Daily Dose of Sunshine

《Daily Dose of Sunshine》

Daily Dose of Sunshine
  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 12 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    Nov 03, 2023
  • Genre:
  • Plat:
  • Update:
    It will be broadcast on Netflix on November 3, 2023.
  • Synopsis:
    This Korean drama mainly tells the growth story of Dawn, a nurse who entered the mental health medicine department for the first time.In the play, Donne saw all kinds of patients i ...

《Daily Dose of Sunshine》 Summ

This Korean drama mainly tells the growth story of Dawn, a nurse who entered the mental health medicine department for the first time.In the play, Donne saw all kinds of patients in the mental ward and their true faces of struggling with illness and working hard to live.At the same time, through her interactions with patients, she not only gradually unlocked treatment methods, but also grew in her career and gained valuable life experience and insights.

In the mental ward, Donne witnessed all kinds of unexpected stories.For example, a previously successful and respected teacher suffered a mental breakdown due to an accident; a seemingly ordinary housewife lost her mind overnight and even hurt her own daughter.Killer; there is also a once-popular actor who suffered from severe depression because he could not accept the real pressure of the entertainment industry.These stories shocked Dawn and gave her a deeper understanding of mental illness.

In contact with patients, Donne gradually found the knack of communicating with them.Sometimes, a warm hug and a word of encouragement can bring great comfort and support to a patient.At the same time, she also realizes that each patient is unique and requires a personalized treatment plan.Thanks to her efforts, many patients began to gradually recover and regained their confidence and courage in life.

In this drama, it not only presents the true appearance of the mental ward, but also delivers warmth and hope to the audience.It helps us understand that mental health problems are not a condition to be ashamed of, but a disease that needs to be faced and actively treated.At the same time, the play also encourages everyone to actively pay attention to the mental health of those around them and help them recover with love and tolerance.

《Daily Dose of Sunshine》Stills

《Daily Dose of Sunshine》Ep Summ

《Daily Dose of Sunshine》Highlights

《Daily Dose of Sunshine》Finale

The early morning sunlight poured into the mental ward through the hospital windows, lighting up the faces and hearts of the patients in the room.In this special environment, an admirable story is slowly unfolding.

After the relationship of the once unknown nurse Jung Da Eun was exposed, everyone expressed their blessings and support to her.However, what is less known is that she became a highly acclaimed nurse in the ward.When Zheng Daen felt tired and wanted to escape, the head nurse's words awakened her and made her realize that she had brought strength and comfort to others.With tears streaming down her face, she stated firmly that she wanted to continue being a nurse.

Jung Daeun bravely faced the fact that he was ill and confessed everything to his colleagues without any secret.Everyone understands her very well and encourages her to be strong and optimistic in facing life.However, the patient's family members were suspicious and prejudiced against her, believing that a mentally ill patient was not suitable for nursing work, and even held signs at the hospital door demanding Zheng Daoen's dismissal.

After seeing this, Zheng Daoen did not complain or fight back. He just bowed to them and returned to his job firmly.Min Delai was puzzled by her behavior and couldn't bear to see her being ignored by the patient's family.However, Zheng Daen answered calmly that she loved this job just like the head nurse.She understands that only by facing difficulties and challenges bravely can she become the person who truly helps and supports others.

The protest by the patient's family members attracted the hospital's attention, and a coordination meeting was held.The head nurse directly spoke the truest words, pointing out that every mental patient needs to have employment and life opportunities, and it is precisely the unfriendly attitude of these patients' family members towards Zheng Duoen that makes these patients even more confused and frightened.Lee Byung-hee's mother also felt the same way, and she gave up her resistance to Jung Da-eun.

During this process, Chi Shengcai also overcame his inner fear and chose to work in a psychiatric department.He became Jung Da-eun's instructor, and Jung Da-eun was very happy to witness his growth and progress.In Zheng Daen's eyes, everyone lives on the edge. Only by having the courage to face the difficulties of life can we finally find our own happiness and hope.

Just like the morning sun, Zheng Daeun exudes a ray of warmth and hope, connecting different individuals in the mental ward.Through her efforts and persistence, the patients gradually found the meaning and purpose of life in their difficult circumstances, and the hospital gradually created an environment full of love and tolerance.

Zheng Daen's story tells us that no matter what situation we are in, as long as we bravely face our own heart and firmly pursue what we love, we will be able to embrace the morning sun and usher in our own beauty.

《Daily Dose of Sunshine》Taglines

1. [When the psychological immunity is weakened, you should go to the psychiatrist, just like you go to the orthopedics when you have a fracture, and you go to the internal medicine when you have a cold, because anyone can become weak at any time, and if you have everything in life, you will not suffer from mental illness.Disease?On the other hand, if you lack something, will you get sick?】

2. [Did she say she wanted to become a swan?Everyone is saying that she is as beautiful as a swan. It is useless as long as she doesn't like it. It might be better to be a duck, right?How can happiness be so complicated? Being able to do what you like happily is happiness.】

3. [Anyone can get sick, and the treatment period may indeed be extended. The moment before dawn is always the darkest, but one thing is for sure. No one is a patient at the beginning, and no one is still a patient at the end. Why?Maybe it will always be dark?It will be morning soon!】

4. [If you are ready to welcome the morning, our role is only to make ripples appear in the patient's heart. As for where the ripples will go and where they will arrive, it depends on the patient himself]

5. [People will influence each other, sometimes making each other sad, sometimes making each other miserable, and sometimes even making each other sick. Sometimes in order to change themselves, the stones thrown will stir up ripples. The fluctuations not only come to themselves, but also to others.Go towards each other】

6. [Even a ripple may cause a wound. People are so fragile. If you hurt someone, you will hurt them no matter when you hear it]

7. [It’s not that difficult to find something you like, as long as it can make you stop breaking your fingers, then it’s something you like]

8. [Suffering from social phobia is like being trapped in a transparent cage. You feel that everyone is watching you. You are afraid of interacting with others. You are also very worried about others gossiping about you and being scolded and criticized by others. You feel very uncomfortable.Nervous and oppressive]

9. [Perhaps what we need now is the courage to be hated. Despite this, we still want to be loved and recognized. In order to conform to the eyes of others, we make a cut on our souls, so we are always sick and feelpain】

10. [Panic disorder is a disease that makes people feel lonely. People around them don’t understand this situation very well. Only the patients themselves feel it. Therefore, most patients plan to overcome it by themselves, endure it alone, and survive those countless moments]

11. [When I have a panic attack, it feels like I will die in 10 seconds. I can’t breathe no matter how hard I try]

12. [One way to relieve anxiety is to say "I'm sick" and "Stay with me" and find someone who will stay with you like a safety device as long as you say these words, and communicate throughIn a life that is lifeless, find a space to breathe!】

13. [What some people lose is everything they own. For those who lose everything, it is a devastating event. No matter how old you are, if you cannot change the painful situation, you will create someone to blame.To hate each other, blame and torture each other, they must do this in order to survive]

14. [The root of all diseases is "loss", losing the most precious thing, or losing yourself, or losing happy time. At this time, we can only rely on the so-called "hope", that clichéhope, in order to find that hope, we are gathered here]

15. [The only way to change from friends to lovers is to confess, but confession also requires timing, because I'm afraid that she won't have feelings for me, and I'm afraid that if she confesses, she won't even be friends. But it doesn't matter. Today, it's me.Just one of countless missed opportunities]

16. [Don’t work too hard without caring about yourself, you will be very tired. Even if you try your best, you will feel ashamed when you think about what you failed to do, and feel that everything is your fault. You will feel so guilty that you won’t even feel that you are withered.All life has turned yellow, and you can’t even see the yellow light flashing in front of your eyes. For the happiness of your children and your own happiness, just turn a blind eye and close one eye. If you are not happy even yourself, will others be happy??】

17. [Death is something that you will never get used to after experiencing it thousands of times. Every time you experience it, you will still feel sad. Everyone is just pretending to be fine]

18. [Medical staff are also human beings, and there must be some who cannot get over the pain caused by this incident. We are all just survivors, and we are all still facing the pain at this moment, so don’t stop and continue to spend every day.】

19. [The so-called living in the present, in a sense, is like standing on the edge of a knife, because the future has not yet arrived, and the past has passed. We are standing on the edge of the knife called "now"】

20. [I thought I was giving you time, time for mourning, time for pain, time for forgetting, I thought I was giving you space to be alone, but I now understand that that was just a matter of ignoring me, and I shouldn’t let go.You are alone, and you should not be allowed to cry alone. If I could have understood earlier, I would not have lost you. I will never leave you alone again, and I will never ignore you in the future. So in the next life, weWe must meet again, and when the time comes, we must be happy together!】

21. ["Dissociation" is a defensive instinct. When a person encounters a shocking event unprepared, the psychological resistance will suddenly drop. In order to protect the fragile self, the painful memories will be automatically cleared."Time is good medicine" This situation will indeed get better as time goes by.】

22. [Whether it is the first time or the tenth time, death is equally difficult to accept. There is no need to numb yourself. Grief and mourning are natural, whether it is for those who have left this world or for those who remain.We all need time to recover.】

23. [People suffering from depression don’t even have the strength to walk to the entrance and put on their shoes. It’s difficult to do basic things like eating, bathing, and sleeping. If you force a person who can’t hold a spoon, go get a spoon., isn’t it also a kind of violence?】

24. [The name of your disease is "Mom". How can anyone in the world treat their children like this? Abandon your mother. You are definitely qualified to be treated better. I will let you realize this. I will be by your side every day., tell you how important and amazing a person you are, I will let you know.】

25.【I hope everyone around me can be happy, but what do I really like?I didn't even think about it. In fact, I neglected to take care of myself. The person who needed rescue at this moment was none other than myself.】

26. [Donne: I also want to be happier!Doctor: How about trying to live a selfish life?Don't worry about how the other person feels first, but do what you want first. Just try it and write a praise diary. Just praise yourself, even if it is a trivial thing, just write whatever comes to your mind.come out.Donne: Compared with receiving praise from others, I find that praise for myself makes me more satisfied. Every morning, I gradually look forward to it!】

27. [You are not a criminal. So what if you have mental illness? What if you suffer from depression? Do some people get sick voluntarily?You haven’t committed a crime, and you haven’t hurt others. Don’t care about other people’s opinions, and don’t be timid. Instead of spending time making others like you, please like yourself more first]

28. [Some things only take time to enjoy, and you will like them only after you have experienced them personally. The more you continue to do them, the more excited you feel. The more you understand, the more you want to understand them, although I still do them now.It’s not good enough, but I think some experiences are making me grow. This is the reason why I stick to it]

29. [Mental illness is a disease like this. You don’t know when, where or who it will happen to. It’s just so unpredictable, so please don’t be so sure that you won’t get that disease]

30. [It does not mean that the medical uniform is soiled, it does not mean that it is no longer a medical uniform, just like having been in a mental hospital does not mean that you can no longer be a nurse. The stains called prejudice and stigma, I don’t know when and where it got stainedThe stains, big and small, are like being trapped in a cave for a long time and having to face the difficult process alone.】

31. [Some wounds are covered up, and we can’t identify the stains as stains, plus the stains that I accidentally spilled. Clean them all and shake off the stains. I am different from before, and I look forward to drying it out., a soft tomorrow, and a fresh morning that will always come]

32. [Self-mutilation is not about wanting to die, but about shouting "help" loudly. Some people label themselves as "useless people", so they regard self-mutilation as self-punishment]

33. [Depression is like the changeable weather. One day it is as melancholy as a dark cloud, and another day it is as cheerful as a clear sky.]

34. [I signed a legal labor contract and work 40 hours a week, a total of 8 hours a day. If I stay and work overtime, it will violate the Labor Standards Act. More importantly, I should get off work now and take good care of myself.It's time, I need this time]

35. [We are all standing at the "critical point", standing at the junction of dreams and reality, gradually finding our own answers, wandering at the junction of anxiety and stability, finding ways to stop ourselves from getting sick, during the depression period and normalityI am swinging between periods, and I have someone who can come to me faster with melancholy. Our lives shuttle between day and night, and we are all people on the border between normality and abnormality.】

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