My Journey to You

《My Journey to You》

My Journey to You
  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 24 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    Sep 02, 2023
  • Genre:
  • Actor:
  • Update:
    It will be broadcast on iQiyi on September 2, 2023, and the finale will be on September 21, 2023.
  • Synopsis:
    This drama tells the story of the growth of the rebellious young master Gong Ziyu (played by Zhang Linghe) and the spy Yun Weishan (played by Yu Shuxin) who longs for freedom. He l ...

《My Journey to You》 Summ

This drama tells the story of the growth of the rebellious young master Gong Ziyu (played by Zhang Linghe) and the spy Yun Weishan (played by Yu Shuxin) who longs for freedom. He lost his father and brother overnight and was appointed to become the head of the family when he was in danger. However, when he gained freedom andGet rocking back and forth in love.

In the face of danger, he was appointed to become the head of the family, but he discovered that there were actually dangers around him.Next to Gong Ziyu, she is an undercover agent, but she can't help but fall in love with Gong Ziyu. She longs for freedom and love, and is hesitant between the two parties.

Guo Jingming, the original author and screenwriter-director of 《My Journey to You-, is also a highlight of the work. After all, his aesthetics is outstanding, whether it is the movie》Little Times《series or the film and television drama》Fantasy City--It can be called a feast of appearance.Previously, a Reuters photo of Guo Jingming visiting Yang Mi appeared on the Internet, and now it seems that it is also creating a wave of enthusiasm for the launch of the new drama.

Guo Jingming personally directed a feature-length TV series for the first time, bringing a gorgeous and treacherous new Jianghu and the visual imagination space of a martial arts drama, presenting a coquettish and magnificent audio-visual feast. The drama is adapted from an anime story and stars Yu Shuxin and Zhang Linghe. This time it is also highly anticipated., because her acting skills are top-notch.

The plot is also very attractive. Most of the characters played by Yu Shuxin have always been idiotic and beautiful characters, but this time she is an undercover agent.In everyone's impression, undercover agents are thoughtful, resolute and decisive people. I wonder if Yu Shuxin will surprise us this time.

《My Journey to You》Cast

《My Journey to You》Character Info

《My Journey to You》Stills

《My Journey to You》Ep Summ

《My Journey to You》Highlights

《My Journey to You》Finale

Gong Ziyu and Gong Shangjiao teamed up and used Shangguan Qian and Yun Weishan to pass false news to Wu Feng's people, successfully setting a trap.On the day of Gong Ziyu's wedding and taking over the sword, Wu Feng assassins broke into the palace gate in an attempt to seize Wuliang Liuhuo and destroy the palace gate.In this battle, Mr. Hua, Mr. Xue, Elder Hua and others all died heroically, and Jin Fan almost died in the battle, but in the end Gong Ziyu and Yun Weishan teamed up to defeat Gong Huanyu and eliminated the threat of boundless flowing fire.12

Shangguan Qian took away Wuliang Liuhuo in the chaos, but was eventually intercepted by Gong Shangjiao.Shangguan Qian revealed that she was pregnant with Gong Shangjiao's flesh and blood, which allowed her to leave the palace.Although Shangguan Qian chose to retire, she did not know that once the Infinite Flowing Fire was activated, the activator himself would also die. This was something Gong Huanyu once mentioned.In addition, Shangguan Qian didn't know that activating the infinite flow of fire also required the secret words behind the sword. If she left the palace gate, she would definitely be attacked by Wu Feng.

Mr. Yue helped Gong Ziyu in the battle, but ended up alone because his beloved woman Yunque was killed by Wu Feng.Yun Weishan betrayed Wu Feng and teamed up with Gongzi Yuli to eliminate Wu Feng's four kings. However, her fate is unclear in the end and she may be executed by Wu Feng or continue to be threatened.

Jin Fan and Gong Zishang are the only happy couple in the ending. They experienced life and death and finally came together.

《My Journey to You》Airtime

Starting from September 2, one episode will be updated every day at 19:00 for VIP members (3 episodes for VIP members on the first day, and 2 episodes for VIP members at 19:00 on September 6 and September 13).


《My Journey to You》Episodes 1-3 Update time: September 2, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 4 Update time: September 3, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 5 Update time: September 4, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 6 Update time: September 5, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episodes 7-8 Update time: September 6, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 9 Update time: September 7, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 10 Update time: September 8, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 11 Update time: September 9, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 12 Update time: September 10, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 13 Update time: September 11, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 14 Update time: September 12, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episodes 15-16 Update time: September 13, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 17 Update time: September 14, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 18 Update time: September 15, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 19 Update time: September 16, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 20 Update time: September 17, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 21 Update time: September 18, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 22 Update time: September 19, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 23 Update time: September 20, 2023

《My Journey to You》Episode 24 Update time: September 21, 2023

《My Journey to You》Songs

歌曲名 Lyricist Composer Perf Notes
  • 云之羽 Gu Xiaosheng Li Jin Zhang Jie Ending song

《My Journey to You》Taglines

1. “Do you know me well?”

2. It’s dark, I’ll take you away.

3. The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, full of demons and monsters.

4. Clothes are not as good as new, and people are not as good as old.

5. Monsters and monsters only belong to winter.

6. What I want most is freedom.

7. I only hope that my sweetheart can understand the lamp in his hand.

8. Ayun, do you like me?dislike

9. He doesn’t love me, Gong Shangjiao only loves himself.

10. The flower language of azalea is: I only belong to you

11. What did Gong Shangjiao give you? Can I give it to you?

12. No, because I like Mr. Gong Er

13. What is the use of a meticulous work, even if it is sincere?

14. Everything has a price, and when there is a price, there is a sacrifice.

15. I won’t let you down, see you tomorrow.

16. It is better to make others afraid than to be afraid of others.

17. I and I are both prosperous and destructive.

18. Sometimes, not answering is already an answer.

19. Plants and trees are in the forest, and water is hidden in the sea. They are indeed smart.

20. Nothing is wasted as long as it is given to you.

21. Ayun, as long as you want, I can set you free.

22. I hope you know how to measure yourself, how to advance and retreat, and how to stay away from right and wrong.

23. Sometimes, no answer is also an answer.

24. I call clouds a shirt, clouds of clouds, and clothes of clothes.

25. The most thrilling thing is to use the human heart as a battlefield.

26. What’s wrong with women? I’m the one who wants to revive the Shang Palace.

27. Sometimes retreat is more effective than pressing forward step by step.

28. My body is like a skylark, with the wings of the breeze; my heart is like a rock, buried deep in the forest.

29. No matter how difficult it is, you must make the right decision.

30. In fact, parents’ care is like the rain on a spring night, which moistens things silently.

31. Only feelings cannot be explained or explained, and cannot be forced.

32. There is heavy frost and dew on winter nights. If you walk too much at night, your shoes will naturally get wet.

33. If he stays for a long time, he will fly high. I hope he will live up to the name of holding the sword.

34. Only feelings cannot be explained or explained, and cannot be forced.

35. No outsider is allowed to trample on every drop of blood of the Gongmen clan members.

36. Where can I send my black hair? I sigh that I have no clothes.I don’t envy the world, only the clouds know the feathers.

37. Wear clouds as shirts and walk through the wind. White feathers remain motionless. We meet each other and see each other off.

38. Where can I send my black hair? I sigh that I have no clothes. I don’t envy the sun and moon. Only the clouds know the feathers.

39. All the gods are above, Yun Weishan swears by his life that he will never let him down in this life.

40. No matter what happens in the future, I will never let you leave.

41. Looking at the clouds, the feathers are fluttering.The palace wall is heavy and heavy, and it will be hard for the rest of my life.

42. If you are not completely sure, don’t act rashly, let alone trust others.

43. You are not allowed to call me expedition brother. Only my brother can call me brother.

44. There is no love without reason in this world, but there is hatred without reason.

45. “Bitter or not?”“It’s not bitter”“I won’t let you suffer in the future”

46. ​​The tip of the sword of the Gong clan never points inwards, but only outwards.

47. I belong to the sunset, but you may be able to wait until the sunrise that belongs to you.

48. Sir, I lied. I had delusions and selfish motives towards you.

49. No matter the front or the palace gate, to me, it is a place with high walls.

50. The adults have great ambitions, but the villains are really tired after being trapped in a cage for a long time.

51. The innocent heart is exposed to the summer and cold, the red blood, tears and sweat hide the rain and drought, the heart of the sword is the foundation of tenderness.

52. The last world in my eyes is the gorgeous sunset and clothes made of clouds.

53. You practice these hard so that one day you can say no to others.

54. Many people are not afraid of death, that’s because life is much scarier than death.

55. “They are all... quite beautiful, each has its own beauty”“ and each has its own danger”

56. Everyone is in your chess game. Everyone is just a pawn.

57. I let you go because there is still a way to choose in front of you, but I don’t have any.

58. Probably because wounds can scab, but sadness and sadness can never heal.

59. I just hope that Miss Yun will not disappoint Zhi Ren in the future. He is a very stupid and good person.

60. I want to make this room brighter so that I can see you more clearly.

61. A person who yearns for freedom falls in love with a person who can never leave the palace gate for the rest of his life.

62. Brother Yuanzheng is good at reading Mr. Gong Er’s mind, while Mr. Jiao is good at torturing people’s hearts.

63. There are flocks of birds and lone eagles in the sky. Our questions do not exist for us, nor do we exist together.

64. They clearly know that there are hunters in the dark forest, but they can never fly to the light.

65. I can’t live according to my own wishes, but I can at least die according to my own wishes.

66. “Do we have it?”“What?”“Qing, you asked me to be merciful, but is there any between us?”

67. In order to match your first-class bodyguard, Gong Ziyu, you must also be a first-class sword wielder.

68. Happiness and prestige in the world can be shared and displayed, but pain and secrets cannot be told.

69. I am not afraid of death. What I am afraid of is that my beloved will die because of me.The beginning of love is a little bit in the heart.

70. I am Mei, one level higher than you. In Wufeng, if I am half a level higher, I can crush people to death. You must have heard this saying.

71. “Master Zhibian, isn’t he afraid of the cold? Why do you want to give it to Ayun” for the thousand-year-old ice from our cold palace?

72. People often say that laurel is both dangerous and charming, representing deception, but in fact, the flower meaning of laurel also represents victory.

73. Bleeding can tell others that your body is hurt; and crying can tell others that your heart is hurt.

74. There is no high wall in this world that can stop the sun from rising.As long as you are willing to wait, you can wait.

75. In this world, as long as there is someone you love, you dare not. If you want to have no weaknesses, you must love no one.

76. Wipe your face clean. The most important thing for a girl is to be clean, with a clean family background, clean face, and clean hands and feet.

77. One glance at each other under the city tower confirmed that it was you. One glance instantly forgot the world and the earth, and I have no regrets and will never give up in this world.

78. You can be Wu Feng, or you can be Yun Weishan from Lixi Town, but you are the most important person in my heart.

78. If one day you can leave here, you must run forward firmly, use all your strength, and never look back or stop.

80. People say that dreams are reversed. The more beautiful the dream, the sadder it will be when you wake up, because the reason why it is a dream means that you cannot get it or have lost it.

81. I make medicine and refining poisons, and dig herbs all year round. Whenever I dig out the dark and moist soil and see the roots of the big trees, I seem to see his heart.

82. Will “ always choose me firmly?”“I will definitely choose you, no matter in the past, present or future, my choice will not change”

83. I have many things to say, and I want to tell you right away that I can’t open this door now. There is no lock on the door, but I know in my heart that you have the key.

84. I want to live like an ordinary family, doing laundry and cooking porridge for my loved one, lighting a lamp and keeping a fire in a secluded corner of the snow-covered mountains, and living a life together without being disturbed.

85. A person only has one life, and he should live the way he likes. A skylark should crow in the valley, listen to the sound of rain, and smell the fragrance of flowers, instead of singing joyfully in an iron cage.

86. The same goes for growing flowers. So what should you say about flowers?“”Praise her for being beautiful, praise her for being sensible, praise her for being well-behaved, praise her for being considerate, praise her for her eyes like stars“”Do flowers also have eyes?“”I didn’t say anything about flowers%

87. The Gong family is sparse and not very prosperous, so maintaining the bloodline has become their highest consensus. Whether the bride is healthy and whether she can provide heirs for the Gong family is more important than beauty and family background in the eyes of the Gong family.important.

88. It is not their intention to force us to grow up. They just hope that before they pass away, we can learn more things and be able to safely stand in this world. Why don't they hope that we will always be children?

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