《No More Bets》Introduction to true story prototypes

《No More Bets》The true story prototype is not a single story, but consists of multiple true stories.

Introduction to true story prototypes

Before the movie is officially released, the movie No More Bets, produced by Ning Hao and directed by the Olympic bid, released a special episode of %Prototype Characters.The prototype characters in the film appeared and recounted their real experiences in overseas fraudulent factories.Bottomless crimes, secluded and harsh environment, and pervasive fraud methods... are all tragedies that really happened in the mouths of the prototype characters.

《No More Bets》Authentic story prototype oral experience

1. Your windows and everything are welded shut with iron bars, lest you jump or commit suicide. That is, everyone is their property, and they won’t do it easily...

2. I made a bad friend. He helped me find a driver to pick me up, and then the driver asked me to take me to a place... On the surface, they would all advertise more formally. You can tellI don’t know if it is official or fake... A certain blog has infiltrated everything... They want you to win and lose.There is something more terrifying

3. He said you have been sold. He took a video of me and sent it to my parents. I was beaten with an electric baton, which shocked my reproductive organs...

4. On the eighth day, I was thinking about running away, but they caught me again.

5. Human trafficking and slavery, and then match it with this scam

6. If these idiots have money, I will make it. No matter how they get it, they will do it anyway.

7. A room has to sleep more than ten or twenty people, and everyone sleeps next to each other on the floor.

8. There is a toilet!There is no paper!It’s all done by hand!

9. Then add that WhatsApp number to every mobile phone, and keep it for a few days!

10. Because my journalist friend said that I needed some vision material, I told him: I will never take pictures of those faces.If you dare to take pictures, I won’t be able to leave.

11. Just put your hand on the table and someone will just press the knife and go down.

12. When I am with those people, I can only say that I am good, I say that I am quite good, I am traveling, I am happy, I am happy, but in fact they are all piled up with corpses.

No More Bets

No More Bets

2023-08-08 China Action Actor: Wang Chuanjun Yongmei Jin Chen Zhang Yixing