《No More Bets》Who is the prototype of Pan Sheng?

Who is the prototype of Pan Sheng?

The movie No More Bets does not have a specific character prototype, but it portrays the protagonist Pan Sheng based on thousands of people who have been deceived into fraud gangs.Pan Sheng is a programmer, played by Zhang Yixing. He was tempted by his incompetence at work and ended up entering a fraud factory.

In the movie, Pan Sheng is trapped in the fraud gang's factory together with other people who were also deceived.Here, they were not only deprived of their freedom, but also treated cruelly.Pan Sheng once thought about escaping, but failed. Instead, his legs were broken and he suffered more torture.Fortunately, Pan Sheng finally escaped and regained his freedom.

However, in real life, those who have similar experiences to Pan Sheng may not be as lucky as him.For those who are deceived into fraud gangs, in addition to losing their freedom, they may also lose their family, money and reputation.They fall under the control of gangs and are forced to engage in illegal activities, pushing their lives to the brink of risk.

Fraud gangs often use various means to deceive people, taking advantage of their greed, inferiority, helplessness and other psychology to deceive them, and ultimately control and deprive them of everything.Stories like this are not uncommon, and a large number of people fall into similar predicaments every year and fall victim to scammers.

Therefore, the movie - No More Bets - reminds us to be wary of fraud and strengthen our awareness of self-protection.In real life, we should always be vigilant and not easily believe in the promises and temptations of others.At the same time, we should strengthen legal publicity and education, improve people's legal awareness and fraud prevention capabilities, and make more people aware of the dangers of fraud.

I hope everyone can stay away from fraud and protect their rights and property.At the same time, we also hope that society can increase its efforts to combat fraud crimes, seek justice for those who have been deceived, and build a safer and more just social environment.Only by working together can we reduce the occurrence of fraud cases and protect everyone's interests.

No More Bets

No More Bets

2023-08-08 China Action Actor: Wang Chuanjun Yongmei Jin Chen Zhang Yixing