ask Nick if he wanted to have lunch together the next day.Al suddenly showed up at Xu Tao's house with cookies, hoping to make him feel better.He apologizes for his earlier reaction and thinks he knows why Charlie didn't tell him.Charlie must be worried that Xu Tao will say something stupid in front of Nick's friends and expose his relationship to everyone.The next day, Charlie had lunch with Nick and promised Xu Tao that he would meet him later.Xu Tao was unhappy that he was ranked after Nick and told Charlie not to bother.Outside, Harry sat opposite Xu Tao and began to ask Al who he was.When Harry stood up and walked towards his friends, Xu Tao rushed over and pushed him to the ground, then grabbed Al's painting and poured the remaining apple juice over him.Inside, Charlie tries to apologize again for Nick and Harry's fight, saying that everything bad that happened was his fault.Maybe it would be better if they weren't together.But before he could say anything, another student rushed in with news that Harry had been fighting with someone.Everyone rushed out and watched Xu Tao and Harry confront each other.Nick rushed out and pulled Harry away from Xu Tao, while the teachers broke up the fight.Xu Tao asked Charlie why he didn't tell him about his relationship with Nick.

《Heartstopper Season》E8Plot

Episode 8

Charlie tries to chat with Xu Tao, and when he doesn't respond, Charlie plays drums to try to help him escape reality.But his sister doesn't want to hear the noise and tries to get Charlie to tell what happened.Charlie blamed himself for Nick and Xu Tao's argument with Harry, but his sister knew that wasn't the case even though she wasn't even there.Nick was suffering because of Charlie saying something that was messing with his head.And said that if he wasn't around, everyone would be fine.His sister continued to comfort him.The next day, Charlie showed up at school. Isaac wanted to talk to Charlie, but Xu Tao gave Charlie a cold shoulder because the sports meeting between boys and girls was coming soon. Because Charlie was a member of the rugby team, Charlie would be with them.Participate together instead of his friends.After class, Charlie met Nick in the corridor and declined his request to have lunch with Nick.Instead, he went to Coach Singer and quit the football team.She tried to get him to tell her if other boys had forced him to quit the team, but he didn't name anyone, just that rugby wasn't for him.Elsewhere, Nick approaches Xu Tao during lunch and tells him about his affair with Charlie.Xu Tao no longer wants to protect Charlie, he doesn’t even show his presence.Nick told him that Charlie must be nervous to tell him this because Charlie cares about Xu Tao's opinion and doesn't want to disappoint him.The conversation turned to why Charlie was ignoring Nick.Nick thinks it's because he doesn't want to keep lying about their relationship.Xu Tao told him what Charlie thought, saying that Charlie often blamed himself for other people's problems.He may also be too scared to tell Nick that he wants to take things further.Xu Tao understands that Nick is not ready to come out, and that's okay.Later that night, Nick tried to contact Charlie again, but he didn't respond.Al, Darcy and Tara arrive at Trouham Boys' School.This was El's first time back at a boys' school, and although she was nervous, she still wanted to participate in the activities.While preparing for the event, Charlie has been avoiding Nick.Xu Tao found Al and told her that he had not signed up for any activities yet.Isaac finally shows up, and when Al asks about Charlie, he says no one has seen him.Charlie finds teacher Ajay, who realizes something must have happened to Charlie, and even though he doesn't want to open up, the teacher gives him some advice: It may seem easier to hide your problems, but being alone can be just as bad.The teacher told him that he would not kick him out of the art room.Outside, Coach Singh found Xu Tao and asked him to run 200 meters, even though he ran poorly.Charlie came to help him, and Charlie apologized to Xu Tao.Ben also competed in the 200m race, but Charlie ended up taking the lead anyway and beat him.Later, Charlie truly apologized to Xu Tao.Xu Tao left Charlie and Al hanging out in the hallway while the other classmates watched Tara high jump and Isaac throw javelin.Inside, Al and Xu Tao slipped into the art room.Elle thought about telling him how she felt about him.However, Al chickened out at the last minute and instead tried to wipe the paint off his face, and twice the pair almost kissed.After the football game started everyone returned to the field.Charlie and Isaac left his little hideout to watch the game together and cheer Nick on.But Nick didn't want to play football, so he left the field, grabbed Charlie's hand and dragged him away in front of everyone.Inside, Nick confronts Charlie and tells him that he doesn't care about fighting his peers or making people angry because Charlie deserves it.Being with Charlie was the best thing that ever happened to him and he wasn't willing to give it up.Nick asked Charlie if he was free this Saturday.The two go on their first date, but Nick refuses to tell Charlie where they went, and they end up at the beach.They spent the whole day biking, taking photos, and buying food.While lying on the beach, Nick confesses to Charlie that he wants to come out.This excited Charlie, but he wanted to make sure Nick was confident about it.Nick felt like he truly knew who he was and didn't want to be sneaky anymore.He wishes he could be honest with his friends and family, and honest with himself.The two make their relationship official, the two run around cutely telling the world how they feel, and Nick nearly throws Charlie into the ocean.Nick comes home and finds his mom in the kitchen, and with his newfound confidence, Nick sits down and tells his mom that Charlie is his boyfriend.

Heartstopper Season

Heartstopper Season

Total 8 Episodes Apr 20, 2022 Us Rom/Youth Actor: Kit Connor Joe Locke