《Inside No. 9 Season 2》Ep Intro

Among the bright stars of British TV dramas, there is a new star that has attracted the attention of countless viewers with its unique dark humor and profound social insights.It is the second season of Secret No. 9, directed by Guillermo Morales and written and starred by Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith.This work launched by the BBC not only continues the high level of the first season, but also shows a new look in the storyline and character creation.

《Secret No. 9》The second season has a unique narrative method. Each episode has a story and each episode is an independent unit, allowing the audience to experience different emotional impact and depth of thinking in each episode.This structure is similar to that of Black Mirror, but Secret No. 9 focuses more on the discussion and satire of human nature, revealing all the absurdities and darkness in society in the form of comedy.

The plot of the play is rich and colorful, including absurd and surreal plots, as well as realistic fragments that deeply analyze real life.Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith, as screenwriters and starring actors, showed their outstanding talents and superb acting skills.Not only are they deeply rooted in the characters' creation, but they also cleverly combine comedy elements with dark elements in the design of the storyline, making the audience feel deeply shocked while laughing.

It is worth mentioning that the second season of "Secret No. 9" also has a unique arrangement in broadcast time.The play was broadcast from March to April 2015, which happened to be the transition period from spring to summer.This timing is not only in line with the dark comedy style of the show, but also allows the audience to enjoy the warm spring sun while feeling the slightest chill brought by the show.

Six new stories, six different worlds, and six independent units, all revolve around the complexities and contradictions of human nature.《Secret No. 9》The second season has successfully attracted the attention and love of a large number of viewers with its unique charm and depth.It is not only an excellent TV series, but also a work of art that can make people think deeply.

《Inside No. 9 Season 2》E1Plot

sleeper berth

On a dark and windy night, on a speeding train, the sleeper car should be a peaceful place to rest.However, for a doctor preparing for an important interview, it was a sleepless night full of twists and turns.

Xiao Li, a young and promising doctor, finally got the opportunity to interview for the position he has long dreamed of after one and a half years of hard work and unremitting preparation.In order to meet this challenge in the best condition, he boarded the train to the interview location in advance, intending to recharge his batteries in the sleeper car to ensure that he could face the judges with full energy the next morning.

However, fate did not seem to favor this hard-working doctor.In the carriage, a group of passengers of all kinds broke the tranquility of the night.A drunken drunkard made a loud noise and confided his unhappiness to no one else; a couple preparing to attend their daughter's wedding kept whispering and exchanging the details of the wedding because of nervousness and anticipation; a wandering girl traveling around the world, with curiosityHe looked at everyone in the carriage with his eyes, exclaiming exclamations and questions from time to time.To make matters worse, there is an unknown friend who keeps disturbing the doctor and trying to have meaningless chats with him.

These disturbances made it impossible for Xiao Li to sleep peacefully. He tossed and turned, feeling anxious.He understands that if he cannot take a good rest, tomorrow's interview will be seriously affected.However, no matter how hard he tried to adjust his mentality, the noise around him always lingered.

sleeper berth

Just when Xiao Li was almost desperate, a burst of frightened screams suddenly broke out in the carriage.Everyone woke up from their sleep and saw a body falling on the bed opposite!This sudden change plunged the entire carriage into chaos and panic.

Xiao Li was also frightened by this scene and his heart beat faster, but he quickly calmed down.As a doctor, he knows the importance of staying calm in such situations.He quickly observed the condition of the body and tried to communicate with other passengers to understand what happened.

After some investigation, Xiao Li discovered that the body turned out to be a passenger who had interacted with them in the carriage before.What shocked him even more was that the cause of death of this passenger seemed to be inextricably linked to other passengers in the carriage.

Faced with this bizarre incident, Xiao Li decided to temporarily put aside his personal troubles and anxieties and work with other passengers to uncover the truth of the incident.They began to recall all the previous details and look for clues and evidence.

After some efforts, they finally discovered the truth hidden behind the incident.It turned out that the deceased had different entanglements and grievances with other passengers in the carriage during his lifetime, and these entanglements eventually led to his unfortunate death.

《Inside No. 9 Season 2》E2Plot

Christine's 12 Days

On that brightly lit night, Christine attended a grand masquerade party.Wearing an elegant evening dress and an exquisite mask, she shuttled among the crowd, enjoying this night full of mystery and surprise.Just when she felt a little tired and was about to find a place to rest, a man dressed as a firefighter walked into her sight.

He is tall and straight, with firm and gentle eyes, as if he is a real hero.Kristine was deeply attracted to him and took the initiative to talk to him.The two chatted happily, as if their souls had known each other for a long time.After the dance, they exchanged contact information and agreed to meet again.

As time goes by, their feelings gradually heat up.The bravery and kindness of her firefighter boyfriend made Kristen feel extremely at ease, and Kristen's tenderness and thoughtfulness also made him feel full of happiness.They started talking about marriage and planning their future life.Soon after, they welcomed the fruit of their love and a lovely child was born.

However, life is not always easy.Christine's roommate passed away suddenly, leaving her feeling extremely sad and lost.Then, her father also died of illness, which hit her again.During this time, Kristen's heart became extremely heavy, and she began to doubt her abilities and worth.

Christine's 12 Days

Just when she needed support and love the most, her husband neglected her due to work pressure and trivial matters in life.Their relationship became strained, with quarrels and cold wars becoming a common occurrence.Eventually, after a heated argument, they decided to divorce.

After the divorce, Christine felt exhausted. Not only did she have to raise her children alone, she also had to face various challenges in life.However, fate did not seem to have completely abandoned her.By chance, her child was injured in an accident and needed emergency surgery.At this critical moment, her ex-husband stood up and without hesitation chose to support Christine and face this difficulty together.

After this incident, the relationship between Christine and her ex-husband has eased.They began to re-examine each other's feelings and marriage, and realized the importance of each other in each other's hearts.They decided to put aside their past conflicts and misunderstandings and come together again to face the challenges of the future together.

Although Christine's life was full of twists and turns, she always remained optimistic and strong.She believes that as long as she has love in her heart and has the courage to face difficulties, she will be able to overcome everything.Now, she and her ex-husband have reconciled, and their children are growing up healthily under their care.Kristen was deeply moved. She knew that she had experienced many hardships, but she had also gained more growth and happiness.

《Inside No. 9 Season 2》E3Plot

The trial of I. Guy

In the long river of history, countless stories have been drowned by the torrent of time. However, some cases will always be remembered for their uniqueness and cruelty.Among them, the trial of Elizabeth Gage is a heartbreaking example, which reveals the dark side of human nature and the deep fear and misunderstanding of witches in society at that time.

This case took place in a remote village, where people live a simple life and have firm beliefs.Elizabeth Gazzi, an ordinary rural woman, became the target of public criticism because of a family dispute.Her son and daughter-in-law, a young couple, in order to occupy the property in her name, complained to the village leaders, claiming that Elizabeth was a witch and that she used evil witchcraft to threaten their lives and safety.

In that era, witches were considered a symbol of evil. They were believed to be able to use magic to control others and cause disasters.So when the young couple's accusations reached the village chief's ears, he took immediate action.The village chief did not conduct an in-depth investigation or listen to Elizabeth's defense. Instead, he directly called the most prestigious witch judge in the village to prepare for Elizabeth's trial.

The trial of I. Guy

The trial process was full of absurdity and cruelty.The witch judges used various ridiculous methods to test Elizabeth's guilt, such as making her drink the so-called “Water of Truth”, or letting her walk on a fire.Of course, Elizabeth could not pass these ridiculous tests, so she was judged as a witch and faced the threat of capital punishment.

Elizabeth's story caused panic and anger among the villagers.They began to distance themselves from her, and some even tried to harm her physically.Elizabeth's life was in dire straits. She could not defend herself or escape this absurd accusation.

Fortunately, the case eventually came to the attention of higher-level officials.They conducted an in-depth investigation and found that the young couple's accusations were entirely based on personal interests and had no factual basis.Elizabeth was acquitted and her reputation restored.

However, the Elizabeth Gazzi trial leaves us with more than just a story of personal grudges and family strife.It is also a reflection on social prejudice, blind obedience to beliefs and human nature.In that era, people's fear and misunderstanding of witches led to the victimization of countless innocent people.Today, should we also reflect on our own beliefs and concepts to avoid harming others due to prejudice and blindness?

《Inside No. 9 Season 2》E4Plot

cold comfort

In a bustling city, Andy found his new job at “Helpline”.This hotline aims to provide comfort and answers to those who are experiencing confusion, pain or doubts in their lives.At first, Andy was full of expectations for this job. He hoped that through his efforts, he could bring a little warmth and strength to those in need.

However, as time passed, Andy began to feel the weight of the job.After receiving several phone calls, he experienced huge emotional fluctuations, from depression to self-blame to anger.

On the first call I received, a bereaved woman burst into tears on the other end of the phone.Andy tried his best to comfort her, trying to ease her pain with warm words.However, the woman's sadness was like a huge torrent, making Andy feel powerless.He felt that his words of comfort seemed so feeble and unable to truly touch the pain in the lady's heart.

During the next phone call, Andy encountered more and more various problems.Some people are desperate because of unemployment, some are in pain because of emotional problems, and some feel confused because of all the trivial things in life.Faced with these questions, Andy found that he could not give satisfactory answers.He began to blame himself and felt that he was not capable enough to help others.

cold comfort

As time went on, Andy's mood gradually turned to anger.He felt overwhelmed by the job, while those in need never seemed satisfied.He began to doubt his own worth and even began to consider whether he should give up the job.

However, just when Andy was about to give up, he met a special caller.This is a young girl who is suffering from anxiety due to academic pressure and family conflicts.Andy listened patiently to her on the phone and gave her encouragement and support.With Andy's help, the girl gradually found a solution to the problem, and her emotions gradually became stable.

This experience made Andy re-examine his work.He realized that although he could not completely solve everyone's problems, by listening and comforting himself, he could at least bring a ray of warmth and hope to those in need.He began to learn to adjust his emotions and face every caller with a more positive attitude.

As time went by, Andy gradually adapted to the job.He learned to better listen and understand the needs of his callers and how to give them effective advice and support.While the job remains challenging, Andy has found his own value and meaning.

In the process, Andy also learned how to deal with his emotions.He understands that in the face of other people's pain and confusion, he also needs to have sufficient emotional reserves and adjustment capabilities.He began to pay attention to his mental health and learned to find appropriate ways to resolve stress.

《Inside No. 9 Season 2》E5Plot

grandma's party

On a morning full of laughter, Angela, a woman with severe mysophobia, was carefully preparing a 79th birthday party for her mother.She meticulously cleaned every corner of the room, making sure everything was perfect.Angela's husband Jibao watched her busy from the side with a mischievous light in his eyes.He sneaks under the soon-to-be-unveiled birthday cake and prepares to surprise Angela at the party - although the surprise may be more of a prank.

Just when Angela was about to complete all the preparations, her grandmother unexpectedly arrived early with her youngest daughter Carlo and son-in-law Pat.Angela looked at them in surprise, feeling secretly annoyed because there was still a corner of the room that had not been cleaned.She hurriedly welcomed them into the house, while secretly praying that Kebao would not jump out at this moment.

However, fate always seems to play tricks when least expected.Just when Angela turned to pour tea, Kebao couldn't help but jumped out from under the cake, ready to shout “surprise!”However, his prank caused a series of chaos.Grandma was startled, and the tea cup in her hand fell to the ground, and the tea splashed everywhere.The youngest daughter Carlo was so frightened that she started crying, while Pat was busy comforting her and her grandmother.

Angela looked at the mess in front of her, and the mysophobia in her heart made her almost unbearable.She looked at Ji Bao angrily, her eyes full of disappointment and confusion.Jibao also realized his mistake. He lowered his head and silently started to help clean up.

grandma's party

However, when everything finally returned to calm, Angela learned a shocking truth from her daughter Carlo.It turned out that Carlo had always been afraid of Angela's mysophobia. She felt that her mother's pursuit of perfection made their lives depressing.Angela listened to her daughter's words with mixed feelings in her heart.She suddenly realized that her mysophobia not only made her life exhausted, but also put invisible pressure on her family.

That night, Angela decided to leave the party, which was full of chaos and contradictions.She needs time to think and re-examine her lifestyle and values.She understands that true happiness does not come from an impeccable environment, but from the company and understanding of her family.

Angela's departure surprised and worried Kebao and the rest of the family.However, they also understood that Angela needed time to deal with her problems.In the days that followed, the family began to pay more attention to each other's emotional needs and became less concerned about the cleanliness of the environment.

A few days later, Angela returned home with a new realization.She apologized to her family and promised to work hard to change her mysophobia.She also thanked her family for their support and understanding during this time.

From that day on, Angela's life began to undergo subtle changes.She no longer pursues perfection in her environment, but focuses more on spending quality time with her family.Her smile became brighter and the atmosphere at home became more warm and harmonious.

《Inside No. 9 Season 2》E6Plot


On a dark and stormy night, a young girl is mysteriously brought to the site of a seance.She was told that she would participate in a psychic game and experience the thrill of contact with supernatural powers.However, she never imagined that this would be the filming scene of a horror show.

The girl nervously and curiously followed the program crew's instructions and participated in the game step by step.As the game progressed, she suddenly felt a strong chill, as if something was attached to her body.Her eyes began to become hollow and her body shook uncontrollably.Then, she let out a scream, her voice full of panic and despair.

At this moment, Terry, the host at the scene, suddenly announced that this was just a filming session for a horror show, with the purpose of bringing an exciting and terrifying experience to the audience.However, for the girl who experienced a false alarm, it was undoubtedly an unforgettable and terrifying experience.

It is worth mentioning that Terry, the host of this horror show, was banned from broadcasting because the content of the show was too scary.This time, he hopes that through this carefully planned psychic game, the show will regain the attention and love of the audience.However, this seemingly well-arranged shooting unexpectedly triggered a series of terrifying incidents.

At the same time, in another quiet sleeper car, a doctor was planning to use the night's rest to recharge his batteries and prepare for the important interview he had been looking forward to for a year and a half the next morning.However, his tranquility was broken by a series of noises in the carriage.A drunken drunkard, a couple preparing to attend their daughter's wedding, a wandering girl traveling around the world, and an unknown sex partner, etc., each quarreled over their own affairs, making it impossible for the doctor to sleep peacefully.


Just when the doctor felt extremely irritable and tired, a burst of exclamation suddenly came from the carriage.He looked up and saw a bloody corpse falling on the bed opposite.This scene shocked everyone, and the originally noisy carriage instantly became silent.

The doctor immediately got up to check the situation and called the emergency number.Soon, police and ambulance personnel arrived at the scene.After preliminary investigation, the police found that the body was that of a young man, and the cause of death seemed to be caused by being pushed from a height.However, passengers in the carriage said that they did not see any suspicious persons entering the carriage.

The occurrence of this murder made the atmosphere in the entire carriage extremely tense.Doctors and other passengers have been asked to cooperate with police investigations.In the next few days, they not only have to face police questioning and scrutiny, but also endure inner fear and uneasiness.

After in-depth investigation and evidence collection by the police, the truth of the murder gradually emerged.It turned out that the deceased was a fugitive who accidentally hid in this sleeper car during his escape.However, his whereabouts were eventually discovered by the police and he was unfortunately killed in a fierce pursuit.

Inside No. 9 Season 2

Inside No. 9 Season 2

Total 6 Episodes Mar 26, 2015 Us Comedy