Empresses in the Palace

《Empresses in the Palace》

Adapted from Liu Lianzi's novel of the same name
Empresses in the Palace
  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 76 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    Nov 17, 2011
  • Genre:
  • Alias:
    Harem·The Legend of Zhen Huan
  • Plat:
  • Actor:
  • Update:
    It has been broadcast on various local stations in mainland China since November 17, 2011, and premiered on Anhui Satellite TV and Dragon TV on March 26, 2012.
  • Synopsis:
    In the first year of Yongzheng's reign, the fierce struggle for the throne ended. The fourth elder brother Yinzhen succeeded to the throne, and the reign was named Yongzheng. At th ...

《Empresses in the Palace》 Summ

In the first year of Yongzheng's reign, the fierce struggle for the throne ended. The fourth elder brother Yinzhen succeeded to the throne, and the reign was named Yongzheng. At that time, the country was peaceful and the people were peaceful, and the politics were clear. However, under the peaceful appearance, an undercurrent was ready to stir.

In the harem, Concubine Hua and the Queen are fighting against each other, and all forces are entangled in them, which is extremely dangerous.Seventeen-year-old Zhen Huan participated in the draft with her good sisters Shen Meizhuang and An Lingrong. She came with the idea of ​​filling up the numbers, but she was favored by the emperor, and the three of them were selected together.However, due to Concubine Hua's arrogance and pressing closer, Mei Zhuang was wronged, Ling Rong changed her heart, and the innocent Zhen Huan gradually turned into a calculating woman in the harem.The emperor discovered Nian Gengyao's ambition and ordered Zhen's father to cut off the Nian clan. Zhen Huan finally defeated Concubine Hua.However, due to the similarity between Zhen Huan and her late Queen Chunyuan, the queen designed to use Queen Chunyuan's old clothes to frame Zhen Huan. Her father was also framed by an adulterer and implicated in a literary prison and was imprisoned. After giving birth to her daughter, Zhen Huan became disheartened.Choose to go out of the palace to practice.

Outside the palace, Zhen Huan was taken care of by the Seventeenth Master Yunli. The two loved each other and just waited for the opportunity to fly away.Later, due to misinformation about the death of the Seventeenth Master, Zhen Huan planned to meet the emperor in order to save her own flesh and blood and rescue her seriously ill father. She cruelly broke off her love for the Seventeenth Master, returned to the palace, and fought with the queen again.Later, Zhen Huan gave birth to twins, and her father's unjust case was vindicated. He was re-employed by the emperor, and the Zhen family rose again.Zhen Huan escaped the Queen's frame-up many times and finally overthrew the Queen.But as luck would have it, the emperor discovered the affair between Zhen Huan and Prince Guo, and poisoned Yunli to death. He also suspected the identity of Zhen Huan's child. In order to protect herself, she finally acquiesced in Ye Lanyi's regicide.After the death of the emperor, Zhen Huan's adopted son Hongli ascended the throne, and Zhen Huan was revered as the Holy Mother and Queen Mother. Even though she enjoyed all the glory, looking back on the past, it was just a tragic dream of a feudal dynasty.

《Empresses in the Palace》Cast

《Empresses in the Palace》Character Info

《Empresses in the Palace》Stills

《Empresses in the Palace》Ep Summ

《Empresses in the Palace》Highlights

《Empresses in the Palace》Finale

In the end, Zhen Huan eliminated all dissidents and became the most authoritative person in the palace.She was finally in control and didn't have to worry about who was going to kill her.

What she was very smart about was that she did not let her son become the emperor, but instead made her fourth elder brother, and she also found an opportunity to adopt her life to the name of Prince Guo.This move saved his son and allowed him to recognize his ancestor.Zhen Huan's big game of chess was played just right.

In the finale, the last scene was of Zhen Huan lying on the bed and sleeping peacefully.After struggling with the harem for half a lifetime, I finally had a moment of relaxation and comfort.Compared with the Queen, Concubine Hua, An Lingrong and others, Zhen Huan is the biggest winner.

《Empresses in the Palace》Songs

歌曲名 Lyricist Composer Perf Notes
  • 菩萨蛮 Liu Huan Wen Tingyun (Tang Dynasty) Yao Beina episode
  • 凤凰于飞 Liu Huan Liu Huan Liu Huan Ending song, theme music
  • 采莲 Son of Emperor Nanhua Liu Huan Yao Beina episode
  • 金缕衣 Anonymous (Tang Dynasty) Liu Huan Yao Beina episode
  • 惊鸿舞 Cao Zhi (Wei) Liu Huan Yao Beina episode
  • 红颜劫 Cui Shu Liu Huan Yao Beina opening song
  • 君临天下 Liu Huan scene music
  • 长夜孤枕 Liu Huan scene music

《Empresses in the Palace》Taglines

The daughter does not seek to be favored by the Holy One, but only seeks to live a stable life in the palace and protect the Zhen family and her own life.

How long can you get good things if you use color to serve others?

The Ai family is what it is today, thanks to the Queen’s guidance. Naturally, I am grateful and will do my best to preserve your glory.

If it wasn't you, there would be someone else. If it were someone else, I'd rather it be you. Don't blame me for saying selfish things. If someone else is favored, I'm afraid they will harm me one day. Huan'er, you won't.

Instead of feeling admiration, it's better to be that kind of person yourself.

My young master, this is the new tribute of golden osmanthus. The empress specially asked to plant more osmanthus flowers in the broken jade pavilion to show that the new noble has entered the harem and the harem is auspicious.

There is no true love under imperial power, only a struggle for interests.Use your wisdom and means to achieve your path to power.

It is the empress's magnanimity not to tolerate concubines.It is the concubine's ability to make the empress tolerate her.

The palace is like a deep sea, where people's hearts are unpredictable and they are cautious at every step.Whoever laughs last will have the most beautiful smile.

In front of the emperor, do not lose your rules.If you are really sleepy, let me give you a few glasses of wine to wake you up.

Your Majesty, you only know that your sister is pregnant, why have you ever thought about my concubine and your child?

As soon as you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea, and from then on, freedom is like a passerby.Only power and status can give you a true sense of security.

But I don’t like Xinghua.Although the apricot flowers are beautiful, the fruit they produce is extremely sour, and the almonds are even bitter. If everything starts well and ends badly, what's the point.It is better to be like pines and cypresses, green all year round, with no flowers or fruits.

Why bother with three thousand beauties? Wanwan is enough for me.I didn't understand it then.Losing Wanwan in the end was the bitter fruit I planted myself.The greatest fault of the emperor is that the rain and dew cannot be spread evenly.

You bitch is just hypocritical!

There are a total of three hundred and twenty-six bricks in my palace, but I have touched each one countless times, and thirty-one of them have small cracks.

Queen, kill the queen.

Concubine Xi, your blessing lies behind you.

Hasn't the Emperor heard that a gentle knife can cut people's lives?

Zhen Yurao is Zhen Yurao, she can only be unique and cannot be a substitute for others.

In this palace, only those who are valuable can survive. Only by being a usable person and being comfortable with being used can you use others.

If you are not completely sure of getting the emperor's favor, you must keep a low profile and restrain your sharpness. As a father, I don't expect you to be rich and powerful in the future, and to be favored by the Sixth Palace. I hope that the apple of my eye can be comfortable and happy, and die in peace.

This humble nature lies in the human heart. No matter how red the peony flower is, it will always be charming and unqualified, and it will never be as beautiful as the peony.

《Empresses in the Palace》Related Info

Zheng Xiaolong had never filmed a costume drama before directing "Empresses in the Palace". He wanted to make a critical and different Qing Palace drama for the audience. He hoped that the audience could see the darkness of feudal society from this drama., including the misery of people living in feudal society.

《Empresses in the Palace》The script is adapted from the novel of the same name by writer Liu Lianzi《Empresses in the Palace》.The novel began to be serialized online in 2006. It was first published in Jinjiang Literature City and then transferred to Sina Weibo. From February 2007 to September 2009, it was published in seven volumes by three publishing houses.Director Zheng Xiaolong's wife and screenwriter Wang Xiaoping recommended the work to him after reading the novel. Zheng Xiaolong recommended the work to Cao Ping, who later became the chief producer of the TV series. In 2007, he purchased the six-year adaptation rights of the novel. In 2008Adaptation of the novel began in 2006.

The story itself is about the Zhou Dynasty in an imaginary way. After adapting it, we chose a %down to earth approach.Screenwriter Liu Lianzi watched "Golden Branches Desire" and felt that although the plot was brilliant, the etiquette was not rigorous enough.She began to write a palace story of her own at home, hoping to take into account all aspects of plot, history and etiquette.It took three years of on-and-off writing to finish the novel, and the script took a year and a half to go through, with more than a dozen revisions.In order to bring the fictional Zhou Dynasty of the original novel to life, Liu Lianzi chose the Qing Dynasty, which had the strictest constraints on human nature. The biggest difficulty in the adaptation was to learn to ruthlessly delete many characters and plots in the original work.

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