《Luo Zhenyu civilization journey》1000 AD: Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

Hello, I am Luo Zhenyu. Welcome to the Civilization Program. The characteristic of this program is that one program corresponds to a year in history. In this first program, we will talk about the year 1000 AD. What was the world like in the year 1000 AD??Maybe that word is more appropriate, called darkness before dawn, darkness is its background.

If you don’t believe me, if you open the world map at that time, you will see that the Western Roman Empire in the west has collapsed for more than 500 years, and Europe was in the dark Middle Ages at that time, right?The Arab Empire was very powerful to the east around 1000. At this time, it also fell into division.To the east, China was in the Northern Song Dynasty at that time. Because the Northern Song Dynasty did not control the Hexi Corridor, the Silk Road, the trade link between the east and the west, was also severed and fell into a valley.So if you look at the entire Eurasian continent, from west to east, the center of human civilization at that time, it was really a decoupling exercise, and it was completely fragmented.

But why is it said to be the darkness before dawn?That's right, because in Europe, don't think that the Middle Ages were dark. At that time, some very important institutional and technological innovations were already growing and brewing.In another 100 years there will be a very famous Crusade, so the collision of Eastern and Western civilizations and the intense exchanges will soon usher in a new climax.As for the Song Dynasty in China, you know that the Song Dynasty has been established for 40 years at this time. It was founded in 960. The Song Dynasty civilization will soon shine.

Regarding China's Song Dynasty, many people came up with various figures to praise him, saying how prosperous China was at that time and what percentage of the world's GDP it accounted for. I won't talk about these abstract things, but I will tell you a detail.Feel it.At this stage, did the Song Dynasty often hold imperial examinations?Then I would like to ask how many people from all over the country are going to flock to Bianliang, Tokyo to take the exam?You guessed about 20,000 people. For example, in 1992, there were more than 17,000 people. It was not just them, but there were also some book boys accompanying them.Let’s conservatively count 40,000 people, right?Forty thousand people poured into a city at the same time to eat, drink, have sex, and have basic necessities and shelter. Even today, some cities wouldn't be able to handle it, right?But Bianliang in Tokyo could handle it back then. What kind of commercial service level do you think this is?If you think about it again, these nearly 20,000 people come from all over the country. Everyone is a weak scholar, right?They were actually able to travel long distances across the country in all directions, they were able to drive away their families, they were relieved, they were able to arrive, they were not protected by force, there were no concubines and robberies along the way, and they were able to bring silver coins with them along the way.Food, accommodation and services.To know that such a level of security and commercial services could be achieved in such a vast area was in 1000 AD. Europeans at that time could not even imagine it.So we start with the Song Dynasty in China in 1000 AD.

There were two major events for the Song Dynasty this year. We can perceive these two major events from the perspective of the Song Dynasty court.The first thing happened in the north. The Song Dynasty was at war with the Liao Kingdom at that time. This war started last year and continued until this year. There was a win or loss for each other. Of course, the real decisive battle between the two sides will not happen until five years later.It only started in 1004, and by 1005 the Zen Alliance was established. This is one thing.The second major event occurred in the west. It was a mutiny, the rebellion of the royal army in Sichuan. This chaos was not small, and it was put down that year. Moreover, the reasons and consequences behind it involved a very critical issue in Chinese dynastic politics.So we will talk about the Rebellion of Wang Jun in Sichuan next year and in the next episode. This year we will talk about 1000 years. What should we talk about?We focus on a small thing, a small thing that cannot be smaller.On the fifth day of April this year, an old prime minister named Lu Duan passed away. When he died, the prime minister had actually resigned.So if you look at the entire history of China, Lu Duan seems not to be very well-known, and he had already resigned as prime minister when he died.So why do we need to talk about it again?You must know that in the Song Dynasty, Lu Duan was not only an important figure in the court, but he also had a landmark story of the era.Yes, this is at least an iconic story on a 100+ year scale.You may be wondering, what kind of signature can a person whose name I don’t even know have?Why do you say that?Okay, let’s take this question and travel back to 1000, the Song Dynasty in 1000 AD.

Today’s story begins with the death of the old Prime Minister Lu Duan. I hope this story can convey to you a feeling that each generation not only lives in its own era, but also lives in the previous era.Inside the shadow.Okay, let's first briefly introduce Mr. Lu Duanlu. The name Lu Duan has always been from Anci, a person from Youzhou. Specifically, he was from Langfang, Hebei, near Beijing today.Today, there is an Anci District in Langfang, Hebei Province. It is actually not very famous in history. Its only fame comes from an idiom: big things are not confused.It is said that the last emperor of the Song Dynasty, Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi, also promoted Lu Duan to be prime minister at that time. Someone reminded him, "Your Majesty, this is not good. Just look at Lu Duan and you will be confused."Song Taizong said, otherwise, as far as I know, he is confused about small things but not about big things.Alas, you see, this sentence has now become an idiom in modern Chinese. The allusion that a person is not confused about important matters comes from Lu Duan.As for Lu Duan, if you think about his identity, he was the last prime minister of Song Taizong and the first prime minister given by Song Taizong to Song Zhenzong.Alas, you will know as soon as you hear it. He is a very important transitional figure in the transfer of power.

In fact, if you look at us today, we are in the year 1000. In the past two years, Lu Duan's health failed and he had retired from the position of prime minister.After his death, Emperor Zhenzong sent the eunuchs around him to take care of the Sang family, and granted him titles such as Sikong, promotion of his son, etc. These were all routine matters.But you must know that when Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty sent Lu Duan, the old prime minister, the relationship between them was different from others. Their relationship was very special.Why do you say that?In the era of imperial power, what do you think is the greatest contribution a minister can make to the emperor?It's called the power of decision-making. This is a proper term.The merit of deciding the policy is the merit of supporting the emperor.Yes, Lu Duan had such merit. To put it bluntly, without him, Song Zhenzong would not have the throne.Then we will spend a little more time telling this story.

This year is the year 1000. Three years ago, it was 997 AD, which was also March 29th, the third year of the Song Dynasty.You don’t need to remember these days. Anyway, you know that Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi died on this day.Then the old emperor dies, what should we do next?It's the crown prince's succession. This is a normal procedure, just follow the rules.It happened that a variable occurred at this time.What?Someone wanted to stage a coup, and they wanted to depose the prince Zhao Heng. Later, Song Zhenzong wanted to install Zhao Heng's eldest brother, this person named Zhao Yuanzuo, as the emperor.You listen to a typical palace coup.So who wants to do this?If I count the people involved in this conspiracy, you will know how big this conspiracy is.How many people?The first key figure is Empress Li, the empress of Emperor Taizong.Then when Song Taizong dies, he will be Empress Dowager Li, right?good.The second key figure is the most powerful eunuch in the Taizong era, named Wang Ji.In addition, there were two people, one of whom was officially in the official position of the Song Dynasty. This was the deputy prime minister, named Li Changling.There was also a fourth person, Zhizhigao, who was the cadre who wrote the document. Zhizhigao also had an official name. This person was named Hu Dan.As soon as you hear it, you will know that these people have great backgrounds. Once Emperor Taizong dies, the people who can influence the entire court are basically on this list.Think about it, from the queen mother who makes decisions to the eunuchs who run errands, from the support staff who have the ability to write documents to those who have the authority to issue documents, the formal load-bearing team is complete.

Then why do you think they want to stage a coup?Why change the prince?Change the emperor?Let's think about it later. We only need to know a conspiracy to change the emperor now. It has been formed at this time, but there is one person missing in it. Who is it?It was Lu Duan, the prime minister of the dynasty. If Lu Duan nodded, this matter would be done.So on March 29, 997 AD, as soon as Song Taizong died, these people started to do things.

What to do?First, the eunuch Wang Jien was sent to Zhongshu, where the prime minister worked, to call Lu Duan.Sigh, it would be easier if he was really called over, and a few people would pinch him in the middle.So what situation do you think Lu Duan is facing?The four people on the coup list I mentioned just now actually have one person behind them.Who?Empress Dowager Li’s natal brother.This man's name was Li Jilong, who was the commander-in-chief of the army at the time.Although he was not present, there was a vague force behind the coup, representing the military.So if you look at this play, it's really refreshing. Mochou's various characters are perfectly matched, and they are all surrounded from top to bottom. All they need is a nod from Lu Duan, the prime minister of the court.So Lu Duan gathered a few people around him and explained the decision to replace the emperor. Some people were trying to be a good person, some were trying to be a bad person, some were threats, and some were inducements. That would be equivalent to a whole table of dishes being served to you..I'm just waiting for you, Mr. Lu Duanlu, to say, Oh, okay, count me in.Then you can serve the meal with a pair of chopsticks, and everyone will share in the decision-making process of establishing the new emperor.If it really comes to that point, I feel that Lu Duan may not be able to handle it.But don’t forget his nickname: Lu Duan is not confused if he is not confused. Before he allowed this matter to develop to that point, we should return to the scene.

Didn’t I say that before?The eunuch Wang Jien came to the Zhongshu Provincial Office and asked Lu Duan to come over.Lu Duan probably felt something was wrong at that time, so he said yes, I'll go.But you go somewhere with me first. I have an important edict document in the archives. You can find it with me, and we can stay there together.Wang Ji'en didn't suspect anything, so he followed him to the warehouse. As soon as Wang Ji'en entered the door, Lu Duan clicked behind him and closed the door. Then with a click, a big lock locked the warehouse, and then said helloNo one is allowed to let him out without my order.The eunuch Fang Ji'en was imprisoned here, and then the old man Lu Duan went to see Empress Dowager Li for comment.

Then you think the situation Lu Duan faced at this time was relatively simple. I was the old prime minister, you were the old queen mother, and we, the monarch and the minister, talked alone.Well, you think the Queen Mother was still the Queen yesterday, and today there is a funeral at home. Her husband just died, so she must be feeling sad, and she has no political experience.That would be easier to handle, and the old prime minister could explain things to him, and everyone would not be in such a booing and arrogant mood.

And what did Lu Duan say?The principles he taught are actually very simple, just two.Then put the first item on the table: why did the late emperor establish a prince?Isn't it just to cope with today's situation?No, let’s discuss and argue later. Has it been decided in advance?As long as the court letter is there, the prince can directly succeed to the throne.So for the second reason, who was the late emperor?It's your husband, Queen Mother Li, who just passed away and his body is still cold. Are you embarrassed to go against his wishes?Then you see, as soon as these two principles were placed on the table, Queen Mother Li stopped talking.Well, the Queen Mother's attitude has softened. At this time, the new emperor, Prince Zhao Heng, arrived. Then Lu Duan will come immediately. Let's not waste a minute. Let's hold the enthronement ceremony now. How simple is it to hold a ceremony?, I also need to change my clothes.It is said that as soon as the prince Zhao Heng changed his clothes and sat in the middle, the prime minister and his ministers kowtowed and shouted "Long live the emperor", the status of the monarch and ministers was determined, and the emperor was regarded as the emperor.

But Lu Duan still had an extra thought at this time. You see, he was really not confused about the important matter. He said don't panic and brought the old minister forward to take a look.What if you changed people when you changed clothes just now?So Lu Duan walked up the steps tremblingly, opened the curtain and took a closer look at the person on the throne in the middle. Well, it turned out to be Prince Zhaoheng. Then he stepped back and lay on the ground to formally go through the process.Our current emperor, Zhenzong Zhaoheng, has become the emperor without any danger.That's the story.Let me tell you the story you just heard, mainly to show that Lu Duan is responsible, great, and not confused about important matters.Today we are famous for this program and telling this story to ask you to think about it again.What are you thinking about?Wondering if there is anything strange in this story?Alas, there are two strange things. Let’s talk about the first strange thing first, which is why they launched a coup. What are these people trying to do?

Our pursuit of a better life comes from the opening of every extraordinary door.Casarte was born for love, the art of connecting homes.Just now we told the story of Lu Duan being clear about major matters. Alas, if you think about it, there are two particularly strange things in this story. Let’s talk about the first one first. Alas, you are a coup group, okay?Whatever you do, you have to calculate the costs and benefits, right?What are you guys doing this for?Generally speaking, there are two types of coups. One is that the camps are very clear, there is you and not me, so people from one faction have to strike first to gain the upper hand. For example, this was the case with Emperor Taizong's Xuanwu Gate coup.

Then there is another situation where the emperor or the prince himself does not know about it, but there is someone underneath who wants to make a fortune and gain support.Therefore, the Ming Dynasty's coup to seize the throne is in line with the latter situation, but no matter what the situation is, in the era of imperial power, it is a treasonous sin for a group of people to conspire to change the emperor. The cost is huge and scary, and everyone will be executed.of.The coup we just talked about today seems to be in neither of these two situations. Is there a confrontation between the camps?No, that's really not the case, because Zhenzong Zhao Heng was officially canonized as the prince by the court a few years ago. There was no dispute between the government and the public about this, and there was no confrontational camp.Then what do you think these coup groups are trying to achieve, and what huge benefits they want to gain?It seems out of the question, so let’s take a look at the core figures we’ve just mentioned. Let’s look at Queen Mother Li first. Generally speaking, if a Queen Mother takes the lead in advocating for the replacement of a prince, it’s usually because she wants to replace her biological son, right??But at that time, neither Zhao Heng nor Zhao Yuanzuo, whom they wanted to replace, nor Empress Dowager Li were their biological mothers. He couldn't afford to fight to the death for such a matter. Why did he bother? Let's look at a few other people. Wang Jien, the great eunuch, his status in the kilometer is very high.Gao, because he had served Taizu and Song Taizong, and he also had military exploits. He was the most favored and high-status eunuch in the harem.

At such an old age, even if you proclaim a new emperor, aren't you still a eunuch?What are you drawing?Let's look at the deputy prime minister again, it is Li Changling.This person has little political experience and was just promoted last year.Well, if you establish a new emperor, you will be able to advance half a level at most.You have defeated Lu Duan, you are the prime minister, and you are so old. If you don't take this risky move, the opportunity will be there soon.As a civil servant and official, you risked having your house confiscated and your family wiped out. Why did you get involved in this matter?Interestingly, if you look through Chinese history, you have never seen a coup with such high risks and such small benefits.

Okay, so why do these people do this?At this time, we see that someone needs to tie the bell to untie it. We need to listen to their explanation. What do they think?Regarding the reason for this matter, Empress Dowager Li left a few words in history. It was just a few words. She told Lu Duan that the bus had been inspected and it was Emperor Taizong who went there, right?It is more common sense to leave us orphans and widowed mothers to establish a temple for Chang Shun and to establish an emperor. It seems that we should establish an older one.

What will happen now?What should you do about this?Your Queen Mother said it was because of Li, Your Majesty, our current prince is a bit younger, how about we change him to an older emperor?Can the prince who has been officially canonized by the court be overthrown for this reason?It's not like that.And it's strange that so many people can be persuaded to participate in this conspiracy just for this reason.To answer this question, we really can't just look at the situation in this year, or even the situation in the early 40 years of the Song Dynasty.We have to stretch our political horizons as far as at least a hundred years before we can understand why these people at this time think so.Why did he do this?We are now in 1000 AD, so which dynasty preceded it?It is a famous period of great chaos in Chinese history, called the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

From 907 AD to 960 AD, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms lasted 53 years in total. In such a short period of time, in just half a century, the Central Plains of northern China alone experienced five dynasties: Liang, Tang, Jin, Han, and Zhou.They are called Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou.So how long were these dynasties?The longest is 16 years of Hou Liang, and the shortest is 3 years of Hou Han.They are all short-lived dynasties.The even more astonishing number is that there were 14 emperors in just 53 years. Among them, only 5 people died normally on the throne because no one killed them.There were only 5 emperors out of 14, and the rest were either dethroned or died violent deaths.So what kind of world do you think this is?What era is this?Even if the emperor is like this, then the life of the common people will be even worse.Maybe when I tell you these numbers, you can already smell the blood of that era.Yes, it was a terrifying and chaotic world with mountains of swords, seas of fire, and mountains of lions and seas of blood.

And the main characters in the story we are telling today are Wang Jina and Lu Duan. You see, they are all from the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms at their age. They were born in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. Their political concepts are based on the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.formed.Their methods of action were learned in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and their fear of loss and perception of danger all came from the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.Although they lived 40 years after the founding of the Song Dynasty, they were essentially still people of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, or a generation living in the shadow of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. So which dynasty do they think they are now?Then you may say that of course it is the Song Dynasty, but we can then ask a question, which Song Dynasty is it?Is it the Song Dynasty of the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties that we descendants talk about?It is not among the feelings of this generation. This is the sixth generation after the five generations. It is the Song Dynasty of Liang, Tang Jing, Han, Zhou and Song.
Because they understand better than anyone else how Zhao Kuangyin, the great ancestor of their old Zhao family, came to power. It is a typical script of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, right?You were brought up by others to engage in politics. Everyone should have learned in middle school textbooks that Chen Qiao rebelled and became a prostitute. You are a master who usurped the throne and came to power. So what are they afraid of in this generation?I am just afraid that this story will happen again.As long as there was one mistake in the Song Dynasty, it would not be the Five Dynasties. In the history books, it may be written down in the future that it was the Sixth Dynasty.

It's like a TV show, right?The style of the TV series is fixed. All the characters in it will die at every turn, and they will die after a few shots. But the fourth season is good. Now you are the third emperor of the Song Dynasty. According to the TV series, you have already lived to the third year.episode, but the audience knew it in their hearts, they were watching it all the time, right?This broken sentence has such a broken style, and it is sung according to the habit of the protagonist, right?If you do it a few times and you'll die, how do I know your character will survive the fourth episode?Today we feel that the old emperor dies and passes the throne to the pre-determined prince, which is a perfectly normal procedure.But if you were alive in 1000 AD, on that day, you would know that this was something unusual.When the emperor dies, it is abnormal for the throne to pass to the officially canonized prince.Why?Very simple?Because that hasn’t happened in the last 100 years.It’s something that hasn’t happened in 100 years. In ancient times, it was something that only existed in legends. Do you think people at that time would take it seriously?Yes, since Wantang, there has been no normal handover of imperial power.You are the prince appointed by the old emperor, and you will be the next emperor.Why?Is there force?Can you beat others?Can you handle the eunuch?The most important political experience left over from the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period is that power cannot be handed over to one spearhead.

Young man, you grew up in a deep palace, you are young, you have never led soldiers or fought in a war, you have no basic team in the army, and you just want to be the successor to the regime, aren't you looking for death?Let me give you an example. Houliang is the first generation of the Five Dynasties. The ancestor of Houliang is called Zhu Wen. Before he died, Zhu Wen said to the people around him, "My dead pig is not my enemy. I have no dirty land."That is to say, my son is dead. You see, my sons are no match for my enemies. I want to die without a burial place.June En was emotional as she spoke.
There are a few words recorded in the history books. It is said that when someone woke up due to choking, he died crying and cried, but he was unwilling to give up, so he woke up again crying.You really don’t give up on your own son, but what’s the result?Zhu Wen did something very rare in ancient Chinese imperial politics. When he was alive and in a very normal state of mind, he actually wanted to pass the throne to his adopted son instead of his biological son who was related by blood., because he thinks that this Yang Zi can have a position in the army, and my regime may be able to continue through him.
Of course, his own son was dissatisfied, and finally killed Zhu Wen, and then his own son usurped the throne. But the result was exactly as Zhu Wen expected, and all his biological sons were really killed later.Zhu Wen himself was almost dug up, so you see, Zhu Wen is actually a sensible person on this issue. He understands that in today's troubled times, the most important goal of the emperor's succession is to ensure that IThe survival of the dynasty.As for whether the person inheriting the throne is his biological son in terms of medicine, biology, and genes, he didn't care so much in those troubled times. It was so pitiful.

Throughout the Five Dynasties period, as I mentioned earlier, there were a total of 14 emperors in those 53 years. They were succeeded by father and son.Either the crown prince was established or his father died, and the son took over normally. This happened three times in history.Let me calculate these three people for you. The first one is Li Conghou, Emperor of the Later Tang and Min Dynasties, and the second one is Liu Chengyou, the Emperor of the Later Han Dynasty. What are the results of these two people?Alas, it's quite a coincidence that the two of them were killed. Didn't you say that they were both killed when they were 20 years old?There is also the youngest third person. This is the emperor who became the emperor when Chai Zongxun was 7 years old at the construction site of the Later Zhou Dynasty. He was quickly usurped by Zhao Kuangyin. Although this emperor was very lucky, he did not die an unexpected death. Zhao Kuangyin did not kill him, but it was a coincidence., like the previous two living treasures, also died at the age of 20.

So you see, in this era, passing the throne to a biological son who has no force, although it is in line with the law, although it is in line with human feelings, but unfortunately it is not in line with reality. As long as you dare to do this, the success rate is too low.In the Five Dynasties period, the probability of success was 0. Do you think this transaction can still be done?So this is a basic political experience left over from the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.In the early years of the Song Dynasty, this political experience was still there. It is said that there was another public case in the history of the Song Dynasty. Whether it was true or not is currently controversial, but the story itself is quite interesting, called the Alliance of Gold and Gold.

It is said that the Empress Dowager Du, the biological mother of Song Taizu Song Taizong, called Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin before she died and asked his son, do you know how you got the world?Then Zhao Kuangyin knelt on the ground and said, Mom, of course it is the virtues of our ancestors.The old queen said, "Don't do this to me. What kind of virtues do you have from your ancestors?"Isn't it because you bullied the orphans and widowers of the Later Zhou Dynasty that you can sit in this emperor's seat?If the heir to the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty was an older person, not a 7-year-old baby, how could you be where you are today?Therefore, you will have to learn a lesson in the future. You cannot pass the throne to your son after your death.Who do you want to pass it on to?Pass it on to my other son, the older one. You have to pass it on to your brother Zhao Guangyi.Zhao Kuangyin said what you said makes sense. Since you think what Lao Sheng said makes sense, will you agree?You agreed, then you make a note. Let's put this note in a gold cabinet and keep it. This is called the fierceness of gold. This is a piece of historical data left over from the early years of the Song Dynasty. Of course it is controversial, but don't you think?This matter is reasonable. Later, when the government was handed over, we really faced such a choice.

When Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi took over Zhao Kuangyin's class, a rumor spread that Zhao Kuangyin was killed and Zhao Guangyi usurped the throne, the so-called Zhuying Fusheng.But this legend is also controversial in historical circles. Regardless of whether it is true or false, let’s step aside and see if it is reasonable according to normal political logic.When Taizu Zhao Kuangyin died, he left two sons. Zhao Dezhao was 25 years old and Zhao Defang was 17 years old. The two spearhead boys had no political or military experience. Do you want these two spearhead boys to inherit or let this timeZhao Guangyi, who already has an army team and has killed enemies on the battlefield, has political experience and continues to stand within the political logic of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. I am afraid the latter is a rational choice.

As a modern person, even if you go back in time and make decisions for the old Zhao family at that time, you may also feel that, well, the latter one may be more reliable.At this time, let’s go back and understand what we just said about Empress Dowager Li’s words to Lu Duan. To establish the fourth emperor, Chang Shun, and to find a new monarch who is older, more experienced, and more able to control the situation.It can better ensure the continuation of our dynasty.We can expand this topic a little further.In Chinese history, there are usually two models of full-scale inheritance. One is that after the father dies, the son will take over. If the father dies, the son will take over.So both of these modes exist, so what kind of situations do each apply to?How are they different?I saw such an analysis in Mr. Shi Zhan’s book called Pivot. He said that south of the Great Wall is the Central Plains Empire. The Central Plains Empire usually has fathers succeeding and sons succeeding. After the father dies, the son takes over. This isWhy?Because the rule of the Central Plains Empire was mainly accomplished by the bureaucracy, the ability of the monarch was not that important and came second.So the key to being a monarch is that you have to be legal, that is, there is a consensus from top to bottom in the entire bureaucracy.

Why do we recognize this emperor?Just because you are legal, for example, the eldest son inheritance system can ensure the stability of the order of the Central Plains Empire.This is the situation south of the Great Wall, but if you look north of the Great Wall, the grassland to the north has a completely different logic.The father dies, can the son succeed?No, if the father and son are more than 20 years apart, the father cannot guarantee that the son will be a mature military commander by this time, someone who can really hold a knife in his hand, right?It turns out that it is often his brothers who follow Korea on the grassland in south and north wars, and the most trusted generals are often these brothers.The so-called good luck among brothers is that after the elder brother dies, the younger brother will take over. This is the inheritance logic of the grassland.Why?In order to ensure the continuation of the force itself, you want to create a copycat, where a gangster brother and a group of brothers occupy the mountain and become king.We assume that this eldest brother had no problem with his prestige during his lifetime, and his brothers also admired him.Okay, now that the eldest brother is dead, can this eldest brother allow his son to inherit the position of the boss of the village?If you think about it, you will know that it will definitely not work, because if a copycat wants to survive, it must have a protective leader, so the most prestigious brother behind the eldest brother must succeed.

If the eldest brother was blinded by lard before he died and said in his heart that I have to pass on the throne to my child, then think about it, he will not only harm his brother, but also the copycat, and eventually his own son, youNeither son will live long.So when you look at power inheritance, the key is not the identity of the successor, but where does the legitimacy of power come from?If the legitimacy of power comes from the consensus of the entire system, then it is reasonable to follow the rules.If the legitimacy of power comes from force, then the ground level in the chest is more reasonable.With this background in mind, let’s understand the coup episode we’re talking about today. Do you have more understanding and sympathy for the thoughts and practices of that generation?

We have just talked about the first strange thing about this coup. Alas, there is actually a second strange thing about what you are doing, don’t you think?This coup was done very hastily.Yes, although there are many people involved, ranging from the Queen Mother to the eunuchs, including deputy prime ministers, and county magistrates who have taken charge of the county, you feel that all the participants are a little careless, haha.Throughout this drama, don’t forget that this drama is called a coup, right?The only violent act in a coup scene was Lu Duan. An old man in his 60s tremblingly took a lock and clicked it on the eunuch Wang Ji'en, and then went to the Queen Mother for comment. The whole conspiracy went bankrupt.

Then think about it, it may not be so easy for us Chinese to mediate disputes between neighbors and friends on the street.What are you doing?Do it?You are engaged in a business where you either succeed or die, and you are making such a fool of yourself.I have read this story over and over again, and I have a strong feeling that none of the parties involved thought it was a big deal. They even thought it was an ordinary policy suggestion. Let's discuss it and change the emperor.Okay, let's discuss calling Lu Duan over to discuss things together.Lu Duan disagreed, disagreed.Forget it, let’s not change it. It just feels like this. This is a very strange political atmosphere. Why is it like this?Hey, I think the answer to this question still has to be found within the political context of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

Let me tell you the answer first. The imperial power during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period is actually different from the imperial power we understand. It is not a complete imperial power.Why do you say that?If you look at the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, when you see the man sitting on the throne, he is also an emperor. He also wears a dragon robe. He is also called a lonely Taoist widow, and he also kills whoever he says will be killed.But I'm sorry, the legitimacy of these emperors in the Five Dynasties had only one basis, and that was force.There was a famous saying at that time: The emperor has a strong army, and a strong horse is in danger. Whoever has thick arms and big fists will be the emperor.We now feel that there is no problem with this logic. The one with the big fist is the elder brother, and the one with the gun is the grass-headed king. Isn’t that what the so-called emperor is like?No.

China's emperor system is a very unique monarchy system, which is different from the emperors of ancient Rome, the kings of medieval Europe, and the pharaohs of Egypt.But the topic of the particularity of Chinese imperial power is too big. We will find an opportunity to talk to you specifically about this matter in the future.I will just briefly say here that although China's imperial power is based on violence, this is not to say anything, it is based on violence, but if a Chinese emperor wants to be stable, he must have all aspects of legitimacy.For example, you must have a long historical tradition, you must be able to bring benefits to the current people, and you must be able to promise a peaceful vision for the future. The elite within you must be convinced by you, and even the surrounding barbarians who are not under your control must be convinced.To be convinced by you, you must have blessings from the gods from heaven and earth, and you yourself must be a moral benchmark like a sage.To put it bluntly, the emperor of China is both a king on earth and a god in heaven. He must also be a saint in people’s spiritual world. You must be integrated into one, and you are the emperor of China.Hey, what if you can't do it?You said there is no such person in the world, right?But you have to pretend. Anyway, the Chinese emperor has to meet this series of standards on the surface. We can compare the yellow dog to a ship on the sea. What are these conditions?It is your hairs and cables that can hook the seabed. The more hairs you have, the more complete the legitimacy will be, and the more stable the imperial power will be.

Okay, let’s go back to the reality of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. The emperors of Liang, Tang, Jin, Han, and Zhou only had force in their hands. Of course they had the power on the surface, but in fact the imperial power was precarious, just like in the dark night.On the sea, dust is floating in the waves in a Category 12 typhoon.Why?Because such a big ship only has the spear of force, it cannot hook the bottom of the sea, and it is too dangerous.

Why were the dynasties of the Five Dynasties and Ten Ancient Periods so short?53 years, 8 surnames, 14 emperors, why?It's because all the power in society looks at them emperors a bit like ordinary people watching gangsters fighting on the street. You are fighting, but I can't beat you, right?Whoever of you is more powerful and kills the previous gangster can continue to collect protection fees on this street.We also pay, but everyone just pays to watch the show and doesn't come forward to help, so as not to get blood all over themselves.

What does your gangster fights with me, ordinary people, ordinary civil servants and officials, have to do with me?Therefore, a very strange political ethics was formed during the ancient Ten Kingdoms period, which is completely different from our understanding of ancient Chinese history.There is a saying in the history of the Song Dynasty that people in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period were called ministers, and those who were mediocre were ministers. They treated the emperor like a human being treated his employer. Their mentality was like this. I will try to describe it,I just work part-time, right?Your emperor is a landlord, and I am a long-term worker. Why are there conflicts within your family?What does fighting and killing have to do with me?I am here to work and earn money. My craftsmanship and my work are worthy of my conscience. Isn’t that okay?Listen, does this set of moral standards sound familiar?Hehe, yes, this is the moral standard of professional managers in our contemporary joint-stock companies.

Like I'm a hired CEO and executive, right?I don't care what kind of chaos you have in the board of directors, I don't care if you make a mess, as long as you can produce legal board resolutions, as long as you still pay me my annual salary, I have done my job well, I take care of customers, employees, and produce products., complete sales, and manage the company's brand and my personal reputation, wouldn't it be enough?If this company is really determined to die by your board of directors, and it fails in the future, it would be fine for me to work on my own, and I can continue to work for another company.

You must know that this kind of ethics and this kind of mentality are not only from the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, but also from the civil servants and officials in the early years of the Song Dynasty. Everyone had a similar mentality.Let me give you an example. We have just mentioned that just 21 years ago, Song Taizong succeeded Song Taizu to the throne. Then it became suspicious that there was a legend about Zhu Ying's assistant?This legend was whispered among the government and the public at that time, and it had spread to a small area. Everyone said, huh.Zhao Kuangyin was probably killed by his younger brother when he was seriously ill, and it was later proven that the two sons left by Song Taizu, Zhao Dezhao and Zhao Defang, whom we mentioned earlier, also died in strange ways. Everyone said that they might have killed the current emperor.Kill him.

Faced with such rumors and such a human tragedy, is there anyone in the civil and military circles who can stand up and speak out?No, it's none of my business. I'm a CEO and a senior executive. I treat the military like mediocrity. How can I be in charge of their family as a servant?So hundreds of years later, in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, there was a great thinker named Wang Fu's mother. In this Song Dynasty treatise, he became very angry when he talked about this matter. He said that when you ministers come, some are called steel, and some are called steel.In another year, some are called Founders, bah, Wang copied the paragraph where he named everyone one by one. You can really feel it from his words. He hates talking about you people. Alas, in the face of such a tragedy,No matter how you all bow your head and talk, and let him imitate his appearance, I dare to think of the first emperor who founded the country. How can you people keep your heads down, keep your mouths shut, and let Emperor Taizong do cruel things for your own selfish interests?.You also don’t miss the kindness that the founding emperor Zhao Kuangyin was to you.

These sentences in the Ode and the Song Dynasty, today we do not have the moral anger of Wang Euzhi's generation. We can calmly speculate on what Staff was thinking at that time, right?Doctor Shi may have thought so. The lights of swords and shadows in the palace, the red walls, green tiles and black eagle ditches, aren't they the business of your royal family?Is it about the board of directors?We don't care, we professional managers can just do our own thing well.This is slightly different from the mentality of the scholar-bureaucrats during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period that I just mentioned.

Okay, now that we understand the political logic of the Five Dynasties and the Song Dynasty, let’s look at the little story we told today, which is the farce coup that happened when Emperor Zhenzong succeeded to the throne. We will know why he acted as carelessly as child’s play.In a word, the Taihu and the eunuch thought, well, this is a family matter.Civil servants and officials think, well, that’s your family’s business, haha.Let's first look at Queen Mother Li and the eunuch Wang Jien. These two people may not have any evil intentions. Maybe their starting point is quite good. They are really just for the good of the old Zhao family.The starting point for this, as we explained before, is to replace the new emperor with an older one who has more control over the country, which will increase the survival probability of our Song Dynasty.

In fact, we might as well imagine the Song Dynasty as a large family in the countryside in ancient times. When the old rich man and the old master were still there, the old master had the final say, his wife was obedient, and the old slaves were also obedient.When the old master was dying, he said, "I won't live long, and I will let our youngest son take charge of the family. I have trained him for many years, and I have officially announced it. Everyone on the left and right knows that there is no problem. Everyone listens."Is the old master here?But the old master died on the front foot, because everyone felt that the war was a bit chaotic. Alas, whether he listened or not, it depends on the situation.We Chinese have a saying, right?Life is about to go on, and the living cannot be kidnapped by the dead, so Taizong died on the front foot and his wife on the back foot. At this time, the Queen Mother wanted to replace hundreds of people according to her understanding of the country's situation.His reasons are very good. I have no personal interests, and I am not replacing my biological son. I am doing it for the good of the country.At this time, the servant in the family was the eunuch Wang Jien, who had served the old master for two generations. He had made great achievements in establishing the country, and he felt that his words had weight in the family.Well, the old queen mother has the right idea, Sui Sheng agrees.

Then, the Queen Mother, you are very thoughtful. If I think you are justified in doing so, then the Queen Mother will feel even more justified, right?I made up this scene, but if you think about it, might it make sense?I would like to make a little comment here, that is, although eunuchs are the emperor's domestic slaves in terms of status, if they have enough qualifications, they will have status in the palace.For example, during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Gao Lishi, the son, daughter, and son-in-law of Emperor Xuanzong all had to address him as Weng or Ye. This is an honorific title.Regardless of the royal family, when you meet a great eunuch, you should be given the honorific title.

There is also Empress Dowager Cixi's eunuch Li Lianying. Emperor Guangxu had to call him Li Anda, which means master in Manchu. The emperor called the eunuch master, right?This has status, and you will understand why Wang Ji'en, a eunuch, was so enthusiastic about changing the emperor. He may really feel that he has the responsibility and strength to worry about the future of this family.

So you see, when the change of emperor is not a state matter, but a family matter, is it easier to understand the behavior of Queen Mother Li and Wang Ji'en?Next, let’s look at the following scholar-bureaucrats, that is, the deputy prime ministers involved in the coup conspiracy. It is Li Changling and Hu Dan, the secretary of Zhongshu Province.Judging from historical records, what kind of person was Li Changling? He had a cowardly personality and didn't talk much at ordinary times.Hu Dan was born in the imperial examination and had a very popular literary personality. He had been working as a secretary in the imperial court and had no political experience in writing articles. You said there are only two people with such two personalities. Why would he participate in the coup?It is easy to explain based on the reasoning we mentioned earlier. It is very likely that the Queen Mother and Wang Ji'en have already pinched their bones and made a decision. Then they came to them. We want to change the idea of ​​​​the Emperor. What do you two think?ah?What's your opinion?The old lady, the old housekeeper, and the housekeeper had already discussed something, but they still had the nerve to discuss it with me, the eldest aunt. Why should I object?I can only express my position and let the old lady decide everything.I guess this is how Li Changling and Hu Dan got on the pirate ship.

This can also be seen from the aftermath of the coup. You see, one of the people involved in these coups was Li Changling. Although he participated in the rebellion and the coup, that is, he was demoted, he later worked in the central government and was still a local official.After several other officials, the eunuch Wang Ji'en was demoted after the incident. He was demoted to an official position and was placed in Junzhou, which is today's Danjiangkou in Hubei Province. He later died there.

Although the first-class secretary Hu Dan we just talked about was demoted, due to poor health, Hu Dan later lost his eyesight and could not see, so he retired normally.As for the Queen Mother Li, nothing happened. She was still her Queen Mother, and Song Zhenzong respected her very much.Then do you think this processing result can be the processing result of the coup answer and the conspiracy answer?You don’t care whether this kind of thing happened in the Han and Tang Dynasties before, or in the Ming and Qing Dynasties later. Hey, if the emperor changes, hey, once you fail, you will definitely wipe out the roots and kill a lot of people, right?Although some people explain that this is because Song Zhenzong is a magnanimous person, which may be a factor, but don't you think so?This was an abortive coup. This matter may not have been so morally appalling at the time, so we could pick it up high and put it down gently.Therefore, even with Song Zhenzong's magnanimity, behind this was actually the deep helplessness of the incomplete and broken imperial power at that time.You see, it has been 1000 AD this year, three years since Xianping, 40 years since its founding, and 40 years of repairs to the imperial power. The cracks in the imperial power are still clearly visible.

We just spent some time observing the mentality of each character in this coup. Once you understand these mentality and background, you can see it.Lu Duan, the old prime minister, Lu Duan, the old prime minister Lu Duan, who is over 60 years old, stepped forward at this time. How amazing and iconic it is.What did he do?He just locked Wang Ji'en with one hand, stopped Queen Mother Li with one hand, and sent Song Zhenzong to the stage with the other hand.This series of actions actually represents the entire class of scholars and officials announcing that we are back and we have to take care of some things.

If you think about it for more than a hundred years, Song Zhenzong was the first emperor to be officially canonized as a prince in more than a hundred years, and he was a real emperor with complete legitimacy.What he calls complete legitimacy is that it is not a matter for the old Zhao family, nor can it be decided by a few people in the harem.Who will be the emperor?This is related to political rules, Chinese orthodoxy, the support of the people, and the prosperity of the Song Dynasty, including the emperor, scholar-bureaucrats, and all ordinary people in the 40 years since its founding.So I have repeatedly warned, I am the prime minister, I am a scholar-bureaucrat, I should take care of it, and I must take care of it.Then may I ask why Lu Duan can stand up?Is it because he has a particularly strong personality?I don’t think so. What we are telling today is not a story about a man who has repeatedly turned the tide on his own.

You think, after all, it has been 40 years since the founding of the Song Dynasty. During these 40 years, the collective sense of responsibility of the wealthy scholars has grown, the political structure of the central government has been optimized, the status of generals has irreversibly declined, and the conditions that support the smooth transfer of imperial power have matured.Therefore, the reason why Lu Duan dared to stand up was a result of the social evolution in the past 40 years. His coming forward was just a sign that the nature of the emperor's role in the jade work had changed.The emperor is no longer just the leader of the armed forces, but the representative of the highest power recognized by the social elite in accordance with laws and rules.

With this stand, the political logic and historical shadow of the troubled Five Dynasties finally faded away, and a new era finally began.This year is 1000 AD, the third year of Xianping in the Song Dynasty. In April of this year, Prime Minister Lu Duan trend completed this huge change.His death is recorded in history with nothing but a line of small characters, but behind this line of small characters is the still and deep flow of history.

Having said this, I don’t know if you have noticed something, that is, we, the descendants who stayed out of the situation, actually see the problem from a different perspective than the ancients who were involved in it.We descendants have an advantage. We see things more comprehensively. We can have a God's perspective on the causes and consequences, and the evolution of the pattern. However, the perspective of us descendants actually has a flaw.This flaw is quite serious, that is, we can easily ignore the feelings of the person involved.For example, it is difficult for us to understand what the person involved is afraid of?We don’t know the historical baggage of the parties involved, especially the spiritual baggage in history. We don’t know what excessive expectations they have for the future, which are delusions. We don’t know why they are hesitant at the moment of decision-making.To put it bluntly, we don't understand their feelings.

As we talked about in this episode, it has been 40 years since the founding of the Song Dynasty, but the historical shadow of the Five Dynasties still weighs heavily on the hearts of the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty.Alas, if we cannot see these words, in fact we cannot understand that period of history, especially the people in that period of history.Speaking of which, I especially want to make a digression. There is a novel called Tender Is the Night by American writer Faith Girard. There is a passage in it that really touched me when I read it. I want to read it to you.This passage is about the most brutal Battle of Verdun in Europe during World War I.We all know that the Battle of Verdun was known as the Meat Grinder of Verdun. It lasted for 10 months and resulted in more than 1 million casualties on both sides.Then Faith Hillard said that such a battle would never be repeated again, not for a long time.This kind of war requires faith, the wealth and security accumulated over the years, and certain and clear relationships between classes.You must have emotional roots that are older than you can remember and that make you wholehearted.You must remember the postcards sent to the Crown Prince and his fiancée at Christmas, but also the little cafés in Valence, the beer halls on Unter den Linden in Berlin, and the weddings in the town hall.I remember going to Derby to watch the horse racing meeting, and the beard on my grandfather’s lips. This is a battle of love.After a century of bourgeois love was consumed, my entire beautiful and safe world was blown to pieces in front of me and turned into nothing with the strong wind brought by this explosion.

This passage is just right. You can imagine that a cruel battle like Verdun was fought so fiercely, and so many people on both sides died, but they still persisted and still thought that I still had hope of winning. Why?Is it because of the power of emotion?This power is actually greater than the power of guns and cannons visible on the battlefield.Both sides feel that we are controversial, powerful, and capable of winning. But what is behind this confidence?It is a sense of belief accumulated over a long period of time and a large number of warm stories.So if we cannot understand the spiritual world and emotional stories of that generation, we actually cannot understand why that generation does what they do and why they think that way.

Our civilized program is to follow the historical years and talk about them year by year. This gives our program an opportunity to follow the footsteps of the ancients, their fears, their love, theirHesitation, their entanglement, even though we, as descendants, are following behind, we can't help much.But we can invoke an understanding of empathy and empathize with their inner challenges, problems, and limitations.Only in this way can we have a deeper understanding of human nature, China, the world, and history.This is just like what one of my favorite American scholars, Sewell, said. He said that understanding human limitations is the beginning of wisdom.Understanding the limitations of human beings is the beginning of wisdom. By the way, let this sentence be too short for our long civilization program. We will continue to talk about it in the next issue.

Luo Zhenyu civilization journey

Luo Zhenyu civilization journey

Total 913 Episodes Feb 28, 2024 C-Drama Docu/Hist