《No More Bets》Director's Olympic Bid and Interpretation of Character Settings

Director's Olympic Bid and Interpretation of Character Settings

Director's Olympic Bid and Interpretation of Character Settings

Ning Hao, the producer of --No More Bets-, has a high opinion of the director's Olympic bid and believes that he is a person with high self-requirements.At the same time, Ning Hao also said that the significance of this movie is self-evident, and he felt that the entire crew was working very hard.

When introducing the original intention of the film's creation, the director of the Olympic Games said that a friend of his had been victimized by online fraud, which made him very profound.He also saw the tragedies of many people on the Internet who lost their families and separated their wives and children because of being deceived, so he chose to convey the warning meaning of Internet fraud to the audience through images.

Regarding the setting of the group portrait scene in the film, the Olympic bidder said that during the process of writing the script, he read a lot of relevant information and interviewed a large number of public security police, anti-fraud police and victims.He found that it was not enough to show the entire online fraud industry chain through the performance of a group of characters, so he designed a group portrait and evenly distributed the conflict scenes to three or four groups of characters to create a chemical reaction between them.

The Olympic bid is particularly grateful for the voices of the prototype characters in the film. He believes that it is precisely because of their participation that the film can be more real and realistic, thereby awakening more people's alertness to online fraud.

Leading actor Zhang Yixing said that he and Pan Sheng are similar in that they are both stubborn. In order to get closer to the role of Pan Sheng, he communicated with network security personnel to learn many real details.Jin Chen talked about the scenes with many actors. Jin Chen said that the scene with Wang Chuanjun was the most impressive. He even felt scared when he saw him on the set.Yongmei, who plays the role of an anti-fraud police officer, recalled that after communicating with the character's prototype, she discovered that online fraud has such a big impact, and also deeply understood the difficulty of being an anti-fraud police officer.Wang Chuanjun, who made his first appearance at the Yunnan premiere, changed from the arrogance of the fraudster in the film and focused on apologizing throughout the film. Faced with the police in the audience, he stretched out his hands to beg for handcuffs.Many viewers thought Wang Chuanjun didn't look like the actor and suggested checking it out. Wang Chuanjun said he was acting!The real fraudster is more ruthless than the one I acted!%

Wang Dalu, who played the role of a college gambler, said that he developed PTSD from being deceived by Jin Chen after finishing the movie. He also urged the audience not to be as obsessive as A Tian in the movie.Zhou Ye, who plays A Tian's girlfriend, said that the reason Song Yu was angry with Anna was not only because her boyfriend was cheated, but also represented the anger of the victim's family in reality.Deng Cuiwen, who plays A Tian's mother, said that her role represents many parents, and parents must guard against fraud when raising children, and called on parents to watch the movie with their children.Sun Yang, who plays the HR and thug of a fraud group, said that the characters designed in the movie are more three-dimensional. Ah Cai felt compassion for Anna and did not want Anna to continue to stay in the dirty fraud factory like him, but the audience should not take any chances., there is no such thing as a talented person in reality, only a vicious fraudster!Huang Yixin, who plays the role of Goutui, said that she brought the powerlessness she felt when watching real fraud cases into the performance process, which brought her closer to the character.

No More Bets

No More Bets

2023-08-08 China Action Actor: Wang Chuanjun Yongmei Jin Chen Zhang Yixing